89 research outputs found

    Nota sobre la dieta de Ameiva edracantha (Squamata, Teiidae) en el Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape, Tumbes, Perú

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    The diet of Ameiva edracantha Bocourt 1874, a terrestrial diurnal teiid lizard distributed in northwestern Peru and southwestern Ecuador is described for the first time. Stomach contents of fifteen individuals collected from quebrada La Angostura were analyzed. Lepidopteran larvae, coleopterans, orthopterans and spiders were the dominant preys in the lizard’s diet. Snout-vent length and head length, width and height were not correlated to prey length, width and volume. Other parameters such as profitability and prey target selection could be involved in prey selection by A. edracantha.Se describe por primera vez la dieta de Ameiva edracantha, una especie de lagartija teiida diurna terrestre que se distribuye en la costa noroeste de Perú y suroeste de Ecuador. Se analizó el contenido estomacal de 15 individuos colectados en la quebrada La Angostura. La dieta de A. edracantha estuvo compuesto principalmente por larvas de lepidópteros, coleópteros, ortópteros y arañas. La longitud hocico-cloaca y la longitud, ancho y alto de la cabeza no se relacionó con la longitud, ancho y volumen de las presas. Otros parámetros como selección específica de presas y profitabilidad, podrían estar involucrados en la selección de presas en A. edracantha

    El lenguaje de los media, una opci?n para implementar la capacidad lexica-ling??stica

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    126 p. Recurso Electr?nico?El lenguaje de los media, una opci?n para incrementar la capacidad l?xica - ling??stica. Un estudio de comprensi?n sobre fen?menos orales en el territorio escolar desde el proceso etnometodol?gico con estudiantes de segundo del Colegio Esp?ritu Santo Marianistas?, hace parte del trabajo que desarrolla el Semillero Lenguaje y Territorio Escolar. La investigaci?n toma la etnometodolog?a para describir y comprender los fen?menos orales que circulan en el territorio escolar, y a partir de ello, se realizara una propuesta pedag?gica y did?ctica para ampliar la capacidad l?xica ? ling??stica desde el lenguaje mediatizado, donde los mass media se constituyen en una parte importante de nuestra sociedad, de la informaci?n, del ocio, y como reflejo del mundo en el que vivimos. Las representaciones sociales se asumen como un tipo de conocimiento para interpretar comportamientos humanos en un espacio particular, permite hacer presente en la mente hechos de la vida cotidiana. La cultura escolar, es din?mica, construida desde la cotidianidad; trasciende el aula de clases y el contexto. La territorialidad se relaciona con lo espacial-temporal, lo material, lo simb?lico, las din?micas y relaciones sociales territoriales. Aqu? se hace referencia a la producci?n textual de los estudiantes y a la capacidad de preparaci?n en el discurso oral; en general, el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las habilidades comunicativas que permitan superar dificultades en los comportamientos del habla dentro del contexto escolar. Las escuelas no reconocen sus espacios como parte de un territorio, excepto cuando se trata de malas noticias. Por lo tanto es pertinente investigar ?C?mo operan en la pr?ctica cotidiana, las diferentes representaciones sociales que se constituyen en un escenario de cultura escolar y c?mo los procesos sociales generan a su vez las territorialidades de la escuela y la construcci?n de comunidad educativa? El colegio, ofrece variedad de escenarios, con posibilidad para recrear diferentes acciones que potencialicen el conocimiento del ni?o. A pesar de esto, se encontr? con que la mayor parte del tiempo, los ni?os poco acceso tienen a estos lugares y posiblemente el uso inadecuado de algunas palabras, sea la respuesta a ese estado de quietud; teniendo en cuenta que son ni?os muy peque?os y requieren de variedad no solo en estrategias pedag?gicas sino en lugares que propicien su conocimiento. Se observa entonces que son muchos los ni?os que poseen aparatos electr?nicos que desde casa no son supervisados a la hora de utilizarlos y es all? cuando acceden a contenidos, quiz?, poco apropiados donde su lenguaje no cumple con las expectativas para su corta edad. Este proyecto aplica una serie de herramientas que evidenciaron el siguiente problema: ?C?mo interpretar fen?menos orales en el territorio escolar del Colegio ESP?RITU SANTO MARIANISTAS de Girardot desde el proceso etnometodol?gico para aumentar la capacidad del vocabulario y la fluidez ling??stica de los estudiantes del grado segundo? La investigaci?n es una mirada a la escuela desde el estudio etnometodol?gico para comprender y aportar a la comprensi?n de los fen?menos orales. En el ejercicio investigativo se busca develar la realidad aparente y as? fortalecer los procesos pedag?gicos con la participaci?n activa de los estamentos educativos en la cotidianidad escolar. El territorio de observaci?n y de proyecci?n fue el Colegio Esp?ritu Santo Marianistas del municipio de Girardot, Colombia, A?o 2012-2014, y se cont? con el apoyo de los estudiantes del grado 2?; y el aporte del semillero de Investigaci?n Lenguaje y Territorio Escolar."The language of the media, an option to increase vocabulary skills - language. A study of oral understanding phenomena in the school grounds from the ethnomethodological process with second graders from Esp?ritu Santo Marianistas School, "is part of the work that the Seed School Language and Territory. The research takes ethnomethodology to describe and understand the oral phenomena circulating in the school grounds, and from this, a pedagogical and didactic proposal to extend the vocabulary skills is conduct - language from the mediated language, where the mass media constitute an important part of our society, information, entertainment, and as a reflection of the world in which we live. Social representations are assumed to be a kind of knowledge to interpret human behavior in a particular space, allows this in mind facts of everyday life. The school culture is dynamic, built from everyday life; transcends the classroom and context. Territoriality is related to the spatial-temporal, material, symbolic, territorial dynamics and social relations. This reference to the textual production of students and preparedness capabilities in oral discourse is; in general, the development and strengthening of communication skills to overcome difficulties in speech behavior within the school context. Schools do not recognize their spaces as part of a territory, except when it comes to bad news. Therefore it is pertinent to investigate How operate in everyday practice, different social representations that constitute a scenario of school culture and how social processes generate turn territorialities school and school community building? The school offers a variety of scenarios, with the possibility to recreate different actions potentializing the child's knowledge. Despite this, he found that most of the time, children have little access to these places and possibly improper use of certain words, it is the response to that state of stillness; considering that children are very small and require not only variety in teaching strategies but in places that foster knowledge. Is then observed that many children have at home electronics that are not supervised when using them and that is when accessing content, perhaps unsuitable where language does not meet the expectations for his young age. This project uses a number of tools that showed the following problem: How to interpret oral phenomena in the school territory of the Esp?ritu Santo Marianistas Girardot College from ethnomethodological process to increase the ability of vocabulary and language proficiency of second graders? The research is a look at the school from the ethnomethodological study to understand and contribute to the understanding of oral phenomena. The research is being made to unravel the apparent reality and thus strengthen the educational process with the active participation of the educational institutions in school every day. The territory of observation and projection was the Esp?ritu Santo Marianistas College Township Girardot, Colombia, Year 2012-2014, and had the support of the 2nd graders; and the contribution of seedlings Language School Research and Planning

    Independent mutations in a single locus, the transcriptional factor MYB10, control natural variation in fruit color among Fragaria species

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    External and internal fruit color are important traits in strawberry (Fragaria spp.) breeding programs, where different preferences are sought depending on whether the fruits are produced for fresh consumption or processing. Therefore, there is a great interest in the development of predictive markers that effectively speed the development of new cultivars with increased consumer acceptance and/or which address processed fruit industry´s preferences. In order to identify loci controlling fruit color variation, two mapping populations were generated: one crossing diploid F. vesca parentals and another interspecific population between two octoploid species: the cultivated and the Chilean strawberry, F. x ananassa and F. chiloensis. Both populations allowed the detection of a QTL spanning a region of the F. vesca linkage group 1 (LG I) that includes the MYB10 gene, a known key regulator of anthocyanin biosynthesis. Mapping by sequencing in the F. vesca population revealed an LTR retrotransposon inserted in the third exon of FvMYB10, which produces a premature stop codon, and co-segregates with white fruits in the entire population. Genotyping by Sanger sequencing of additional white-fruited F. vesca accessions resulted in the identification of another three independent mutations in MYB10, two of them not previously described1. In octoploid strawberry, a mayor QTL on LG I-3 controls about 55% variation in internal flesh color and is associated with an insertion in the promoter region of FcMYB10. Similar insertions have been detected in other F. chiloensis accessions bearing white fruits. In all cases, transient over-expression of FvMYB10 restored anthocyanin biosynthesis and red color in fruit flesh and skin, indicating that lack of function of MYB10 was the underlying cause of white fruits in all analyzed cases

    ¿Por qué no preguntarle a los dientes?. Un estudio en difracción de RX para la estimación del intervalo postmortem

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    La determinación del intervalo postmortem (IPM) a partir de restos mineralizados es de gran interés científico, pero también tiene importantes implicaciones legales. Aunque existen varios métodos para la estimación del IPM en las primeras etapas de la descomposición, en las etapas más prolongadas es difícil estimarlo con precisión. La difracción de Rayos-X (DRX) ha sido empleada anteriormente en la estimación del IPM en muestras óseas. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha no ha sido estudiada en dientes humanos con este fin. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron: cuantificar los parámetros cristalográficos obtenidos mediante DRX, identificar los cambios de dichos parámetros en cada uno de los grupos de IPM y estudiar la predicción del IPM a partir de estos cambios. Un total de 40 dientes (20 mujeres y 20 hombres, entre 29 y 82 años de edad) de diferente IPM (0, 10, 25 y 50 años) fueron estudiados mediante DRX con refinamiento Retievelt. Se midieron los siguientes parámetros cristalográficos: cristalinidad, tamaño del cristalito, el factor R-Bragg, el volumen celular, el coeficiente de absorbancia lineal del cristal (1/cm) y la densidad del cristal (g/cm3). Los resultados mostraron que los parámetros de cristalinidad y tamaño del cristalito presentaban diferencias entre los diferentes grupos de IPM. Por otro lado, la cristalinidad fue el mejor predictor del IPM en todos los grupos de data. Según nuestro estudio, el uso de la DRX podría ser un método alternativo para la datación en dientes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Linfadenomegalia superficial (LAS): Correlato clínico patológico en 154 pacientes del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Perú

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    Introducción: la linfadenomegalia superficial (LAS) son hallazgos clínicos frecuentes en la práctica médica que pueden ser las primeras manifestaciones de una enfermedad de trascendencia o de un síndrome clínico específico. Objetivo: realizar un correlato clínico-patológico en pacientes con LAS que acudieron por primera vez a la consulta médica sin un diagnóstico conocido. Materiales y Métodos: estudio prospectivo transversal en el que se incluyeron pacientes con linfoadenomegalia superficial (LAS) mayor de 1 centímetro con sospecha de TBC ganglionar. Se realizaron biopsias ganglionares, aspirados por aguja fina, test diagnósticos complementarios; del mismo modo se estructuró una clasificación histopatológica en la que fueron distribuidos los pacientes para luego correlacionarse con los hallazgos clínicos. Resultados: fueron evaluados 154 pacientes de los cuales 55 de 70 (45,5%), tuvieron diagnóstico de certeza para micobacteriosis ganglionar gracias a la histopatología sumada al cultivo. Treinta y uno (20,1%) tuvieron linfadenomegalia categorizada como inespecífica en la cual no se pudo hallar ninguna causa etiológica de enfermedad. En el resto de pacientes los hallazgos etiológicos fueron diversos entre los que destacaron la enfermedad por arañazo de gato, micosis ganlionares, sarcoma de Kaposi, linfomas, metástasis neoplásicas y sindrome retroviral agudo por VIH. Conclusión: las linfadenomegalias superficiales son valiosos signos para el diagnóstico clínico en muchas enfermedades a veces no sospechadas. El médico debe saber decidir cuando ordenar una biopsia ganglionar y como interpretar los resultados histopatológicos de la misma a fin de tener el mayor grado de certeza etiológica

    Unveiling the Metabolic changes on muscle cell metabolism underlying p-phenylenediamine toxicity

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    Rhabdomyolysis is a disorder characterized by acute damage of the sarcolemma of the skeletal muscle leading to release of potentially toxic muscle cell components into the circulation, most notably creatine phosphokinase (CK) and myoglobulin, and is frequently accompanied by myoglobinuria. In the present work, we evaluated the toxicity of p-phenylenediamine (PPD), a main component of hair dyes which is reported to induce rhabdomyolysis. We studied the metabolic effect of this compound in vivo with Wistar rats and in vitro with C2C12 muscle cells. To this aim we have combined multi-omic experimental measurements with computational approaches using model-driven methods. The integrative study presented here has unveiled the metabolic disorders associated to PPD exposure that may underlay the aberrant metabolism observed in rhabdomyolys disease. Animals treated with lower doses of PPD (10 and 20 mg/kg) showed depressed activity and myoglobinuria after 10 h of treatment. We measured the serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and creatine kinase (CK) in rats after 24, 48, and 72 h of PPD exposure. At all times, treatment with PPD at higher doses (40 and 60 mg/kg) showed an increase of AST and ALT, and also an increase of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and CK after 24 h. Blood packed cell volume and hemoglobin levels, as well as organs weight at 48 and 72 h, were also measured. No significant differences were observed in these parameters under any condition. PPD induce cell cycle arrest in S phase and apoptosis (40% or early apoptotic cells) on mus musculus mouse C2C12 cells after 24 h of treatment. Incubation of mus musculus mouse C2C12 cells with [1,2-13C2]-glucose during 24 h, subsequent quantification of 13C isotopologues distribution in key metabolites of glucose metabolic network and a computational fluxomic analysis using in-house developed software (Isodyn) showed that PPD is inhibiting glycolysis, non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, glycogen turnover, and ATPAse reaction leading to a reduction in ATP synthesis. These findings unveil the glucose metabolism collapse, which is consistent with a decrease in cell viability observed in PPD-treated C2C12 cells and with the myoglubinuria and other effects observed in Wistar Rats treated with PPD. These findings shed new light on muscle dysfunction associated to PPD exposure, opening new avenues for cost-effective therapies in Rhabdomyolysis disease

    Prospective space model for San Francisco de Sales by 2036

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    13 páginas : mapasAnte la constante influencia espacial que ejerce la ciudad de Bogotá, capital de Colombia, en los municipios periféricos dentro del departamento de Cundinamarca, se evidencia, principalmente, por factores como su proximidad espacial a la capital y sus condiciones climáticas atractivas a los residentes citadinos para culminar su vejez, que las dinámicas del sistema urbano-rural tradicional están cambiando en el municipio de San Francisco de Sales. Por su localización estratégica provincial y al ser territorio de potencialidades sobre todo a nivel ambiental y para la despensa de alimentos, en este estudio se plantea un modelo prospectivo de ordenamiento territorial al año 2036 con el fin de contrarrestar los efectos perjudiciales del fenómeno desde la perspectiva de la nueva ruralidad.Given the constant spatial influence exerted by the city of Bogotá, capital of Colombia, in the peripheral municipalities within the department of Cundinamarca, it is evidenced, mainly, by factors such as its spatial proximity to the capital and its attractive climatic conditions for city residents to culminate its old age, that the dynamics of the traditional urban-rural system are changing in the municipality of San Francisco de Sales. Due to its provincial strategic location and being a territory of potentialities, especially at the environmental level and for the food pantry, this study proposes a prospective model of territorial planning to the year 2036 in order to counteract the harmful effects of the phenomenon from the perspective of the new rurality

    Urinary Nitric Oxide Levels Are Associated with Blood Pressure, Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Total Polyphenol Excretion in Adolescents from the SI! Program.

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is important to cardiovascular health (CVH), and its bioavailability could be regulated by the antioxidant effect of polyphenols, improving endothelial function and consequently blood pressure (BP). However, scant research has been carried out on NO and CVH correlates in adolescent populations. Therefore, our aim was to investigate the association between NO and the CVH status and other health factors in adolescents. NO, total polyphenol excretion (TPE), anthropometric measurements, BP, blood lipid profile, blood glucose, diet, physical activity, and smoking status were recorded, while CVH score was classified as ideal, intermediate, and poor. Negative associations were observed between NO and body mass index, body fat percentage, BP, and triglycerides; and positive associations between NO and skeletal muscle percentage, HDL-cholesterol, fruit and vegetable intake, and TPE was observed. To capture more complex interactions among different factors, multiple linear regression was performed, obtaining a significant association between NO and fruit and vegetable intake (β = 0.175), TPE (β = 0.225), and systolic BP (β = -0.235). We conclude that urinary NO levels are positively associated with the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols and negatively associated with systolic BP.The SI! Program for Secondary Schools trial was supported by the SHE Foundation, the la Caixa Foundation (LCF/PR/CE16/10700001), the Fundació la Marató de TV3 (grant number 369/C/2016). Support was also provided by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2020-114022RB-I00), CIBEROBN from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (AEI/FEDER, UE), and Generalitat de Catalunya. RF-J is a recipient of grant PI19/01704 funded by the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund a way to make Europe/Investing in your future. The CNIC is supported by the ISCIII, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant CEX2020-001041-S funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). GS-B was the recipient of grant LCF/PR/MS19/12220001 funded by la Caixa Foundation (ID 100010434). AT-R is a Serra Húnter fellow. EL-S was a FI-SDUR (EMC/3345/2020) fellowship from the Generalitat de Catalunya. JM-G was a postgraduate fellow of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain at the Residencia de Estudiantes (2020–ongoing).S