20 research outputs found

    La incesante diáspora africana: afrocolombianas solicitantes de asilo en el norte chileno

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    La escritura de este texto pretende analizar –desde una mirada postcolonial, feminista y marxista– la situación que están atravesando las afrocolombianas solicitantes de asilo en Iquique (Chile). Se trata de una lectura que pretende hacer interconexiones entre Raza, Género y Clase para identificar los lugares socioculturalmente asignados para las sujetas subalternas del llamado “Tercer Mundo”

    The unintended impact of Colombia's covid-19 lockdown on forest fires

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    The covid-19 pandemic led to rapid and large-scale government intervention in economies and societies. A common policy response to covid-19 outbreaks has been the lockdown or quarantine. Designed to slow the spread of the disease, lockdowns have unintended consequences for the environment. This article examines the impact of Colombia’s lockdown on forest fires, motivated by satellite data showing a particularly large upsurge of fires at around the time of lockdown implementation. We find that Colombia’s lockdown is associated with an increase in forest fires compared to three different counterfactuals, constructed to simulate the expected number of fires in the absence of the lockdown. To varying degrees across Colombia’s regions, the presence of armed groups is correlated with this fire upsurge. Mechanisms through which the lockdown might influence fire rates are discussed, including the mobilisation of armed groups and the reduction in the monitoring capacity of state and conservation organisations during the covid-19 outbreak. Given the fast-developing situation in Colombia, we conclude with some ideas for further research

    Soy Niña

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    Este libro pretende contribuir al reencuentro de la educación con esas finalidades que verdaderamente importan a una niña o un niño: ser feliz, jugar, vivir juntos y (no) aprender. Para ello hemos puesto el arte, nuestras experiencias y el saber acumulado al servicio del disfrute, el cuestionamiento, el análisis crítico y la construcción común de un presente deseable. Un texto colaborativo coordinado por Ignacio Calderón Almendros y realizado por alumnado de Educación y Cambio Social en el Grado en Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Málaga

    La incesante diáspora africana: afrocolombianas solicitantes de asilo en el norte chileno

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    La escritura de este texto pretende analizar –desde una mirada postcolonial, feminista y marxista– la situación que están atravesando las afrocolombianas solicitantes de asilo en Iquique (Chile). Se trata de una lectura que pretende hacer interconexiones entre Raza, Género y Clase para identificar los lugares socioculturalmente asignados para las sujetas subalternas del llamado “Tercer Mundo”

    Sobre Biopoliticas y Biotecnologias: Maternidad subrogada en India

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    The present article is an attempt to analyze the impacts of assisted reproduction through biotechnological interventions like surrogate motherhood. The site of study is the Indian city of Hyderabad, now known as Genome Valley for its important in the arena of research and development for Biotechnology in the Country. This article will use and explore foucaultian concepts such as Biopolitics and Guvernmentality, in order to study the relationship between science, state and gender, as well as in the context of the reflections of Donna Haraway about Cyborg to analyze the impacts of assisted reproduction in gender relations in India, finally it is important to mention that the document has been inspired by the perspective of the feminist writer Gayatri Spivak, who invites us to problematize our understanding about circuits of power relations framing it according to multiplicity and paradoxical tensions, appropriations, re-interpretations and continuities in the context of the current hegemonic sexgender system, Indian colonial experience and the globalization as is lived in IndiaEl siguiente artículo reflexiona sobre los alcances de la reproducción asistida mediante biotecnología como es el caso de la maternidad subrogada. El estudio fue realizado en la ciudad india de Hyderabad, también llamada Genoma Valley por ser uno de los más importante Cluster biotecnológicos en India. Este artículo utiliza conceptos foucaultianos como Biopolitica y Gobermentalidad para interpretar la relación ciencia, estado y género, en el contexto del pensamiento de Donna Haraway sobre Cyborgs con el propósito de analizar los impactos de la tecnología en reproducción asistida en las relaciones de género en india, finalmente el texto esta inspirado en la invitación que hace Gayatri Spivak a complejizar la mirada a la hora de entender los circuitos de producción biotecnológica en lugares como India, en donde producto de la experiencia colonial y ahora la globalización sus lugares de enunciación se encuentran inscritas múltiples y paradójicas tensiones, apropiaciones, reinterpretaciones y continuidades en el marco de un sistema sexo-género patriarcal

    Innovation methodologies to strengthen teamwork skills in nursing students in AIAS (integrative systems learning activities)

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    El trabajo en equipo es una habilidad esencial que debe desarrollar el personal de la salud para trabajar de manera efectiva. Esto la hace una cualidad muy valorada y por lo tanto uno de los pilares de la educación actual y una necesidad para que los estudiantes estén mejor preparados para enfrentar ambientes cada vez más competitivos. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de la destreza, la gestión, el buen manejo de la información, la diplomacia, la comunicación asertiva, el liderazgo y demás aptitudes para trabajar en equipo de manera sobresaliente es complejo y requiere tiempo. Este trabajo pretende acercarse a los estudiantes y mejorar estas habilidades aprovechando los escenarios de los grupos de facilitación en los que desarrollan las labores académicas de las Actividades Integradoras del Aprendizaje por Sistemas (AIAS). Estas hacen parte de la estrategia institucional y de la Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, que fundamentada en el aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) se centra en el aprendiz y promueve el trabajo en grupo. Los casos clínicos diseñados por un conjunto de profesores expertos en diferentes áreas se usan como detonadores para promover en los estudiantes las habilidades para la resolución de problemas mediante la aplicación de conocimientos bajo la guía de un facilitador. Este proyecto de innovación pedagógica parte de la aplicación de herramientas de diagnóstico y de Design Thinking para desarrollar una estrategia que involucra el uso de la herramienta LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® en la gestión de ambientes más colaborativos. Esta invita a los participantes a “pensar con las manos” a través de un modelo metafórico y tridimensional en un ambiente que facilita la escucha activa, la ideación sin señalamientos, la resolución de problemas y la toma de decisiones. La implementación del proyecto permitió la identificación de los beneficios del juego serio en la participación y el compromiso de los integrantes, así como los retos para la puesta en marcha, claves para su uso e identificación de oportunidades a futuro.Teamwork is an essential skill that healthcare personnel must develop to work effectively. This makes it a highly valued quality and therefore one of the pillars of current education. It is necessary for the students to be better prepared to face increasingly competitive environments. However, the development of these skills, management, diplomacy, assertive communication, leadership and other skills to work in a team at an outstanding manner is complex and requires time. Over the development of this work, we took advantage of the facilitation groups in which the students develop the academic work of the Integrative Learning Activities by Systems (AIAS). These are part of the institutional strategy and of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, which, based on problem-based learning (PBL), focuses on learning and promotes teamwork. Clinical cases designed by a group of expert teachers in different areas are used as triggers to promote problem-solving skills in students through the application of knowledge under the guidance of a facilitator. This pedagogical innovation project is based on the application of diagnostic and Design Thinking tools to develop a strategy that involves the use of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® tool in the management of more collaborative environments. This strategy invites participants to “think with their hands” through a metaphorical and three-dimensional model in an environment that facilitates active listening, ideas generation without pointing, problem solving and decision making. The implementation of the project allowed the identification of the benefits of serious gaming in the participation and commitment of the members. We describe the challenges for implementation, keys for its use and identification of future opportunities

    Steroid hormones sulfatase inactivation extends lifespan and ameliorates age-related diseases

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    12 Páginas.-- 5 FigurasAging and fertility are two interconnected processes. From invertebrates to mammals, absence of the germline increases longevity. Here we show that loss of function of sul-2, the Caenorhabditis elegans steroid sulfatase (STS), raises the pool of sulfated steroid hormones, increases longevity and ameliorates protein aggregation diseases. This increased longevity requires factors involved in germline-mediated longevity (daf-16, daf-12, kri-1, tcer-1 and daf-36 genes) although sul-2 mutations do not affect fertility. Interestingly, sul-2 is only expressed in sensory neurons, suggesting a regulation of sulfated hormones state by environmental cues. Treatment with the specific STS inhibitor STX64, as well as with testosterone-derived sulfated hormones reproduces the longevity phenotype of sul-2 mutants. Remarkably, those treatments ameliorate protein aggregation diseases in C. elegans, and STX64 also Alzheimer’s disease in a mammalian model. These results open the possibility of reallocating steroid sulfatase inhibitors or derivates for the treatment of aging and aging related diseases.We thank the CGC. A. Miranda-Vizuete and J. Alcedo for providing strains; Y. Kohara and P. Askjaer for DNA clones; A. Garzón, P. Askjaer and M. Vanghell for critical review of the manuscript; A. P. Pulido for bioinformatic advices; V. Carranco for his excellent technical assistance during whole project, and also A. López, A. Cano, V. Rubio, S. Romero and E. Gara for their technical support; and K. Garcia for microscopy assistance. This work was supported by the Junta de Andalucía Project P07-CVI-02697, “Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional” (FEDER) and the “Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía” Project UPO-1266266 and the European Research Council ERC-2011-StG-281691. We also acknowledge the support from the Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo (CABD).Peer reviewe

    Steroid hormones sulfatase inactivation extends lifespan and ameliorates age-related diseases

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    Aging and fertility are two interconnected processes. From invertebrates to mammals, absence of the germline increases longevity. Here we show that loss of function of sul-2, the Caenorhabditis elegans steroid sulfatase (STS), raises the pool of sulfated steroid hormones, increases longevity and ameliorates protein aggregation diseases. This increased longevity requires factors involved in germline-mediated longevity (daf-16, daf-12, kri-1, tcer-1 and daf-36 genes) although sul-2 mutations do not affect fertility. Interestingly, sul-2 is only expressed in sensory neurons, suggesting a regulation of sulfated hormones state by environmental cues. Treatment with the specific STS inhibitor STX64, as well as with testosterone-derived sulfated hormones reproduces the longevity phenotype of sul-2 mutants. Remarkably, those treatments ameliorate protein aggregation diseases in C. elegans, and STX64 also Alzheimer’s disease in a mammalian model. These results open the possibility of reallocating steroid sulfatase inhibitors or derivates for the treatment of aging and aging related diseases.Junta de Andalucía P07-CVI-02697, UPO-1266266European Research Council ERC-2011-StG-28169