925 research outputs found

    Geometry of the quantum universe

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    A universe much like the (Euclidean) de Sitter space-time appears as background geometry in the causal dynamical triangulation (CDT) regularization of quantum gravity. We study the geometry of such universes which appear in the path integral as a function of the bare coupling constants of the theory.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Typos corrected. Conclusions unchange

    Baby Universes Revisited

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    The behaviour of baby universes has been an important ingredient in understanding and quantifying non-critical string theory or, equivalently, models of two-dimensional Euclidean quantum gravity coupled to matter. Within a regularized description based on dynamical triangulations, we amend an earlier conjecture by Jain and Mathur on the scaling behaviour of genus-gg surfaces containing particular baby universe `necks', and perform a nontrivial numerical check on our improved conjecture.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Crossing the c=1 barrier in 2d Lorentzian quantum gravity

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    In an extension of earlier work we investigate the behaviour of two-dimensional Lorentzian quantum gravity under coupling to a conformal field theory with c>1. This is done by analyzing numerically a system of eight Ising models (corresponding to c=4) coupled to dynamically triangulated Lorentzian geometries. It is known that a single Ising model couples weakly to Lorentzian quantum gravity, in the sense that the Hausdorff dimension of the ensemble of two-geometries is two (as in pure Lorentzian quantum gravity) and the matter behaviour is governed by the Onsager exponents. By increasing the amount of matter to 8 Ising models, we find that the geometry of the combined system has undergone a phase transition. The new phase is characterized by an anomalous scaling of spatial length relative to proper time at large distances, and as a consequence the Hausdorff dimension is now three. In spite of this qualitative change in the geometric sector, and a very strong interaction between matter and geometry, the critical exponents of the Ising model retain their Onsager values. This provides evidence for the conjecture that the KPZ values of the critical exponents in 2d Euclidean quantum gravity are entirely due to the presence of baby universes. Lastly, we summarize the lessons learned so far from 2d Lorentzian quantum gravity.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures (postscript), uses JHEP.cls, see http://www.nbi.dk/~ambjorn/lqg2 for related animated simulation

    On the Quantum Geometry of Multi-critical CDT

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    We discuss extensions of a recently introduced model of multi-critical CDT to higher multi-critical points. As in the case of pure CDT the continuum limit can be taken on the level of the action and the resulting continuum surface model is again described by a matrix model. The resolvent, a simple observable of the quantum geometry which is accessible from the matrix model is calculated for arbitrary multi-critical points. We go beyond the matrix model by determining the propagator using the peeling procedure which is used to extract the effective quantum Hamiltonian and the fractal dimension in agreement with earlier results by Ambjorn et al. With this at hand a string field theory formalism for multi-critical CDT is introduced and it is shown that the Dyson-Schwinger equations match the loop equations of the matrix model. We conclude by commenting on how to formally obtain the sum over topologies and a relation to stochastic quantisation.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, improved discussion, some new results regarding Hausdorff dimension, as publishe

    RG flow in an exactly solvable model with fluctuating geometry

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    A recently proposed renormalization group technique, based on the hierarchical structures present in theories with fluctuating geometry, is implemented in the model of branched polymers. The renormalization group equations can be solved analytically, and the flow in coupling constant space can be determined.Comment: References updated, typos corrected and abstract sligtly changed. 10 pages. Pictex use

    Causal random geometry from stochastic quantization

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    In this short note we review a recently found formulation of two-dimensional causal quantum gravity defined through Causal Dynamical Triangulations and stochastic quantization. This procedure enables one to extract the nonperturbative quantum Hamiltonian of the random surface model including the sum over topologies. Interestingly, the generally fictitious stochastic time corresponds to proper time on the geometries.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, presented at XI Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena, Buzios, 2009, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Proceeding

    The nature of ZZ branes

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    In minimal non-critical string theory we show that the principal (r,s) ZZ brane can be viewed as the basic (1,1) ZZ boundary state tensored with the (r,s) Cardy boundary state. In this sense there exists only one ZZ boundary state, the basic (1,1) boundary state.Comment: 10 pages, footnote adde

    The transfer matrix in four-dimensional CDT

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    The Causal Dynamical Triangulation model of quantum gravity (CDT) has a transfer matrix, relating spatial geometries at adjacent (discrete lattice) times. The transfer matrix uniquely determines the theory. We show that the measurements of the scale factor of the (CDT) universe are well described by an effective transfer matrix where the matrix elements are labeled only by the scale factor. Using computer simulations we determine the effective transfer matrix elements and show how they relate to an effective minisuperspace action at all scales.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figure

    On the relation between Euclidean and Lorentzian 2D quantum gravity

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    Starting from 2D Euclidean quantum gravity, we show that one recovers 2D Lorentzian quantum gravity by removing all baby universes. Using a peeling procedure to decompose the discrete, triangulated geometries along a one-dimensional path, we explicitly associate with each Euclidean space-time a (generalized) Lorentzian space-time. This motivates a map between the parameter spaces of the two theories, under which their propagators get identified. In two dimensions, Lorentzian quantum gravity can therefore be viewed as a ``renormalized'' version of Euclidean quantum gravity.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    A non-perturbative Lorentzian path integral for gravity

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    A well-defined regularized path integral for Lorentzian quantum gravity in three and four dimensions is constructed, given in terms of a sum over dynamically triangulated causal space-times. Each Lorentzian geometry and its associated action have a unique Wick rotation to the Euclidean sector. All space-time histories possess a distinguished notion of a discrete proper time. For finite lattice volume, the associated transfer matrix is self-adjoint and bounded. The reflection positivity of the model ensures the existence of a well-defined Hamiltonian. The degenerate geometric phases found previously in dynamically triangulated Euclidean gravity are not present. The phase structure of the new Lorentzian quantum gravity model can be readily investigated by both analytic and numerical methods.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, improved discussion of reflection positivity, conclusions unchanged, references update