78 research outputs found

    Preocupación y conducta ecológica responsable en estudiantes universitarios: estudio comparativo entre estudiantes chilenos y españoles

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    ResumenSe discutirán los resultados de un estudio piloto, que forma parte de un proyecto mayor, orientado al análisis transcultural de la preocupación ambiental y su relación con la conducta ecológica. El propósito de este artículo es mostrar los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del instrumento creado en España para probarlo en la realidad chilena, donde no se contaba con un instrumento pertinente que evaluara estos factores a nivel local. El método contempla la comparación de los resultados entre estudiantes chilenos (n=88) y españoles (n=149), a quienes se les aplica un cuestionario de conducta y preocupación ambiental. Los resultados indican diferencias entre ambos grupos, los cuales se analizan en función del modelo de conceptualización multidimensional de la preocupación por el medio ambiente manifestada en cuatro tipologías actitudinales: apático, antropocéntrico, conectado y afinidad emocional (Amérigo et al., 2012). Se considera, de igual forma, el papel importante de las variables culturales y psicosociales involucradas en los resultados. En las conclusiones se describe la importancia de contar con instrumentos que permitan iniciar estudios en el contexto chileno en el área, considerando los factores contextuales, como la agudización de la crisis ambiental en el país, la preocupación ciudadana sobre la situación y la necesidad de realizar estudios transculturales para seguir profundizando en el conocimiento de la temática a nivel mundial.AbstractAs part of a pilot study aimed at the transcultural analysis of environmental concern and its relationship with ecological behavior, a questionnaire assessing these was developed in Spain, and tested in Spain and in Chile. Chilean (n=88) and Spanish (n=149) students filled out the questionnaire. The results were analysed according to the model of multidimensional conceptualisation of concern for the environment manifested in 4 types of attitude: apathetic, anthropocentric, connected and emotional affinity (Amérigo et al., 2012). Results differed between the two groups, and cultural and psychosocial variables appear to play a significant role in this. This suggest that it is important to have instruments that facilitate environmental studies in the Chilean context, and to take contextual factors (such as the exacerbation of the country's environmental crisis and citizens’ concern about the situation) into account in such studies. Transcultural studies are key to deepening our understanding of the subject at the worldwide level

    A theoretical study of the low-lying excited states of thieno[3,4-b]pyrazine

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    The low-lying electronic excited states of thieno[3,4-b]pyrazine have been studied using the multiconfigurational second-order perturbation CASPT2 theory with extended atomic natural orbital basis sets. The CASPT2 results allow for a full interpretation of the electronic absorption and emission spectra and provide valuable information for the rationalization of the experimental data. The nature, position, and intensity of the spectral bands have been analyzed in detail. A preliminary comparative study of the ground-state geometry of thieno[3,4-b]pyrazine has been performed at the coupled cluster single and doubles and density functional theory levels using a variety of correlation-consistent basis sets. Thieno[3,4-b]pyrazine exhibits a polyene-like structure in the ground state due to the bond localization in the pyrazine moiety. An aromatization of the pyrazine unit is predicted for the lowest-energy electronic excited [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    Underlying Dimensions of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Environmental Beliefs

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    This study focuses on the cognitive components of general environmental attitudes. Taking as a starting point the scale of Thompson and Barton (1994) to identify ecocentric and anthropocentric motives in environmental conservation, the beliefs that guide attitudes in the person-environment relationship are analyzed. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to contrast the tripartite structure of these beliefs—based on egoistic, socioaltruistic, and biospheric aspects—with a two dimensional structure that confronts ecocentric and anthropocentric orientations. The results obtained from two samples, a student sample (n = 212) and a sample from the general population of Madrid (n = 205), indicate the existence of a three dimensional structure of environmental beliefs: an anthropocentric dimension based on the instrumental value of the environment for human beings, a biospheric dimension that values the environment for its own sake, and, lastly, an egobiocentric dimension that values the human being within nature as a whole.La presente investigación está centrada en los componentes cognitivos de las actitudes generales hacia el medio ambiente. Partiendo de la escala utilizada por Thompson y Barton (1994) para identificar motivos ecocéntricos y antropocéntricos en la conservación medioambiental, se analizan las creencias que orientan la relación individuo-medio ambiente. Mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio se contrasta una estructura tripartita de estas creencias basada en dimensiones egoístas, socioaltruistas y biosféricas con una estructura bidimensional en la que se enfrentan una orientación ecocéntrica y una orientación antropocéntrica. Los resultados obtenidos con dos muestras, una de estudiantes (n = 212) y otra extraída de la población general de la ciudad de Madrid (n = 205), apuntan hacia la existencia de una estructura de tres dimensiones de las creencias ambientales: una dimensión antropocéntrica vinculada al valor instrumental del medio ambiente para el ser humano; una dimensión biosférica que contempla el medio ambiente por el valor intrínseco de éste y, finalmente, una dimensión egobiocéntrica que valora al ser humano en la naturaleza

    Valoración afectiva de ambientes residenciales y funcionales de alta y baja densidad

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    This paper contrasts high and low-density residential and functional environments through an assessment of the pleasure and arousal said environments elicit. The relationships between these affective dimensions and a measure of emotional well-being and personality traits are also explored. Two hundred thirty-eight university students assessed the degree of pleasure and arousal elicited by a series of images depicting high and low-density residential and functional environments. The findings clearly reveal that residential environments produce more pleasurable feelings than functional spaces, regardless of their density. However, as regards arousal, the feelings produced by residential and functional environments vary on depending on their density. It concludes that residential environments are more adaptable environments in terms of emotional well-being.El presente trabajo contrasta ambientes residenciales versus funcionales de alta y baja densidad a través de la valoración del agrado y la activación que dichos ambientes elicitan. Así mismo se exploran las relaciones entre estas dimensiones afectivas y una medida de bienestar emocional y rasgos de personalidad. 238 estudiantes universitarios valoraron el nivel de agrado y activación elicitado por una serie de imágenes que representaban ambientes residenciales y funcionales de alta y baja densidad. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que, independientemente de la densidad, los ambientes residenciales generan sentimientos más agradables que los espacios funcionales; no obstante, y en relación con la activación, los sentimientos generados por ambientes residenciales y funcionales, varían en función de la densidad. Se concluye que los ambientes residenciales se constituyen en entornos más adaptativos en términos de bienestar emocional

    Study of an inclusive intervention programme in pictorial perception with blind and sighted students

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    This study evaluates the effectiveness of an intervention programme administered to blind and sighted school students. The students were given information concerning style, author and technique of three paintings from three different artistic periods, as well as guidelines to assess the overall aesthetics of each image. This programme was administered to 28 participants: 7 totally blind (the entire population of blind students in Castilla-La Mancha) and 21 sighted peers. Several methods of accessibility, such as verbal description of the content, sounds from the scenes and music from the artistic period, were implemented. Blind students were provided with tactile diagrams instead of reproductions of the paintings. A performance test was designed to assess qualitative and quantitative aspects and the collected data were analysed. Learning outcomes of blind and sighted students were compared after intervention and one month later. We found no significant differences between blind and sighted peers in content acquisition or aesthetic appreciation of the images. These results support the suitability of common accessible instructional strategies for the inclusion of blind students

    Perception of personal identity at home.

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    This study aims to discover whether observers with the same cultural background as the inhabitant of a bedroom perceive common characteristics among the inhabitants. The study was carried out with 107 females who were asked to assess the inhabitants of eight bedrooms. Several slides of each bedroom were shown to participants and they had to choose from a list of seventy-six characteristics those that defi ned the resident of each bedroom. Results revealed that socio-demographic variables thus attributed coincided with the profi les of the inhabitants. A correspondence analysis brought to light a dimension linked to affective aspects, which was more prominent among women; whereas among men the characteristics thus attributed were more linked to practical aspects and to diffi culties for social interaction. A second study was conducted to determine whether gender stereotype had any infl uence on the result of the previous study. The outcomes showed that this stereotype did not have any effect on the participants? judgments

    Expression of P-glycoprotein and metallothionein in gastrointestinal stromal tumor and leiomyosarcomas. Clinical implications

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    We investigated the expression of P-glycoprotein (P-GP) and metallothionein (MT) in a series of 92 GIST and 14 gastrointestinal leiomyosarcomas (GILMS) with the purpose to expand our knowledge on the biological bases of GIST chemo-resistance and to ascertain their significance in patients’ prognosis. P-GP expression was more frequent in GIST than in GI-LMS (83.7% vs. 21.4%, p<0.001), with no difference between low- and high-risk GIST (p=1.000) or low- and high-grade GI-LMS (p=0.538). P-GP expression was unrelated to anatomic location (gastric vs. intestinal) in GIST (39/45 vs. 35/43, p=0.770) and in GI-LMS (0/2 vs. 2/6, p=1.000). MT expression was non-significantly higher in GI-LMS than in GIST (35.7% vs. 14.1%, p=0.060), with no difference between low- and high-risk GIST (p=1.000) or low- and high-grade GI-LMS (p=1.000). MT expression was unrelated to the anatomic location (gastric vs. intestinal) in GIST (7/45 vs. 6/43) and GI-LMS (0/2 vs. 1/6) (p=1.000 and p=0.1000, respectively). Overall tumor-specific survival (p< 0.001) and disease-free survival (p<0.001) were different in GIST as compared with GI-LMS, and the number of events was higher in GI-LMS. When the survival analysis took into consideration P-GP or MT expression, the overall survival in GIST was influenced by the expression of MT (p=0.021) but not by that of P-GP (p=0.638). However, in GI-LMS, P-GP expression influenced disease-free survival (p=0.050); in addition, it is important to recognize the limited value of these results because of the low number of cases involved in the study. Differential expression of P-GP and MT might explain the known variability in response to systemic chemotherapy in these tumors. Detection of P-GP and MT seems to add certain prognostic value in GIST (MT) or GI-LMS (P-GP)