1,090 research outputs found

    Carbon Capture Clustering: the Case for Coordinated Approaches to Address Freshwater Use Concerns

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) will be a key technology for reducing emissions from fossil-fuelled electricity generation. The UK is developing demonstration plants and UK Government strategy proposes the clustering of CCS facilities, having identified significant cost-savings from shared pipeline infrastructure. However, cooling water use from CCS power plants are almost double those of conventional plants. There are concerns about the volumes of freshwater used and vulnerability to low river flows, particularly in areas identified for CCS clusters. Two innovative approaches may reduce water use in CCS clusters by exploiting synergies with other infrastructures; district heating and municipal wastewater. Our analysis indicates that cooling water reductions from district heating may be feasible in the northwest, but less likely in Yorkshire. We also find that across the UK there are numerous, sufficiently large wastewater treatment plants capable of providing alternative cooling water sources for large power plants. Feasibility of these promising options will be highly contextual, require detailed analysis and may face economic and regulatory barriers. Historically, ad-hoc development of energy infrastructure has struggled to exploit such synergies, but may now be facilitated by the clustering of CCS facilities

    Cuarta entresaca de un diccionario de seudónimos

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    Presentación de una lista con varios nombres, con sus respectivos seudónimos, profesiones y el siglo en el que vivieronIntroduction of a list of various names, with their respective pseudonyms, professions and the century they lived i

    A Preference Theory of Dignity

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    HonorsPhilosophyUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/167882/1/gamezaga.pd

    Economic and financial analysis of Atresmedia and Mediaset

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    Treball Final de Grau en Finances i Comptabilitat. Codi: FC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2019-2020This paper seeks to analyze and compare the economic and financial situation of the companies Atresmedia and Mediaset. For this purpose, their levels of liquidity, solvency and profitability will be evaluated from 2014, the end of the Spanish economic crisis, until 2018, when the positive evolution of these indicators will be seen due to the difficult situation in which they found themselves, and then discover what is different in each of the companies. Thus, it will be possible to determine the type of financing that prevails in each company, such as the quality of the debt, and therefore which company has the best balance according to its financial statements. This will be done with a small introduction about the audiovisual sector in which they are located and the main characteristics of each company

    New Uses for Old Needs in the Diaspora: Watching Basque Television in Latin America

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    Full acknowledgement must be included showing article title, author, full Journal title, copyright © Macquarie University, reprinted by permission of (Taylor & Francis Ltd, http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals) on behalf of Macquarie UniversityThe transformations occurring in the communications media are resulting in the emergence of new uses amongst diasporic and migratory groups. An example of this is found in satellite television, which makes the regular, domestic consumption of television from their country of origin possible for people belonging to these groups. This use creates new situations within an old phenomenon: the cultural and identity reproduction of diasporic communities through, or as the result of, different practices. In this paper we analyse how persons of Basque origin in Latin America use Basque satellite television, as well as the relationship of the uses of this medium with other practices and with identity construction. Based on our fieldwork, we defend the thesis that while satellite television generates new situations, these can be better understood in the light of what has happened historically in the reproduction of the culture and identity of diasporic communities.Komunuikazioaren eremuan gertatzen ari diren aldaketak bide ematen ari zaizkie medioen erabilera berriei, besteak beste migrari eta diasporetako populazioaren artean. Adibide bat dugu satelite bidezko telebistarena; izan ere medio honek aukera ematen die populazio horiei beren jatorrizko herrialdeetako emanaldiak modu ohikoan ikusteko. Erabilera hauek egoera berriak zortzen dituzte berez zaharra den gertaera batean, alegia, nortasunaren eraikuntza diasporako taldeen artean. Artikulu honetan Latinoamerikako euskaldunen ondorengoek satelite bidezko telebista nola kontsumnitzen duten aztertzen da, bai eta kontsumo horrek bestelako praktikekin zein nortasunaren eeraikuntzarekin duen harremana. Geure landa lanean oinarrituta, honako tesiari eusten diogu: satelite bidezko telebistak egoera eta aukera berriak sortzen baditu ere, hauek hobeto ulertzen direla historian zehar diasporako taldeek nortasuna eta kultura birsortzeko burutu izan dituzten praktiken argitan.Las transformaciones que están teniendo lugar en el ámbito de la comunicación están facilitando nuevos usos de los medios entre poblaciones migrantes y diaspóricas. Un ejemplo lo encontramos en la televisión por satélite, que permite un consumo habitual de las emisiones domésticas del país de origen entre estas poblaciones. Estos usos generan situaciones nuevas para un fenómeno antiguo, cual es el de la reproducción de la identidad entre las comunidades diaspóricas. En este artículo se analizan los usos que descendientes de vascas y vascos en América Latina hacen de la televisión por satélite, así como la relación etre estos usos y otras prácticas que tienen que ver con la construcción de la identidad. Basándonos en nuestro propio trabajo de campo, defendemos la tesis de que mientras que la televisión por satélite genera nuevas situaciones, éstas se entienden mejor a la luz de lo que históricamente ha venido sucediéndose en el terreno de la reproducción identitaria y cultural entre los grupos diaspóricos.This work is partially based on a research project funded by the University of the Basque Country with the reference number 1/UPV 00016.323-H-14276/200

    Cortical activity that enters into awareness: the role of feedforward and feedback connections

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    Roelfsema, P.R. [Promotor]Self, M.W. [Copromotor

    Media Globalization and the Debate on Multiculturality

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    Published in Media Globalization and the Debate on Multiculturality, The Systemic Dimension of Globalization, Piotr Pachura (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-384-2, InTech[ENG]This article addresses the way the media globalization is challenging the national communication spaces, and therefore some of the most important resources that states have used while attempting to build the nation. Cultural spaces, public spheres and shared identities, all on a national basis, they seem to be overcome by the access and use of media beyond the state borders. This makes the debate on multicultural societies, and on the ways to manage this diversity ,to be more relevant than ever. We should not forget, however, that media globalization has not erased the previous trends of cultural hegemony by some actors and models on a global level; it simply has become that quite more complex.[EUS]Artikulu honetan medioen globalizazioa komunikazio eremu nazionalak kolokan jartzen ari direla defendatzen dugu. Eta horrekin batera, estatuek beren inguruan nazioa eratzeko izan duten tresnarik garrantzitsuenetako batzuk. Kultur espazioak, eremu publikoak eta partekatutako nortasunak, denak nazioan oinarrituak, gaindituta geratzen hasten dira estatuaren mugaz haratagoko medioen hedapen eta erabileraren ondorioz. Honen eraginez, jendarte kulturanitzei eta aniztasuna kudeatzeko moduei buruzko eztabaida lehen mailara dator. Beti ere ahaztu gabe medioen globalizazioak ez dituela lehengo joerak ezabatu, alegia, eragile eta eredu hegemoniko batzuen planeta mailako nagusitasuna.Berau ezabatu barik, konplexuago bihurtu du globalizazioak.[ESP]En este artículo analizamos cómo la globalización de los medios está poniendo en cuestión los espacios nacionales de comunicación, y por ende algunos de los más importantes recursos con los que los estados han abordado el reto de la creación de la nación. Espacios culturales, esferas públicas e identidades compartidas, todas de base nacional, empiezan a ser superadas por el acceso y uso a medios de comunicación más allá de las fronteras estatales. Este hecho hace que el debate sobre las sociedades multiculturales, y las formas de gestionar esa diversidad, esté más vigente que nunca. Siempre que sin olvidar que la globalización de los medios no ha eliminado las anteriores tendencias de hegemonía cultural por parte de algunos agentes y modelos a nivel planetario, sino que las vuelven más complejas

    Media Globalization and the Debate on Multiculturality

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    Published in Media Globalization and the Debate on Multiculturality, The Systemic Dimension of Globalization, Piotr Pachura (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-384-2, InTech[ENG]This article addresses the way the media globalization is challenging the national communication spaces, and therefore some of the most important resources that states have used while attempting to build the nation. Cultural spaces, public spheres and shared identities, all on a national basis, they seem to be overcome by the access and use of media beyond the state borders. This makes the debate on multicultural societies, and on the ways to manage this diversity ,to be more relevant than ever. We should not forget, however, that media globalization has not erased the previous trends of cultural hegemony by some actors and models on a global level; it simply has become that quite more complex.[EUS]Artikulu honetan medioen globalizazioa komunikazio eremu nazionalak kolokan jartzen ari direla defendatzen dugu. Eta horrekin batera, estatuek beren inguruan nazioa eratzeko izan duten tresnarik garrantzitsuenetako batzuk. Kultur espazioak, eremu publikoak eta partekatutako nortasunak, denak nazioan oinarrituak, gaindituta geratzen hasten dira estatuaren mugaz haratagoko medioen hedapen eta erabileraren ondorioz. Honen eraginez, jendarte kulturanitzei eta aniztasuna kudeatzeko moduei buruzko eztabaida lehen mailara dator. Beti ere ahaztu gabe medioen globalizazioak ez dituela lehengo joerak ezabatu, alegia, eragile eta eredu hegemoniko batzuen planeta mailako nagusitasuna.Berau ezabatu barik, konplexuago bihurtu du globalizazioak.[ESP]En este artículo analizamos cómo la globalización de los medios está poniendo en cuestión los espacios nacionales de comunicación, y por ende algunos de los más importantes recursos con los que los estados han abordado el reto de la creación de la nación. Espacios culturales, esferas públicas e identidades compartidas, todas de base nacional, empiezan a ser superadas por el acceso y uso a medios de comunicación más allá de las fronteras estatales. Este hecho hace que el debate sobre las sociedades multiculturales, y las formas de gestionar esa diversidad, esté más vigente que nunca. Siempre que sin olvidar que la globalización de los medios no ha eliminado las anteriores tendencias de hegemonía cultural por parte de algunos agentes y modelos a nivel planetario, sino que las vuelven más complejas

    On Equivalence of Critical Collapse of Non-Abelian Fields

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    We continue our study of the gravitational collapse of spherically symmetric skyrmions. For certain families of initial data, we find the discretely self-similar Type II critical transition characterized by the mass scaling exponent γ≈0.20\gamma \approx 0.20 and the echoing period Δ≈0.74\Delta \approx 0.74. We argue that the coincidence of these critical exponents with those found previously in the Einstein-Yang-Mills model is not accidental but, in fact, the two models belong to the same universality class.Comment: 7 pages, REVTex, 2 figures included, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Propriedades psicométricas de uma escala para medir a gestão da vergonha em adolescentes (Moss-Sast)

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    (Ahmed, 1999) to measure shame management in adolescents in situations of aggression toward peers. The study was conducted with a sample of 700 students from public secondary schools (N= 700) located in a northwestern state municipality of Mexico. Results enabled to obtain an empirically sustainable measuring model formed by two factors: Acknowledgment and Displacement (X2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). Evidence was obtained to show that the instrument has criterion validity since it is capable to differentiate between subgroups of students with and without reports of bullying in both factors, Acknowledgment (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) and Displacement (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001). It was concluded that the results strengthen the original factorial structure of the scale and show the usefulness of the same, both for inquiring about emotions related to moral development and for identifying students involved as aggressors in bullying situations.Se establecieron las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la adaptación del cuestionario MOSS-SAST (Ahmed, 1999) para medir el manejo de la vergüenza en adolescentes ante situaciones de agresión hacia los pares. El estudio se realizó en una muestra de estudiantes de escuelas secundarias públicas (N= 700) ubicadas en un municipio de un estado del noroeste de México. Los resultados permitieron obtener un modelo de medición empíricamente sustentable formado por nueve ítems agrupados en dos factores: Reconocimiento y Desplazamiento (c2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). El instrumento cuenta con evidencias de validez de criterio, ya que establece la diferencia en los factores de reconocimiento (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) y desplazamiento (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001) en subgrupos de estudiantes con y sin reportes de bullying. Se concluyó que los resultados fortalecen la estructura factorial original de la escala y muestran su utilidad, tanto en la indagación de emociones relacionadas con el del desarrollo moral, como en la identificación de estudiantes involucrados como agresores en situaciones de bullying.Foram estabelecidas as evidências de validade e confiabilidade da adaptação do Questionário MOSS-SAST (Ahmed, 1999) para medir a gestão da vergonha em adolescentes ante situações de agressão contra os pares. O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio (N=700) de um município do noroeste do México. Os resultados permitiram obter um modelo de medição empiricamente sustentável, formado por nove itens agrupados em dois fatores: reconhecimento e deslocamento (c2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). O instrumento conta com evidências de validade de critério já que estabelece a diferença nos fatores de reconhecimento (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) e deslocamento (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001) em subgrupos de estudantes com e sem relatos de bullying. Conclui-se que os resultados fortalecem a estrutura fatorial original da escala e mostram sua utilidade, tanto na indagação de emoções relacionadas com o desenvolvimento moral quanto na identificação de estudantes envolvidos como agressores em situações de bullying
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