512 research outputs found

    Protected Areas’ Latent Functions and Social Consequences: A Case from Mount Hamiguitan, Philippines

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    While protected areas (PAs) are established primarily for biological diversity conservation and provision of ecological services, social dimensions comes into play. This paper extends the discourse on PAs’ impact to local communities by focusing on the latent functions and social consequences utilizing Robert Merton’s Functional Analysis. Based on in-depth interviews among community leaders and elders, and forest custodians around Mount Hamiguitan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is revealed that establishment of PAs entails varied consequences beyond what are being intended and manifested. While communities availed of some latent benefits from the declaration of the PA, they also have responses that limit the success of conservation initiatives. Hence, forest protection is a complex social and political process that demands more integrative response on community’s social, cultural, and political structures and dynamics

    Ethnobotanical Study and Conservation Status of Plants Used by the Tigwa-hanon-Manobo in Mt. Malimumu, San Fernando, Bukidnon, Philippines

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    Central Mindanao, Philippines, is a center of the cultural wealth of knowledge and botanical resources in the southern archipelago. However, traditional plant re-sources remain unexplored, and most of the tribal communities remain undocu-mented. Manobo tribeis one of the most populated and diverse tribal communities in the country, including the secluded Tigwahanon-Manobo community in Mt. Malimumu, San Fernando, Bukidnon, Philippines. Hence, this study provides eth-nobotanical information and conservation status of plants along a 1-km transect walk in Mt. Malimumu used by the Tigwahanon-Manobo. A guided field walk with the tribal chieftains and tribal healer documented a total of 23 species in 22 genera belonging to 20 families, of which four species, namely Dillenia philip-pinensisRolfe, Nepenthes cornutaMarwinski, Coritico, Wistuba, Micheler, Gronem., Gieray & V.B.Amoroso, Nepenthes truncataMacfarl., and Pandanus mindanaensisMartelli, are Philippine endemics. Three families, namely Nepen-thaceae, Melastomataceae, and Rubiaceae, are the most represented with two spe-cies each. Based on the combined international (IUCN 2021) and national (DENR DAO 2017-11) listing of conservation status, one species was assessed as Criti-cally Endangered (Aquilaria malaccensisLam.) and another one as Endangered (N. truncata). Two species were assessed as Vulnerable (Agathis philippinensisWarb. and N. cornuta) and one species as Near Threatened (D. philippinensis). Six species were identified as Least Concern while the rest of the species were not yet evaluated. This participatory research provides the first ethnobotanical study and conservation status of traditional plants used by Tigwahanon-Manobo for food and medicine, as well as economic and ecological uses needing conservation and protection of their natural resources

    Morpho-Anatomical, Ex-situ Conservation and Haemolytic Activity of Pentaphragma grandiflorum Kurz.

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    Pentaphragma grandiflorum Kurz. is one of the five (5) species of Pentaphragma that is found in the Philippines. It is an edible flowering plant consumed as a vegetables and utilized for its medicinal value by the locals. It is categorized as one of the Other Threatened Species with a high economic value. Despite the many uses of P. grandiflorum, there is still inadequate information on its morpho-anatomical characteristics conservation and lack of scientific evidence to support the claim of its safe utilization by the locals. The collected wildlings of the P. grandiflorum were nurtured and monitored in the canopy greenhouse of Central Mindanao University, Philippines. The safe utilization of the leaf extract of P. grandiflorum was assessed through a haemolytic assay. The following are the morpho-anatomical features described in this study: fleshy erect shrub with primary and aerial roots; stem puberulous at a young stage and glabrous upon maturity with dictyostele type of stele; petiole fleshy, puberulous, dissected vascular bundle with dictyostele arrangement; leaf finely puberulous adaxial and glabrous abaxial, dictyostele arrangement, midrib amphibrical arrangement, with tri- to tetracytic stomates; inflorescence arises singly in axil, bisexual, elongated, with yellow and/or purple corolla. Fifty-three out of 130 wildlings survived and abundantly produced bisexual flowers in the succeeding months. The 1 mg/mL concentration of ethanolic and methanolic leaf extracts of P. grandiflorum were found to have an average haemolysis percentage of 0.32 ± 6.78 and 0.45 ± 0.65, respectively. The result of the haemolysis assay revealed that the ethanolic and methanolic leaf extract of P. grandiflorum is safe to utilize and do not pose any toxic effects to humans

    Philautus (Bush Frogs) Species from Montane Forest of Marilog District, Davao City, Southern Mindanao, Philippines

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    Despite herpetological surveys conducted in Mindanao, scanty data are known about the Philautus species in montane forests as well as its account in southern Mindanao. Species accounts of Philautus sampled from the montane forest of Marilog District in Southern Mindanao with notes on it microhabitats were provided. Belt-transect sampling and microhabitat searches were employed in three different sites. A total of 124 individuals representing four species of Philautus were accounted, three of which are currently known only from forested areas of Mindanao. Philautus acutirostris is the most encountered species. Thirty-four genera of plants associated with microhabitats of Philautus species were accounted. Although the majority of the frog individuals appear to use the plants for perching, other notable activities were also noticed. Further observations may reveal data that will unravel other significant roles of these associated plants in microhabitats of Philautus species


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    RESUMOObjetivo do presente é estudar a Educação em Direitos Humanos e verificar se poderia ser resolução do seguinte problema: “de qual maneira se poderia obter um Estado onde haja uma verdadeira democracia participativa, e não somente representação desligada do povo que supostamente se representa?.” A metodologia foi dedutiva, com procedimento bibliográfico, partindo da ideia de Müller (2009) e de Paulo Freire (2001), e das suas exigências para povo e homem que verdadeiramente sejam ativos e representantes de si mesmos, perante os desmandos estatais, até a exposição de um processo educacional que acate essas exigências. A justificativa vem da aparente obscuridade do termo “povo” nos artigos da Carta Magna brasileira que serve de legitimação para o poder estatal, e da afirmativa que o país seria democrático, mas ao mesmo tempo não se vê representatividade do todo nas decisões estatais, portanto tem-se que estudar se algum processo poderia resultar em indivíduos que verdadeiramente integrem um Estado Democrático. A conclusão foi que a Educação em Direitos Humanos pode responder aos anseios dos dois autores referidos, criando sujeitos críticos e povo participativo, o que resultaria na democracia real. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Educação; Educação em Direitos Humanos; Democracia. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to study Human Rights Education and to verify if it could solve the following problem: "in what way could a state be obtained where there is a true participatory democracy, and not only representation detached from the people supposedly represented?" The methodology was deductive, with a bibliographical procedure, based on the idea of Müller (2009) and Paulo Freire (2001), and its demands for people and men who are truly active and self-representatives, in the face of state educational process that meets these requirements. The justification comes from the apparent obscurity of the term "people" in the articles of the Brazilian Constitution that legitimizes state power, and affirms that the country would be democratic, but at the same time it does not see representativeness at all in state decisions. one has to study whether any process could result in individuals who truly comprise a Democratic State. The conclusion was that Human Rights Education can respond to the aspirations of the two authors mentioned, creating critical subjects and participatory people, which would result in real democracy.KEYWORDS: Education; Education in Human Rights; Democracy.

    Richness and distribution of reptiles and amphibians in the tropical lowland habitats of Mt. Agad-Agad, Iligan City, Southern Philippines

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    Knowledge of Philippine herpetofauna is progressively increasing. However, there are still areas in the country that are poorly understood and remain unexplored, particularly in the southern Philippines. Mt. Agad-Agad in Iligan City (Lanao del Norte Province) is a secondary lowland evergreen tropical rainforest in the southern portion of the northern Mindanao region, popular with the general public and a biologically important mountain ecosystem. Herein, we present the species richness and distribution of herpetofauna using standardized sampling methods. We documented 37 species of amphibians and reptiles, recording 20 Philippine-endemic species, three exotic anurans, two threatened reptiles, and one unidentified species of lizard. Species richness was higher in a mixed agricultural area (18 species, n = 108 individuals) compared to secondary growth forest (17 species, n = 86 individuals). This research provides baseline information on the herpetofauna from Mt. Agad-Agad, and additional herpetological knowledge on the distribution and ecology of amphibians and reptiles from the northern Mindanao region

    Atitudes e práticas pedagógicas de inclusão para o aluno com autismo

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    O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento que compromete o aproveitamento escolar do aluno e o funcionamento adaptativo nos ambientes social e familiar. Os objetivos do estudo foram verificar os conhecimentos sobre TEA, atitudes e práticas pedagógicas junto a alunos com o transtorno. Esse estudo teve desenho transversal descritivo com a participação de 217 professores da educação básica de uma rede pública. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário que averiguou conhecimentos sobre TEA, atitudes e práticas pedagógicas dos professores em sala de aula. Foram conduzidas análises descritivas de frequência e percentual. Os resultados indicaram que 84,8% dos profissionais reconheceram corretamente a presença de fatores associados a déficits de interação social, comportamento e comunicação, mas 30% cometeram erros na compreensão dos fatores etiológicos. Considerando a opinião dos 102 (47%) professores participantes do estudo que haviam tido alunos com TEA em algum momento de sua atuação profissional, verificou-se em média que 70,56% deles concordavam com praticamente todas as ações educacionais e pedagógicas do Desenho Universal da Aprendizagem. Porém, a implementação dessas técnicas na prática não conseguia atingir o mesmo nível, já que essas ações eram utilizadas em média por 56,87% dos professores. O estudo possibilitou, a partir do relato dos professores, mapear integradamente aspectos essenciais que devem fazer parte de acomodações e/ou adaptações curriculares para alunos com TEA

    New Insights on the Morphology of the Philippine Endemic Ficus pseudopalma Blanco

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    Ficus pseudopalmaBlanco is an endemic Philippine plant with many medicinal uses and an ethnobotanically as a green vegetable or side dish.With these several eco-nomic uses of the plant, there is a need to investigate the morpho-anatomy and de-velopment of the species.Seeds of F. pseudopalmawere collected in Mt. Hamigui-tan Range Wildlife Sanctuary and grown in the Central Mindanao University Garden to monitor the growth and development of the species.Unique morpho-anatomical features include sparingly branched glabrous stem with spirally-arranged reddish ter-minal leaves crowded at the apical part, paired persistent stipules, anomocytic sto-mata, without glandular hairs and with leptocentric bundles in the petiole. The inflo-rescence is likewise unique,being enclosed to form a syconium (fig) which occurs in pairs and axillary. The flowers are imperfect with the staminate flowers situated the osteole while the pistillate flowers are at the syconia's interiorand pollinated by agaonid wasps. The seeds germinated after fourdays of sowing, and syconia were formed after 365 days exhibiting several stages of development. These morphologi-cal and developmental characteristics are important in mass propagating this en-demic plant for its medicinal and food uses

    Avifaunal assemblage in the expansion sites of the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Mindanao, Philippines

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    The Protected Area of the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary (MHRWS) was proposed for expansion in 2016 to protect the remaining biodiversity of the buffer zones and to fortify the core zone. This study provides data on avifaunal assemblage and assessment on the added value of the ca. 2.99 km2 MHRWS expansion sites to the already protected zone. A combination of transect line survey and mist netting technique were used to sample bird species in four sampling sites in the MHRWS expansion sites. Our inventory of the MHRWS expansion sites revealed 41 species of birds distributed to 10 orders, 24 families and 34 genera. This adds 24 avifauna species to the previously reported birds in Mt. Hamiguitan Range making it a home to 83 species. The low species diversity in the MHRWS expansion sites could be attributed to the poor soil, low forest productivity and habitat loss. The presence of threatened and endemic species of birds in the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary expansion sites appeals for conservation initiatives by the stakeholders

    Safety and efficacy of the supreme biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have worse outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention than nondiabetic patients. The novel Supreme DES is a biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent designed to synchronize early drug delivery, limiting the potential for long-term inflammatory response. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the Supreme DES in patients with DM. Methods This is a prespecified analysis of the diabetic subgroup from the PIONEER III randomized (2:1), controlled trial, comparing the Supreme DES with a durable polymer everolimus-eluting stent (DP-EES). The primary safety and efficacy composite endpoint was target lesion failure at 1 year, a composite of cardiac death, target vessel myocardial infarction, or clinically driven target lesion revascularization. Results The PIONEER III trial randomized 1629 patients, of which 494 (30.3%) had DM with 331 (398 lesions) randomly assigned to Supreme DES and 163 (208 lesions) to DP-EES. Among patients with DM, target lesion failure at 1 year was 6.1% (20/331) with Supreme DES vs 3.7% (6/163) with DP-EES (hazard ratio = 1.65; 95% confidence interval = 0.66-4.10, P = .28). The composite of cardiac death or target vessel myocardial infarction was 3.3% (11/331) with Supreme DES and 3.7% (6/163) with DP-EES (hazard ratio = 0.90; 95% confidence interval = 0.33-2.44, P = .83). There were no significant differences in other secondary endpoints. Conclusions This prespecified substudy of the PIONEER III trial demonstrated the relative safety and efficacy of the novel Supreme DES when compared with commercially available DP-EES in diabetics at 1 year. Longer term follow-up will be required to ensure continued safety and efficacy of the Supreme DES