415 research outputs found


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    This study investigates the relationship between Burnout Syndrome and Quality of Professional Life in employees of accounting offices. It is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, through a survey with accountants working in accounting firms in Southwest Paraná. The Copenhagen burnout Inventory (CBI) and Qualidade de Vida Professional (QVP-35 – Quality of Professional Life) questionnaire were used. Analyzing the correlations between the variables, the results showed low correlation rates: the constructs of burnout showed a moderate significant positive correlation with each other. However, when correlated with the dimensions of Quality of Professional Life, the results indicated, in most cases, a low significant negative correlation, highlighting the correlations between the three burnout dimensions and the Quality of Professional Life factors "Work-Related Discomfort" and "Intrinsic Motivation". The academic contribution of this study is initial evidence of the relationship between the variables investigated, with a focus on accounting professionals in Brazil, contributing to the composition of a study agenda on the subject.La investigación tuvo como objetivo averiguar la relación entre el síndrome de Burnout y la Calidad de Vida Profesional en los empleados de las oficinas de contabilidad. La investigación descriptiva con un enfoque cuantitativo se realizó a través de una encuesta con contadores que trabajan en oficinas de contabilidad en la región suroeste de Paraná. Se utilizaron los instrumentos CBI (Copenhagen Burnout Inventory) y QVP-35 (Qualidade de Vida Profissional). Al analizar la correlación entre las variables, los resultados obtenidos mostraron tasas de correlación bajas: los constructos de desgaste mostraron una moderada correlación positiva significativa entre sí, sin embargo, cuando se correlacionaron con las dimensiones de Calidad de Vida Profesional, los resultados indicaron, en la mayoría de los casos, una correlación negativa significativa baja, destacando las correlaciones entre las tres dimensiones del burnout y los factores de Calidad de Vida Profesional "incomodidad relacionada con el trabajo" y "motivación intrínseca". La investigación contribuye académicamente con la provisión de la primera evidencia sobre la relación entre las variables investigadas con un enfoque en los profesionales de la contabilidad en Brasil, contribuyendo a la composición de una agenda de estudio sobre el tema.O estudo teve como objetivo investigar a relação entre a Síndrome de Burnout e a Qualidade de Vida Profissional nos colaboradores de escritórios contábeis. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem quantitativa, realizada por meio de levantamento junto a contabilistas que atuam em escritórios contábeis na região Sudoeste do Paraná. Foram utilizados os instrumentos CBI (Copenhagen Burnout Inventory) e QVP-35 (Qualidade de Vida Profissional). Ao analisar a correlação entre as variáveis, os resultados obtidos demostraram baixos índices de correlação: os constructos de Burnout demostraram correlação moderada significativa positiva entre si, entretanto, quando correlacionados com as dimensões da Qualidade de Vida Profissional, os resultados indicaram, em sua maioria, uma baixa correlação significativa negativa, destacando-se as correlações entre as três dimensões de Burnout e os fatores de Qualidade de Vida Profissional “Desconforto Relacionado ao Trabalho” e “Motivação Intrínseca”. O estudo contribui academicamente com o oferecimento de primeiras evidências sobre a relação entre as variáveis investigadas, tendo como enfoque os profissionais de escritórios contábeis no Brasil, contribuindo para a composição de uma agenda de estudos sobre o tema

    Role of fetal MRI in the evaluation of isolated and non-isolated corpus callosum dysgenesis: results of a cross-sectional study

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    PURPOSE: The aims of this study were to characterize isolated and non-isolated forms of corpus callosum dysgenesis (CCD) at fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to identify early predictors of associated anomalies. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 104 fetuses with CCD undergoing MRI between 2006 and 2016. Corpus callosum, cavum septi pellucidi, biometry, presence of ventriculomegaly, gyration anomalies, cranio-encephalic abnormalities and body malformations were evaluated. Results of genetic tests were also recorded. RESULTS: At MRI, isolated CCD was 26.9%, the rest being associated to other abnormalities. In the isolated group, median gestational age at MRI was lower in complete agenesis than in hypoplasia (22 vs 28 weeks). In the group with additional findings, cortical dysplasia was the most frequently associated feature (P = 0.008), with a more frequent occurrence in complete agenesis (70%) versus other forms; mesial frontal lobes were more often involved than other cortical regions (P = 0.006), with polymicrogyria as the most frequent cortical malformation (40%). Multivariate analysis confirmed the association between complete agenesis and cortical dysplasia (odds ratio = 7.29, 95% confidence interval 1.51-35.21). CONCLUSIONS: CCD is often complicated by other intra-cranial and extra-cranial findings (cortical dysplasias as the most prevalent) that significantly affect the postnatal prognosis. The present study showed CCD with associated anomalies as more frequent than isolated (73.1%). In isolated forms, severe ventriculomegaly was a reliable herald of future appearance of associated features

    Two-compartment perfusion MR IVIM model to investigate normal and pathological placental tissue

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    Background: Perfusion and diffusion coexist in the placenta and can be altered by pathologies. The two-perfusion model, where f1 and, f2 are the perfusion-fraction of the fastest and slowest perfusion compartment, respectively, and D is the diffusion coefficient, may help differentiate between normal and impaired placentas. Purpose: Investigate the potential of the two-perfusion IVIM model in differentiating between normal and abnormal placentas. Study-Type: Retrospective, case–control. Population: 43 normal pregnancy, 9 fetal-growth-restriction (FGR), 6 small-for-gestational-age (SGA), 4 accreta, 1 increta and 2 percreta placentas. Field Strength/Sequence: Diffusion-weighted-echo planar imaging sequence at 1.5 T. Assessment: Voxel-wise signal-correction and fitting-controls were used to avoid overfitting obtaining that two-perfusion model fitted the observed data better than the IVIM model (Akaike weight: 0.94). The two-perfusion parametric-maps were quantified from ROIs in the fetal and maternal placenta and in the accretion zone of accreta placentas. The diffusion coefficient D was evaluated using a b ≥ 200 sec/mm2-mono-exponential decay fit. IVIM metrics were quantified to fix f1 + f2 = fIVIM. Statistical-Tests: ANOVA with Dunn-Sidák's post-hoc correction and Cohen's d test were used to compare parameters between groups. Spearman's coefficient was evaluated to study the correlation between variables. A P-value<0.05 indicated a statistically significant difference. Results: There was a significant difference in f1 between FGR and SGA, and significant differences in f2 and fIVIM between normal and FGR. The percreta + increta group showed the highest f1 values (Cohen's d = −2.66). The f2 between normal and percreta + increta groups showed Cohen's d = 1.12. Conversely, fIVIM had a small effective size (Cohen's d = 0.32). In the accretion zone, a significant correlation was found between f2 and GA (ρ = 0.90) whereas a significant negative correlation was found between fIVIM and D (ρ = −0.37 in fetal and ρ = −0.56 in maternal side) and f2 and D (ρ = −0.38 in fetal and ρ = −0.51 in maternal side) in normal placentas. Conclusion: The two-perfusion model provides complementary information to IVIM parameters that may be useful in identifying placenta impairment. Level of Evidence: 2. Technical Efficacy Stage: 1

    The On-Site Analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatory will be one of the largest ground-based very high-energy gamma-ray observatories. The On-Site Analysis will be the first CTA scientific analysis of data acquired from the array of telescopes, in both northern and southern sites. The On-Site Analysis will have two pipelines: the Level-A pipeline (also known as Real-Time Analysis, RTA) and the level-B one. The RTA performs data quality monitoring and must be able to issue automated alerts on variable and transient astrophysical sources within 30 seconds from the last acquired Cherenkov event that contributes to the alert, with a sensitivity not worse than the one achieved by the final pipeline by more than a factor of 3. The Level-B Analysis has a better sensitivity (not be worse than the final one by a factor of 2) and the results should be available within 10 hours from the acquisition of the data: for this reason this analysis could be performed at the end of an observation or next morning. The latency (in particular for the RTA) and the sensitivity requirements are challenging because of the large data rate, a few GByte/s. The remote connection to the CTA candidate site with a rather limited network bandwidth makes the issue of the exported data size extremely critical and prevents any kind of processing in real-time of the data outside the site of the telescopes. For these reasons the analysis will be performed on-site with infrastructures co-located with the telescopes, with limited electrical power availability and with a reduced possibility of human intervention. This means, for example, that the on-site hardware infrastructure should have low-power consumption. A substantial effort towards the optimization of high-throughput computing service is envisioned to provide hardware and software solutions with high-throughput, low-power consumption at a low-cost.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Aplicação do biopolímero de amido de cassava e amido de milho na conservação pós-colheita de guava / Application of cassava starch and corn starch biopolymer in guava postharvest conservation

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    É cada vez mais crescente o consumo de frutas e hortaliças in natura devido à conscientização das pessoas por hábitos saudáveis, porém desde a sua colheita até chegar à mesa do consumidor há uma perda muito grande devido a diferentes fatores, mas que se acentua pela alta perecibilidade do produto. Em decorrência desses problemas, vem sendo impulsionadas cada vez mais pesquisas voltadas para o desenvolvimento de embalagens manufaturadas a partir de produtos biodegradáveis, comestíveis ou não, que possam manter a conservação, a segurança do alimento e, ao mesmo tempo serem ecologicamente corretas. A efetividade de biopolímeros a base de amido de mandioca e de milho aplicados em vegetais está baseada na sua ação em prolongar a vida útil destes produtos, diminuindo a susceptibilidade do alimento a possíveis ataques de agentes externos. Deste modo, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de biopolímeros a base de fécula de mandioca e de milho na conservação pós-colheita de goiabas. Os filmes biodegradáveis foram desenvolvidos por meio da preparação de duas soluções aquosas distintas, ambas na concentração de 3% de amido de mandioca e amido de milho e posteriormente foram aplicados em goiabas, onde as frutas foram armazenadas em temperatura ambiente durante um período de tempo de 14 (tratamentos 1, 2 e 3) e 23 dias (tratamentos 1 e 2), e analisadas quanto aos indicadores de parâmetros de qualidade (perda de massa, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), pH, textura e cor). A utilização de ambos os revestimentos foi eficiente em diminuir as características de maturação, reduzir a perda de massa, atuar na manutenção da textura, retenção da cor da epiderme, conservação dos sólidos solúveis totais (SST) e pH das frutas. O uso de biopolímeros pode ser uma alternativa eficaz, sustentável e com baixo custo de aplicação devido à sua capacidade em aumentar o tempo de vida útil de goiabas, melhorando o seu aspecto visual, conservando suas características físico-químicas, podendo diminuir rigorosamente o seu desperdício. Além de eficiente, o amido de mandioca poderia ser a fonte mais indicada para o emprego de películas para o recobrimento de goiabas, devido à sua facilidade de manuseio de preparo da solução, maior viscosidade e translucidez e menor custo de produção em relação ao amido de milho

    A prototype for the real-time analysis of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatory will be one of the biggest ground-based very-high-energy (VHE) γ- ray observatory. CTA will achieve a factor of 10 improvement in sensitivity from some tens of GeV to beyond 100 TeV with respect to existing telescopes. The CTA observatory will be capable of issuing alerts on variable and transient sources to maximize the scientific return. To capture these phenomena during their evolution and for effective communication to the astrophysical community, speed is crucial. This requires a system with a reliable automated trigger that can issue alerts immediately upon detection of γ-ray flares. This will be accomplished by means of a Real-Time Analysis (RTA) pipeline, a key system of the CTA observatory. The latency and sensitivity requirements of the alarm system impose a challenge because of the anticipated large data rate, between 0.5 and 8 GB/s. As a consequence, substantial efforts toward the optimization of highthroughput computing service are envisioned. For these reasons our working group has started the development of a prototype of the Real-Time Analysis pipeline. The main goals of this prototype are to test: (i) a set of frameworks and design patterns useful for the inter-process communication between software processes running on memory; (ii) the sustainability of the foreseen CTA data rate in terms of data throughput with different hardware (e.g. accelerators) and software configurations, (iii) the reuse of nonreal- time algorithms or how much we need to simplify algorithms to be compliant with CTA requirements, (iv) interface issues between the different CTA systems. In this work we focus on goals (i) and (ii)

    Mural Cell Associated VEGF Is Required for Organotypic Vessel Formation

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    Background: Blood vessels comprise endothelial cells, mural cells (pericytes/vascular smooth muscle cells) and basement membrane. During angiogenesis, mural cells are recruited to sprouting endothelial cells and define a stabilizing context, comprising cell-cell contacts, secreted growth factors and extracellular matrix components, that drives vessel maturation and resistance to anti-angiogenic therapeutics. Methods and Findings: To better understand the basis for mural cell regulation of angiogenesis, we conducted high content imaging analysis on a microtiter plate format in vitro organotypic blood vessel system comprising primary human endothelial cells co-cultured with primary human mural cells. We show that endothelial cells co-cultured with mural cells undergo an extensive series of phenotypic changes reflective of several facets of blood vessel formation and maturation: Loss of cell proliferation, pathfinding-like cell migration, branching morphogenesis, basement membrane extracellular matrix protein deposition, lumen formation, anastamosis and development of a stabilized capillary-like network. This phenotypic sequence required endothelial-mural cell-cell contact, mural cell-derived VEGF and endothelial VEGFR2 signaling. Inhibiting formation of adherens junctions or basement membrane structures abrogated network formation. Notably, inhibition of mural cell VEGF expression could not be rescued by exogenous VEGF. Conclusions: These results suggest a unique role for mural cell-associated VEGF in driving vessel formation and maturation

    Effect of a Perioperative, Cardiac Output-Guided Hemodynamic Therapy Algorithm on Outcomes Following Major Gastrointestinal Surgery A Randomized Clinical Trial and Systematic Review

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    Importance: small trials suggest that postoperative outcomes may be improved by the use of cardiac output monitoring to guide administration of intravenous fluid and inotropic drugs as part of a hemodynamic therapy algorithm.Objective: to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of a perioperative, cardiac output–guided hemodynamic therapy algorithm.Design, setting, and participants: OPTIMISE was a pragmatic, multicenter, randomized, observer-blinded trial of 734 high-risk patients aged 50 years or older undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery at 17 acute care hospitals in the United Kingdom. An updated systematic review and meta-analysis were also conducted including randomized trials published from 1966 to February 2014.Interventions: patients were randomly assigned to a cardiac output–guided hemodynamic therapy algorithm for intravenous fluid and inotrope (dopexamine) infusion during and 6 hours following surgery (n=368) or to usual care (n=366).Main outcomes and measures: the primary outcome was a composite of predefined 30-day moderate or major complications and mortality. Secondary outcomes were morbidity on day 7; infection, critical care–free days, and all-cause mortality at 30 days; all-cause mortality at 180 days; and length of hospital stay.Results: baseline patient characteristics, clinical care, and volumes of intravenous fluid were similar between groups. Care was nonadherent to the allocated treatment for less than 10% of patients in each group. The primary outcome occurred in 36.6% of intervention and 43.4% of usual care participants (relative risk [RR], 0.84 [95% CI, 0.71-1.01]; absolute risk reduction, 6.8% [95% CI, ?0.3% to 13.9%]; P?=?.07). There was no significant difference between groups for any secondary outcomes. Five intervention patients (1.4%) experienced cardiovascular serious adverse events within 24 hours compared with none in the usual care group. Findings of the meta-analysis of 38 trials, including data from this study, suggest that the intervention is associated with fewer complications (intervention, 488/1548 [31.5%] vs control, 614/1476 [41.6%]; RR, 0.77 [95% CI, 0.71-0.83]) and a nonsignificant reduction in hospital, 28-day, or 30-day mortality (intervention, 159/3215 deaths [4.9%] vs control, 206/3160 deaths [6.5%]; RR, 0.82 [95% CI, 0.67-1.01]) and mortality at longest follow-up (intervention, 267/3215 deaths [8.3%] vs control, 327/3160 deaths [10.3%]; RR, 0.86 [95% CI, 0.74-1.00]).Conclusions and relevance: in a randomized trial of high-risk patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery, use of a cardiac output–guided hemodynamic therapy algorithm compared with usual care did not reduce a composite outcome of complications and 30-day mortality. However, inclusion of these data in an updated meta-analysis indicates that the intervention was associated with a reduction in complication rate