82 research outputs found


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    AbstractThis study concerns the problem of Muhammadiyah waqf land assets in the province of South Sulawesi. The first problem is how to manage waqf land in Muhammadiyah organizations in South Sulawesi. Second, what efforts have been made in resolving the problem of Muhammadiyah waqf land assets in South Sulawesi.The type of research used is field research conducted at all Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership Offices in South Sulawesi province. Data was collected through interviews, collections, and observations. This study concludes that; First, the management of waqf land assets is still traditional, which is intended only for development activities and social activities. In fact, management has not run optimally. Therefore, it still needs cooperation between the Waqf Board and the Property with other parties in the management of waqf land assets so that they can run effectively and benefit. Second, the land assets are less pronounced and not aimed at the economic empowerment that only oriented to the devotional activities.Keywords: Waqf; Land Asset; Muhammadiyah

    Challenge of Restoring Seagrass Beds in Indonesia Using Seeds

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    Enhalusacoroides is the climax species and the target species for restoration of seagrass in Indonesia.\ud \ud We studied the feasibility of maintaining a seed stock for Enhalus restoration and studied seed germination in three types of substrata (marine sand, coral rubble, and terrestrial sand) as well as the field. We found that marine sand was the best substrate to grow for the Enhalus seed.The Enhalus grew in marine sand had the longest leaf size and roots, also the biggest root diameter. In average, the performance of the seedling in the field is promising where the survival rate is 100% in 3 months period.\ud \ud However, treatment the Enhalus fruit (with the seed inside) with different length of storage and storage temperature (room and refrigerator) showed that Enhalus seeds did not survive well at longer storage period both in room temperature (~30oC) and in the refrigerator (4oC). The longest time seeds survived were2and 8 days in refrigerator and room temperature, respectively.\ud \ud Survival rate in the field was also correlated with the performance of the seedling when we raised them in the laboratory. There was 87.5% survival of seedling treated with 2 days storage in refrigerator, whereas all the seedling treated with 2 to 5 days storagein room temperature can grow well in the field (100% survival). However, stored the seed up to 8 days eventhough in room temperature did not show a good survival both in laboratory and in the field (survival was less than 20%).\ud \ud Our results indicate that long-term seed storage in the laboratory will not be feasible for restoration. Because using seeds for restoration is important for maintaining genetic diversity, the establishment of a seedling nursery in the field provides a viable alternative for Enhalus restoration, although it will be logistically more challenging than a seed storage bank

    Variabilitas harian komunitas ikan padang lamun perairan Tanjung Tiram- Teluk Ambon Dalam

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    Perairan ini dilaksanakan di perairan Tanjung Tiram - Teluk Ambon Dalam selama bulan Juni - Agustus 2012, untuk membandingkan kelimpahan dan struktur komunitas ikan padang lamun berdasarkan perbedaan siang dan malam hari. Ikan dikoleksi dengan metode sapuan menggunakan pukat pantai yang ditarik pada hamparan padang lamun sebanyak enam kali (masing-masing tiga kali mewakili siang dan malam hari). Hasil penelitian mendapatkan total jumlah individu ikan sebanyak 5593 individu dari 72 spesies dan 35 famili. Siganus canaliculatus mendominasi struktur komunitas ikan baik pada siang maupun malam hari, Ostorhinchus lateralis aktif pada malam hari, dan Aeoliscus strigatus yang aktif pada siang hari. Terdapat variasi struktur komunitas ikan antara siang dan malam, dengan nilai dominansi selalu lebih tinggi pada malam hari. Sebaliknya, keanekaragaman selalu tinggi pada siang hari dan keseragaman spesies lebih stabil pada siang hari. Variabilitas kelimpahan dan struktur komunitas ikan antara siang dan malam hari selain berkaitan dengan sifat nokturnal dan diurnal, juga dipengaruhi fluktuasi parameter oseanografi. Suhu, salinitas, oksigen terlarut, dan pH berpengaruh positif, sedangkan kekeruhan perairan berpengaruh negatif terhadap kelimpahan ikan di ekosistem padang lamun


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    The importance of seagrass meadows as a habitat for fishes, including several of economic importance, is widely acknowledged. The complexity of seagrass beds might offer a different condition of habitat for fishes. The physical nature of the seagrass canopy is thought to play a major role, potentially influencing available shelter, food, and protection from predators. Structural complexity of seagrass such as shoot and leaf density is also an important factor in determining ecological function of seagrass in the marine environment. The objective of the research is to assess the ecological function of different seagrass beds (in terms of spesies and density) in supporting fish community. The study found 28 species of fish originating from 14 families and Pomacentridae were dominantly found. Abundance of fish found to be higher in seagrass beds with high densities both composed by one species of seagrass (monospesific) or by more than one species of seagrass (multispesific), compared to the seagrass beds with low density and bare areas. Fish community diversity index was found higher in dense seagrass beds composed of many species of seagrass compared to the rare and consists of only one species of seagrass. The presence of epiphytes as nutrients for the fish that live in seagrass beds may contribute to the finding.Keywords: Seagrass, fish, Barrang Lompo Islan

    Preferensi makanan dan daya ramban ikan baronang, Siganus canaliculatus pada berbagai jenis lamun

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    Ikan baronang (Siganus canaliculatus) adalah jenis ikan yang umum ditemukan di daerah padang lamun. Beberapa peneliti melaporkan bahwa ikan baronang adalah ikan herbivora yang dapat memakan lamun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan preferensi makanan dan daya ramban S. Canaliculatus terhadap berbagai jenis lamun mulai dari jenis lamun ???pioneer??? sampai ???climax???yaitu: Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia, Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, dan Enhalus accoroides. Ikan baronang berukuran seragam dikumpulkan dari perairan, dipelihara dalam akuarium beraerasi dan tidak diberi makan selama 2x24 jam. Daun lamun yang masih utuh dari setiap jenis dikumpulkan, dibersihkan dan tanpa dibersihkan dari epifit yang menempel, lalu ditimbang sebanyak 8 g untuk setiap jenis, dan diletakkan di dalam akuarium 50x50x50 cm3yang telah diisi air laut dan diaerasi. Ikan uji yang telah dipersiapkan dimasukkan ke dalam akuarium yang berisi lamun dan diamati setiap 12 jam (pola makan siang dan malam). Data selisih bobot lamun sebelum dan sesudah perlakukan 12 jam dianalisis dengan one-way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa S. Canaliculatus tidak memperlihatkan preferensi makanan yang nyata terhadap jenis lamun tertentu pada siang hari. Namun, pada malam hari secara nyata menunjukkan bahwa ikan ini lebih memilih Cymodocea rotundata dan Halophila ovalis sebagai makanannya. Daya ramban S. canaliculatus terhadap beberapa jenis lamun berbeda, pada siang hari daya ramban tertinggi pada lamun jenis H. ovalis sebesar 0,063 gr.jam-1 dan terendah pada lamun jenis E. acoroides sebesar 0,008 gr.jam-1, sedangkan pada malam hari daya ramban S. canaliculatus tertinggi pada H. ovalis sebesar 0,061 gr.jam-1 dan terendah pada Thalassia hemprichii sebesar 0,007 gr.jam-1

    The Use of Byssogenesis of Green Mussel, Perna Viridis, as a Biomarker in Laboratory Study

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    Marine pollution monitoring is important for food bio-safety as well as the conservation of the environment.The green mussel, Perna viridis has previously been used as an eco-sentinel organism in marine pollution monitoring. In this study the byssogenesis of P. viridis was used as a biomarker during an in vivo study. Fifteen P. viridis were exposed\ud for 14 days in filtered seawater to metal mixtures of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) containing 0.008, 0.04, 0.2, 1, 5 mg/l of\ud each metal for 14 days. The results showed that Pb and Cd residues in the mussel tissue were proportional to the metal\ud concentration in water. Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn???s Multiple Comparison tests were used to assess the effects of metal exposure on the production of byssus. The test results showed that the byssus production in 0.2 and 1 mg/l treatments was significantly different from controls (p < 0.05). Backward elimination regression was used to discern the role of Pb and Cd in the byssus productions. The regression demonstrated that Pb played a more important role than Cd in terms of byssogenesis. The study suggested that the byssogenesis production of P. viridis has potential to be used in biomarker studies


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    Padang lamun merupakan habitat potensial bagi sumberdaya hayati ikan yaitu sebagai daerah asuhan, daerah pemijahan, tempat berlindung dan mencari makan. Salah satu jenis ikan yang senantiasa didapatkan pada daerah padang lamun dalam jumlah melimpah yaitu ikan baronang (Siganus canaliculatus). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peranan ekologi padang lamun bagi S. canaliculatus yang dilaksanakan di perairan Teluk Ambon Dalam. Pada penelitian ini, dipilih 3 lokasi padang lamun berdasarkan perbedaan karakteristik dan keragaman vegetasi lamun dengan asumsi bahwa karaktersitik habitat lamun yang berbeda akan memberikan peranan ekologi yang berbeda ditinjau dari perbedaan kelimpahan dan struktur ukuran ikan yang berasosiasi di dalamnya. Pengumpulan ikan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pukat pantai (beach seine) pada setiap padang lamun dengan karakteristik berbeda selama periode Maret-Mei 2011, dengan dua kali penarikan sampel setiap bulan mewakili periode pasang (spring tide) dan surut (neap tide). Dilakukan pengukuran panjang dan berat setiap individu ikan yang tertangkap. Pengamatan isi lambung dan pengukuran kematangan gonad juga dilakukan pada sejumlah sampel ikan yang terpilih. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa padang lamun dengan keragaman dan kerapatan vegetasi yang tinggi mendukung tingginya kelimpahan individu S. canaliculatus. Hasil analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa secara ekologi ekosistem padang lamun di perairan Teluk Ambon Dalam lebih berfungsi sebagai tempat asuhan dan mencari makan bagi S.canaliculatus. Upaya konservasi padang lamun pada perairan Teluk Ambon Dalam sangat diperlukan untuk mendukung keberlanjutan fungsi ekosistem ini bagi sumberdaya ikan

    Decadal Remote Sensing Analysis of Seagrass Changes in Palu Bay, Central Sulawesi

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    Seagrass meadows provide a variety of material, non-material and regulatory coastal ecosystem service; however, as the distribution of seagrass beds changes over time due to both anthropogenic activities and natural factors,  it is important to monitor changes in seagrass condition. Seagrass meadows in Palu Bay are threatened by activities such as coastal development and land reclamation. Additionally, the bay was hit by a significant tsunami in 2018, which could have impacted ecosystems in the bay, including seagrass meadows. The aim of this study was to detect changes in seagrass extent and distribution over a 10-year period from 2012 to 2022 and changes in land use over approximately a decade (2010 and 2021) through the use of remote sensing technology. Changes in eagrass meadow areal extent were analyzed using data from a 2012 Landsat 7 Satellite Data Acquisition and a 2022 Landsat 8 Satellite Data Acquisition. Water column correction was implemented using the Lyzenga Algorithm. The results showed a significant decrease in the area of seagrass meadows around the coastal area of Palu Bay. Seagrass meadows in 2012 and 2022 covered 127.08 Ha and 87.79 Ha, respectively, indicating a decrease in extent of 43.29 Ha. As the accuracy of the satellite data classification results was 80%, the results are considered acceptable. Anthropogenic activities (mainly mining and construction related) are strongly suspected as the main drivers of this decline, while earthquake and tsunami events likely aggravated the degradation  of coastal ecosystems in Palu Bay, including seagrass meadows


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    The aim of this study was to determine the density, species composition and community structure of makrozoobentos on seagrass areas and its relationship with the percent cover of seagrass in Pulau Bonebatang, Makassar. Data collection on seagrass and makrozoobentos was performed on the same transect (size 1 m2) with 3 replications. Sampling was done on each transect systematically with 20 m distance each other along the line perpendicular to the shore starting from unvegetated area up to the coral area where no more seagrass. Sampling was conducted on four stations (north, south, east and west) of the island based on the presence of seagrass. Percent cover of seagrass and seagrass species observed in each transect were noted. Makrozoobentos obtained were identified to the taxonomic level possible. The study found as many as six seagrass species which were scattered in every station, namely, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, Syringodium isoetifolium and Cymodocea rotundata, with the percentage of seagrass cover on the island ranged from 50.5 to 74.5 % and classified in good condition. It was found as many as 133 species of macrozoobenthos spread over station consisting of 91 species of gastropods, 22 species of bivalves, 2 species of asteroids, three species of echinoids, 4 species of crustaceans, 8 species of polychaetes, and 3 species of sipunculids. Makrozoobentos highest density was found in the station which has six different seagrass species in which T. hemprichii, C. rotundata, H. ovalis and E. acoroides possess the largest seagrass species composition. The results of correlation analysis showed no relationship between density and number of species of makrozoobentos with the percent cover of seagrass


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    artikel ini sdh dpresentasekan dlm kegiatan Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ISOI November 2009 dan sdh dipublikasikan dlm Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan edisi khusus Februari 2010The aim of the research was (1) to analize the effect of artificial seagrass in order to improve marine biodiversity in term of fish community structure; (2) to analyze ecological function of artificial seagrass in comparison to natural seagrass in protecting fish community. The research was experimentally designed using two types of artificial seagrasses (polyprophilene and plastic leaves) and one experiment by replanting natural seagrass (Enahlus acoroides) as a control with three replicates. The artificial and natural seagrasses were deployed on a sand substrate with 1.5 m depth at low tide at Barranglompo Island waters. Fish observation in term of abundance and species diversity were done every two weeks in three months period. Visual sensus technique was applied to record fish. It was found 29 species of fish with dominant species namely of Pomacentridae, Labridae, Nemeptridae, and Siganidae. There was no significant difference found among experiments in terms of species diversity of fish, however, the difference was observed for fish abundance in where one type of artificial seagrass (plastic leaves) atracted more fish in comparing to others. In addition, diversity index of fish community tend to increase as the time of deployment increase and it was found that artifial seagrass showed higher fish diversity index compared to natural habitat