41 research outputs found

    Animal versus human research reporting guidelines impacts: literature analysis reveals citation count bias

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    The present study evaluated for the first time citation-impacts of human research reporting guidelines in comparison to their animal version counterparts. Re-examined and extended also were previous findings indicating that a research reporting guideline would be cited more for its versions published in journals with higher Impact Factors, compared to its duplicate versions published in journals with lower Impact Factors. The two top-ranked reporting guidelines listed in the Equator Network website (http://www.equator-network.org/) were CONSORT 2010, for parallel-group randomized trials; and STROBE, for observational studies. These two guidelines had animal study versions, REFLECT and STROBE-Vet, respectively. Together with ARRIVE, these five guidelines were subsequently searched in the Web of Science Core Collection online database to record their journal metrics and citation data. Results found that association between citation rates and journal Impact Factors existed for CONSORT guideline set for human studies, but not for STROBE or their counterparts set for animal studies. If Impact Factor was expressed in terms of journal rank percentile, no association was found except for CONSORT. Guidelines for human studies were much more cited than animal research guidelines, with the CONSORT 2010 and STROBE guidelines being cited 27.1 and 241.0 times more frequently than their animal version counterparts, respectively. In conclusion, while the journal Impact Factor is of importance, other important publishing features also strongly affect scientific manuscript visibility, represented by citation rate. More effort should be invested to improve the visibility of animal research guidelines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A unique view of SARS-COV-2 through the lens of ORF8 protein

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    Immune evasion is one of the unique characteristics of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) attributed to its ORF8 protein. This protein modulates the adaptive host immunity through down-regulation of MHC-1 (Major Histocompatibility Complex) molecules and innate immune responses by surpassing the host\u27s interferon-mediated antiviral response. To understand the host\u27s immune perspective in reference to the ORF8 protein, a comprehensive study of the ORF8 protein and mutations possessed by it have been performed. Chemical and structural properties of ORF8 proteins from different hosts, such as human, bat, and pangolin, suggest that the ORF8 of SARS-CoV-2 is much closer to ORF8 of Bat RaTG13-CoV than to that of Pangolin-CoV. Eighty-seven mutations across unique variants of ORF8 in SARS-CoV-2 can be grouped into four classes based on their predicted effects (Hussain et al., 2021) [1]. Based on the geo-locations and timescale of sample collection, a possible flow of mutations was built. Furthermore, conclusive flows of amalgamation of mutations were found upon sequence similarity analyses and consideration of the amino acid conservation phylogenies. Therefore, this study seeks to highlight the uniqueness of the rapidly evolving SARS-CoV-2 through the ORF8

    Lycopene: total-scale literature landscape analysis of a valuable nutraceutical with numerous potential applications in the promotion of human and animal health

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    Lycopene intake from tomatoes and other food sources has multiple potential health benefits. This report aimed to evaluate the current research literature on lycopene concerning human and animal health. The electronic Web of Science Core Collection database was searched with (lycopene*) AND (health* OR illness* OR disease* OR medic* OR pharma* OR drug* OR therap*). The resulted 3972 papers were analyzed with the aid of bibliometric software. Besides the United States, the lycopene papers received global contributions, particularly from China, Italy, India, and Spain. Examples of frequently mentioned chemicals/chemical classes were carotenoid, beta carotene, alpha carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, and alpha tocopherol. Examples of frequently mentioned medical conditions were prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Published scientific articles reveal the diverse potential of lycopene in prompting human and animal health, and the knowledge on the bioactivities of this phytoche(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Berberine, a popular dietary supplement for human and animal health: Quantitative research literature analysis a review

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    Berberine is an alkaloid with a wide range of reported beneficial health effects. The current work provides an extensive literature analysis on berberine. Bibliometric data were identified by means of the search string TOPIC=(berberin* OR umbellatine*), which yielded 5,547 publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection electronic database. The VOSviewer software generated bubble maps to visualize semantic terms with citation results. The ratio of original articles to reviews was 13.6:1. The literature has been growing more quickly since the 2010s. Major contributing countries were China, the United States, India, Japan, and South Korea. Most of the publications appeared in journals specialized in pharmacology pharmacy, biochemistry molecular biology, chemistry, and plant science. Some of the frequently mentioned chemicals/chemical classes were alkaloid, palmatine, jatrorrhizine, coptisine, isoquinoline, and sanguinarine. The prevalent medical conditions under investigation included Alzheimers disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.Acknowledge the support by the Polish KNOW (LeadingNational Research Centre) Scientific Consortium “Healthy Animal-Safe Food,” decision of Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 05-1/KNOW2/2015 and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (Homing/2017-4/41). Antoni Sureda has been supported by the Institute of Health Carlos III (Project CIBEROBN CB12/03/30038). Joanna Feder-Kubis was financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the Faculty of Chemistry of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phytol: A review of biomedical activities

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This author accepted manuscript is made available following 12 month embargo from date of publication (Auguist 2018) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyPhytol (PYT) is a diterpene member of the long-chain unsaturated acyclic alcohols. PYT and some of its derivatives, including phytanic acid (PA), exert a wide range of biological effects. PYT is a valuable essential oil (EO) used as a fragrance and a potential candidate for a broad range of applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry. There is ample evidence that PA may play a crucial role in the development of pathophysiological states. Focusing on PYT and some of its most relevant derivatives, here we present a systematic review of reported biological activities, along with their underlying mechanism of action. Recent investigations with PYT demonstrated anxiolytic, metabolism-modulating, cytotoxic, antioxidant, autophagy- and apoptosis-inducing, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, immune-modulating, and antimicrobial effects. PPARs- and NF-κB-mediated activities are also discussed as mechanisms responsible for some of the bioactivities of PYT. The overall goal of this review is to discuss recent findings pertaining to PYT biological activities and its possible applications

    The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) and the power of Twitter networking exemplified through #INPST hashtag analysis

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    Background: The development of digital technologies and the evolution of open innovation approaches have enabled the creation of diverse virtual organizations and enterprises coordinating their activities primarily online. The open innovation platform titled "International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce" (INPST) was established in 2018, to bring together in collaborative environment individuals and organizations interested in natural product scientific research, and to empower their interactions by using digital communication tools. Methods: In this work, we present a general overview of INPST activities and showcase the specific use of Twitter as a powerful networking tool that was used to host a one-week "2021 INPST Twitter Networking Event" (spanning from 31st May 2021 to 6th June 2021) based on the application of the Twitter hashtag #INPST. Results and Conclusion: The use of this hashtag during the networking event period was analyzed with Symplur Signals (https://www.symplur.com/), revealing a total of 6,036 tweets, shared by 686 users, which generated a total of 65,004,773 impressions (views of the respective tweets). This networking event's achieved high visibility and participation rate showcases a convincing example of how this social media platform can be used as a highly effective tool to host virtual Twitter-based international biomedical research events

    Isolement de produits naturels marins bioactifs et synthèse bioinspirés des analogues guanidiniques ricycliques fusionnés

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    Le travail réalisé dans cette thèse a consisté en deux parties principales; la première partie a été centrée sur l’isolement de métabolites marins bioactifs, en mettant l'accent sur l'utilisation de techniques intégrés et modernes pour l'exploration chimique de deux éponges marines sélectionnées pour leurs activités cytotoxiques et antiinfectieuses. L’inhibition du Quorum Sensing pour explorer les activités antibiofilms a été utilisée. L’étude chimique de la première éponge Monanchora sp., a permis l'isolement et l'identification de vingt-huit composés guanidiniques et polycycliques, dont onze nouveaux. De la deuxième éponge Suberea ianthelliformi, nous avons pu isolé et identifié douze métabolites de type bropmotyrosines incluant huit alcaloïdes nouveaux dont les tétrabromotyrosines de la famille psammaplysenes. Les composés isolés ont été évalués pour leurs activités biologiques, en particulier pour les activités ciblées, cytotoxicité et inhibition de quorum sensing (QSI). De nombreux composés se sont avérés cytotoxiques sur plusieurs lignées cellulaires cancéreuses à des concentrations allant du micro au nanomolaire, en particulier les produits pentacycliques de la famille des crambescidines 800 et 814 alcaloïdes (CI50 = 4.5 nM). Ces résultats sont présentés à la fin du manuscrit. La deuxième partie concerne la synthèse bioinspirée du fragment guanidinique et tricyclique central des crambescidines et batzelladines. La synthèse totale de deux analogues tricycliques de merobatzelladine B a été ainsi réalisée. La stratégie de synthèse est essentiellement basée sur une réaction bioinspirée et inspiré de la stratégie de Robinson lors de la synthèse de la tropénone.The work achieved in this thesis consisted two main parts; the first part was centered to the l marine natural product program, with emphasis on using modern and integrated techniecs for the chemical exploration of two promising marine sponges for the discovery of new marine secondary metaboilites along with their biological evalutions as anticancers, antibiotics, antifouling and antibiofilms. The chemical exploration of the first marine sponge Monanchora sp., afforded the isolation and identification of twenty-eight compounds, included eleven new compounds. The second marine sponge Suberea ianthelliformis, we were able to isolate and identify twelve marine metabolites included four known compounds and eight new tetrabromo tyrosine alkaloids related to psammaplysenes family. The isolated compounds were evaluated for their biological activities, in particular for cytotoxicity, quorum sensing inhibition (QSI) and antibiofilms. Almost of the isolated compounds exhibited interesting high cytotoxic activity against several cancer cell lines ranging from micro to nanomolar scale, in particular the isolated pentacyclic crambescidin 800 and 814 guanidine alkaloids showed strong cytotoxicity with IC50 = 4.5 nM. The second part was concerning with the bioinspired synthesis of the central tricyclic guanidinic fragments of the polycyclic marine alkaloids, batzelladines/crambescidins, in addition to the total synthesis of two stereoisomeric analogues of merobatzelladine B tricyclic alkaloid. Successfully, we had achieved a four steps short stratgy to access the tricyclic guanidinic portion of the batzelladine alkaloids, based on a bioinspired Robinson multicomponant reaction

    Chemical Diversity and Biological Activities of <i>Phaeosphaeria</i> Fungi Genus: A Systematic Review

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    Microbial natural products (MNPs) have been identified as important hotspots and effective sources for drug lead discovery. The genus Phaeosphaeria (family: Phaeosphaeriaceae, order: Pleosporales), in particular, has produced divergent chemical structures, including pyrazine alkaloids, isocoumarins, perylenequinones, anthraquinones, diterpenes, and cyclic peptides, which display a wide scope of biological potentialities. This contribution comprehensively highlights, over the period 1974&#8315;2018, the chemistry and biology of the isolated natural products from the micro-filamentous Phaeosphaeria fungi genus. A list of 71 compounds, with structural and biological diversities, were gathered into 5 main groups

    Batzella, Crambe and Monanchora: Highly Prolific Marine Sponge Genera Yielding Compounds with Potential Applications for Cancer and Other Therapeutic Areas

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    Pyrroloquinoline and guanidine-derived alkaloids present distinct groups of marine secondary metabolites with structural diversity that displayed potentialities in biological research. A considerable number of these molecular architectures had been recorded from marine sponges belonging to different marine genera, including Batzella, Crambe, Monanchora, Clathria, Ptilocaulis and New Caledonian starfishes Fromia monilis and Celerina heffernani. In this review, we aim to comprehensively cover the chemodiversity and the bioactivities landmarks centered around the chemical constituents exclusively isolated from these three marine genera including Batzella, Crambe and Monanchora over the period 1981–2017, paying a special attention to the polycyclic guanidinic compounds and their proposed biomimetic landmarks. It is concluded that these marine sponge genera represent a rich source of novel compounds with potential applications for cancer and other therapeutic areas

    Chemical Diversity and Biological Activities of Meroterpenoids from Marine Derived-Fungi: A Comprehensive Update

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    Meroterpenoids are a class of hybrid natural products, partially derived from a mixed terpenoid pathway. They possess remarkable structural features and relevant biological and pharmacological activities. Marine-derived fungi are a rich source of meroterpenoids featuring structural diversity varying from simple to complex molecular architectures. A combination of a structural variability and their myriad of bioactivities makes meroterpenoids an interesting class of naturally occurring compounds for chemical and pharmacological investigation. In this review, a comprehensive literature survey covering the period of 2009&ndash;2019, with 86 references, is presented focusing on chemistry and biological activities of various classes of meroterpenoids isolated from fungi obtained from different marine hosts and environments