236 research outputs found

    Il part-time dei dipendenti di enti locali tra contenimento della spesa pubblica ed efficienza dell'attivitĂ  amministrativa

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    Il saggio tratta la nuova disciplina del part-time dei dipendenti degli enti locali con i relativi dubbi di costituzionalitĂ 

    Searching on the back:Attentional selectivity in the periphery of the tactile field

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    Recent evidence has identified the N140cc lateralized component of event-related potentials as a reliable index of the deployment of attention to task-relevant items in touch. However, existing ERP studies have presented the tactile search array to participants' limbs, most often to the hands. Here, we investigated distractor interference effects when the tactile search array was presented to a portion of the body that is less lateralized and peripheral compared to the hands. Participants were asked to localize a tactile target presented among distractors in a circular arrangement to their back. The N140cc was elicited contralateral to the target when the singleton distractor was absent. Its amplitude was reduced when the singleton distractor was present and contralateral to the target, suggesting that attention was directed at least in part to the distractor when the singletons are on opposite sides. However, similar N140cc were observed when the singleton distractor was ipsilateral to the target compared to distractor absent trials. We suggest that when target and singleton distractor are ipsilateral, the exact localization of the target requires the attentional processing of all items on the same side of the array, similar to distractor absent trials. Together, these observations replicate the distractor interference effects previously observed for the hands, suggesting that analogous mechanisms guide attentional selectivity across different body parts

    Closing-in behaviour:Compensation or attraction?

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    Exploration of closing-in behaviour in dementia, development and healthy adulthood

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    Closing-in Behaviour (CIB) is the tendency observed in copying tasks, both graphic and gestural, in which the copy is made inappropriately close to or on top of the model. It is classically considered as a manifestation of Constructional Apraxia (CA) and it is often observed in patients with dementia. CIB is not only a symptom of pathology, but it is also observed in children’s first attempts at graphic copying. However, CIB shows an inverse pattern in development and dementia: while its frequency increases in severe dementia, CIB progressively decreases with development. The cognitive origins of CIB are still unclear. Two main interpretations dominate CIB literature: the compensation and the attraction hypotheses. The first hypothesis interprets CIB as a strategy specific to copying tasks that the patient adopts to overcome visuospatial and working memory deficits. In contrast, the attraction hypothesis considers CIB as a primitive behaviour, not specific to copying, and characterized by the default tendency to perform an action toward the focus of attention. This thesis aimed to study the characteristics and the cognitive origins of CIB in dementia, development and healthy adulthood. It has three main sections. The first and second sections explore CIB in patients (with Alzheimer’s disease- AD and Frontotemporal dementia) and in pre-school children, using survey and experimental studies, to investigate if CIB might have common characteristics and cognitive substrates in these different populations. The results provided converging evidence for the similar nature of CIB in development and dementia. For instance, survey studies in patients with dementia (Chapter 3) and preschool children (Chapter 6) showed that performance in attentional tasks predicted the appearance of CIB. In a similar vein, experimental studies showed support for the attraction hypothesis of CIB in a single patient with AD (Chapter 4) and pre-school children (Chapter 7 and 8). These results were not, however, replicated in a larger cohort of patients with AD due to practical reasons (Chapter 5). The last section was devoted to modelling CIB in normal participants, using complex graphic copying (Chapter 9) and dual task paradigms (Chapter 10). The results showed further support for the attraction hypothesis of CIB and underlined the difficulties of eliciting this default bias in normal adults. To conclude, this thesis radically changes the classical consideration of CIB as a manifestation of CA and demonstrates that CIB is a general default tendency, not specific to copying tasks. This work indicates avenues for new studies, which might consider the possible expression and consequences of this behaviour in patients’ daily lives

    A critical review of closing-in

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    Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi terhadap Efektifitas Pelayanan Publik di Kecamatan Taliabu Utara Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula

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    Organizational knowledge is an important factor to explain the effectivenessas it relates to the organization\u27smorale employee. Bureaucratic organization\u27s impressed thegovernment has not been able to motivate emploe morale to improve the effectiveness of its workbecause of the critical diminsions of organizational climate has not been realized in accordancewith the needs and espectation of employes, and the suspeck is the of the causes have notmakximum service effectiveness.Inconnection with this matler,this study was to determine theeffect of organizational climate on the district government public service effectiveness TaliabuUtara north sula island.This research uses methods quantitative data source research respondents are as manyas 30 officer/employess government districts Taliabu Utara.Data collection technique usingquestionnaires and interviews quide.Techniquehelp with data analysis to test the hypothesissimple regressionanalysis and correlation simple/product moment.Data analysis showe : (1) variable regression coefficient effectiveness organizationclimate on public services is positive and the real significance level of 0,01 or 1%. (2) Thecorrelation coefficient and the power of organization climate variable determination of theeffectiveness of public services is high/close and rear to the significant level of or 1%.The conclusions suggested by the results of the study the effectiveness a public servantin the office distrct heard north Taliabu needs to be improved by improving the qualitydimensions of organizational climate can push high morale of employes such as:tskstructure,the relationship reward - penalties,communications within the organization ,thedevelopment of human resources mployee,the personal relationship between the atmospherewithin the organization,facilities and/support eguipment executing the task,and the safety andcomfort of the organization\u27s environment

    Embodiment and emotional memory in first vs. second language

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    Language and emotions are closely linked. However, previous research suggests that this link is stronger in a native language (L1) than in a second language (L2) that had been learned later in life. The present study investigates whether such reduced emotionality in L2 is reflected in changes in emotional memory and embodied responses to L2 in comparison to L1. Late Spanish/English bilinguals performed a memory task involving an encoding and a surprise retrieval phase. Facial motor resonance and skin conductance (SC) responses were recorded during encoding. The results give first indications that the enhanced memory for emotional vs. neutral content (EEM effect) is stronger in L1 and less present in L2. Furthermore, the results give partial support for decreased facial motor resonance and SC responses to emotional words in L2 as compared to L1. These findings suggest that embodied knowledge involved in emotional memory is associated to increased affective encoding and retrieval of L1 compared to L2
