112 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Akhlak Anak Usia Dini (5-6 Tahun) Melalui Pembelajaran Tematik Berbantuan Media Audiovisual Di Paud Al-kamal Laut Dendang

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    This classroom action research conducted to determine the moral improvement of early childhood (5-6 years) through thematic learning aided audiovisual media. The research location is Al-Kamal school of early childhood of Education Foundation Al-Kamal Laut Dendang. While the subject of this research is the B group students that consist of 20 students.The method that was used in this research is qualitative method with a classroom action research (PTK) model. The actions carried out in three cycles. Each cycle consists of several stages: planning, action, observation and reflection. Data collected through test instruments, observation sheet and documentation. The data that have been obtained was analyzed descriptively with the steps: data Reduce, presented the data and appealing conclusions.The results of this study indicate that the child's knowledge of Morals at pre-action to cycle one from 15 people got BM categoris with a value of 2.39 (less than 60%), and MM categories of 5 people with a value of 2.60 (60-69).Reduced to 9 people who received BM categories increased to be 11 people MM categories. Morals knowledge of children in cycle 2 to cycle 3 from 7 people got BM categories with 2.39 value (less than 60%) and amounted to be 8 people got MM categories with 2.60 value (60-69).The next category of BSH amounted to 5 people with 2.80 value (70-79), increased to 5 people who got BSH category, and BSB 15 with 3:20 value (80-100).Morals of children's skills from pre-action to cycle 1 of 11 people got BM categories with 2.39 value (less than 60%) and MM 9 people with 2.60 value (60-69).. Reduced to 5 people who received BM categories and MM category increased to 15 people with 2.60 value (60-69).Morals skills of children in cycle 2 to cycle 3, 4 people got BM categories with 2.39 value (less than 60%), and amounted 7 people MM categories with 2.60 value (60-69), who got the next BSH category amounted to 9 people. Increased to 3 people who got BSH category with 2.80 value (70-79), and 17 people who got BSB categories with 3.20 value (80-100).The response of the children on the knowledge and skills of the character in the pre-action to cycle 1 is good enough, because the children have started to understand the character's behavior.Furthermore, the response of moral knowledge and skills of the children from cycle 2 to cycle 3 good and fun because the children already understand the behavior of good character. Therefore, the children are motivated to do a good moral behavior in the classroom and out of the classroom

    Analisis Disparitas Pendapatan Antar Wilayah di Provinsi Jambi (Pendekatan Entropy Theil Indeks)

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    This research aims to know the economic growth of the kabupaten/kota in Jambi province and to find out the economic gaps between areas in Jambi province by using the index and the Theil Entropy model using data GDP as well as the total population of the year 2011 till the year 2015. The results obtained on a regional basis the rate of development of GDP experienced a fluctuation of the years 2011 to 2015 average of 6.79%. During the period that shows the rate of economic growth was the highest average of Sarolangun Regency 7.43%. Theil Entropy of the approach over a period of years 2011 to 2015 year average index of inequalities between different areas in Jambi province is 0.426 this value indicates the index of the gap

    Bilangan Peroksida Minyak Goreng Curah Dan Sifat Organoleptik Tempe Pada Pengulangan Penggorengan

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    The reactions that occur during the frying oil will damage the stability and the fried ingredients. The objective of research in general is to determine the effect of frying on the number of repeated frying to peroxide value, organoleptic characteristic of tempe and cooking oil. Design research using Complete Random Design (CRD) 2 repetition one factor that is repeated frying (1, 5, 10, 15, and 20). Variable in this research is bulk cooking oil and tempe. Chemical analysis consisted of the determination of water content of tempe (oven method) and the number of bulk cooking oil peroxides (AOCS Cd 8-53). The Data are then analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANAVA) with further test LSD (Least Significant Difference). The more repeated frying peroxide number is increasing. Color and aroma becomes less good tempe and cooking oil with repeated frying

    Potensi Campuran Kecambah Beras Coklat Dan Kecambah Kedelai Sebagai Minuman Fungsional Tinggi Serat Dan Protein (Potential for Mixed Brown Rice Sprouts and Soybean Sprouts as Fuctional Beverage High Fiber and Protein)

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    Brown rice sprouts and soybean sprouts potential as a functional beverage ingredients. This study aims to measure the levels of protein and fiber beverage from a mixture of brown rice sprouts and soybean sprouts, and knowing the nature organoletiknya. The materials used are brown rice, local soybean, spices and sugar. The experimental design in this study was completely randomized design with sprouted flour concentration factor with three replicates. The highest protein content in the treatment of mixing flour and sprouted brown rice seedling soybean: 10:90% as much as 35.20 g% is the lowest protein content in the treatment of 50:50% as much as 18.87 g%. The highest fiber content in the treatment of 30:70% as much as 0:35 g%, while the lowest levels in the treatment of 50%: 50% as much as 0.027 g%. Rendement sprouted brown rice flour as much as 80% and 67% soybean sprout flour. Organoletik score highest on treatment E: 50:50%. Statistical analysis showed no treatment effect on protein content, and organoleptic, but did not affect the fiber content

    Perencanaan Program Penyuluhan Perikanan di Desa Anturan, Buleleng, Bali

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    Program planning Is a crucial thing to be designed in order to provide a basic foundation for running an activity and to assess the progress of the job. A well designed program planning will play an Important role In providing a framework to the Implementation stage of the program. Extension as a non formal education conducted In the fisheries communities has an objective to help people to help themselves In terms of Improvement of the quality of life including better livelihoods, better business and better social environment. To achieve this objective, It Is clear that a strategic planning for the Improvement community should be established. People work with the community, such as extension workers, lecturers, researchers, trainers and non govermental organisation should have a holistic view about how should a program planning be constructed to face and to solve the complex Issue of fisheries community development

    Membangun Komunikasi Efektif Antara Pendidik Dengan Peserta Didik Dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Teacher who able to effective communication with student, of course they will optimize the effectiveness of their job gives instruction to the student become the faithful man. Al-Qur\u27an and Al-hadith as the guidance of human discusses clearly how to make effective communication. Effective communication is communication which is use good language both of verbal and nonverbal appropriate with the situation and condition so the purpose of communication will be achieved. Model of Teacher Communication that explain in Al-Qur\u27an are: 1) Qaulan Balighan: the model of teacher communication to touch cognitive and affective aspect of student, 2) Qaulan layyinan: flxible communication model of teacher for student who have bad character, 3) Qaulan Ma\u27rufa: the model of teacher communication with student as their parents, 4) Qaulan Maisuran: the model of teacher communication who has been unable to fulfil the demand of students who fid diffiulty, 5) Qaulan Karima: model of teacher communication with someone who are older or higher status, 6) Qaulan Sadida: model of teachercommunication remind the students emphatically. Prophet Muhammad SAW as the teacher has good communication therefore acceptable by His Ummah and followed all his deeds and says. The best teachers are teachers who areable to provide the best educational method which is able to communicate with the students using best way of communication

    Pengaruh Latihan Nafas dalam terhadap Konsentrasi Oksigen Darah di Perifer pada Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru

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    Tuberkulosis merupakan masalah kesehatan di dunia,terutama di negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia.Tuberkulosis paru merupakan penyebab kematian nomor tiga setelah penyakit jantung dan saluran pernafasan dan nomor satu dari penyakit golongan infeksi.Pada penderita tuberkulosis paru terjadi pengurangan jumlah jaringan paru fungsional yang menyebabkan penurunan kapasitas paru dan kapasitas pernafasan,penurunan difusi paru dan kelainan rasio ventilasi-perfusi.Latihan nafas dalam dirancang untuk meningkatkan compliance paru dan ventilasi alveoli yang berdampak meningkatkan konsentrasi oksigen yang didistribusikan melalui darah ke seluruh jaringan tubuh.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh latihan nafas dalam terhadap konsentrasi oksigen darah di perifer pada penderita tuberkulosis paru.Penelitian menggunakan disain quasi eksperimen.Lokasi penelitian adalah RSAU dr. M. Salamun dengan  jumlah sampel  sebanyak 20 orang dan pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara consecutive sampling.Konsentrasi oksigen darah diukur dengan menggunakan oksimetri.Analisa data secara univariat dengan nilai rata-rata dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji T tes.Berdasarkan hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa latihan nafas dalam berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi oksigen darah di perifer dengan nilai p = 0,000 pada α = 0.05.Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh latihan nafas dalam terhadap konsentrasi oksigen darah di perifer pada penderita tuberkulosis paru.Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi masukan bagi rumah sakit untuk menjadikan latihan nafas dalam sebagai standar operasional prosedur dalam  perawatan penderita tuberkulosis paru

    Validasi Metode Analisis Cemaran DNA Babi Pada Bakso Sapi Menggunakan Primer Mitokondria D-Loop22 Dengan Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Analysis Method Validation of Pig DNA Contamination in Cow Meatballs Using Mitochondrial Primer D-Loop22 by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Method

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    The frequency of non-halal ingredient mixing, such as porkin on the food processed products of meatballs, has become an issue to the public, especially for moslems. Therefore, a reliable and valid method with high sensitivity is needed to specifically detect the pig contamination. This research aims to obtain a valid and reliable method by proposing polymerase chain reaction (PCR)  using mitochondrial D-Loop22 primer as a method in handing halal food authentication. The sample consisted of beef as a negative control, pork and pork meatballs as a positivecontrol, and five samples of meat balls found in Makassar for halal inspection.The method validation assay was conducted by testing the primary specificity on the fresh tissue (beef and pork) and testing the sensitivity by making a series of pig DNA dilution (1:10;  1:102;   1:103;   1:104)   and the variations of contaminated pig:cow (%b/b) : 0.05% , 0.1%, 1%, and 5%. The result of PCR amplification on agarose gel electrophoresis of 0.8% showed that method was able to detect the pig DNA contamination specifically in pigs and not amplify other DNA, and could still be detected up to pig contamination specifically in pigs and not amplify the other DNAs and could still be detected up to pig contamination of 0.05% and on DNA dilution of 1:103. Meanwhile, on the five samples analyzed, there were  not found pig DNA contamination characterized by no formed amplification bands

    The Enrichment of Calcium with Duck Eggshell and Sensory Characteristic on Product Based on Corn Sprout Flour and Soybean Sprout Flour

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    Eggshell duck is one of the ingredients that can be used for supplementation enriching calcium in food products. Corn flour and soybean (kejale) formulation have contribute to health. Enrichment of calcium with eggshell duck will be improve the quality kejale. This study aims to evaluate the levels of calcium and the sensory characteristics of cookies products, steamed cakes and kejale based cereals, enriched with eggshell duck as a source of calcium. The results showed that the enrichment treatment of eggshell duck influenced the calcium cookies, steamed cakes and cereals (p = 0,00). Levels of calcium cookies and steamed cakes are higher than cereals. The sensory characteristics showed that the enrichment of eggshell duck doesn't affect the taste, smell and texture but affect the color. Being on eggshell duck affects the color, smell and texture, but no effect ontaste. Eggshell duck concentration at 15% concentration provides the highest levels of calcium and acceptablesensory characteristics
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