293 research outputs found

    Using simulated practice in pre-registration education to explore mental health issues

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    UK policy advocates that all nurses should have the skills to work with individuals experiencing mental health problems. However, barriers exist in that mental health placements for child student nurses are brief or difficult to arrange. This hinders opportunities to develop a therapeutic working relationship with young people, consolidate skills and ultimately develop confidence in working with young people presenting with mental health problems. A 3-day simulated practice strategy with child nursing students was designed to give students the knowledge, skills and confidence to work with young people who present to services with mental health problems. Students were approached 6 months after their simulated practice training to evaluate their opportunities to put their skills into practice while on placement. Once back in practice, 100% of students said they had improved confidence in working with young people who present with mental health problem

    Neo-Liberal Attacks on Labour: A Municipal Workers\u27 Strike in a Labour Town

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    Labour is the primary target of neo-liberalism. A principled strike in 2009 over post-retirement medical benefits for new hires by Canada’s largest public sector union in the labour town of Windsor, Ontario was studied in the local monopoly daily. Three quarters of the reported news on the 101-day strike was anti-union, while the editorials and opinion columns were virtually entirely negative. City administrators could do no wrong, as they stuck to their agenda of privatization and union derogation. Four out of every five articles inaccurately described the City unions as greedy, wasteful, self-destructive, violent or militant. Ironically, the Windsor Star reporters are members of the CAW union, demonstrating that newspaper management’s prerogatives prevail

    Exploring Level II NICU Case Study Research Challenges: Embracing the Proposal Journey, Engaging in Retrospective Pragmatic Reflection on Challenges, and Enhancing Research Within Graduate Education and the Profession of Massage Therapy

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    Background Infants born preterm and low birth weight face health risks; studies demonstrate massage therapy (MT) promotes weight gain and earlier hospital discharge. A gap remains in understanding the role of massage in preterm care within Canada. Research Methods and Theoretical Orientation – Part A Case study methodology is proposed to examine the nature of MT as a healthcare intervention within an Ontario Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Constrained by a Master’s program’s two-year time limit and contextual challenges, the project could not secure support. Research Methods and Theoretical Orientation – Part B Introducing a retrospective pragmatic reflective approach, Part B examines factors believed to have contributed to the project’s outcome. Results and Discussion Retrospective pragmatic reflection enhances understanding of case study research considerations in complex organizations, offering insights for future researchers. Discussions include professional development and building research opportunities for TCAM providers. Conclusion This thesis advances knowledge on the use of case study research for MT in Ontario’s neonatal units providing valuable considerations for future research

    Review of the European reference framework for sustainable cities

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    This review examines the European Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities, an online framework for use by urban practitioners to evaluate and visualize the sustainability profile and priorities of an urban sustainability plan, policy, or initiative. This review presents recognized benefits and challenges from a testing phase of the framework, how it fits into the European Urban Agenda, and more broadly how indicator frameworks connect to the global urban sustainability context

    The Gold Rush: A simulated commercial air transportation study

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    The remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) GoldRush was designed to complete the mission of transporting passengers in AeroWorld at a lower cost per seat per thousand feet (CPSPK) than the competition, the HB-40. There were two major factors which were constant considerations in the design process. The cost of manufacturing was the most important. In light of this, the designs were kept as simple as possible while considering trade-offs in performance. For example, the wing was not tapered so that several ribs could be cut at one time. Also of major importance was the takeoff distance. In order to serve all the cities in AeroWorld it was necessary to maintain a takeoff distance requirement of 24 feet. The takeoff distance proved to be the number one force in driving the design process. The Astro 25 engine and 13 inch propellor, a large wing area, and the high lift Wortmann airfoil were all chosen in order to satisfy this objective

    From Black to Blue Skies: Civil Society Perceptions of Air Pollution in Shanghai

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    This paper explores the perception and politics of air pollution in Shanghai. We present a qualitative case study based on a literature review of relevant policies and research on civil society and air pollution, in dialogue with air quality indexes and field research data. We engage with the concept of China's authoritarian environmentalism and the political context of ecological civilization. We find that discussions about air pollution are often placed in a frame that is both locally temporal (environment) and internationally developmentalist (economy). We raise questions from an example of three applications with different presentations of air quality index measures for the same time and place. This example and frame highlight the central role and connection between technology, data and evidence, and pollution visibility in the case of the perception of air pollution. Our findings then point to two gaps in authoritarian environmentalism research, revealing a need to better understand (1) the role of technology within this governance context, and (2) the tensions created from this non-participatory approach with ecological civilization, which calls for civil society participation

    Desenvolvimento e Integração Regional: A Atuação do Mercosul em Políticas Públicas de Direitos Humanos

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    Based by the conception of state based on social reality and the idea that human rights are a construction that responds to a need of the community, the present work aims to study briefly how human rights have been worked within the scope of MERCOSUR, considering the phenomenon of internationalization of the safeguarding of human rights, right to development and regional integration, variables mentioned above. Methodologically, one has the use of theoretical research in the subject and of legislation on the studied object.Impulsado pelo concepción del Estado y la realidad social  la idea de que los derechos humanos son una construcción  en  respuesta a las necesidades de la comunidad, esta obra objetiva un breve estudio sobre las políticas en derechos humanos en  ámbito del Mercosur, en vista del fenómeno de la internacionalización da protección de los derechos humanos, derecho al desarrollo y la integración regional, las variables identificada. Metodológicamente, se utilizó la investigación teórica sobre el tema y la legislación del tema estudiado.Conduzido pela concepção de Estado pautada pela realidade social e na ideia de que os direitos humanos são uma construção que responde a uma necessidade da comunidade, o presente trabalho objetiva estudar brevemente de que forma os direitos humanos tem sido trabalhados no âmbito do MERCOSUL, considerando-se o fenômeno da internacionalização da salvaguarda aos direitos humanos, direito ao desenvolvimento e integração regional, variáveis ora apontadas. Metodologicamente, tem-se a utilização de pesquisa teórica na temática e de legislação sobre o objeto estudado

    The 13C Suess Effect in Scleractinian Corals Mirror Changes in the Anthropogenic CO2 Inventory of the Surface Oceans

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    New δ13C data are presented from 10 coral skeletons collected from Florida and elsewhere in the Caribbean (Dominica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Belize). These corals range from 96 to 200 years in age and were collected between 1976 and 2002. The change in the δ13C of the skeletons from these corals between 1900 and 1990 has been compared with 27 other published coral records from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. The new data presented here make possible, for the first time, a global comparison of rates of change in the δ13C value of coral skeletons. Of these records, 64% show a statistically significant (p \u3c 0.05) decrease in δ13C towards the modern day (23 out of 37). This decrease is attributable to the addition of anthropogenically derived CO2 (13C Suess effect) to the atmosphere. Between 1900 and 1990, the average rate of change of the δ13C in all the coral skeletons living under open oceanic conditions is approximately −0.01‰ yr−1. In the Atlantic Ocean the magnitude of the decrease since 1960,−0.019 yr−1 ±0.015‰, is essentially the same as the decrease in the δ13C of atmospheric CO2 and the δ13C of the oceanic dissolved inorganic carbon (−0.023 to −0.029‰ yr−1), while in the Pacific and Indian Oceans the rate is more variable and significantly reduced (−0.007‰ yr−1 ±0.013). These data strongly support the notion that (i) the δ13C of the atmosphere controls ambient δ13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon which in turn is reflected in the coral skeletons, (ii) the rate of decline in the coral skeletons is higher in oceans with a greater anthropogenic CO2inventory in the surface oceans, (iii) the rate of δ13C decline is accelerating. Superimposed on these secular variations are controls on theδ13C in the skeleton governed by growth rate, insolation, and local water masses

    Climatic stability and geological history shape global centers of neo- and paleoendemism in seed plants

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    Assessing the distribution of geographically restricted and evolutionarily unique species and their underlying drivers is key to understanding biogeographical processes and critical for global conservation prioritization. Here, we quantified the geographic distribution and drivers of phylogenetic endemism for ~320,000 seed plants worldwide and identified centers and drivers of evolutionarily young (neoendemism) and evolutionarily old endemism (paleoendemism). Tropical and subtropical islands as well as tropical mountain regions displayed the world’s highest phylogenetic endemism. Most tropical rainforest regions emerged as centers of paleoendemism, while most Mediterranean-climate regions showed high neoendemism. Centers where high neo- and paleoendemism coincide emerged on some oceanic and continental fragment islands, in Mediterranean-climate regions and parts of the Irano-Turanian floristic region. Global variation in phylogenetic endemism was well explained by a combination of past and present environmental factors (79.8 to 87.7% of variance explained) and most strongly related to environmental heterogeneity. Also, warm and wet climates, geographic isolation, and long-term climatic stability emerged as key drivers of phylogenetic endemism. Neo- and paleoendemism were jointly explained by climatic and geological history. Long-term climatic stability promoted the persistence of paleoendemics, while the isolation of oceanic islands and their unique geological histories promoted neoendemism. Mountainous regions promoted both neo- and paleoendemism, reflecting both diversification and persistence over time. Our study provides insights into the evolutionary underpinnings of biogeographical patterns in seed plants and identifies the areas on Earth with the highest evolutionary and biogeographical uniqueness—key information for setting global conservation priorities


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    O trabalho aborda grandes discussões acerca dos efeitos da globalização, sendo um deles os danos ambientais causados por decorrência de grande imissão de gases poluentes à natureza, e os efeitos nefastos ao meio ambiente e à espécie humana, colocando em xeque a vida no planeta. Nesse contexto, a pergunta que se faz é de que forma, diante do reordenamento do Estado brasileiro para uma linha neoliberal, pretende-se enfrentar o desafio relativo a implementação da agenda ambiental aderida pelo Brasil e contida no Acordo de Paris? O método de abordagem utilizado, foi o hipotético dedutivo, utilizando-se fontes doutrinárias, jurisprudencial, dados e estatísticas de instituições oficiais, etc. O trabalho aborda num primeiro momento, o direito humano como um direito ao desenvolvimento sustável. Num segundo momento, aborda-se a questão sempre atual da globalização e seus efeitos, notadamente o da mudança climática em nível mundial, e, no Brasil, a possibilidade de implementar-se uma nova agenda neoliberal. A seguir, analisa-se a necessidade de implementação de uma agenda em nível mundial, tendo por objetivo atender aos Princípios do Pacto Global e os ODS, e ainda, a repartição de competências em se tratando de redução de imissão de gases provocadores do “efeito estufa”. Por fim, baseando-se na ideia de sustentabilidade entre desenvolvimento, o artigo conclui por um necessário cumprimento de uma agenda 2030