390 research outputs found

    Bioequivalence of Oral Products and the Biopharmaceutics Classification System: Science, Regulation, and Public Policy

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109935/1/cptclpt2011109.pd

    Permeability and clearance views of drug absorption: A commentary

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45051/1/10928_2006_Article_BF02354289.pd

    The interplay of university and industry through the FP5 network

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    To improve the quality of life in a modern society it is essential to reduce the distance between basic research and applications, whose crucial roles in shaping today's society prompt us to seek their understanding. Existing studies on this subject, however, have neglected the network character of the interaction between university and industry. Here we use state-of-the-art network theory methods to analyze this interplay in the so-called Framework Programme--an initiative which sets out the priorities for the European Union's research and technological development. In particular we study in the 5th Framework Programme (FP5) the role played by companies and scientific institutions and how they contribute to enhance the relationship between research and industry. Our approach provides quantitative evidence that while firms are size hierarchically organized, universities and research organizations keep the network from falling into pieces, paving the way for an effective knowledge transfer.Comment: 21 pages (including Appendix), 8 figures. Published online at http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/9/18

    Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: acetaminophen (paracetamol).

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    Literature data are reviewed on the properties of acetaminophen (paracetamol) related to the biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS). According to the current BCS criteria, acetaminophen is BCS Class III compound. Differences in composition seldom, if ever, have an effect on the extent of absorption. However, some studies show differences in rate of absorption between brands and formulations. In particular, sodium bicarbonate, present in some drug products, was reported to give an increase in the rate of absorption, probably caused by an effect on gastric emptying. In view of Marketing Authorizations (MAs) given in a number of countries to acetaminophen drug products with rapid onset of action, it is concluded that differences in rate of absorption were considered therapeutically not relevant by the Health Authorities. Moreover, in view of its therapeutic use, its wide therapeutic index and its uncomplicated pharmacokinetic properties, in vitro dissolution data collected according to the relevant Guidances can be safely used for declaring bioequivalence (BE) of two acetaminophen formulations. Therefore, accepting a biowaiver for immediate release (IR) acetaminophen solid oral drug products is considered scientifically justified, if the test product contains only those excipients reported in this paper in their usual amounts and the test product is rapidly dissolving, as well as the test product fulfils the criterion of similarity of dissolution profiles to the reference product

    A method to predict infinity values for biexponential processes

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    An equation is presented which allows infinity values for biexponential processes to be predicted in the early nonlinear phase when samples are taken at equal time intervals. This equation is independent of the value or ratio of the rate constants involved in the process. However, this method is very sensitive to noise normally associated with urine data.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45077/1/10928_2005_Article_BF01062539.pd

    Quantification of gastrointestinal liquid volumes and distribution following a 240 mL dose of water in the fasted state

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    Previous imaging studies offered a snapshot of water distribution in fasted humans and showed that water in the small intestine is distributed in small pockets. This study aimed to quantify the volume and number of water pockets in the upper gut of fasted healthy humans following ingestion of a glass of water (240 mL, as recommended for bioavailability/bioequivalence (BA/BE) studies), using recently validated noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods. Twelve healthy volunteers underwent upper and lower abdominal MRI scans before drinking 240 mL (8 fluid ounces) of water. After ingesting the water, they were scanned at intervals for 2 h. The drink volume, inclusion criteria, and fasting conditions matched the international standards for BA/BE testing in healthy volunteers. The images were processed for gastric and intestinal total water volumes and for the number and volume of separate intestinal water pockets larger than 0.5 mL. The fasted stomach contained 35 ± 7 mL (mean ± SEM) of resting water. Upon drinking, the gastric fluid rose to 242 ± 9 mL. The gastric water volume declined rapidly after that with a half emptying time (T50%) of 13 ± 1 min. The mean gastric volume returned back to baseline 45 min after the drink. The fasted small bowel contained a total volume of 43 ± 14 mL of resting water. Twelve minutes after ingestion of water, small bowel water content rose to a maximum value of 94 ± 24 mL contained within 15 ± 2 pockets of 6 ± 2 mL each. At 45 min, when the glass of water had emptied completely from the stomach, total intestinal water volume was 77 ± 15 mL distributed into 16 ± 3 pockets of 5 ± 1 mL each. MRI provided unprecedented insights into the time course, number, volume, and location of water pockets in the stomach and small intestine under conditions that represent standard BA/BE studies using validated techniques. These data add to our current understanding of gastrointestinal physiology and will help improve physiological relevance of in vitro testing methods and in silico transport analyses for prediction of bioperformance of oral solid dosage forms, particularly for low solubility Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) Class 2 and Class 4 compounds

    Formulation predictive dissolution (fPD) testing to advance oral drug product development: an introduction to the US FDA funded ‘21st Century BA/BE’ project

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    Over the past decade, formulation predictive dissolution (fPD) testing has gained increasing attention. Another mindset is pushed forward where scientists in our field are more confident to explore the in vivo behavior of an oral drug product by performing predictive in vitro dissolution studies. Similarly, there is an increasing interest in the application of modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) frameworks and high-performance computing platforms to study the local processes underlying absorption within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In that way, CFD and computing platforms both can inform future PBPK-based in silico frameworks and determine the GI-motility-driven hydrodynamic impacts that should be incorporated into in vitro dissolution methods for in vivo relevance. Current compendial dissolution methods are not always reliable to predict the in vivo behavior, especially not for biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) class 2/4 compounds suffering from a low aqueous solubility. Developing a predictive dissolution test will be more reliable, cost-effective and less time-consuming as long as the predictive power of the test is sufficiently strong. There is a need to develop a biorelevant, predictive dissolution method that can be applied by pharmaceutical drug companies to facilitate marketing access for generic and novel drug products. In 2014, Prof. Gordon L. Amidon and his team initiated a far-ranging research program designed to integrate (1) in vivo studies in humans in order to further improve the understanding of the intraluminal processing of oral dosage forms and dissolved drug along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, (2) advancement of in vitro methodologies that incorporates higher levels of in vivo relevance and (3) computational experiments to study the local processes underlying dissolution, transport and absorption within the intestines performed with a new unique CFD based framework. Of particular importance is revealing the physiological variables determining the variability in in vivo dissolution and GI absorption from person to person in order to address (potential) in vivo BE failures. This paper provides an introduction to this multidisciplinary project, informs the reader about current achievements and outlines future directions

    Time to reach steady state and prediction of steady-state concentrations for drugs obeying Michaelis-Menten elimination kinetics

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    Using a numerical integration method, concentration-time data were simulated using the one-compartment open model both with bolus intravenous administration and oral administration (first-order absorption) after multiple doses administered at constant time intervals and for each model for five different doses. Constants used produced data very similar to those which have been reported for phenytoin in the literature. In the simulation of oral data, sufficient concentrations were recorded to allow estimation of the maximum (C n max ), average (¯) C n , and minimum (C n min ) concentrations during each dosage interval, but for the intravenous data only C n max and C n min values were recorded. The approach to steady state was monoexponential for low doses and biexponential for higher doses. The half-life of the final first-order approach to the steady-state concentration was approximately linearly related to the final steady-state concentration. For the intravenous data the number of doses required to reach 95% of C ss min was a linear function of 0.95 C ss min . A simple difference plot allows any given steady-state concentration of the three to be estimated from non-steady-state concentrations. When C n min values are measured, as in therapeutic drug monitoring, the fitting of C ss min vs. dose rate (D/τ) data leads to operationally useful parameters, V m app and K m app , which are not the true kinetic parameters, V m and K m , whereas fitting of ¯C ss vs d/τ data does lead to estimation of V m and K m .Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45075/1/10928_2005_Article_BF01312263.pd
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