260 research outputs found

    Sea surface temperature contributes to marine crocodylomorph evolution

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    During the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, four distinct crocodylomorph lineages colonized the marine environment. They were conspicuously absent from high latitudes, which in the Mesozoic were occupied by warm-blooded ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs. Despite a relatively well-constrained stratigraphic distribution, the varying diversities of marine crocodylomorphs are poorly understood, because their extinctions neither coincided with any major biological crises nor with the advent of potential competitors. Here we test the potential link between their evolutionary history in terms of taxic diversity and two abiotic factors, sea level variations and sea surface temperatures (SST). Excluding Metriorhynchoidea, which may have had a peculiar ecology, significant correlations obtained between generic diversity and estimated Tethyan SST suggest that water temperature was a driver of marine crocodylomorph diversity. Being most probably ectothermic reptiles, these lineages colonized the marine realm and diversified during warm periods, then declined or became extinct during cold intervals

    Dinosaur Fossils Predict Body Temperatures

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    Perhaps the greatest mystery surrounding dinosaurs concerns whether they were endotherms, ectotherms, or some unique intermediate form. Here we present a model that yields estimates of dinosaur body temperature based on ontogenetic growth trajectories obtained from fossil bones. The model predicts that dinosaur body temperatures increased with body mass from approximately 25 °C at 12 kg to approximately 41 °C at 13,000 kg. The model also successfully predicts observed increases in body temperature with body mass for extant crocodiles. These results provide direct evidence that dinosaurs were reptiles that exhibited inertial homeothermy

    Multi-isotopic analysis reveals the early stem turtle Odontochelys as a nearshore herbivorous forager

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    IntroductionAfter decades of debate on the origin of turtles, it is now widely accepted that they are diapsid reptiles originating in the Permian from a terrestrial ancestor. It seems that the initial development of the structures that will later form the unique turtle bony shell took place as a response to a fossorial lifestyle. However, the earliest stem turtle with a fully complete plastron, Odontochelys semitestacea from the Late Triassic (lower Carnian) of China, is somewhat controversially interpreted as an aquatic or even a marine form, raising the question of the environment in which the completion of the plastron happened.MethodsHere, we analyzed the stable carbon, oxygen and sulfur isotope compositions (ÎŽ13C, ÎŽ18O and ÎŽ34S) of bones from two specimens of Odontochelys along with bones and teeth of two associated specimens of the marine ichthyosaur Guizhouichthyosaurus tangae.Results and discussionWe first show that ÎŽ18O values of Odontochelys are incompatible with a terrestrial lifestyle and imply a semi-aquatic to aquatic lifestyle. Isotopic results also demonstrate that the aquatic environment of Odontochelys was submitted to a strong marine influence, therefore excluding the possibility of a strict freshwater aquatic environment. Additionally, an unusual carbon isotope composition shows that O. semitestacea was herbivorous, probably consuming macrophytic algae in coastal zones like the extant green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) or the marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) do

    Climate and Diet Evolution During Ancient Egypt

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    The Egyptian civilization arose and developed during the Predynastic period (7300 to 5000 years before present or BP e.g. before 1950), synchronous with a large scale climatic event, the end of the African Humid Period. The decrease in the amount of precipitation associated with this climate change could have started earlier in Ethiopia (maybe as soon as 8000 BP), while other regions of tropical and subtropical Africa were affected between 6000 and 5000 BP. Several sources point to a maximum of aridity around 5200 BP. This event could have contributed to the concentration of population inside the Nile valley, and thus to the rise of the Egyptian civilization. After this event, the climate became generally arid but unstable, switching between aridity peaks (in particular at 4000 BP) and relative wetter conditions. Lastly, after 1500 BP, the amount of rainfall became very low but steady. Consequently, the climatic fluctuations could also have affected Egypt during the dynastic period (5000 to 2000 BP). Here, oxygen isotope composition (delta O-18 value) of phosphate was measured in bone and enamel of Egyptian mummies in order to track climate evolution between 5500 and 1500 BP. The delta O-18 values of mineralized tissues reflect the isotopic composition of the drinking water of studied individuals, i.e. the water from the Nile River for Egyptians. Estimated delta O-18 values of the past Nile river water increased at the end of the studied period. This marks a decrease in the amount of precipitation or an increase in local temperatures at the two source regions of the river, namely Ethiopia and the Equatorial Lake Plateau. These results confirm that the drying trend continued during the dynastic period and question its effect on the Egyptian prosperity

    [delta]18 O de l'apatite de vertébrés continentaux du Crétacé (implications paléoclimatiques et thermophysiologiques)

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    Ce travail s inscrit dans l optique globale de recherche et d Ă©tablissement d un indicateur palĂ©oclimatique terrestre pour le MĂ©sozoĂŻque Ă  partir de l enregistrement isotopique des faunes de reptiles. L Ă©tude proprement dite s est concentrĂ©e exclusivement sur l isolation des signaux thermomĂ©triques enregistrĂ©s dans la composition isotopique de l oxygĂšne (18O) des groupements phosphates contenus dans les bioapatites des dinosaures. La mĂ©connaissance de leur statut mĂ©tabolique, ainsi que la disparition brutale de l essentiel du groupe Ă  la fin du CrĂ©tacĂ© nous a toutefois contraints Ă  comparer leur enregistrement isotopique avec celui des chĂ©loniens et crocodiliens associĂ©s, reptiles encore reprĂ©sentĂ©s actuellement. Une Ă©quation de fractionnement phosphate eau a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie pour les crocodiles actuels et sa similitude avec celle dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tablie pour les tortues aquatiques indique un fractionnement isotopique comparable chez ces deux reptiles. Des mesures rĂ©alisĂ©es sur les restes dentaires de divers taxons de dinosaures crĂ©tacĂ©s ainsi que sur les restes de crocodiles et tortues associĂ©es montrent une diffĂ©rence significative entre ces deux groupes, diffĂ©rence observĂ©e actuellement entre les mammifĂšres (endothermes) et les reptiles (ectothermes). InterprĂ©tĂ©es en termes d Ă©carts de tempĂ©ratures, ces diffĂ©rences suggĂšrent que les dinosaures Ă©taient endothermes et conservaient une tempĂ©rature constante de l ordre de 37C quelle que soient celles de leur environnement. A partir de ces mĂȘmes mesures, un gradient latitudinal de tempĂ©ratures moyennes de l air a Ă©tĂ© calculĂ© pour l intervalle Campanien supĂ©rieur Maastrichtien moyen. Ce gradient est relativement faible (0,4/Lat.) mais suggĂšre l existence de glaces aux pĂŽles. Il est par ailleurs en bon accord avec les estimations dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ©es. La validitĂ© de cette mĂ©thode ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour l Ă©tude des climats antĂ©rieurs au CrĂ©tacĂ© terminal, ainsi que pour l approche de la thermophysiologie des vertĂ©brĂ©s terrestres plus anciens.LYON1-BU.Sciences (692662101) / SudocLYON1 - UFR Sciences de la terre (692662208) / SudocSudocFranceF
