113 research outputs found


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    Tantangan penyediaan pangan semakin hari semakin berat, degradasi lahan dan lingkungan, baik oleh ulah manusia maupun gangguan alam, semakin meningkat terbatasnya ketersediaan air pada lahan kering yang merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam peningkatan produksi tanaman, olehnya itu tindakan konservasi air sangat dibutuhkan untuk keberlanjutan penyediaan air terutama bagi lahan kering sehingga keberlanjutan pangan akan terus bisa berdaulat. Upaya konservasi air memerlukan komitmen dari semua pihak terhadap isu keberlanjutan air. Apabila memanen air hujan dipraktekkan secara berkesinambungan akan dapat membantu memelihara keberlanjutan air dan keberlanjutan lingkungan sebagai pendukung perikehidupan generasi sekarang dan yang akan datang. Tujuan dari program PkM adalah memberikan pengetahuan kepada petani di wilayah mitra tentang bagimana mengelola air hujan dengan menampung air hujan yang berlebih saat musim hujan (panen hujan) serta pengetahuan bagaimana membuat beberapa model irigasi yang sederhana yang bisa diterapkan saat musim kemarau sehingga efisiensi penggunaan air bisa tercapai, mengingat jumlah air saat musim kemarau sangat terbatas. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan Ipteks tersebut adalah dengan metode penyuluhan dan bimbingan teknologi. Hasil kegiatan PkM adalah masyarakat jadi mengetahui tentang cara memanen air hujan dan membuat irigasi sederhana (genangan dan saluran), dan masyarakat disana sudah sadar dan memahami akan pentingnya memanen/menampung air hujan disaat musim hujan yang nantinya nanti air tampungan tersebut bisa dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan. Kata kunci: Kedelai, Panen hujan, Metode irigasi genangan, Metode irigasi saluran. ABSTRACT The challenge in providing food is getting harder, which caused by land and environment degradation due to the increasement of intensity human and nature behaviour. Fertile lands for agriculture are shifting significantly for non-agriculture purposes. As a consequence, the cultivitation activities move to critical lands (dry land), which require high input and quite expensive to produce food products. Effort to conserve water requires commitment from all party towards the water sustainability issue. If rainwater harvesting is practiced on an ongoing basis, it will be able to help maintain water sustainability and environmental sustainability as a support for the livelihoods of present and future generations. The aim of the community service program is to provide knowledge to farmers in partner areas about how to manage rainwater by accommodating excess rainwater during the rainy season (rain harvesting) as well as to educate them on how to make some simple irrigation models that can be applied during the dry season so that water use efficiency can be achieved, considering the amount of water during the dry season is very limited. The approach method used in the implementation of the science and technology is the counseling method and technology guidance. The results of the community service activity are to make the community aware how to ripe water from the rain and build a simple irrigation (inundation and canal). In addition, the targeted community have awared and known the cruciality of containing the rain water which will be used later for various needs. Keywords: Soybean, rain harvest, inundated irrigation method, and canal irrigation method

    Peaceful Da’wah and Religious Conflicts in Contemporary Indonesia

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    At least there are two trends in contemporary da'wah challenges; First, the tendency of some Preachers to be extreme and strict in understanding religious notions (da'wa ethics) and trying to force these ways in delivering da'wah. Second, other tendencies are permissive acts to religious practices and accommodating negative attitudes and thoughts that came from pop culture and modern life. Both of these trends can be observed from the Al-Qur‘an statement about al-guluww fi al-din (excessive attitudes in religion) in Q.S. al-Ma'idah / 5: 77. In a more specific aspect, it can be observed that the university curriculum at the Da'wah Faculties of Indonesian Islamic Universities is still lacking in emphasizing the aspect of peaceful da'wah, especially in the Indonesian perspective. The ideal Da’i (Islamic Preachers) insight is at least not only on normative theological aspects but requires other insights such as world view, human rights, cultural insights and local traditions

    Service Strategy of PT. Zakiah Dina Tayyibah on Prospective Umrah and Pilgrims: Analysis of Islamic Business Ethics

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    One of the Hajj and Umrah travel that develops in Parepare City is PT. Zakiah Dina Tayyibah, which has been operating since 2008 and in 2014, has obtained a permit for organizing Umrah Worship Tourists (PPIU) from the Ministry of Religion. This Study discusses the form of guidance, the form of service, and the form of protection of the umrah pilgrims at PT. Zakiah In Tayyibah. This type of research is an empirical study using descriptive qualitative. The primary data sources in this study are the Directors, employees and members of PT. Zakiah In Tayyibah. While secondary data are scientific books and journals. The results of this study are the form of coaching conducted by PT. Zakiah Dina Tayyibah is good enough, that is by giving manasik guidance to prospective pilgrims who will depart; the form of service of PT. Zakiah Dina Tayyibah is good enough by paying attention to reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible to the prospective Jamaat who will go to worship to the holy land; the form of protection provided by PT. Zakiah Dina Tayyibah to the congregation is to provide insurance in the form of cooperation with the insurance company ADIRA. In the application of the three leading sectors above at PT. Zakiah Dina Tayyibah has fulfilled the elements of Islamic business ethics namely justice, honesty, trustworthiness and transparency


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    Language is not as a communication tool, but also as a tool for human to think in an effort to understand the world. The use of language in people's lives is a part that is reflected as a result of culture including the culture of communication. Regarding the relationship between language and gender is never separated from cultural factors, because there are factors that cause the division of roles based on sex, because a language contains concepts, terms, and symbols that indicate appropriate behavior for men and women. This treatment is different due to social behavior and appears in language symbols. Gender in people's lives gives their respective roles, as cultural ideas that define different roles in both the public and domestic spheres. The view of the universalism of dichotomy between men and women originating from nature and culture, as well as differences in domestic and public roles has been aborted by ethnographic evidences, and at the same time opened up new facts that the dichotomy between men and women is relative


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    Constraints in meeting nutritional needs will bring a variety of impacts on child growth including Stunting. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors for stunting in kindergarten in Borong Pa'la'la Village, Pattallassang District, Gowa Regency. The aim of this study to identify the relationship between risk factors (family socioeconomic, nutritional status, history of infectious diseases, and exclusive breastfeeding) with the incidence of stunting in kindergarten children in Borong Pa’lala, Pattalassang District, Gowa Regency 2018. This research is a quantitative research using survey / census design. The population of this study was kindergarten students in the village of Borong Pa'la'la, Pattalassang Subdistrict, Gowa Regency. With the Total Sampling method , the total sample of this study was 30 people. To find out the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables Chi-square test was used . To see the dominant variables affecting stunting, the Logistic Regression test was used. The results showed that children with low socio-economic risk had a 13.714- times risk of stunting compared to children with sufficient family socio-economic (PR 13.714), children with poor nutritional status had a risk of 4.359 times stunting compared to children with good nutritional status (PR 4,359), children who have a history of infectious diseases have a risk of 10,500 times experiencing stunting compared to children who have no history of infectious disease (PR 10,500) and children who do not have a history of exclusive breastfeeding have a risk of 1,829 times experiencing stunting compared to children who have an exclusive breastfeeding history (PR 1,829) . Suggestions for the research provided are the need to provide health information through continuous and continuous counseling about the importance of fulfilling the nutrition of infants / toddlers / children, environmental sanitation and food hygiene in an effort to prevent stunting and take action to improve nutrition in dealing with stunting children Keywords : Stunting, Risk Factors, Kindergarte

    Kontribusi AGH Ambo Dalle dalam Penyebaran Syiar Islam di Kaballangan Kab. Pinrang

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    Secara Umum,Perkembangan Agama Islam di Sulawesi Selatan tidak lepas dari sepak terjang tokoh dan Ulama dalam Menyebarkan nilai-nilai Ajaran Islam. Salah satunya adalah AGH Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle yang memiliki Peran Penting dalam Mengembangkan Syiar Islam Khususnya di Desa Kaballangan Kab.Pinrang Pada Tahun 1978-1996. Adapun sub masalahnya: 1) Bagaimana biografi AGH Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle, 2) Bagaimana Metode Dakwah yang digunakan AGH Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle di Kaballangan Kab.Pinrang Tahun 1978-1996, 3) Bagaimana Peran AGH Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle dalam Mengembangkan Syiar Islam di Kaballangan Kab.Pinrang Tahun 1978-1996. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat mengenai biografi AGH Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle, dan adapun metode dakwah  yang dilakukan serta peran beliau dalam mengembangkan Syiar Islam di Kaballangan Kab.Pinrang. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deksriktif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Peneliti juga menggunakan empat pendekatan peneltian yaitu: (1) pendekatan sejarah, (2) pendekatan Antropologi, (3) pendekatan Sosiologis, (4) pendekatan Agama. Adapun teknik analis data melalui tahapan heuristik, tahapan verifikasi, tahapan Interpretasi, dari tahapan Historiografi. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa metode dakwah yang digunakan AGH Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle dalam menyebarkan syiar Islam antara lain adalah dengan menggunakan beberapa metode, seperti (1) Metode Al-Hikma, (2) Metode Al-Mau’idhah al-Hasanah, dan (3) Metode bi al-bi al-lah Lati hiya ahsan. AGH. Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam penyiaran agama Islam pada tahun 1978-1996 di Kaballangan. Keberhasilan AGH. Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle dalam melakulan syiar Islam di Kaballangan baik di bidang pendidikan, dakwah maupun usaha sosial. Dalam dunia pendidikan dibuktikan dengan adanya pesantren yang didirikan, sedangkan dalam bidang dakwah AGH

    Peningkatan Minat Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Penerapan Model Project Based Learning Pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas VIII.2 SMP Negeri 2 Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang

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    This study aims to improve student learning in Islamic Religious Education learning through the application of the Project Based Learning (PBL) class VIII.2 model of Junior High School 2 Suppa Pinrang Regency The variable that is the target of this research change is interest in learning. While the action variables used in this study are Project Based learning models. This type of research is classroom action research. The data collection techniques used are observation and documentation. In addition, the data analysis technique using descriptive statistics. The results showed an increase in students’ learning interest from cycle I to cycle II had increased with an average score of 5,52. The improvement starts from the pre-cycle of 2,24 and then the Project Based Learning (PBL) model is implemented through the first cycle, increasing to 3,34 and continued in the second cycle, with a significand increase of 5,52. Thus, a recommendation can be submitted on the aplication of the Project Based Learning (PBL) model to increase students’ learning interest in learning Islamic Education Class VIII.2 junior high school 2 Suppa Pinrang Regency 2018/2019 Academic Year.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam melalui penerapan model Project Based Learning kelas VIII.2 SMP Negeri 2 Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang. Variabel yang menjadi sasaran perubahan dalam penelitian ini adalah minat belajar. Sedangkan variabel tindakan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Project Based Learning. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Adapun tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi/pengamatan dan dokumentasi. Selain itu, tehnik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan minat belajar peserta didik dari siklus I ke siklus II mengalami peningkatan dengan rata-rata skor perolehan 5,52. Peningkatan ini berawal dari pra-siklus yaitu 2,24 kemudian diterapkan model Project Based Learning melalui siklus I, meningkat menjadi 3,34 dan dilanjutkan pada siklus II, dengan peningkatan yang signifikan yaitu 5,52. Dengan demikian, dapat diajukan suatu rekomendasi bahwa penerapan model Project Based Learning dapat meningkat minat belajar peserta didik pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam kelas VIII.2 SMP Negeri 2 Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019


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    Abstrak: Kawasan Lauleng yang berada di Kota Parepare sejak dulu dikenal sebagai pemukiman penderita Kusta. Mayoritas mayarakat yang hidup diwilayah ini merupakan masyarakat miskin dengan situasi perumahan dan pemukiman rata-rata belum memenuhi kriteria kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun dokumen Rencana Jangka Menengah Pengembangan Masyarakat Kawasan Sehat yang dimulai dengan melakukan kajian terhadap fenomena sosial kemiskinan masyarakat dan hasilnya menjadi referensi untuk ditindaklanjuti oleh pemerintah daerah, swasta dan akademisi melalui kegiatan advokasi dan desiminasi. Harapannya adalah terjadi rencana aksi secara terpadu yang pro poor dan pro budget. Kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan tehnik Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) dengan pendekatan partisipatif pada masyarakat dikawasan Lauleng yang berjumlah 203 kepala keluarga. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah berhasil memetakan permasalahan yang ada di Kawasan Lauleng serta menyusun skenario pengembangan kawasan sehat terpadu. Hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan menggunakan Key Peformance Indicator (KPI) terhadap realisasi program menunjukkan 8% program yang terealisasi sesuai Dokumen Strategi Perencanaan Jangka Menengah.Abstract: Lauleng area which is located in Parepare City has always been known as a settlement for people with leprosy. The majority of the people who live in this area are poor people with average housing and settlement situations that do not meet health criteria. This community service activity aims to compile a Medium-Term Development Plan for Communities in Healthy Areas which begins with conducting a study of the social phenomenon of community poverty and the results become a reference for follow-up by local governments, the private sector and academics through advocacy and outreach activities. The hope is that there will be an integrated action plan that is pro-poor and pro-budget. This service activity uses the Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) technique with a participatory approach to the community in the Lauleng area totaling 203 heads of households. This service activity has succeeded in mapping the problems that exist in the Lauleng area and developing scenarios for the development of an integrated healthy area. To realize this scenario, continuous assistance and advocacy is needed at the Government, and private/CSR levels. At the community level, the ongoing assistance needed is education and counseling. The results of the evaluation carried out using the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) on program realization showed that 8% of the programs were realized according to the Medium Term Planning Strategy Document

    Implementasi Aplikasi Berbasis Android Pengembangan Ide Resep Makanan dan Minuman Pada Restoran

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    Abstract – This study aims to design and implement an android-based application for the development of food and beverage recipe ideas. Data collection techniques in this study are observation and interviews. The test model that will be carried out in this study is Black Box testing. System modeling using Unifield Modeling Language (UML) The results of testing an android-based application for the development of cooking and beverage ideas in restaurants and tests carried out using this application restaurant owners can develop recipes where they receive recipe ideas from visitors and can easily see the sales that occur in restaurants and can assist chefs in implementing recipes given by visitors so as to increase the number of food menus in the restaurant. Keywords  - Android, Applications, Food, Beverages, Restaurants Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan aplikasi berbasis android pengembangan ide Resep makanan dan minuman. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi dan wawancara. Model pengujian yang akan dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengujian Black Box. Pemodelan sistem dangan Unifield Modeling Language (UML)  Hasil pengujian implementasi aplikasi berbasis android untuk pengembangan ide masakan dan minuman pada restoran serta pengujian yang dilakukan penggunaan aplikasi ini pemilik restoran dapat mengembangkan resep masakan dimana menerima ide resep masakan dari pengunjung dan dapat dengan mudah melihat penjualan yang terjadi di restoran serta dapat membantu koki dalam mengimplemetasi resep yang telah diberikan oleh pengunjung sehingga menambah jumlah menu makanan yang ada direstoran. Kata Kunci – Android, Aplikasi, Makanan, Minuman, Restora

    Faktor Yang Berhubungan dengan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Pada Bayi

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    Breast milk is breast milk, one of the foods that cover all elements of the baby's physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs at the beginning of the baby's life. The study aims to determine the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding. This type of quantitative research uses analytical surveys with cross-sectional methods. The sample size in this study was 42 respondents who fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results showed that there is a relationship between knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding with a value of p = 0.016, there is a relationship between education and exclusive breastfeeding with a value of p = 0.030, there is a relationship between work and exclusive breastfeeding with a value of p = 0.000 there is a relationship between motivation and exclusive breastfeeding with a value of p = 0.032 this shows that the value of p < α = 0.05. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge, education, work, and motivation with exclusive breastfeeding. Suggestions for mothers who are breastfeeding can increase awareness to provide exclusive breastfeeding to their babies considering the role and function of breast milk from various aspects, such as aspects of maternal immunity and health, and working mothers are expected to pay more attention to exclusive breastfeeding to their babies, this is so that babies can meet the nutritional needs and growth of infant development Mothers with higher and low education must continue to breastfeed their babies and stay motivated to find out the nutritional needs of infants
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