1,564 research outputs found

    Remarks on gauge fixing and BRST quantization of noncommutative gauge theories

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    We consider the BRST gauge fixing procedure of the noncommutative Yang-Mills theory and of the gauged U(N) Proca model. An extended Seiberg-Witten map involving ghosts, antighosts and auxiliary fields for non Abelian gauge theories is studied. We find that the extended map behaves differently for these models. For the Yang-Mills theory in the Lorentz gauge it was not possible to find a map that relates the gauge conditions in the noncommutative and ordinary theories. For the gauged Proca model we found a particular map relating the unitary gauge fixings in both formulations.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. In this revised version, we included the explicit Seiberg Witten maps for antighost and auxiliary fields. We used this expressions to show that it is not possible to relate the Lorentz gauge in noncommutative and ordinary YM theories by the SW map, as claimed in the previous versio

    Nonequivalent Seiberg-Witten maps for noncommutative massive U(N) gauge theory

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    Massive vector fields can be described in a gauge invariant way with the introduction of compensating fields. In the unitary gauge one recovers the original formulation. Although this gauging mechanism can be extended to noncommutative spaces in a straightforward way, non trivial aspects show up when we consider the Seiberg-Witten map. As we show here, only a particular class of its solutions leads to an action that admits the unitary gauge fixing.Comment: General solutions for the map and important reference included, 6 pages, no figure

    Axial Anomaly from the BPHZ regularized BV master equation

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    A BPHZ renormalized form for the master equation of the field antifiled (or BV) quantization has recently been proposed by De Jonghe, Paris and Troost. This framework was shown to be very powerful in calculating gauge anomalies. We show here that this equation can also be applied in order to calculate a global anomaly (anomalous divergence of a classically conserved Noether current), considering the case of QED. This way, the fundamental result about the anomalous contribution to the Axial Ward identity in standard QED (where there is no gauge anomaly) is reproduced in this BPHZ regularized BV framework.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, minor changes in the reference

    Doença de Gorham: caso clínico

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    ResumoA doença de Gorham, também conhecida por osteólise maciça idiopática, é uma patologia rara, caraterizada por uma proliferação vascular que resulta na destruição e reabsorção da matriz óssea, de etiologia desconhecida. Foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1838 por Jackson, mas foram Gorham e Stout, em 1955, que definiram a doença como uma entidade específica. Com uma apresentação clinica variável, geralmente tem um comportamento progressivo. O tratamento permanece controverso, não há um tratamento padrão. Essa patologia apresenta geralmente um prognóstico favorável. É apresentado um caso de doença de Gorham com envolvimento do quadril esquerdo, num doente do sexo masculino, sem antecedentes de relevo.AbstractGorham's disease, also known as idiopathic massive osteolysis, is a rare pathological condition characterized by vascular proliferation that results in destruction and reabsorption of the bone matrix, of unknown etiology. It was first described by Jackson in 1838, but it was Gorham and Stout, in 1955, who defined this disease as a specific entity. It has variable clinical presentation and generally has progressive behavior. Controversy continues regarding the treatment and there is no standard treatment. This pathological condition generally presents a favorable prognosis. Here, a case of Gorham's disease with involvement of the left hip is presented, in a male patient without relevant antecedents

    99mTc(V)-DMSA SPECT-CT findings in a case of Gorham-Stout disease

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    The Gorham-Stout disease is a very rare condition, characterized by lymphovascular proliferation and massive bone resorption. We present a 48-year-old male patient with osteolysis involving the left femoral head and neck, as well as to the ipsilateral acetabulum. Besides the morphological imaging, he underwent bone scintigraphy, technetium-99m-V-dimercaptosuccinic acid [99mTc(V)-DMSA] single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) and histological examination. Together these findings gave the definitive diagnosis. This is the first case ever published with 99mTc(V)-DMSA SPECT-CT. Advances on the knowledge of disease suggests that this imaging procedure could have utility in diagnosis and evaluation of the disease activity and therapy response

    Koori Centre handbook 2011

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    A Teoria Estruturante do Direito de Friedrich Müller no Brasil: Uma Análise a Partir dos Estudos Acadêmicos Realizados no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    This paper aims to verify the practical use of the Structuring Legal Theory of Friedrich Müller, considering the scientific researches carried out in the Law Postgraduate Program of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, which use the referred theory as a theoretical foundation. Therefore, the specific objectives are: (i) to designe the Structuring Legal Theory and its Legal Methodic; as well as, (ii) verify the use of the Structuring Legal Theory in the dissertations carried out in the Law Postgraduate Program of the aforementioned university. Friedrich Müller's theory was applied in some academic researches carried out in that Law Postgraduate Program. It is concluded that all the analyzed works used Müller's post-positivist theory as a form of "hermeneutic" advance for the application of Brazilian law. It is used the deductive approach method, with application of the indirect documentation research technique through bibliographic research.O presente trabalho visa verificar a utilização prática da Teoria Estruturante do Direito, de Friedrich Müller, a partir dos trabalhos científicos elaborados perante o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), que utilizam a referida teoria como fundamentação teórica. Para tanto, tem-se como objetivos específico: (i) delinear a Teoria Estruturante do Direito e sua Metódica Jurídica; bem como, (ii) verificar a utilização da Teoria Estruturante do Direito nas dissertações elaboradas junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da UFSC. Verifica-se que a teoria de Friedrich Müller teve aplicação em específicos trabalhos acadêmicos no âmbito daquele Programa. Conclui-se que, todos os trabalhos analisados utilizaram a Teoria pós-positivista de Müller como forma de avanço “hermenêutico” para aplicação do Direito Brasileiro. Opta-se pela utilização do método de abordagem dedutivo, com aplicação da técnica de pesquisa de documentação indireta via pesquisa bibliográfica

    Desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil e a renda básica universal no contexto da (pós)pandemia da COVID-19

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    O objetivo geral do presente trabalho é verificar se, e em que medida, a renda básica universal pode servir como instrumento para retomada do desenvolvimento econômico nacional. Para tanto, serão abordados os seguintes temas: (i) conceito do termo renda básica universal; (ii) nuances da Lei n.º 10.385/2004; e (iii) impacto econômico de medidas correlatas, quais sejam o auxílio emergencial e o auxílio emergencial residual, implantadas no Brasil durante a Pandemia da Covid-19. Concluiu-se que a renda básica de cidadania, já prevista em lei, não se apresenta somente como um instrumento apto a fomentar o desenvolvimento econômico no período pós-pandemia, mas também apto a diminuir o flagrante cenário de desigualdade social, garantindo liberdade real aos beneficiados. Quanto à metodologia, a natureza da investigação retratou pesquisa pura, qualitativa, descritiva e via método de abordagem indutivo