1,125 research outputs found

    Religious Translation between Arabic and English, with Reference to Quranic Rhetorical Questions

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    Translating rhetorical questions from one language into another is not an easy task at all. This is due to the fact that rhetorical questions are not posed to elicit information, but rather to denote something else, namely rhetorical functions or purposes. Such functions might be changed and or distorted in translation if certain issues are not considered. Of these issues is the tenor of rhetorical questions. As such, the current study is an attempt to investigate Quranic rhetorical questions that denote rhetorical functions such as negation, testing, and showing abundance to determine the extent to which the tenor of such questions is preserved in the English translation of al-Hilali and Khan (1996). Toward this end, the interpersonal metafunction of the Quranic rhetorical questions and their English translation is analysed. In this case, the study employs Halliday's (1996) tenor and its associated metafunction, i.e., interpersonal metafunction. The analysis shows that the tenor of Quranic rhetorical questions under investigation is maintained, highly distorted and partially distorted. Consequently, the functions of such rhetorical questions are mostly affected

    Radial pressure distributions in an air-riding face seal

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    International audienceNon-contacting face seals rely on high pressures induced in a thin air-film between stationary and rotating faces. They offer ultra-low leakage and very low wear compared to contacting seals in aircraft engines. Large axial and radial movements and high temperature gradients can cause excessive distortion of the sealing faces which may become amplified at large radii, high differential pressures and rotational speeds. Such distortions alter the geometry of the gap thereby affecting the seal's performance. This paper presents an extensive investigation into the air-film behaviour of a face seal under convergent and divergent engine representative coning distortions = 0.5-2 degrees, gap = 50-300 m, and operating pressure differences =70-350 kPa. The investigation approach is both numerical and experimental. Experimental tests allowed the introduction of a known distortion onto the static face of the seal. Arrays of static pressure tappings in the primary sealing gap were used to measure the radial and circumferential variations. The experimental data are used to validate a 3D CFD model of the primary leakage path. The CFD model was generated using ANSYS ICEM and solved using ANSYS FLUENT. The models were run at the full range of operating pressures and geometries. Results show that converging coning provides the largest air-film pressures and hence the largest opening force while a diverging coning provided the least. At higher pressure ratios divergent gaps exhibited expanding supersonic flow but with unexpected levels of pressure recovery within the diverging duct. The pressure loss at the entrance to the gap was observed to be significant, particularly where entry gaps are larger. This effect was partially captured by CFD. The most significant discrepancies between CFD predictions and experiments were for the converging gap cases where the increased air-film pressure causes the disc to deform under pressure resulting in the CFD model over-predicting the pressure in the gap

    Radial pressure distributions in an air-riding face seal

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    International audienceNon-contacting face seals rely on high pressures induced in a thin air-film between stationary and rotating faces. They offer ultra-low leakage and very low wear compared to contacting seals in aircraft engines. Large axial and radial movements and high temperature gradients can cause excessive distortion of the sealing faces which may become amplified at large radii, high differential pressures and rotational speeds. Such distortions alter the geometry of the gap thereby affecting the seal's performance. This paper presents an extensive investigation into the air-film behaviour of a face seal under convergent and divergent engine representative coning distortions = 0.5-2 degrees, gap = 50-300 m, and operating pressure differences =70-350 kPa. The investigation approach is both numerical and experimental. Experimental tests allowed the introduction of a known distortion onto the static face of the seal. Arrays of static pressure tappings in the primary sealing gap were used to measure the radial and circumferential variations. The experimental data are used to validate a 3D CFD model of the primary leakage path. The CFD model was generated using ANSYS ICEM and solved using ANSYS FLUENT. The models were run at the full range of operating pressures and geometries. Results show that converging coning provides the largest air-film pressures and hence the largest opening force while a diverging coning provided the least. At higher pressure ratios divergent gaps exhibited expanding supersonic flow but with unexpected levels of pressure recovery within the diverging duct. The pressure loss at the entrance to the gap was observed to be significant, particularly where entry gaps are larger. This effect was partially captured by CFD. The most significant discrepancies between CFD predictions and experiments were for the converging gap cases where the increased air-film pressure causes the disc to deform under pressure resulting in the CFD model over-predicting the pressure in the gap

    Development of Science and Technology in Sports Through Test and Measurement Tools Shoulder and Wrist Android Based

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    The purpose of this study is to produce Android -based shoulder and wrist. This research was conducted on students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences and North Sumatra PON athletes in December 2022. Types of research used in this study were development research with Research & Development (R&D) research designs from Borg and Gall. This research was conducted with 9 research stages, namely, (1) Research and Information Collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Developing Preminary Form of Product, (4) Preminary Field Testing, (5) Main Product Revision, (6) Main Field Testing, (7) Operational Product Revision, (8) Operational Field Testing, (9) Final Product Revision. The population in this study by using students of the Faculty of Sports Science and the North Sumatra Taekwondo Pelatda athlete. The technique of picking up using purposive sampling with a trial of phase I of 20 FIK students and the phase II trial of 30 athletes in North Sumatra Taekwondo Pelatda. Furthermore, from the trial of phase I, totaling 20 people showed 96% with very feasible criteria, then from the phase II trial of 30 North Sumatra Taekwondo Pelatda athletes showed 91% with a very decent category. From the results of research /feasibility tests conducted by test experts and measurements, IT experts and sports academics show 96% with a very feasible category, so that it can be used. On the basis of the data obtained, the development of Android -based shoulder and wrist test equipment is declared feasible to be developed as a test tool and measurement of shoulder muscle and wrist

    Stonefish Synanceia verrucosa Bloch & Schneider, 1801 (Actinopterygii: Synanceiidae): the first record in the Syrian coast and the fourth in the Mediterranean

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    Fish species introduction into the Mediterranean Sea is constantly increasing, and this is what worries biologists especially after the arrival of poisonous species. In this paper, Synanceia verrucosa is recorded for the first time in the Syrian marine waters, filling the gap of its distributions between north and south of the eastern Mediterranean

    2006 Winter Wheat Variety Yield Results and Planting Tips

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    It was a tough year for winter wheat in South Dakota in 2006. The major winter wheat growing areas in the central and western part of the state suffered serious drought from planting until harvest. Most areas were very dry at planting, which delayed germination until rain came later in the fall. This led to plants with small crowns and little fall growth. Conditions did not improve in the spring with several locations having the driest January to June on record. Yields from the Crop Performance Testing Program averaged 47 bu/A statewide, but many locations were not harvested due to the drought. Trials at Selby, Bison, Hayes, and Kennebec were too poor to be harvested for yield. Trials at Watertown, Platte, and Dakota Lakes had too much variation for yield results to be reported. The top performing varieties in East River in 2006 were NuDakota, Wesley, Nekota, Alliance, and SD98102; while Hatcher, SD98102, NuDakota, Harry, and Wahoo were best in West River

    The Role of Customer Satisfaction and Trust as Mediation on The Influence of Service Quality and Corporate Image to Customer Loyalty

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that affect customer loyalty and also factors that affect customer satisfaction and trust. In addition, it also analyzes the factors of customer satisfaction and trust as a factor mediation on the relationship in question. Sample amounted to 270 customer of internet service provider. Primary data were obtained through questionnaire distribution. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor anaysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). The result showed that 2 exogenous variables significantly influenced directly to endogenous variables, but also 2 exogenous variables influenced through endogenous variables mediation (customer satisfaction and trust). The results of research besides can add to the treasury of research results about consumer behavior, but also that is very important for ISP management in improving customer loyalty through customer satisfaction and trust. Keywords : Customer loyalty, satisfaction, trust, service quality, corporate imag

    First record of Red cornetfish, Fistularia petimba Lacepède, 1803 (Actinopterygii: Fistulariidae) from the Syrian coast

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    Fistulariidae species (Cornetfishes) exist in tropical and subtropical waters having four species; two of them are found in the Mediterranean Sea. This study records Fistularia petimba from the Syrian marine waters for the first time, filling the gap in its distribution along the eastern Mediterranean

    Effect of beating process to soda anthraquinone pulp of oil palm male flower spikes fibre

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effect of beating process to the characteristics of pulp and paper produced from oil palm oil male flower spikes (OPMFS). OPMFS pulp was prepared according to chemical Soda-AQ pulping process. 60 gsm handsheet of oil palm male flower spikes paper were prepared from OPMFS pulp with four different beating times which are O revolution, 1000 revolutions, 2000 revolutions and 3000 revolutions. All physical and mechanical characteristics were investigated according to T APPi and MS ISO standards. The results show that overall physical and mechanical characteristics of POMPS paper were influenced and enhanced by beating process between O until 3000 revolutions. This research demonstrate some potential characteristics of palm oil male flower spikes (OPMFS) paper to be investigated as a newly explored non-wood based raw material for papermaking raw material for papermaking

    Soda anthraquinone pulping of oil palm male flower spikes

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effect of beating process to the characteristics of pulp and paper produced from oil palm oil male flower spikes (OPMFS). OPMFS pulp was prepared according to chemical Soda-AQ pulping process. 60 gsm papersheet of oil palm male flower spiked were prepared from unbeaten and unbleached OPMFS Soda-AQ pulp. All optical, physical and mechanical characteristics were investigated according to TAPPI and MS ISO standards. OPMFS pulp recorded value of 6.42 s, 353 ml, 76.5 %, 36.7 % and 9.35 for drainage time, freeness, moisture content, screened yield percentage and Kappa number respectively..