461 research outputs found

    The BEST Dataset of Language Proficiency

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    http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00522/full#supplementary-materialThis research has been partially funded by grants PSI2015-65689-P, PSI2015-67353-R, and SEV-2015-0490 from the Spanish Government, AThEME-613465 from the European Union and a personal fellowship given by the BBVA Foundation to the last author

    Emotional Diglossia in Multilingual Classroom Environments: A Proposal

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    Published: July 19th, 2017Are we aware of the multiple cognitive consequences of being immersed in multilingual learning contexts? In this opinion article, some recent findings from the field of cognitive neuroscience and education has been discussed briefly, and the astonishing manner in which speaking a foreign language changes the human decision-making system and how this may link to a different degree of emotional reactivity in foreign-language contexts as compared to nativelanguage scenarios has been elaborated. Finally, some insights have been provided about the recent innovative and inclusive educational methods based on mixing language at school and on the use of the native language as an educational tool in multilingual schools.This study was partially supported by grants from the Spanish Government (SEV-2015-0490 and PSI2015-65689-P), AThEME-613465 grant from the European Union, and by a 2016 BBVA Foundation Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators

    Brønsted based catalyzed Michael additions for the production of heterocyclic compounds of biological interest

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    339 p.Introducimos dos pronucleófilos, 1H-imidazol-4(5H)-onas y pirrolo[1,2-a]pirazin-4(3H)-onas, los cuales cumplen los requerimientos para actuar eficientemente en reacciones organocatalizadas y permitir su posterior funcionalización. En el Capítulo 2, las primeras estructuras mencionadas demostraron su eficiente actuación para producir precursores de hidantoínas en reacciones de Michael con nitroolefinas. En el Capítulo 3, en relación a las segundas estructuras mencionadas validamos su uso como pronucleófilos en la producción pirrolodiquetopiperacinas quirales a través de la adición de Michael a nitroolefinas. Por último, el Capitulo 4 describe el proyecto llevado a cabo durante una estancia breve en el grupo de investigación de la Prof. Suyzanna Harutyunyan en la Universidad de Groningen que consistió en la exploración de la versatilidad de derivados boronados quirales como precursores de fosfinas quirales

    Analytical and chemometrical approaches for bioimaging, sensing and metabolomics

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    258 p. Embargada de nuevo el 21-12-2018 a solicitud de la autoraTesi honetan batu dira hiru bi proiektutan egindako lanak. Alde batetik, hipertermia magnetikoari dagokionez, gibeletako tumoreen aurkako terapian hain zuzen, bi lan eraman dira aurrera. Lehengoa izan da FT-IR eta Raman bidezko bioirudiak lortzeko eta interpretatzeko lanak, histologian lagungarri izateko. Bigarrean , hipertermiak ekar lezakeen ondorioak gibelaren funtzionamenduan eta terapia ondoko errekuperazioa nolakoa den aztertzeko analisi metabolomikoa landu da 1H-EMN-aren bitartez. Ildo beretsutik baina terapiatik kanpo, SERS delako teknika landu da zelulen bioirudiak landu ahal izateko.Bestalde batetik, ingurumen kutsaduraren ikuspuntutik, kutsatzaile ez-polarren nahasteari esposatuta egon diren muskuiluak aztertu dira. Alde batetik, esposizioa jarraitua izan da laginketa pasiboko teknika uztartu eta gero, eta metatutako kontzentrazioaz gain, muskuiluen analisi metabolomikoa bideratu egin da hainbat ehunetan (muskulo, gonada) . Lehen bezala, analisi metabolomikoa 1H-EMN-aren bitartez eraman da aurrera eta kutsatzaileek eragin dituzten aldaketa metabolikoak aztertzeko bide eman du

    Analytical and chemometrical approaches for bioimaging, sensing and metabolomics

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    258 p. Embargada de nuevo el 21-12-2018 a solicitud de la autoraTesi honetan batu dira hiru bi proiektutan egindako lanak. Alde batetik, hipertermia magnetikoari dagokionez, gibeletako tumoreen aurkako terapian hain zuzen, bi lan eraman dira aurrera. Lehengoa izan da FT-IR eta Raman bidezko bioirudiak lortzeko eta interpretatzeko lanak, histologian lagungarri izateko. Bigarrean , hipertermiak ekar lezakeen ondorioak gibelaren funtzionamenduan eta terapia ondoko errekuperazioa nolakoa den aztertzeko analisi metabolomikoa landu da 1H-EMN-aren bitartez. Ildo beretsutik baina terapiatik kanpo, SERS delako teknika landu da zelulen bioirudiak landu ahal izateko.Bestalde batetik, ingurumen kutsaduraren ikuspuntutik, kutsatzaile ez-polarren nahasteari esposatuta egon diren muskuiluak aztertu dira. Alde batetik, esposizioa jarraitua izan da laginketa pasiboko teknika uztartu eta gero, eta metatutako kontzentrazioaz gain, muskuiluen analisi metabolomikoa bideratu egin da hainbat ehunetan (muskulo, gonada) . Lehen bezala, analisi metabolomikoa 1H-EMN-aren bitartez eraman da aurrera eta kutsatzaileek eragin dituzten aldaketa metabolikoak aztertzeko bide eman du

    What absent switch costs and mixing costs during bilingual language comprehension can tell us about language control.

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    Epub 2019 Mar 28.In the current study, we set out to investigate language control, which is the process that minimizes cross-language interference, during bilingual language comprehension. According to current theories of bilingual language comprehension, language-switch costs, which are a marker for reactive language control, should be observed. However, a closer look at the literature shows that this is not always the case. Furthermore, little to no evidence for language-mixing costs, which are a marker for proactive language control, has been observed in the bilingual language comprehension literature. This is in line with current theories of bilingual language comprehension, as they do not explicitly account for proactive language control. In the current study, we further investigated these two markers of language control and found no evidence for comprehension-based language-switch costs in six experiments, even though other types of switch costs were observed with the exact same setup (i.e., task-switch costs, stimulus modality-switch costs, and production-based language-switch costs). Furthermore, only one out of three experiments showed comprehension-based language-mixing costs, providing the first tentative evidence for proactive language control during bilingual language comprehension. The implications of the absence and occurrence of these costs are discussed in terms of processing speed and parallel language activation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved)This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 706128. This research was also supported by grants ANR-11-LABX-0036 (BLRI), ANR-16-CONV-0002 (ILCB), and ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02 from the French National Research Council (ANR)

    Lexical organization of language-ambiguous and language-specific words in bilinguals

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    Previous research has shown the importance of sublexical orthographic cues in determining the language of a given word when the two languages of a bilingual reader share the same script. In this study, we explored the extent to which cross-language sublexical characteristics of words—measured in terms of bigram frequencies—constrain selective language activation during reading. In Experiment 1, we investigated the impact of language-nonspecific and language-specific orthography in letter detection using the Reicher–Wheeler paradigm in a seemingly monolingual experimental context. In Experiment 2, we used the masked translation priming paradigm in order to better characterize the role of sublexical language cues during lexical access in bilinguals. Results show that bilinguals are highly sensitive to statistical orthographic regularities of their languages and that the absence of such cues promotes language-nonspecific lexical access, whereas their presence partially reduces parallel language activation. We conclude that language coactivation in bilinguals is highly modulated by sublexical processing and that orthographic regularities of the two languages of a bilingual are a determining factor in lexical access