1,137 research outputs found

    Pressure-induced Superconductivity in a Ferromagnet UGe2_2 -- Resistivity Measurements in Magnetic Field --

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    The electrical resistivity measurements in the magnetic field are carried out on the pressure-induced superconductor UGe2_2. The superconductivity is observed from 1.06 to 1.44 GPa. The upper critical field of HC2H_{C2} is anisotropic where HC2(T)H_{C2}(T) exhibits positive curvature for H//bH//b and cc-axis. The characteristic enhancement of HC2H_{C2} is reconfirmed for H//aH//a-axis. In the temperature and field dependence of resistivity at P>PCP > P_{C} where the ferromagnetic ordering disappears, it is observed that the application of the external field along the {\it a}-axis increases the coefficient of Fermi liquid behavior AT2AT^{2} correspondingly to the metamagnetic transition.Comment: To be published in the proceeding of the International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology(AIRAPT-18),Beijing,China,23-27 July 200

    Construction and validation of a questionnaire to assess student satisfaction with mathematics learning materials

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    Sixth Edition Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing MulticulturalityMathematics is an essential branch for the scientific development and its study is mandatory in most university degrees. However, currently the level of academic performance and motivation of students to learn this science is not the desired one. The students can use different learning tools inside and outside the math classroom, enhancing the quality of the learning materials that are designed essentially to facilitate the learning of mathematics. The present research project aims to determine the validity and reliability of a measurement instrument that allows theassessment of the satisfaction of the students with the availablelearning materials. To fulfill the objectives of this research, the method of survey was used. A study with a quantitative approach was developed, which led to the design and validation of a questionnaire by a group of 7 experts. The validation closed after applying a pilot study with 728 students. It concluded positively, obtaining nine factors that coincide with the revision of the literature: technological quality, quality of content, visual quality, didactic significance, adequacy of content, relationship between theory and practice, involvement, contribution to learning, relevance and interaction between educational actors. The results of this questionnaire provide to the international scientific community with relevant information for the design, selection, and use of study materials in the classrooms, which will contribute to raising the levels of student engagement, and their academic performance in mathematics, secondaril

    Modeling the video distribution link in the Next Generation Optical Access Networks

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    In this work we present a model for the design and optimization of the video distribution link in the next generation optical access network. We analyze the video distribution performance in a SCM-WDM link, including the noise, the distortion and the fiber optic nonlinearities. Additionally, we consider in the model the effect of distributed Raman amplification, used to extent the capacity and the reach of the optical link. In the model, we use the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with the purpose to obtain capacity limitations and design constrains of the next generation optical access networks. In this work we present a model for the design and optimization of the video distribution link in the next generation optical access network. We analyze the video distribution performance in a SCM-WDM link, including the noise, the distortion and the fiber optic nonlinearities. Additionally, we consider in the model the effect of distributed Raman amplification, used to extent the capacity and the reach of the optical link. In the model, we use the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with the purpose to obtain capacity limitations and design constrains of the next generation optical access networks

    Towards a Circular Economy Development for Household Used Cooking Oil in Guayaquil: Quantification, Characterization, Modeling, and Geographical Mapping

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing for Sustainable Development[Abstract] The objective of the present study was to quantify, geo-locate, model, and characterize domestic used cooking oil (dUCO) generation for the city of Guayaquil. For this reason, and as a prerequisite for the proper planning of municipal cooking oil waste management in the city, we carried out 14-day fieldwork involving 532 households from different parishes of Guayaquil, combined with a survey to acquire data on their demographic and socioeconomic statistics. The artisanal characterization was further executed to 40 subsamples of dUCO to determine the density, moisture, solids content, and the volatile-matter characteristics present. Additionally, the Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to map the used cooking oil generation hotspots for the city, adding the Geographical Position System (GPS) of each participating household during the data acquisition. Finally, a multiple-regression model was proposed to establish correlations between the dUCO generated and five independent variables, such as household size, socioeconomic group, tenure status, education level, and income. Results showed that the per capita daily dUCO-generation rate was found to be 4.30 g/day/c or 4.99 mL/day/c, with a density of 0.86 g/mL. Filterable solids represented 0.37% for the entire dUCO collected sample, while separable water and grease represented 1.58% and 0.014%, respectively. In addition, the percentage of the volatile matter was found to be 7.7% ± 2.1% of the filtered dUCO. Using GIS mapping, we found that the areas near tourism sites have a higher dUCO generation value, considering the household survey. Following the developed multiple-regression model developed, it was found that household size and the socioeconomic group have the maximum effect on generating used cooking oil

    Effect of light and temperature on carotenogenesis by rhodotorula mucilaginosa.

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    The present work had the objective of studying the effect of temperature and light on the production of carotenoids by wild Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, isolated in Brazil, using central composite design (CCD)

    El Acelerón sindicalista : discurso social, imagen y realidad del aparato de propaganda de la Organización Sindical Española, 1957-1969 /

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    Descripció del recurs: 15-06-2011Esta tesis doctoral se sitúa en el marco interno del aparato de propaganda de la Organización Sindical Española durante los años 60. En este periodo la OSE se sumergió en un proceso de impulse, reorganización y adaptación a la cambiante realidad socio-económica realidad española. Los medios propagandísticos fueron utilizados insistentemente para expandir la base social del sindicalismo oficial y para conseguir sus objetivos políticos. La ruta tomada para conseguirlo fue la emisión de un potente discurso social y el interno remozamiento de la estructura de la OSE, sin superar nunca los estrictos límites establecidos por el modelo sindical original. Dado que este proceso necesitaba de la propaganda para ser totalmente captado por las masas obreras, no solamente su maquinaria fue reforzada y su discurso nutrido con conceptos como democracia, representatividad y participación, sino que se articuló un modelo estético que representaba con gran esplendor y masiva exaltación los procesos electorales y los hitos congresuales, además de incrementar el mito caudillista con objeto de autolegitimar el proceso sindical con el principio de autoridad representado por Franco. A los ojos de las jerarquías sindicales la nueva y cambiante sociedad de los años 60 tenía la potencialidad intrínseca, no solo de convertirse en el definitivo portador de la armonía de clases, sino también de garantizarle al sindicalismo oficial la adición de una renovada base activa proclive a ser seducida por su propaganda. El Diario Pueblo fue el buque insignia de la ofensiva propagandística, junto con el multifacetado Servicio Nacional de Información y Publicaciones Sindicales -SIPS-, debido a su remarcable éxito comercial promovido por la fuerte voluntad política emanada del ministro Secretario General del Movimiento y Delegado Nacional de Sindicatos José Solís Ruiz y de su director Emilio Romero. Sin embargo, un conjunto de problemas internos afectaron a la dirigencia del periódico y del SIPS, los cuales amenazaron y condicionaron seriamente los objetivos políticos que la propaganda sindical perseguía. El problema estribaba también en el hecho que la nueva clase obrera española en formación estaba desarrollando y articulando formas nuevas de movimiento obrero. Impulsado por procesos enmarcadores que eran fruto de los cambios socio-económicos, el nuevo movimiento obrero se vio capaz de aprovechar las brechas del sistema dictatorial para encontrar oportunidades de organización. Éstas terminarían derivando en una crecientemente preocupante acción reivindicativa, indiferente a los cantos de sirena de la propaganda y a la violencia que el Estado y la OSE desplegaba contra él, condicionando con ello el fracaso del sindicalismo participativo de Solís y la derrota social de la función de la propaganda.This doctoral thesis is set in the internal framework of the Spanish Trade Union Organisation -Organización Sindical Española- propaganda machinery in the 60s. In this period, OSE was immersed in a process of impulse, reorganisation and adaptation to the changing socio-economic reality of Spain. These propaganda means were used insistently to expand its social base and achieve its political objectives. The road taken to achieve it was the emission of a powerful social discourse and the internal reformation of the OSE structure, without ever surpassing the strict limits set by the original syndicate pattern. As this process needed propaganda in order to be fully grasped by the working masses, not only its machinery was strengthened and its discourse was seasoned with concepts like democracy, representation or participation, but also it was staged with grand splendour and with a massive exaltation of electoral processes and an increase of the caudillist myth whilst exalting its own image thanks to the principle of authority represented by Franco. To the eyes of syndicate hierarchies, that new forming and changing society had the intrinsic potential, not only to become the definitive carrier of class harmony, but also to grant official syndicalism the addition of new and renovated active bases that were prone to be seduced by propaganda. The journal Pueblo was the spearhead of this propaganda offensive along with the multifaceted Servicio Nacional de Información y Publicaciones Sindicales -SIPS-, due to its remarkable commercial success promoted by both José Solís Ruiz and Emilio Romero's strong political willpower. However, a set of internal problems affecting the management of the journal and the SIPS threatened and seriously conditioned the political targets that it was set to accomplish. The problem lied also in the fact that the new forming working class was developing and articulating a different form of labour movement. Impelled by ranking processes that were fruits of the socio-economic changes, the new labour movement thought itself capable of seizing the gaps in the dictatorial system in order to find political opportunities of organisation. These would end up diverting towards a worryingly protesting action, indifferent to the siren's call of propaganda and also to the sharply violent measures that the State and the OSE were taking against them, provoking the failure of Solís' participative syndicalism and the social defeat of propaganda's function

    Quantification and mapping of domestic plastic waste using GIS/GPS approach at the city of Guayaquil

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    [Abstract] A significant contributor to the waste stream is the domestic single-use plastic used in households, being the final disposal in most cases the local landfill. There is a significant opportunity to promote resource recovery and efficiency through the introduction of circular economy strategies. However, the knowledge and management of post-consumer plastic waste in the country is poor, and there is a lack of an efficient collection and sorting system. In this context, spatial information on domestic plastic waste generation (DPWG) is essential for recycling decision-making. The integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS) shows an opportunity to collect, mapping, and analyse spatial DPWG issues. Thus, this paper had a double objective. The first was to assess the evolution of eight different types of plastic waste in the city’s households and their daily per capita generation between 2019 and 2021. The second objective was to provide a complete geo-referenced information on the quantities and typologies of domestic plastic waste (DPW) produced in Guayaquil and analyse how the flows have shifted throughout the years. The results showed that PET is the most generated, recording 97.76% and 100.00 % of the households who generate this type of plastic for 2019 and 2021, respectively, with an average of 13.08 and 15.13 g/day/c. Following, we had HDPE, PP and PVC occupying the second, third and fourth place for 2019 with 5.86, 3.05, 2.54 g/day/c, respectively. On the other hand, for 2021, PP (7.43 g/day/c), HDPE (5.92 g/day/c), and LDPE (3.99 g/day/c) occupied the second, third and fourth, respectively. According to the spatial maps, the DPW increment is in most of the popular zones. These popular zones are neighborhoods with a considerable quantity of population and limited basic services. Most of these people live in extreme poverty, being a possible relation between the COVID-19 lockdown and the increasement of DPW

    Examining how country image influences destination image in a behavioral intentions model: the cases of Lloret de Mar (Spain) and Cancun (Mexico)

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    Understanding the importance of a country's image in the behavioral intentions of tourists is essential for sun-and-sand destinations. This study examines an integrated model of behavioral intentions regarding two international tourist destinations, namely Cancun (Mexico) and Lloret de Mar (Spain). The results indicate that country image influences destination image; destination image influences value, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions; value influences satisfaction; and satisfaction influences behavioral intentions. These findings confirm that the country and destination images are different constructs, and that destination image is the key to attracting tourists. Additionally, there are some differences in the relationships hypothesized in the model among the destinations

    Alterações neuropsicológicas associadas em pacientes com enfarte lacunar

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    There is little evidence of cognitive impairment to define the profile of patients with Lacunar Infarction (IL). The purpose of this study was to identify the neuropsychological disorders in these patients. The sample consisted of 16 patients with IL and 16 healthy control participants with an average age of 63 ± 9.41 and 64.75 ± 9.06 years, and average schooling of 7.55 ± 4.34 and 7.94 ± 3.51, respectively. Cognitive function was assessed using a screening tool and a neuropsychological battery. Statistical analysis was carried out by the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. Patients with IL are characterized by the alteration of domains such as planning, verbal fluency, attention switching, visoconstructive skill and information processing speed (p <0.050). The IL is related to the impairment of executive functioning and processing speed, due to the interruption of frontocortico-subcortical circuits associated with their proper performance.Existe pouca evidência da deterioração cognoscitiva que defina o perfil do paciente com Enfarte Lacunar (IL). O propósito deste estudo foi identificar as alterações neuropsicológicas neste tipo de pacientes. A mostra foi composta por 16 pacientes com IL e 16 participantes sãos com uma idade média de 63 ± 9.41 e 64.75 ± 9.06 anos e uma escolaridade de 7.55 ± 4.34 e 7.94 ± 3.51, respectivamente. Avaliou-se a função cognoscitiva mediante um instrumento de tamizagem e uma bateria neuropsicológica. A análise estadística foi feita através do teste Kruskal-Wallis e a U de Man-Whitney. Os pacientes com IL se caracterizan pela alteração de dominios como planejamento, fluêcia verbal, mudança atencional, habilidade visoconstructiva e velocidade de processamento da informação (p < 0.050). O IL se relaciona com a deterioração do funcionamento executivo e da velocidade de processamento, devido à interrupção de circuitos frontocortico-subcorticais associados com seu correto desempenho.Existe poca evidencia del deterioro cognoscitivo que defina el perfil del paciente con Infarto Lacunar (IL). El propósito de este estudio fue identificar las alteraciones neuropsicológicas en este tipo de pacientes. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 16 pacientes con IL y 16 participantes sanos con una edad promedio de 63 ± 9.41 y 64.75 ± 9.06 años y una escolaridad de 7.55 ± 4.34 y 7.94 ± 3.51, respectivamente. Se valoró la función cognoscitiva mediante un instrumento de tamizaje y una batería neuropsicológica. El análisis estadístico se llevó a cabo a través de la prueba Kruskal-Wallis y la U de Man-Whitney. Los pacientes con IL se caracterizan por la alteración de dominios como planeación, fluidez verbal, cambio atencional, habilidad visoconstructiva y velocidad de procesamiento de la información (p < 0.050). El IL se relaciona con el deterioro del funcionamiento ejecutivo y de velocidad de procesamiento, debido a la interrupción de circuitos frontocortico-subcorticales asociados con su correcto desempeño

    Dagoll Dagom, un model de cultura en llengua catalana

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    Primer premi de la XXX edició del Premi Carme Serrallonga a la qualitat comunicativa. Edició 2022-23.Pseudònims al treball original: Teresa Goday i Nicolau RoviraAmb motiu de l’estrena de L’alegria que passa, en homenatge als quasi cinquanta anys de la companyia Dagoll Dagom i moguts per amor al teatre català, volem presentar aquesta organització al XXX Premi Carme Serrallonga per poder defensar-la com entitat dedicada a les tradicions culturals, lingüístiques i literàries catalanes.La cinquantenària companyia, des de la seva gènesi, enalteix i llueix a les seves veles valors com l'accessibilitat de tota la ciutadania als espectacles teatrals o la revitalització dels nostres clàssics literaris. Tots aquests motius ens han fet veure en Dagoll Dagom un model de difusió lingüística del català..