47 research outputs found

    Mediated Listening: A Resource for Social Action

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      El 19 de septiembre del 2017 un terremoto sacudió la zona central de México. Sesenta inmuebles se derrumbaron y fallecieron alrededor de doscientas personas. Un grupo de brigadistas conformados por ingenieros de audio y sonidistas, utilizando su equipo de audio, asistieron en las labores de búsqueda de sobrevivientes en los edificios colapsados por el siniestro. En dicho proceso, experimentaron un posible rompimiento epistemológico, al convertir la escucha mediada en un recurso para la acción social. Considerando la utilidad de su equipo en un contexto caótico, extendieron las fronteras de su profesión, el uso de tecnología y la manipulación de su cuerpo y de su escucha para el bien común, reaprendiendo el hábito de escucha. Para presentar el caso, se han revisado los trabajos más propositivos de la tecnología del audio rescate, el marco teórico sociológico de la comunicación acústica y la mediación y transformación del cuerpo a través del uso de tecnología. Para enmarcar dicha transformación de la escucha se incluye el testimonio de la intervención de uno de los miembros de la brigada de los Gorriones Rojos y se hace una revisión de algunos materiales impresos y audiovisuales sobre y de los individuos y organizaciones que surgieron como resultado de estos esfuerzos.No dia 19 de setembro de 2017 um terramoto abalou a zona central do México. Desmoronaram-se sessenta edifícios e cerca de duzentas pessoas morreram. Uma brigada formada por engenheiros de áudio e por engenheiros de som usando os seus equipamentos de áudio ajudou na busca por sobreviventes nos edifícios destruídos pelo terramoto. Neste processo, experimentaram uma possível ruptura epistemológica ao converter a escuta mediada em um recurso para a ação social. Ao atribuir essa outra utilidade ao seu equipamento em um contexto caótico, expandiram as fronteiras da sua profissão, com o uso da tecnologia e a manipulação do seu corpo e da sua escuta para o bem comum, ressignificando assim o hábito da escuta. Para apresentar este caso, foram consultados os trabalhos mais significativos sobre a tecnologia de áudio utilizada em procedimentos de resgate, tendo como marco teórico sociológico a comunicação acústica e a mediação e transformação do corpo através do uso de tecnologia. Para compreender essa transformação da escuta, foi incluído um testemunho de um dos membros da brigada dos “Gorriones Rojos”, para além da revisão de alguns materiais impressos e audiovisuais sobre os indivíduos e as organizações que surgiram como resultado desses esforços.On September 19, 2017, an earthquake shook central Mexico. Sixty buildings collapsed and about two hundred people died. A group of rescuers conformed of soundmen, soundwomen and audio engineers using their audio equipment, assisted in the search for survivors in the collapsed buildings possibly experiencing an epistemological break, and turning mediated listening into a resource for social action. While considering the usefulness of their gear in a chaotic context, they extended the boundaries of their profession, the use of technology and the manipulation of their body and listening mode for the common good, relearning the habit of listening. To present the case, the sociological theoretical framework of acoustic communication, the mediation and transformation of the body through the use of technology and some of the more propositive works of audio rescue technology have been reviewed. To frame this listening transformation, the testimony of the intervention of one of the members of the Red Sparrows Brigade is included and a review is made of some printed and audiovisual materials about and of the individuals and organizations that emerged as a result of these efforts

    Metodología de análisis acústico de sitios arqueológicos de Mesoamérica

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    El presente trabajo busca llenar un vacío existente en cuanto a una metodología general en los estudios Arqueoacústicos para la zona Mesoamericana. El resultado mas importante de ésta tesis es la propuesta de un procedimiento y método para los cuales se detalla el conjunto de operaciones utilizadas en las mediciones particulares involucradas, parámetros y análisis relevantes (de los cuales destacan el decaimiento de energía, tiempos de reverberación, intensidades de sonido directo y total, claridad e inteligibilidad), tipos de simulaciones e incertidumbres y actividades técnicas propias de la Ingeniería Acústica que se proponen para la efectiva y útil integración de la dimensión sonora en el quehacer arqueológico. Una importante consideración de la propuesta metodológica aquí presentada, es la consideración, por un lado, de los resultados obtenidos experimentalmente del trabajo in situ en cada uno de los sitios arqueológicos de interés, y por otro los resultados obtenidos de las simulaciones y modelaciones por computadora de los mismos para su comparación y contraste. La propuesta de sistematización está dividida en tres momentos investigativos, como son la coordinación y trabajo logístico en sitios arqueológicos, su reconocimiento y prospección acústica; el trabajo de campo; y el análisis de los resultados obtenidos. Asimismo, dicha propuesta metodológica, se presenta dividida en tres objetos de estudio fundamentales en el quehacer arqueoacústico: los Fenómenos Sonoros encontrados en sitios arqueológicos; los objetos de generación de sonido, tengan éstos aplicaciones musicales o de otra índole; y finalmente los espacios y recintos arquitectónicos, ya sean cerrados o abiertos, y el estudio de su funcionalidad. El acercamiento a la descripción de cada una de dichas ramas, se realiza mediante la presentación de casos de estudio, para los que se contrastan dos áreas culturales representativas e interrelacionadas de Mesoamérica, la zona del Bajío y la zona Maya. Dicho contraste es llevado a cabo mediante el análisis acústico de 4 zonas arqueológicas que son Plazuelas, Peralta y Cañada de la Virgen, pertenecientes a la zona del Bajio, y Chichen Itzá perteneciente a la zona Maya. De particular importancia para el presente trabajo, es la funcionalidad de los espacios estudiados, específicamente de la de los patios hundidos, característicos de la arquitectura del Bajío, y las plazas públicas que constituyen una estructura integral en muchos sitios arqueológicos, centrales para la comprensión de las conexiones entre el fenómeno sonoro y el comportamiento de una cultura en particular. Asimismo, el análisis de los instrumentos de generación sonora ha permitido realizar inferencias sobre papel del sonido en el comportamiento humano de las culturas en cuestión, completando los modelos acústicos y posibilitando el situar las características de las fuentes sonoras en los espacios resonantes. Los resultados particulares de ésta tesis, han permitido establecer las características acústicas de dichos espacios e instrumentos, así como formular y validar las hipótesis sobre su usos y funciones como espacios para eventos públicos y sociales, así como para representaciones culturales multitudinarios. ABSTRACT The present work, aims to fill a void existing in terms of a general methodology in Archaeoacoustic studies for the Mesoamerican region. The most important result of this thesis is the proposal of a procedure and method for archaeoacoustical studies and its relevant analysis and parameters (of which stand out the energy decay, reverberation times, intensities, clarity and intelligibility), simulations and uncertainty considerations for the effective and useful integration of the sound dimension in the archaeological realm. An important methodological consideration in the present work is the comparison and contrast of the results obtained experimentally on site, and the results of simulations and computer modeling. The proposed systematization is divided into three distinct moments: logistics; fieldwork; and result analysis. Likewise, the presented methodological proposal is divided into three fundamental objects of study: Sound phenomena found in archaeological sites; sound generation objects and instruments; and architectural enclosures and the study of their functionality. Presenting case studies is the approach to the description of each of these branches. Two interrelated Mesoamerican cultural areas are considered, the Bajío and the Mayan. Their contrast is carried out by the acoustic analysis of four archaeological sites: Plazuelas, Peralta and Cañada de la Virgen, belonging to the area of the Bajío, and Chichen Itza belonging to the Maya area. Of particular relevance to this paper, is the acoustic functionality of the public spaces present in many archaeological sites, specifically that of the sunken patios, characteristic of the architecture of the Bajío. The analysis of the sound generation instruments has allowed certain inferences about the role of sound in human behavior of the cultures in question, thus completing the acoustic models. It has also enable the contrast of the characteristics of the sound sources and those of the resonant spaces. The results of this thesis have made it possible to develop and validate certain hypotheses about the uses and functions of certain spaces for public and social events as well as for mass cultural representations

    Evaluación de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del municipio de Gachancipá

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónSe realizó la evaluación a todas las unidades que componen la PTAR para concluir si esta cumpliendo con lo requerido por la sentencia del Río Bogotá y el cumplimiento de las resoluciones y los estándares permitidos para el vertimiento de aguas residuales.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. INTRODUCCION 2. ANTECEDENTES 3. JUSTIFICACION 4. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 5. OBJETIVOS 6. METODOLOGIA 7. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 8. CONCLUSIONES 9. RECOMENDACIONES BILBIOGRAFIA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Diseño y construcción de puesto de trabajo para el proceso de bobinado para elementos electrónicos en la Empresa Brahma S.A.S.

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    1 recurso en línea (1 archivo de texto, 1 archivo con anexos) : ilustraciones color, tablas, gráficas, figuras.Este proyecto tiene el propósito de apoyar a la organización BRAHMA S.A.S con el diseño y construcción del puesto de trabajo en la sección de bobinado, donde es necesario realizar el análisis ergonómico de los puestos de trabajo actuales, con el fin de mejorar las condiciones ergonómicas de trabajo para prevenir alteraciones en la salud de los operarios como lesiones músculo-esqueléticas predominantes de la población trabajadora y contribuyendo a la implementación del SG-SST requerido por el decreto 1072 de 2015.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 145-146.PregradoDiseñador Industria

    A study on the lateralization of the effect of musical imagery on spontaneous otoacoustic emissions

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    It has been suggested that different pathways through the brain are followed depending on the type of information that is being processed. Although it is now known that there is a continuous exchange of information through both hemispheres, language is considered to be processed by the left hemisphere, where Broca?s and Wernicke?s areas are located. On the other hand, music is thought to be processed mainly by the right hemisphere. According to Sininger Y.S. & Cone- Wesson, B. (2004), there is a similar but contralateral specialization of the human ears; due to the fact that auditory pathways cross-over at the brainstem. A previous study showed an effect of musical imagery on spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) (Perez-Acosta and Ramos-Amezquita, 2006), providing evidence of an efferent influence from the auditory cortex on the basilar membrane. Based on these results, the present work is a comparative study between left and right ears of a population of eight musicians that presented SOAEs. A familiar musical tune was chosen, and the subjects were trained in the task of evoking it after having heard it. Samples of ear-canal signals were obtained and processed in order to extract frequency and amplitude data on the SOAEs. This procedure was carried out before, during and after the musical image creation task. Results were then analyzed to compare the difference between SOAE responses of left and right ears. A clear asymmetrical SOAEs response to musical imagery tasks between left and right ears was obtained. Significant changes of SOAE amplitude related to musical imagery tasks were only observed on the right ear of the subjects. These results may suggest a predominant left hemisphere activity related to a melodic image creation task

    Propiedades termofísicas de la carne revisión del estado del arte

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    Una recopilación de las publicaciones sobre los métodos utilizados para medir las propiedades termofísicas de la carne, los modelos matemáticos asociados y los valores publicados se presenta en este trabajo. Se incluyen propiedades como: la conductividad térmica, la difusividad térmica, el calor específico y la temperatura inicial de congelación. Se halló que el estudio de las propiedades termofísicas de la carne carece de modelos confiables que permitan predecir su comportamiento en diferentes condiciones de procesamiento, además los valores publicados presentan una dispersión que afecta su precisión

    Loss of Function in Escherichia coli exposed to Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Benzalkonium Chloride

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    Assessing the risk of resistance associated with biocide exposure commonly involves exposing microorganisms to biocides at concentrations close to the MIC. With the aim of representing exposure to environmental biocide residues, MG1655 was grown for 20 passages in the presence or absence of benzalkonium chloride (BAC) at 100 ng/L and 1000 ng/L (0.0002% and 0.002% of the MIC respectively). BAC susceptibility, planktonic growth rates, motility and biofilm-formation were assessed, and differentially expressed genes determined via RNA-sequencing. Planktonic growth rate and biofilm-formation were significantly reduced (p<0.001) following BAC adaptation, whilst BAC minimum bactericidal concentration increased two-fold. Transcriptomic analysis identified 289 upregulated and 391 downregulated genes after long-term BAC adaptation when compared to the respective control organism passaged in BAC-free-media. When the BAC-adapted bacterium was grown in biocide-free medium, 1052 genes were upregulated and 753 were down regulated. Repeated passage solely in biocide-free medium resulted in 460 upregulated and 476 downregulated genes compared to unexposed bacteria. Long-term exposure to environmentally relevant BAC concentrations increased the expression of genes associated with efflux and reduced gene expression associated with outer-membrane porins, motility and chemotaxis. This was manifested phenotypically through loss-of-function (motility). Repeated passage in a BAC-free-environment resulted in the up-regulation of multiple respiration-associated genes, which was reflected by increased growth rate. In summary, repeated exposure of to BAC residues resulted in significant alterations in global gene expression that were associated with minor decreases in biocide susceptibility, reductions in growth-rate and biofilm-formation, and loss of motility. Exposure to very low concentrations of biocide in the environment is a poorly understood risk factor for antimicrobial resistance. Repeated exposure to trace levels of the biocide BAC resulted in loss of function (motility) and a general reduction in bacterial fitness, but relatively minor decreases in susceptibility. These changes were accompanied by widespread changes in the transcriptome. This demonstrates the importance of including phenotypic characterisation in studies designed to assess the risks of biocide exposure. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

    Formulation of Biocides Increases Antimicrobial Potency and Mitigates the Enrichment of Non-Susceptible Bacteria in Multi-Species Biofilms

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    The current investigation aimed to generate data to inform the development of risk-assessments of biocide usage. Stabilised domestic drain biofilm microcosms were exposed daily over six months to increasing concentrations (0.01 to 1 %) of the biocide benzalkonium chloride in simple aqueous solution (BAC-s) or in a complex formulation (BAC-f) representative of a domestic cleaning agent. Biofilms were analysed by culture, differentiating by bacterial functional group and by BAC or antibiotic susceptibility. Bacterial isolates were identified by 16S rRNA sequencing and changes in biofilm composition were assessed by high throughput sequencing. Exposure to BAC-f resulted in significantly larger reductions in viable bacteria than BAC-s, whilst bacterial diversity greatly decreased during exposure to both BAC-s and BAC-f, as evidenced by sequencing and viable counts. Increases in the abundance of bacteria exhibiting reduced antibiotic or BAC susceptibility following exposure to BAC at 0.1 % were significantly greater for BAC-s than BAC-f. Bacteria with reduced BAC and antibiotic susceptibility were generally suppressed by higher BAC concentrations and formulation significantly enhanced this effect. Significant decreases in the antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria isolated from the systems before and after long-term BAC exposure were not detected. In summary, dose-dependent suppression of bacterial viability by BAC was enhanced by formulation. Biocide exposure decreased bacterial diversity and transiently enriched organisms with lower antimicrobial susceptibility that were subsequently supressed by exposure to 1% BAC-f, the concentration most closely reflecting deployment in formulated products

    Effects of formulation on microbicide potency and mitigation of the development of bacterial insusceptibility

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    Risk assessments of the potential for microbicides to select for reduced bacterial susceptibility have been based largely on data generated through the exposure of bacteria to microbicides in aqueous solution. Since microbicides are normally formulated with multiple excipients, we have investigated the effect of formulation on antimicrobial activity and the induction of bacterial insusceptibility. We tested 8 species of bacteria (7 genera) before and after repeated exposure (14 passages), using a previously validated gradient plating system, for their susceptibilities to the microbicides benzalkonium chloride, benzisothiozolinone, chlorhexidine, didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride, DMDM-hydantoin, polyhexamethylene biguanide, thymol, and triclosan in aqueous solution (nonformulated) and in formulation with excipients often deployed in consumer products. Susceptibilities were also assessed following an additional 14 passages without microbicide to determine the stability of any susceptibility changes. MICs and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) were on average 11-fold lower for formulated microbicides than for nonformulated microbicides. After exposure to the antimicrobial compounds, of 72 combinations of microbicide and bacterium there were 19 ≥4-fold (mean, 8-fold) increases in MIC for nonformulated and 8 ≥4-fold (mean, 2-fold) increases in MIC for formulated microbicides. Furthermore, there were 20 ≥4-fold increases in MBC (mean, 8-fold) for nonformulated and 10 ≥4-fold (mean, 2-fold) increases in MBC for formulated microbicides. Susceptibility decreases fully or partially reverted back to preexposure values for 49% of MICs and 72% of MBCs after further passage. In summary, formulated microbicides exhibited greater antibacterial potency than unformulated actives and susceptibility decreases after repeated exposure were lower in frequency and extent

    Development of a protocol for predicting bacterial resistance to microbicides

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    Regulations dealing with microbicides in Europe and the United States are evolving and now require data on the risk of resistance development in organisms targeted by microbicidal products. There is no standard protocol to assess the risk of resistance development to microbicidal formulations. This study aimed to validate the use of changes in microbicide and antibiotic susceptibility as initial markers for predicting microbicide resistance and cross-resistance to antibiotics. Three industrial isolates (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia, Klebsiella pneumoniae) and two Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strains (SL1344 and 14028S) were exposed to a shampoo, a mouthwash, eye make-up remover and the microbicides contained within these formulations (chlorhexidine digluconate; CHG and benzalkonium chloride; BZC), under realistic, in-use conditions. Baseline and post- exposure data were compared. No significant increases in minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) or minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were observed in any strain after exposure to the three formulations. Increases in the MIC and MBC of CHG and BZC of up to 100-fold were observed in SL1344 and 14028S but were unstable. Changes in antibiotic susceptibility were not clinically significant. The use of MICs and MBCs combined with antibiotic susceptibility profiling and stability testing generated reproducible data that allowed for an initial prediction of microbicide resistance development. These approaches measure characteristics that are directly relevant to the concern over resistance and cross-resistance development following use of microbicides. These techniques are low cost and high-throughput, allowing manufacturers to provide data to support early assessment of risk of resistance development to regulatory bodies promptly and efficiently