10 research outputs found

    Partnership Based Green Economy With Kurrak Village Farming Communities in Post Harvest Coffee Processing in The Recovery of Covid-19

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    Kurrak Village, Polewali Mandar Regency is a coffee-producing village that has the opportunity to develop an organic coffee agro-industry to support the realization of a green economy, namely a program to improve the Indonesian economy by focusing on environmentally sound activities. Some of the problems faced by coffee farming communities in the region include how to harvest and handle post-harvest coffee. The purpose of this community service program (PKM) is to improve the ability of the Kurrak village coffee farming community in post-harvest processing and to increase the role of micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) in establishing partnerships with coffee farmers. The method of implementing the activity is by counseling and practice with several stages including preparation, implementation and evaluation of the program. The PKM activity was carried out in a coffee plantation for residents in Kurrak village, attended by 25 representatives of the Kurrak village community. The results of the PKM activities showed that the activity participants had the ability to apply post-harvest coffee processing techniques, the enthusiasm and motivation of the farmer members increased and they began to activate the collaboration of MSMEs and coffee farmers in Kurrak village

    The Effect of Counseling Methods in Increasing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Motivations for Prevention of Drug Abuse in Senior High School Students at Makassar City Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and motivations about preventing drug abuse among students educated using the Lecture and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) methods at Makassar City Senior High School as well as the differences between both groups. This is an experimental study, which was carried out in two Senior High Schools selected using the purposive sampling method, namely State 1 Senior High and 5 Senior High in Makassar. Subsequently, a total of 30 second-grade students were selected from each using the random sampling method. The experimental design used was a 2x3 factorial design, and the dependent variables observed include knowledge, attitudes, and motivation of students about drug abuse. The independent variables were (1) drug abuse material using the Lecture method, and (2) drug abuse material using the FGD method. The study instruments include knowledge tests as well as attitude and motivation questionnaires, which were used to collect student data before and after counseling. The data were then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. The inferential analysis model was an independent t-test. The results showed that: (1) the knowledge, attitudes, and motivation about the prevention of drug abuse among students educated with the Lecture and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) methods were relatively high, and (2)both methods can be used for counseling, but FGD is the best. Keywords: Counseling, Drugs, Lecture Methods, FGD Methods, and Knowledg

    Performing Toraja rice ritual, communicating biodiversity on YouTube: A study of conservation on rice landrace

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    The proliferating public interest in conservation can be explored by monitoring what people say and what people do on social media platforms. YouTube is one of the resources for digital conservation studies as the users are allowed to archive and share content. Meanwhile, networks visualization provided by computer software is powerful to preserve vernacular languages since text(s) tagging is one of the main processes in gaining data. The present study aims to answer research questions using a transdisciplinary approach to sociology, ethnobotany, and communication science. Thus, this research enquires; (a) how might conservation of Toraja rice landraces be practiced continuously? (b) what are the current forms of conservation that are developed and accepted as Toraja socio-cultural activities? (c) how do social media platforms, YouTube, for instance, contribute to the conservation efforts in rice landraces? (d) what are the social implications of conservation education through social media? In order to answer the above questions, six different research methods, namely, observations, in-depth interview, mapping distribution of rice landrace varieties in six fields of studies, calculating Index of Cultural Significance on rice accessions for practicing conservation rice landrace. Digital conservation and conservation culturomics were also measured using NodeXL and API for visualizing the graph of YouTube videos network and calculating the frequency of words occurrence according to search string Toraja rice ritual. The outcome from the study indicates the current forms of conservation by cultivating and consuming rice landrace varieties on everyday life and ritual, as well as preserving rice and agriculture images on wood carving motifs, folk song, and folk dance. The digital conservation efforts are demonstrated by archiving and broadcasting rice rituals on YouTube videos. With an increase of frequency on word occurrences by Toraja language on hashtags on YouTube videos, the users were contributing to participatory culture for preserving vernacular language and promoting agricultural innovations in digital conservation ecosystems and environmental communication

    العدّة في التلقيح الصناعي: دراسة من النظر الطبي والرؤية الشرعية: The `Iddah in Artificial Insemination: A study between Medical and Shariah Point of View

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    يعايش الناس قضايا مستجدة متنوعة، تتطلب من المسلمين بيانا للحكم الشرعي فيها، وقد استجدت على مر العصور قضايا متنوعة أدلى علماء المسلمين بما يرونه صوابا، وخرجوا على الناس بفتاوى اتبعها الناس واتخذوها قوانين مارسوا حياتهم على ضوئها. ومن المعروف أن بيان الحكم الشرعي واجب، ولا يجوز ترك قضية من القضايا بغير البيان. من هذه القضايا التي تحتاج إلى بيان قضية العدة في التلقيح الصناعي، فهي من المستحدثات التي تحتاج إلى بيان حكمها. للتلقيح الصناعي أساليب ووسائل، وله أيضا طريقان، الداخلي والخارجي. هناك أساليب سبعة يمكن تقسيمها إلى قسمين، منها ما يكون مباحا ومنها ما يكون محرما من الناحية الشرعية. هل يجب العدة في حالتين: استدخال مني الزوج إلى زوجته واستدخال المني إلى غير الزوجة. اتبع الباحثون في هذا البحث منهج الدراسة المكتبية، بحيث تجمع المواد المتعلقة بالموضوع من الكتب المعتمدة، ولكل مسألة صورتها، وتأصيلها إن كان فيها أصل من كلام الفقهاء، وتحرير محل النزاع، وسبب الخلاف، وآراء الفقهاء، والأدلة لكل رأي مع المناقشة ثم الترجيح فيها. ومن نتائج الدراسة التي توصل إليها الباحثون أن استدخال مني الزوج إلى زوجته بغير جماع، تجب العدة به؛ لأنه أقرب للعلوق من مجرد إيلاج قُطِعَ فيه بعدم الإنزال، فيحتاج إلى تعرّف براءة الرحم أكثر من مجرد الإيلاج؛ وأنه يقوم مقام الوطء، فله حكم الوطء؛ لمنع الإشتباه في نسب الولد؛ ولحوق الولد الحاصل منه كالحاصل من الوطء، والضابط فيه: إنما تجب العدة به إذا خرج بسبب يتعلق به النسب. وأما استدخال المني إلى غير الزوجة لا تلزمها العدة سواء كانت حاملا أو حائلا؛ لأن الضابط فيه: إنما تجب العدة به إذا خرج بسبب يتعلق به النسب، فقياسه على عدم اللحوق لقطع الشرع النسب عن الزاني، وهذا زان؛ لأنه ممنوع من الفعل آثم به وإن سقط عنه الحد للشبهة؛ وكذلك أن الماء غير محترم؛ بدليل الإثم وعدم لحوق الولد عليه، وإن كان غير محترم، فلا عدة عليها، ولا أثر لنجاح التلقيح أو فشله في العدة؛ لأن المعتبر فيه إدخال المني. Nowadays, a variety of emerging issues require a statement of Sharia ruling. Throughout the ages, various issues have arisen that Muslim scholars have made what they see as right, and they have given fatwas that people followed, and adopted laws that they practised their lives accordingly. It is known that the statement of the legal ruling is an obligation, and it is not permissible to leave a case without it. One of the issues that needs explanation of its ruling is the issue of artificial insemination. Artificial insemination has methods and means, and it also has two paths, internal and external. There are two findings of this paper. Firstly, if a husband's sperm is inserted into his wife without having intercourse, the wife must undergo an ‘iddah (if there is a divorce). The reason is that the sperm is more likely to occur in this case compared to sexual intercourse without the release of sperm. So, it is necessary to ascertain that the womb of the woman is empty in this case, as this insemination is similar to having sexual intercourse. The applicable law is the same law of having sexual intercourse, so that the child is born has a clear lineage or parentage like that of a child conceived out of sexual intercourse. The Sharia requires iddah if the born child is clearly the descent of both parents under the Sharia law. Secondly, regarding inserting a sperm of a man into a woman with no marital relations. In this situation, 'iddah is not obligatory, because the Sharia law requires ‘iddah if the child is produced out of the parents' sperm and ovum. The born child should not be attributed as the child to the sperm owner, because Sharia law breaks off the lineage. This case is not sanctioned under the adultery sanctions because the child does not have a legitimate lineage to the father, and there is a state of syubhat (vague state). ‘Iddah does not depend on the success or failure of the insemination process since the essential element in 'iddah is whether the sperm enters or not into the womb of the woman.يعايش الناس قضايا مستجدة متنوعة، تتطلب من المسلمين بيانا للحكم الشرعي Ùيها، وقد استجدت على مر العصور قضايا متنوعة أدلى علماء المسلمين بما يرونه صوابا، وخرجوا على الناس بÙتاوى اتبعها الناس واتخذوها قوانين مارسوا حياتهم على ضوئها. ومن المعرو٠أن بيان الحكم الشرعي واجب، ولا يجوز ترك قضية من القضايا بغير البيان. من هذه القضايا التي تحتاج إلى بيان قضية العدة ÙÙŠ التلقيح الصناعي، Ùهي من المستحدثات التي تحتاج إلى بيان حكمها. للتلقيح الصناعي أساليب ووسائل، وله أيضا طريقان، الداخلي والخارجي. هناك أساليب سبعة يمكن تقسيمها إلى قسمين، منها ما يكون مباحا ومنها ما يكون محرما من الناحية الشرعية. هل يجب العدة ÙÙŠ حالتين: استدخال مني الزوج إلى زوجته واستدخال المني إلى غير الزوجة. اتبع الباحثون ÙÙŠ هذا البحث منهج الدراسة المكتبية، بحيث تجمع المواد المتعلقة بالموضوع من الكتب المعتمدة، ولكل مسألة صورتها، وتأصيلها إن كان Ùيها أصل من كلام الÙقهاء، وتحرير محل النزاع، وسبب الخلاÙØŒ وآراء الÙقهاء، والأدلة لكل رأي مع المناقشة ثم الترجيح Ùيها. ومن نتائج الدراسة التي توصل إليها الباحثون أن استدخال مني الزوج إلى زوجته بغير جماع، تجب العدة به؛ لأنه أقرب للعلوق من مجرد إيلاج Ù‚ÙØ·Ùعَ Ùيه بعدم الإنزال، Ùيحتاج إلى تعرّ٠براءة الرحم أكثر من مجرد الإيلاج؛ وأنه يقوم مقام الوطء، Ùله حكم الوطء؛ لمنع الإشتباه ÙÙŠ نسب الولد؛ ولحوق الولد الحاصل منه كالحاصل من الوطء، والضابط Ùيه: إنما تجب العدة به إذا خرج بسبب يتعلق به النسب. وأما استدخال المني إلى غير الزوجة لا تلزمها العدة سواء كانت حاملا أو حائلا؛ لأن الضابط Ùيه: إنما تجب العدة به إذا خرج بسبب يتعلق به النسب، Ùقياسه على عدم اللحوق لقطع الشرع النسب عن الزاني، وهذا زان؛ لأنه ممنوع من الÙعل آثم به وإن سقط عنه الحد للشبهة؛ وكذلك أن الماء غير محترم؛ بدليل الإثم وعدم لحوق الولد عليه، وإن كان غير محترم، Ùلا عدة عليها، ولا أثر لنجاح التلقيح أو Ùشله ÙÙŠ العدة؛ لأن المعتبر Ùيه إدخال المني.Abstract   Technology has been achieved very impressive attainments and advanced in various activities so that the technology can produce many discoveries. The discovery can be found by specialist persons and the results of research from scientists for example in the medical field. The research in the medical field has found discoveries that have not been found in the past. The new discovery requires contemporary Muslim clerics to think about the legal status of their jurisprudence. One of the most prominent contemporary discussions in the medical field is artificial insemination, in which humans have been able to overcome infertility which is a major barrier to the survival of offspring. The artificial insemination is one of the treatment efforts, so it should not be used except in forced circumstances. It has been widely discussed by modern scientists, therefore in this paper the author wants to expand his discussion on the legal rules of Iddah (waiting period) for women who carry out this artificial insemination. The method used for artificial insemination can be done by internal and external methods which are divided into seven different ways. The internal method has two ways while the external method has five ways. I divide the seven ways into two parts, namely the way that is permitted and forbidden in the Sharia law. The divided are intended to facilitate the classification of the law in each section. The main problems are firstly, does a wife have to do iddah if the sperm of husband was inserted into his wife without having intercourse.?, and secondly, about the entry of sperm into a woman who has no husband and wife relationship, this means the same as zina (adultery), the problem is whether the woman is obliged to iddah which divorced by her husband? The research method of this paper is literature study. Each of these problems will be explained in detail, reviewed in the legal basis in the books of the previous jurists, explained the core of the problem, reviewed the causes of differences of opinion, sought the opinion of the jurists in the problem and the arguments of each opinion, expressed differences scholars in the matter and the author will choose the best judgment. The study conducted by the author found that, firstly, if a husband inserts his sperm (another person puts a husband's sperm) into his wife without having intercourse, then the woman must undergo an iddah (if there is a divorce), the reason being that the sperm is more likely to occur than related intimate with penetration without the release of sperm, it is very necessary to know the empty womb of the woman rather than just penetration, and that is the same as having sex, so the law is the same as the law having sex in the problem of iddah, so that the child is born clear and not mixed, so that the child produced from the process is the same as the child who is born through intimate relationships, as for the limits: Iddah is required if the child who comes out is clearly descent both parents in Sharia law. Secondly, regarding inserting sperm into women who have no husband and wife relationship. It is not obligatory to do (if there is a divorce), as stipulated in Sharia law: that the Iddah is required if the child is clearly out of the parents, then the born child should not be spilled to the sperm owner, because Sharia law breaks off the line produced from adultery, except this process as adultery, although it is not sanctioned by adultery sanctions because of the syubhat (vague state) in it, as well as sperm mixed with ovum is not considered (has no legal effect) in Sharia law, the reason is that the person who commits it is sinful and makes the child born does not have a legitimate lineage to his father, when it is not considered by Sharia law it is not compulsory to do so. Iddah does not depend on the success or failure of the insemination process because the point of discussion is that the sperm enter or not into the womb of the woman.      &nbsp

    Kajian Desain Sirkulasi Ruang Dalam sebagai Sarana Evakuasi pada Kondisi Bahaya Kebakaran di Bandung Supermal dan Trans Studio Bandung

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    ABSTRAKBangunan Bandung Supermal (BSM) dan Trans Studio Bandung merupakan sebuah mall dantempat rekreasi yang mempunyai banyak pengujung setiap akhir pekan, sehingga menarik untukdikaji desain sirkulasi ruang dalam terhadap bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan komersil tersebut.Banyaknya pengunjung pada bangunan BSM dan Trans Studio perlu mendapatkan perhatian padasaat terjadi kebakaran. Bangunan ini sarat fasilitas pendukung seperti lubang pada shaft, tangga, liftdan ducting AC yang dapat memicu api merambat dengan cepat serta kemungkinan adanya humanerror. Kajian bangunan komersil ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami desain sirkulasiruang dalam yang memenuhi syarat terhadap bahaya kebakaran di bangunan BSM dan Trans Studio.Studi dilakukan melalui analisis deskriptif yaitu meliputi analisis desain sirkulasi ruang dalam,pembagian zona fungsi, bentuk dan besaran jalur evakuasi, alat pengamanan kebakaran, sertaperletakan alat-alat tersebut di dalam bangunan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa gunamengurangi korban jiwa pada saat terjadi kebakaran perlu mempertimbangkan bentuk desainsirkulasi ruang di dalamnya, serta memperhatikan terhadap syarat koridor buntu, jarak tangga,jarak tempuh, kelengkapan alat pengaman pada jalur evakuasi seperti sprinkler, hydrant, fireextinguisher, smoke detector, smoke fan dan signage (tanda), dengan sarana evakuasi pada kondisibahaya kebakaran, guna mengevakuasi pengunjung dalam waktu yang sangat singkat. Hasilpenelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan pembelajaran dalam perancangan sirkulasi ruangdalam bagi penghuni pada sebuah bangunan pusat perbelanjaan dan rekreasi.Kata kunci : sirkulasi, ruang dalam, evakuasi, komersil

    Does Varicocele Repair Improve Conventional Semen Parameters? A Meta-Analytic Study of Before-After Data

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    Purpose: The purpose of this meta-analysis is to study the impact of varicocele repair in the largest cohort of infertile males with clinical varicocele by including all available studies, with no language restrictions, comparing intra-person conventional semen parameters before and after the repair of varicoceles. Materials and Methods: The meta-analysis was performed according to PRISMA-P and MOOSE guidelines. A systematic search was performed in Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane, and Embase databases. Eligible studies were selected according to the PICOS model (Population: infertile male patients with clinical varicocele; Intervention: varicocele repair; Comparison: intra-person before-after varicocele repair; Outcome: conventional semen parameters; Study type: randomized controlled trials [RCTs], observational and case-control studies). Results: Out of 1,632 screened abstracts, 351 articles (23 RCTs, 292 observational, and 36 case-control studies) were includ-ed in the quantitative analysis. The before-and-after analysis showed significant improvements in all semen parameters after varicocele repair (except sperm vitality); semen volume: standardized mean difference (SMD) 0.203, 95% CI: 0.129-0.278; p<0.001; I2=83.62%, Egger's p=0.3329; sperm concentration: SMD 1.590, 95% CI: 1.474-1.706; p<0.001; I2=97.86%, Egger's p<0.0001; total sperm count: SMD 1.824, 95% CI: 1.526-2.121; p<0.001; I2=97.88%, Egger's p=0.0063; total motile sperm count: SMD 1.643, 95% CI: 1.318-1.968; p<0.001; I2=98.65%, Egger's p=0.0003; progressive sperm motil-ity: SMD 1.845, 95% CI: 1.537%-2.153%; p<0.001; I2=98.97%, Egger's p<0.0001; total sperm motility: SMD 1.613, 95% CI 1.467%-1.759%; p<0.001; l2=97.98%, Egger's p<0.001; sperm morphology: SMD 1.066, 95% CI 0.992%-1.211%; p<0.001; I2=97.87%, Egger's p=0.1864. Conclusions: The current meta-analysis is the largest to date using paired analysis on varicocele patients. In the current meta-analysis, almost all conventional semen parameters improved significantly following varicocele repair in infertile patients with clinical varicocele

    Does Varicocele Repair Improve Conventional Semen Parameters? A Meta-Analytic Study of Before-After Data

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this meta-analysis is to study the impact of varicocele repair in the largest cohort of infertile males with clinical varicocele by including all available studies, with no language restrictions, comparing intra-person conventional semen parameters before and after the repair of varicoceles. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The meta-analysis was performed according to PRISMA-P and MOOSE guidelines. A systematic search was performed in Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane, and Embase databases. Eligible studies were selected according to the PICOS model (Population: infertile male patients with clinical varicocele; Intervention: varicocele repair; Comparison: intra-person before-after varicocele repair; Outcome: conventional semen parameters; Study type: randomized controlled trials [RCTs], observational and case-control studies). RESULTS: Out of 1,632 screened abstracts, 351 articles (23 RCTs, 292 observational, and 36 case-control studies) were included in the quantitative analysis. The before-and-after analysis showed significant improvements in all semen parameters after varicocele repair (except sperm vitality); semen volume: standardized mean difference (SMD) 0.203, 95% CI: 0.129-0.278; p\u3c0.001; I²=83.62%, Egger\u27s p=0.3329; sperm concentration: SMD 1.590, 95% CI: 1.474-1.706; p\u3c0.001; I²=97.86%, Egger\u27s p\u3c0.0001; total sperm count: SMD 1.824, 95% CI: 1.526-2.121; p\u3c0.001; I²=97.88%, Egger\u27s p=0.0063; total motile sperm count: SMD 1.643, 95% CI: 1.318-1.968; p\u3c0.001; I²=98.65%, Egger\u27s p=0.0003; progressive sperm motility: SMD 1.845, 95% CI: 1.537%-2.153%; p\u3c0.001; I²=98.97%, Egger\u27s p\u3c0.0001; total sperm motility: SMD 1.613, 95% CI 1.467%-1.759%; p\u3c0.001; l2=97.98%, Egger\u27s p\u3c0.001; sperm morphology: SMD 1.066, 95% CI 0.992%-1.211%; p\u3c0.001; I²=97.87%, Egger\u27s p=0.1864. CONCLUSIONS: The current meta-analysis is the largest to date using paired analysis on varicocele patients. In the current meta-analysis, almost all conventional semen parameters improved significantly following varicocele repair in infertile patients with clinical varicocele

    Does Varicocele Repair Improve Conventional Semen Parameters? A Meta-Analytic Study of Before-After Data

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    International audiencePurpose: The purpose of this meta-analysis is to study the impact of varicocele repair in the largest cohort of infertile males with clinical varicocele by including all available studies, with no language restrictions, comparing intra-person conventional semen parameters before and after the repair of varicoceles.Materials and methods: The meta-analysis was performed according to PRISMA-P and MOOSE guidelines. A systematic search was performed in Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane, and Embase databases. Eligible studies were selected according to the PICOS model (Population: infertile male patients with clinical varicocele; Intervention: varicocele repair; Comparison: intra-person before-after varicocele repair; Outcome: conventional semen parameters; Study type: randomized controlled trials [RCTs], observational and case-control studies).Results: Out of 1,632 screened abstracts, 351 articles (23 RCTs, 292 observational, and 36 case-control studies) were included in the quantitative analysis. The before-and-after analysis showed significant improvements in all semen parameters after varicocele repair (except sperm vitality); semen volume: standardized mean difference (SMD) 0.203, 95% CI: 0.129-0.278; p<0.001; I²=83.62%, Egger's p=0.3329; sperm concentration: SMD 1.590, 95% CI: 1.474-1.706; p<0.001; I²=97.86%, Egger's p<0.0001; total sperm count: SMD 1.824, 95% CI: 1.526-2.121; p<0.001; I²=97.88%, Egger's p=0.0063; total motile sperm count: SMD 1.643, 95% CI: 1.318-1.968; p<0.001; I²=98.65%, Egger's p=0.0003; progressive sperm motility: SMD 1.845, 95% CI: 1.537%-2.153%; p<0.001; I²=98.97%, Egger's p<0.0001; total sperm motility: SMD 1.613, 95% CI 1.467%-1.759%; p<0.001; l2=97.98%, Egger's p<0.001; sperm morphology: SMD 1.066, 95% CI 0.992%-1.211%; p<0.001; I²=97.87%, Egger's p=0.1864.Conclusions: The current meta-analysis is the largest to date using paired analysis on varicocele patients. In the current meta-analysis, almost all conventional semen parameters improved significantly following varicocele repair in infertile patients with clinical varicocele