84 research outputs found

    Curved Herbig-Haro Jets: Simulations and Experiments

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    Herbig-Haro jets often show some degree of curvature along their path, in many cases produced by the ram pressure of a side-wind. We present simulations of both laboratory and astrophysical curved jets and experimental results from laboratory experiments. We discuss the properties and similarities of the laboratory and astrophysical flow, which show the formation of internal shocks and working surfaces. In particular the results illustrate how the break-up of the bow-shock and clumps in the flow are produced without invoking jet variability; we also discuss how jet rotation reduces the growth of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in curved jets.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure, accepted to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Jet Deflection via Cross winds: Laboratory Astrophysical Studies

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    We present new data from High Energy Density (HED) laboratory experiments designed to explore the interaction of a heavy hypersonic radiative jet with a cross wind. The jets are generated with the MAGPIE pulsed power machine where converging conical plasma flows are produced from a cylindrically symmetric array of inclined wires. Radiative hypersonic jets emerge from the convergence point. The cross wind is generated by ablation of a plastic foil via soft-X-rays from the plasma convergence region. Our experiments show that the jets are deflected by the action of the cross wind with the angle of deflection dependent on the proximity of the foil. Shocks within the jet beam are apparent in the data. Analysis of the data shows that the interaction of the jet and cross wind is collisional and therefore in the hydro-dynamic regime. MHD plasma code simulations of the experiments are able to recover the deflection behaviour seen in the experiments. We consider the astrophysical relevance of these experiments applying published models of jet deflection developed for AGN and YSOs. Fitting the observed jet deflections to quadratic trajectories predicted by these models allows us to recover a set of plasma parameters consistent with the data. We also present results of 3-D numerical simulations of jet deflection using a new astrophysical Adaptive Mesh Refinement code. These simulations show highly structured shocks occurring within the beam similar to what was observed in the experimentsComment: Submitted to ApJ. For a version with figures go to http://web.pas.rochester.edu/~afrank/labastro/CW/Jet-Wind-Frank.pd

    Magnetic Tower Outflows from a Radial Wire Array Z-pinch

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    We present the first results of high energy density laboratory astrophysics experiments which explore the evolution of collimated outflows and jets driven by a toroidal magnetic field. The experiments are scalable to astrophysical flows in that critical dimensionless numbers such as the Mach number, the plasma beta and the magnetic Reynolds number are all in the astrophysically appropriate ranges. Our experiments use the MAGPIE pulsed power machine and allow us to explore the role of magnetic pressure in creating and collimating the outflow as well as showing the creation of a central jet within the broader outflow cavity. We show that currents flow along this jet and we observe its collimation to be enhanced by the additional hoop stresses associated with the generated toroidal field. Although at later times the jet column is observed to go unstable, the jet retains its collimation. We also present simulations of the magnetic jet evolution using our two-dimensional resistive magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) laboratory code. We conclude with a discussion of the astrophysical relevance of the experiments and of the stability properties of the jet.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 17 pages without figures. Full version with figures can be found at http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~afrank/labastro/MF230rv.pd

    Exploring the parameter space of MagLIF implosions using similarity scaling. II. Current scaling

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    Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) is a magneto-inertial-fusion (MIF) concept, which is presently being studied on the Z Pulsed Power Facility. The MagLIF platform has achieved interesting plasma conditions at stagnation and produced significant fusion yields in the laboratory. Given the relative success of MagLIF, there is a strong interest to scale the platform to higher peak currents. However, scaling MagLIF is not entirely straightforward due to the large dimensionality of the experimental input parameter space and the large number of distinct physical processes involved in MIF implosions. In this work, we propose a novel method to scale MagLIF loads to higher currents. Our method is based on similarity (or similitude) scaling and attempts to preserve much of the physics regimes already known or being studied on today's Z pulsed-power driver. By avoiding significant deviations into unexplored and/or less well-understood regimes, the risk of unexpected outcomes on future scaled-up experiments is reduced. Using arguments based on similarity scaling, we derive the scaling rules for the experimental input parameters characterizing a MagLIF load (as functions of the characteristic current driving the implosion). We then test the estimated scaling laws for various metrics measuring performance against results of 2D radiation--magneto-hydrodynamic HYDRA simulations. Agreement is found between the scaling theory and the simulation results.Comment: 19 pages, submitted to Physics of Plasma

    Supersonic radiatively cooled rotating flows and jets in the laboratory

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    The first laboratory astrophysics experiments to produce a radiatively cooled plasma jet with dynamically significant angular momentum are discussed. A new configuration of wire array z-pinch, the twisted conical wire array, is used to produce convergent plasma flows each rotating about the central axis. Collision of the flows produces a standing shock and jet that each have supersonic azimuthal velocities. By varying the twist angle of the array, the rotation velocity of the system can be controlled, with jet rotation velocities reaching ~20% of the propagation velocity.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters (16 pages, 5 figures

    Association of polymorphisms in CASP10 and CASP8 with FEV 1 /FVC and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in ethnically diverse asthmatics

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    Several chromosomal regions have been identified using family-based linkage analysis to contain genes contributing to the development of asthma and allergic disorders. One of these regions, chromosome 2q32-q33, contains a gene cluster containing CFLAR, CASP10 and CASP8. These genes regulate the extrinsic apoptosis pathway utilized by several types of immune and structural cells that have been implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma

    Laboratory Studies of Astrophysical Jets

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    Jets and outflows produced during star-formation are observed on many scales: from the "micro-jets" extending a few hundred Astronomical Units to the "super-jets" propagating to parsecs distances. Recently, a new "class" of short-lived (hundreds of nano-seconds) centimetre-long jets has emerged in the laboratory as a complementary tool to study these complex astrophysical flows. Here I will discuss and review the recent work done on "simulating" protostellar jets in the laboratory using z-pinch machines.Comment: 25 Pages, 11 Figures to appear in Lecture Notes in Physics. Series Title: Jets from young stars IV: From models to observations and experiments Editors: P. J. V. Garcia and J. M. T. Ferreira. Publisher: Springe

    Laboratory Astrophysics and Collimated Stellar Outflows: The Production of Radiatively Cooled Hypersonic Plasma Jets

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    We present first results of astrophysically relevant experiments where highly supersonic plasma jets are generated via conically convergent flows. The convergent flows are created by electrodynamic acceleration of plasma in a conical array of fine metallic wires (a modification of the wire array Z-pinch). Stagnation of plasma flow on the axis of symmetry forms a standing conical shock effectively collimating the flow in the axial direction. This scenario is essentially similar to that discussed by Canto\' ~and collaborators as a purely hydrodynamic mechanism for jet formation in astrophysical systems. Experiments using different materials (Al, Fe and W) show that a highly supersonic (M∼20M\sim 20), well-collimated jet is generated when the radiative cooling rate of the plasma is significant. We discuss scaling issues for the experiments and their potential use for numerical code verification. The experiments also may allow direct exploration of astrophysically relevant issues such as collimation, stability and jet-cloud interactions.Comment: 13 Pages, (inc 4 figs), LaTex, Submitted to ApJ Let

    The evolution of magnetic tower jets in the laboratory

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    The evolution of laboratory produced magnetic jets is followed numerically through three-dimensional, non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The experiments are designed to study the interaction of a purely toroidal field with an extended plasma background medium. The system is observed to evolve into a structure consisting of an approximately cylindrical magnetic cavity with an embedded magnetically confined jet on its axis. The supersonic expansion produces a shell of swept-up shocked plasma which surrounds and partially confines the magnetic tower. Currents initially flow along the walls of the cavity and in the jet but the development of current-driven instabilities leads to the disruption of the jet and a re-arrangement of the field and currents. The top of the cavity breaks-up and a well collimated, radiatively cooled, 'clumpy' jet emerges from the system

    Radiatively Cooled Magnetic Reconnection Experiments Driven by Pulsed Power

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    We present evidence for strong radiative cooling in a pulsed-power-driven magnetic reconnection experiment. Two aluminum exploding wire arrays, driven by a 20 MA peak current, 300 ns rise time pulse from the Z machine (Sandia National Laboratories), generate strongly-driven plasma flows (MA≈7M_A \approx 7) with anti-parallel magnetic fields, which form a reconnection layer (SL≈120S_L \approx 120) at the mid-plane. The net cooling rate far exceeds the Alfv\'enic transit rate (τcool−1/τA−1>100\tau_{\text{cool}}^{-1}/\tau_{\text{A}}^{-1} > 100), leading to strong cooling of the reconnection layer. We determine the advected magnetic field and flow velocity using inductive probes positioned in the inflow to the layer, and inflow ion density and temperature from analysis of visible emission spectroscopy. A sharp decrease in X-ray emission from the reconnection layer, measured using filtered diodes and time-gated X-ray imaging, provides evidence for strong cooling of the reconnection layer after its initial formation. X-ray images also show localized hotspots, regions of strong X-ray emission, with velocities comparable to the expected outflow velocity from the reconnection layer. These hotspots are consistent with plasmoids observed in 3D radiative resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the experiment. X-ray spectroscopy further indicates that the hotspots have a temperature (170 eV) much higher than the bulk layer (≤\leq 75 eV) and inflow temperatures (about 2 eV), and that these hotspots generate the majority of the high-energy (> 1 keV) emission
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