6 research outputs found

    Energy Storage Reservoir Management System For Wsn With Solar Harvesting

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    Most of the study in managing power on wireless sensor network node (WSN) is mainly on how to minimize current of the sensor node by using different types of algorithm applied to the radio transmission technique and on how to minimize power consumed by the sensing elements without affecting the accuracy of the data collected. Other research applied algorithm on radio transmission technique are by turning off the radio whenever possible to obtain energy savings. In other hand the sensoring element chosen must be very low energy consumed. The approach taken in this thesis is slightly different compared to other studies. The approach is to focus on the energy storage reservoir. Technically a parallel combination between two different types of energy storage chosen are the rechargeable lithium ion battery and supercapacitor. Supercapacitor are connected in series by using a simple cell balancer, a current regulator is created to give a balance charge and discharge current and charge voltage between the two series. Pulse load which is WSN radio will be supplied by supercapacitor since the capability of supercapacitor in handling pulse current faster due to the ability of faster charged and discharge characteristic giving a more balanced charge and discharge of the battery. The approach here is to create an on/off charging environment, giving the combination of energy storage device (ESD) time to being charged from solar panel through available charger without disturbance from the load. The on/off control from the timer is also used to control the power flow from the ESD, for power enhancement, and to deliver the power to the load efficiently. This improves the battery usage time and WSN nodes operation times. Experiments taken under four different approaches, the first one is control using the initial condition of the load without energy management and three designs with energy managements. The experimental results show that with the combination of on/off technique and the hybrid ( battery and supercapacitor) can achieve much longer runtime for the WSN node. The hybrid are built with one lithium ion battery and six 10F supercapacitor. The supercapacitor is connected two in series in three parallel combination giving total of 15F capacitance. An improvement of 160 % of the operating time for the WSN node is observed. The design presented in this research can be scaled to larger or smaller power capacities for a variety of other applications

    Assessing Factors Contribute to Unclaimed Properties in Selangor--Post-pandemic Scenario

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    Real estate planning is the exertion plan, which must be made to distribute the property owned by the property owner to the beneficiaries when the owner passes away in order to prevent problems or arguments later on. This paper aimed to study the effect between knowledge, heir’s awareness, and complex administration process toward unclaimed properties among residents in Selangor in the context of post-pandemic scenario. This study reviewed the literature of past research of factors that influenced unclaimed properties. The construct variables used in this study were knowledge, awareness, and complex administration process. This study adopts online survey questionnaire to collect 384 valid responses from the residents in Shah Alam, Selangor. These collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 25 and the results were gathered through pearson’s correlation coefficient. The findings revealed all variables were significantly influenced by unclaimed properties. The implication of this study was to focus on smaller sample in Selangor while sample size should give another significant outcome. Government and state authority must come up with mountainous strategies to overcome this issue by imposing several initiatives. Keywords: faraid, heirs awareness, knowledge, Malaysia, unclaimed propertie

    Integrated Open Loop Resonator Filter Designed with Notch Patch Antenna for Microwave Applications

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    This paper presented the design of integrated open loop resonator bandpass filter with notch type antenna for the use in microwave applications. Chebyshev type filter is selected as the filter characteristics and cascaded design with the antenna to produce a single module, Integrated Filter Antenna (IFA). Special feature of the antenna is the implementation of notch on the patch antenna to improve the efficiency. IFA is then simulated in electromagnetic simulation tool, Agilent Advance Design System (ADS) version 2016 and measured using R&S Vector Network Analyzer. It shows that the proposed IFA produced good measured return loss >-30dB with both vertical and horizontal gain of 9.11dBi and 8.01dBi respectively

    Integrated Open Loop Resonator Filter Designed with Notch Patch Antenna for Microwave Applications

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    This paper presented the design of integrated open loop resonator bandpass filter with notch type antenna for the use in microwave applications. Chebyshev type filter is selected as the filter characteristics and cascaded design with the antenna to produce a single module, Integrated Filter Antenna (IFA). Special feature of the antenna is the implementation of notch on the patch antenna to improve the efficiency. IFA is then simulated in electromagnetic simulation tool, Agilent Advance Design System (ADS) version 2016 and measured using R&S Vector Network Analyzer. It shows that the proposed IFA produced good measured return loss >-30dB with both vertical and horizontal gain of 9.11dBi and 8.01dBi respectivel

    Kepelbagaian medium penyampaian dakwah Abdul Hadi Awang semasa pandemik

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    Pandemik COVID 19 yang melanda seluruh dunia telah menjejaskan pelbagai sektor dan bidang termasuk bidang dakwah. Ketika pandemik COVID 19 berlaku, hampir semua aktiviti terpaksa dihentikan termasuk dakwah secara bersemuka. Dakwah adalah tanggungjawab setiap muslim mukallaf dan merupakan sebahagian daripada Islam. Ianya perlu dilakukan mengikut kesesuaian keadaan, sasaran dakwah, pendekatan dakwah dan sebagainya. Oleh sebab itu, walaupun berlakunya pandemik COVID-19, dakwah masih perlu dilakukan. Namun, pendekatan yang sesuai perlu digunakan untuk menyesuaikan dengan keadaan pandemik yang berlaku. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan transformasi dakwah ketika pandemik COVID-19 salah seorang tokoh ulama, pemimpin dan pendakwah yang terkemuka iaitu Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang. Kajian dilakukan berbentuk analisis dokumen dan pemerhatian bagi mengumpul data utama dan kaedah analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan berlaku transformasi pada pendekatan dakwah beliau kerana dakwah secara atas talian di media sosial telah digunakan secara menyeluruh oleh Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang di era pandemik COVID-19. Beliau menggunakan pendekatan dakwah melalui internet iaitu dengan menggunakan media sosial sebagai medium utamanya dalam melaksanakan dakwah tanpa sempadan. Media sosial yang digunakan khususnya adalah di aplikasi YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram dan Twitter

    Hydrogen gas production from glycerol via steam reforming using nickel loaded zeolite catalyst

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    Glycerol is the main by-product of biodiesel production that produces from transesterification process. In this research, focused was on hydrogen production via glycerol steam reforming using nickel loaded HZSM-5 catalyst. The catalysts were prepared by using different loading amount of nickel (0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 15 wt %) on HZSM-5 catalyst through the wet impregnation method at temperature 500 ºC and atmospheric pressure. The catalyst was characterized by using XRD, FTIR and SEM. Then, only 15 wt % Ni loading has been chosen based on the parameter which is different range of catalyst weight (0.3-0.5g) at different range of glycerol flow rate (0.2-0.4mL/min) at temperature 600 ºC and atmospheric pressure. The products were analyzed by using gas-chromatography with thermal conductivity detector (GC-TCD) where it is used to identify the yield of hydrogen. The data of the experiment were analyzed by using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in order to study the relationship of catalyst weight and glycerol flow rate. The results showed that the optimum condition to produce a maximum hydrogen yield with 15wt% Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst was 78.10004% at glycerol flow rate of 0.356484 mL/min and catalyst weight of 0.429267 g