1,273 research outputs found

    Peace and Prosecution: An Analysis of Perceptions Towards the International Criminal Court Intervention’s in Northern Uganda

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    This paper evaluates the International Criminal Court’s impact in Northern Uganda through the lens of the affected community. It seeks a nuanced assessment of the Court by contextualizing the communities’ perceptions within their temporal context. Fluctuations in local perceptions of the Court in relation to developments on the ground identify peace as a local priority. The ICC must not simply behave in a static and rigid time-logic, but rather respond to shifting priorities and circumstances. It is this temporal consciousness that will make the ICC relevant both in context and in support

    Co-creation and co-production in health service delivery: what is it and what impact can it have?

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    EBN engages through a range of online social media activities to debate issues important to nurses and nursing. EBN Opinion papers highlight and expand on these debates

    Lattice Expansion in Seamless Bi layer Graphene Constrictions at High Bias

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    Our understanding of sp2 carbon nanostructures is still emerging and is important for the development of high performance all carbon devices. For example, in terms of the structural behavior of graphene or bi-layer graphene at high bias, little to nothing is known. To this end we investigated bi-layer graphene constrictions with closed edges (seamless) at high bias using in situ atomic resolution transmission electron microscopy. We directly observe a highly localized anomalously large lattice expansion inside the constriction. Both the current density and lattice expansion increase as the bi-layer graphene constriction narrows. As the constriction width decreases below 10 nm, shortly before failure, the current density rises to 4 \cdot 109 A cm-2 and the constriction exhibits a lattice expansion with a uniaxial component showing an expansion approaching 5 % and an isotropic component showing an expansion exceeding 1 %. The origin of the lattice expansion is hard to fully ascribe to thermal expansion. Impact ionization is a process in which charge carriers transfer from bonding states to antibonding states thus weakening bonds. The altered character of C-C bonds by impact ionization could explain the anomalously large lattice expansion we observe in seamless bi-layer graphene constrictions. Moreover, impact ionization might also contribute to the observed anisotropy in the lattice expansion, although strain is probably the predominant factor.Comment: to appear in NanoLetter

    Effectiveness of Education Based Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skill (IMB) Model of Improving Knowledge, Motivation, and Performance Demonstration Metered-Dose Inhaler (MDI) to Community Pharmacists in Surabaya

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    Preparations in the treatment of chronic asthma inhaler is more recommended dosage, but many asthma patients are not able to use an asthma inhaler properly. Dosage forms of inhaler types of metered-dose inhaler (MDI) is the most commonly used ayng. The role of community pharmacists are crucial in educating techniques use an asthma inhaler, but pharmacists can not use its own community and pharmacists current training methods based on knowledge has not been effective. In this study tested the theory-based educational methods IMB compared with conventional educational methods knowledge of the performance of community pharmacists in educating techniques use an asthma inhaler. A total of 25 community pharmacists participate in the research. All 25 pharmacists were then divided into two, the control group (n = 13). In comparison, the use of inhaler technique education based IMB improve the ability of community pharmacists inhaler demonstration is better than knowledge-based education, but there was no difference in the improvement of knowledge and motivation between the two. Although pharmacists who intervened with IMB-based educational models can demonstrate MDI use techniques better than knowledge-based education course

    Analisis Kejadian Leukositosis Pasca Terapi Aminofilin Intravena Dibandingkan dengan Salbutamol Nebulasi pada Pasien Eksaserbasi Asma

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    Salbutamol adalah terapi lini pertama untuk mengatasi gejala eksaserbasi asma. Aminofilin sudah tidak digunakan karena merupakan obat rentang terapi sempit yang sering menimbulkan adverse drug reaction (ADR). Kedua terapi tersebut dapat menimbulkan peningkatan kadar leukosit terkait ADR yang dapat memengaruhi terapi lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan kejadian leukositosis antara terapi salbutamol nebulasi yang merupakan terapi lini pertama dengan aminofilin intravena yang sering digunakan di beberapa tempat untuk terapi eksaserbasi asma. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimental dengan pengukuran profil leukosit darah sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Kejadian leukositosis terkait ADR pada kelompok aminofilin (n=2) dengan nilai skala naranjo sebesar 6 poin yang kemungkinan besar merupakan ADR. Perubahan profil darah yang terjadi pada kedua pasien hanya pada kadar leukosit saja sedangkan data darah lainnya normal. Oleh karena itu, profil darah pada penggunaan kedua terapi dalam eksaserbasi asma perlu dipantau secara berkesinambungan agar tidak memengaruhi rekomendasi penambahan terapi lainnya

    Perancangan Corporate Identity Toko Buku Nusantara Bojonegoro

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    Industri buku yang terus bertumbuh seiring meningkatnya perekonomian masyarakat, berdampak bagiperkembangan tempat penjualan buku atau toko buku di Bojonegoro. Keadaan ini mengharuskan Toko BukuNusantara untuk memiliki strategi khusus guna menarik minat konsumen. Strategi khusus tersebut adalahpeningkatan citra dalam bentuk corporate identity. Toko Buku Nusantara membutuhkan corporate identity berupalogo beserta aplikasinya sebagai suatu cara untuk menyampaikan citra yang hendak ditampilkan sesuai karakteristik,visi/misi, dan keunggulannya kepada konsumen, khususnya para pelajar dan mahasiswa Bojonegoro

    The arrival of Homo sapiens into the Southern Cone at 14,000 years ago

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    The Arroyo Seco 2 site contains a rich archaeological record, exceptional for South America, to explain the expansion of Homo sapiens into the Americas and their interaction with extinct Pleistocene mammals. The following paper provides a detailed overview of material remains found in the earliest cultural episodes at this multi-component site, dated between ca. 12,170 14C yrs B.P. (ca. 14,064 cal yrs B.P.) and 11,180 14C yrs B.P. (ca. 13,068 cal yrs B.P.). Evidence of early occupations includes the presence of lithic tools, a concentration of Pleistocene species remains, human-induced fractured animal bones, and a selection of skeletal parts of extinct fauna. The occurrence of hunter-gatherers in the Southern Cone at ca. 14,000 cal yrs B.P. is added to the growing list of American sites that indicate a human occupation earlier than the Clovis dispersal episode, but posterior to the onset of the deglaciation of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the North America.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
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