24 research outputs found

    El patrimoni moble del col路legi de mestres manyans, armers i agullers conservat als museus de Barcelona

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    Hostiers, bacines, encensers i campanetes del Museu de Lleida, dioces脿 i comarcal

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    L'art de la forja: obres g貌tiques desmuntades o desaparegudes

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    Reixeria g貌tica a la catedral de Barcelona

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    Catalan romanesque iron grill fencing

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    A mitjan segle XII, l鈥檃rt del ferro est脿 plenament desenvolupat a Occident. La forja monumental, i en especial la reixeria, ha assumit els repertoris decoratius que li s贸n propis i els difon per tot Europa a trav茅s de les vies de peregrinaci贸. Els models ornamentals es basen en la combinaci贸 de motius en espiral i tenen l鈥檕rigen en la miniatura contempor脿nia, en concret en les caplletres dels textos medievals, on la combinaci贸 d鈥檈spirals i decoraci贸 zoomorfa resulta for莽a habitual. Catalunya conserva alguns plafons de reixes rom脿niques, testimonis fragmentats dels grans conjunts de reixeria que es constru茂ren per protegir les rel铆quies i els ornaments que es custodiaven en els espais sagrats de les nostres esgl茅sies: els plafons conservats a Santa Anna de Barcelona, a Sant Esteve d鈥橭lius o a Sant Vicen莽 de Cardona en s贸n exemples notables. Alguns d鈥檈lls ofereixen un tractament t猫cnic i unes f贸rmules decoratives pr貌pies d鈥檜n art plenament consolidat, que els remeten als models internacionals vigents a les grans esgl茅sies de peregrinaci贸.In the mid-12th Century, the art of iron is fully developed in the Western World. The monumental forge work, and specially the grill fencing, has assumed its characteristical repertories which are spread along the pilgrimage ways. The ornamental models are based in the combination of spiral motives and find their origins in the contemporary book miniatures, specifically in the capital letters, where the union of spirals and zoomorfic decoration is quite usual. In Catalonia are preserved some romanesque iron grill fencing panels, fragmentary witnesses of the great grill fencing ensembles built to protect the relics and ornaments keeped in the sacred spaces of our churches: remarkable examples of it are the panels preserved in Santa Anna at Barcelona, Sant Esteve at Olius or Sant Vicen莽 at Cardona. Some of them show a technical treatment and decorative patterns typical of a fully consolidated art, that refer to the international models in use in the great pilgrimage churches

    L'origen de la col路lecci贸 de ferros conservada al Museu Cau Ferrat de Sitges

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    La reixa g貌tica de la seu de Vic, obra de Joan Despuig

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    Hostiers i neulers medievals del Museu Episcopal de Vic

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    El Museu Episcopal de Vic conserva una completa col路lecci贸 d鈥檋ostiers i neulers d鈥櫭╬oca medieval que, sens dubte, juntament amb els fons dels museus diocesans de Lleida, Solsona, Barcelona i Tarragona, constitueixen un referent obligat a l鈥檋ora d鈥檈mprendre un estudi global sobre aquestes produccions. Destacable tant pel nombre i varietat de peces com per la qualitat del seu treball art铆stic, la col路lecci贸 del Museu Episcopal de Vic 茅s sens dubte la m茅s representativa del panorama muse铆stic catal脿. El present estudi 茅s una primera aproximaci贸 a la realitat historicoart铆stica d鈥檜nes produccions molt poc conegudes i sovint oblidades per la historiografia de l鈥檃rt, fet a partir de l鈥檃n脿lisi dels fons conservats en col路leccions p煤bliques catalanes. La segona part del treball inclou el cat脿leg raonat de les peces medievals conservades al Museu Episcopal de Vic. The Museu Episcopal de Vic has in its possession a complete collection of moulds for hosts from the Medieval age. Without doubt, this collection (together with those of the Diocesan museums of Lleida, Solsona, Barcelona and Tarragona) constitutes a compulsory reference when undertaking any global study of these types of artefacts. The MEV鈥檚 collection is undoubtedly the most representative of Catalonia鈥檚 museum scene, and stands out for both its number and variety of its pieces as well as their artistic quality. The present study is a first approach to the historical and artistic style of these artefacts, which are fairly unknown and frequently forgotten in any art based historical study of the pieces kept in any Catalan collection. The second part of the essay includes a reasoned catalogue of the Medieval pieces kept within the MEV

    The romanesque ironwork reinforced doors in the south area of Catalan Pyrenees

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    Bona part de les esgl茅sies rom脿niques del Pirineu i Prepirineu catal脿 conserven portes ferrades. Tanmateix, de totes les ferramentes conservades, nom茅s un ter莽 pot atribuir-se al per铆ode rom脿nic. Dels altres dos ter莽os, una petita part correspon a realitzacions del segle xvii, tal i com ens indiquen les dates inscrites als batents de fusta o les fonts documentals. La resta s贸n dif铆cilment atribu茂bles a una 猫poca concreta, tot i que l鈥檈xcel路lent estat de conservaci贸 del ferro, la formulaci贸 del disseny compositiu i la descoberta de dates inscrites a la superf铆cie del metall ens fan pensar en un origen modern o contemporani.A large part of the Romanesque churches in the Catalan Pyrenees and Pre-Pyrenees preserve doors reinforced with ironwork. Of all the preserved ironwork, only a third can be attributed to the Romanesque period. Of the other two thirds, a small part corresponds to works that can be dated to the 17th century, either by inscribed dates or manuscript evidence. It is difficult to attribute the remainder to a specific time, although the excellent condition of the ironwork, the formulation of the designs and the discovery of some dates inscribed in the metal lead us to believe that they are probably of modern or contemporary origin