382 research outputs found

    Guidance for Sustainable Tourism in Kotzebue, Alaska

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    Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2008Tourism once thrived in Kotzebue, a rural largely Iñupiat Eskimo community in Northwest Alaska. Today there is very little evidence of the summer tourism that once characterized this remote Arctic town. Trends suggest a revival of tourism in Kotzebue, though little is being done to prepare for an almost inevitable rebirth. This research is intended to identify local concerns about tourism, the current state of tourism and offer guidance for sustainable tourism. Qualitative and inductive research was conducted to understand local feelings about tourism and possible reasons past tourism levels could not be sustained. Suggestions are given for a new direction for tourism. Secondary research examined the concept of sustainable tourism, profiles of current and potential visitors to the region, and tools and strategies to manage tourism and its impacts. The study concludes past tourism did not have major detrimental effects on the community, and there are both lingering resentment and caution about future tourism, as well as definite local interest in its development

    Las páginas personales como recurso informativo.

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    Se reivindican las páginas personales como un recurso de información, con siderando que son susceptibles de superar el nivel de trivialidad que se les suele conceder. Partimos de la premisa de que han de ser reconocidas como posibles candidatas a figurar en directorios y guías de recursos especializados. Para ello, se ha analizado la literatura científica sobre evaluación de recursos digitales, extra yendo de ella parámetros e indicadores y aplicándolos, a posteriori, sobre una selección de páginas personales de una disciplina concreta: la lengua española. Pretendemos con esta aproximación contribuir, de algún modo, a la sistematiza ción de la información contenida en la web.Personal web pages as an information source are vindicated on the consi deration that they are capable of overcoming the level of triviality generally accorded them. Starting from the premise that they should be recognized as pos sible candidates br inclusion in specialist guides and directories, the scientific literature on the evaluation of digital resources were analysed and parameters arid indicators established. These were then applied to a selection of personal pages dealing with a specific discipline: the Spanish language.This approach will, it is hoped, contribute towards the systematization of information available ibe web

    Eficacia del tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria

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    [Resumen] Uno de los problemas que presentan las personas mayores es la incontinencia urinaria, entendida como cualquier pérdida involuntaria de orina a través de la uretra. Es una afección con gran prevalencia en España. Se puede clasificar como incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo, incontinencia urinaria de urgencia o incontinencia urinaria mixta. Los factores de riesgo son la edad, la obesidad y el parto vaginal entre otros. Es importante un buen diagnóstico a través de la historia clínica y exploraciones complementarias. El tratamiento a seguir en primer lugar son las medidas higiénico dietéticas y las técnicas de modificación de conducta. El tratamiento farmacológico es específico para cada tipo de incontinencia urinaria y las técnicas quirúrgicas se utilizarán cuando hayan fracasado los tratamientos conservadores o ante incontinencia urinaria severa.[Abstract] One of the problems that elderly present is the Urinary incontinence, understood as any involuntary loss of urine through the urethra. It’s an affectation with high prevalence in Spain. It can be classified as stress urinary incontinence, urgent urinary incontinence or mixed urinary incontinence. The risk factors are age, obesity and vaginal delivery, among others. A good diagnosis is important across the clinical history and complementary explorations. The treatment to follow on first place is hygienic-dietary measures and behavior modification techniques. Pharmacological treatment is specific for each type of urinary incontinence, surgical technologies will be used when the conservative treatments have failed or to deal with severe urinary incontinence.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FCS). Mestrado Universitario en Xerontoloxía. Curso 2012/2013

    Direct interaction between EgFABP1, a fatty acid binding protein from echinococcus granulosus, and phospholipid membranes

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    <p>Background: Growth and maintenance of hydatid cysts produced by Echinococcus granulosus have a high requirement for host lipids for biosynthetic processes, membrane building and possibly cellular and developmental signalling. This requires a high degree of lipid trafficking facilitated by lipid transporter proteins. Members of the fatty acid binding protein (FABP) family have been identified in Echinococcus granulosus, one of which, EgFABP1 is expressed at the tegumental level in the protoscoleces, but it has also been described in both hydatid cyst fluid and secretions of protoscoleces. In spite of a considerable amount of structural and biophysical information on the FABPs in general, their specific functions remain mysterious.</p> <p>Methodology/Principal Findings: We have investigated the way in which EgFABP1 may interact with membranes using a variety of fluorescence-based techniques and artificial small unilamellar vesicles. We first found that bacterial recombinant EgFABP1 is loaded with fatty acids from the synthesising bacteria, and that fatty acid binding increases its resistance to proteinases, possibly due to subtle conformational changes induced on EgFABP1. By manipulating the composition of lipid vesicles and the ionic environment, we found that EgFABP1 interacts with membranes in a direct contact, collisional, manner to exchange ligand, involving both ionic and hydrophobic interactions. Moreover, we observed that the protein can compete with cytochrome c for association with the surface of small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs).</p> <p>Conclusions/Significance: This work constitutes a first approach to the understanding of protein-membrane interactions of EgFABP1. The results suggest that this protein may be actively involved in the exchange and transport of fatty acids between different membranes and cellular compartments within the parasite.</p&gt

    Confluence between Library and Information Science and Digital Humanities in Spain. Methodologies, standards, and collections

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    https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-02-2020-0030The purpose of this paper is to study the relevance of heritage collections and the convergence of methodologies and standards traditionally linked to Library and Information Science (LIS) in the development of digital humanities (DH) research in Spain. This paper is based on a systematic review of scientific publications that are representative of DH in Spain and were published between 2013 and 2018. The analysis considered doctoral theses, journal articles and conference papers. The results highlight the synergies between documentary heritage, Library and Information Science and digital humanities. However, it appears that there is a scarcity of scientific literature to support the confluence of LIS and DH and a limited formal connection between heritage institutions and the areas of academia that reuse and enrich these source collections. The review of representative scholarly DH publications was mainly based on the metadata that describe the content of articles, thesis, and conference papers. This work relies on the thematic indexing (descriptors and keywords) of the analysed documents but their level of quality and consistency is very diverse. The topic of the study has not been explored before and this work could contribute to the international debate on the interrelation and complementarity between Library and Information Science and digital humanities. In addition, this paper shows the contribution that standards and documentary methodologies make to projects in which technology is applied to humanities disciplines. We propose that there is an urgent need to strengthen the “scientific relationships” between heritage institutions, as well as enhancing links between the academic field of DH and LIS in order to improve teaching and research strategies in conjunction

    Parameters and indicators for providers of electronic publications evaluation

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    p. 357-368Methodology for the analysis comparative of information distributed, characteristics of interfaces and various functions and added value services of electronic publications providers

    An analysis of the use of Electronic Journals in a Spanish Academic Context: Developments and Profitability

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    P. 181-195This article studies themodels of consumption of the academic communities of five Spanish universities with regard to the use of contents distributed by four major providers of electronic journals from the time at which subscriptions were first taken until 2010. Similarly, the authors undertook an initial approach to assess the value of the financial investment in such subscriptions on the basis of data from the Spanish universities of Leon and of VigoS

    E-science and open access repositories in Spain

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    p. 363-371Purpose – The purpose of this article is to highlight the role of science repositories in the development of e-science. It aims to provide an overview of the open access collections currently operating in Spain. Design/methodology/approach – This paper is an examination of the tools, type of contents, coverage and aims of the digital research collections generated by Spanish academic bodies. Findings – There is only a limited development of institutional repositories, although it is possible to detect a growing tendency to create them. At the present moment, these digital collections seem principally to be seeking visibility for scientific output such as theses, journals, work in progress, preliminary results and other fringe or unconventional literature, without currently making use of academic teaching and learning materials or corpora relating to the cultural heritage. Practical implications – It would be desirable for government to become involved in encouraging open access within a new model for academic communication. It would appear crucial for the repositories aimed at spreading knowledge of scientific research to set in place mechanisms for rigorous peer assessment, so as to ensure the quality of the scholarly work deposited. Originality/value – This paper considers the role of science repositories in the development of e-Science. The availability of resources for e-science, the need to support the compilation of repositories of information in electronic format and the access to digitized content is a matter of maximum priority for any national science policy. Designing a new model for academic communication requires collaboration from the authorities, from universities, from librarians and also support from researchers themselves.S

    E-books in Spanish academic libraries

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    P. 86-95This study aims to explore the current presence of e‐books in the collections of Spanish academic libraries, from the viewpoint of the contents on offerS