274 research outputs found

    We Wimmin

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    Otra vez : hierarchy as designer

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    Methods of hierarchy are often represented in graphic forms. They shape our world into subjective places/spaces of belonging or oppression. The need for order is a human condition. There is constant tension between the utility of ordered systems against the manipulative and ultimately subjective manner in which they are created. Where there is a system, there is a story. The narrative the hierarchy tells is just as crucial to me as the mechanics. I position myself within various hierarchal systems as a way to understand the logistics of their becoming, but also, to manipulate (or justify) my cultural and ethnic status in relation to them. My work often deals with multiples of a system—copying, transferring, and detaching the pieces into abstract, void, or reconfigured images. This self-reflexive method of undoing order—of viewing the neatly bound as a whole or into the smallest fractions, takes my subjectivity (and relationship to narrative) and reinterprets methods of hierarchy that are historically viewed as objective. This book demonstrates my disruption, compliance, and/or fabrication of order in pursuit of creating a cosmos of my own making

    Outreach as Dialogue: Lessons from University Forests

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    University and school forests are managed for a unique set of multiple uses from research and teaching to recreation and forestry. Understanding how outreach is employed in these settings as a component of their land management strategy can offer insights to school forests generally as well as other complex land management efforts. Using outreach, a forest can facilitate communication as a dialogue, connecting to forest participants and stakeholders. This qualitative research study uses a multi-scale case study approach to examine a recent harvest and outreach efforts at the Clemson Experimental Forest, as well the outreach efforts at eight other university forests in the United States, in order to understand the nuances of outreach in a university forest system. The primary objective of this research was to gain specific knowledge regarding what is considered outreach, current evidence-based practices being used at university forests, and outcomes or perceived benefits of outreach experienced by forest representatives. Findings of this research study suggest that outreach is the connection of university forest with community, neighbors, stakeholders and forest participants. The four most commonly practiced connection activities found to facilitate effective outreach within a university forest are clear communication, signage, engagement and planning. From our data sample, we determined that outreach has perceived benefits across many university forest systems. We have learned that five perceived benefits are an increase in funding, advocacy, partnerships, understanding and influence. Finally, outreach can be an effective strategy for managers to create positive relationships through community collaboration, by partnering with forest participants, government agencies, NGOs, and private businesses, in order to achieve a forest’s mission

    Cyclorama: a collection of short fiction and poetry about the lives of women

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    Cyclorama is a compilation of poems and short stories, ranging from short-shorts to the more traditional short story form, all dealing with the issues facing women from early childhood through old age. Happy endings are for the most part missing, but this is a part of the American female experience-lives filled with and formed by a vast range of experiences that dictate the difference between right and wrong, disappointments that paralyze the human spirit for days or even lifetimes, life lessons that teach women the rules of being the daughters, mothers, and wives our society expects. Some women love their roles, but many others are bitter, or resigned, or lost in a fog of denial that clears only when it seems too late to change anything. These stories attempt to address the complex issues facing women today as well as the strength of character women must have in order to face each day in spite of overwhelming odds that the day will bring with it more disappointments. Women are the strong ones, the ones who nurture and build those around us, and because of that they often settle for less than they really want and need. They have learned to content ourselves with the happy middles of life, those fleeting moments of pleasure that inevitably come their way

    In vivo SPECT/CT molecular imaging of LFA-1 in atherosclerotic inflammatory development with radiolabeled DANBIRT

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    The objective of this thesis project is to assess inflammatory leukocyte presence and accumulation in vascular atherosclerotic plaque using [111In] In-DANBIRT as a non-invasive diagnostic imaging tool. ApoE-/-mice were fed either normal or high fat diet (HFD) for 8 weeks. Sprague Dawley male rats were exposed to filtered air and ozone for 4 hours. SPECT/CT imaging was performed at baseline, 4 and 8 weeks. 3D autoradiography was performed after 8 weeks. Leukocyte isolation methods were performed for neutrophil and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) separations post-incubation with [68Ga] Ga-DANBIRT and [111In] In-DANBIRT. Whole blood isolation correlated these findings showing increased specific uptake by neutrophils in the ozone-exposed group. Radioisotopic dilution methods evidence a saturation of binding sites in isolated neutrophil samples starting at a 10-fold dilution from initial concentration of [111In] In-DANBIRT. Longitudinal molecular imaging evidenced an increased uptake in HFD fed mice, consistent with increased immune response to vascular injury in cardiovascular and immune tissues. Histologic analysis illustrated atherosclerotic plaque disease progression and increased vascular lesion area in HFD fed mice


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    The reported mixed methods study focused on exploration of mathematics teachers' dispositions toward errors in two countries - Mexico and USA. More specifically, this study addressed borderland secondary teachers' dispositions toward mistakes in teaching and learning mathematics. An explanatory sequential method design was used that involved collecting quantitative data first and then explaining the quantitative results with in-depth qualitative analysis. The instrument - Error Orientation Questionnaire (EOQ) - was used to collect quantitative data on teachers' disposition toward errors in the context of their own learning and their students learning. Following up on EOQ, the semi-structured interview was used to collect qualitative data. Two research questions guided the study. First, we were interested in what dispositions toward mathematical mistakes do secondary teachers in the US and Mexico have. The second question addressed ways the interview aimed at teachers' dispositions toward errors helped to explain the quantitative results.The reported mixed methods study focused on exploration of mathematics teachers' dispositions toward errors in two countries - Mexico and USA. More specifically, this study addressed borderland secondary teachers' dispositions toward mistakes in teaching and learning mathematics. An explanatory sequential method design was used that involved collecting quantitative data first and then explaining the quantitative results with in-depth qualitative analysis. The instrument - Error Orientation Questionnaire (EOQ) - was used to collect quantitative data on teachers' disposition toward errors in the context of their own learning and their students learning. Following up on EOQ, the semi-structured interview was used to collect qualitative data. Two research questions guided the study. First, we were interested in what dispositions toward mathematical mistakes do secondary teachers in the US and Mexico have. The second question addressed ways the interview aimed at teachers' dispositions toward errors helped to explain the quantitative results.188-19

    Notas de energías mecánica y eléctrica

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    1 archivo PDF (110 páginas); 1a ed. 2000, 6a reimpresión 2007.La generación de energía eléctrica se lleva a cabo mediante técnicas muy diferentes. Las que suministran las mayores cantidades y potencias de electricidad aprovechan un movimiento rotatorio para generar corriente continua en una dinamo o corriente alterna en un alternador. El movimiento rotatorio resulta a su vez de una fuente de energía mecánica directa, como puede ser la corriente de un salto de agua o la producida por el viento, o de un ciclo termodinámico. En este último caso se calienta un fluido, al que se hace recorrer un circuito en el que mueve un motor o una turbina. El calor de este proceso se obtiene mediante la quema de combustibles fósiles, reacciones nucleares y otros procesos

    El clima organizacional en los despachos contables en la ciudad de chihuahua zona centro: O clima organizacional nas empresas de contabilidade no centro da cidade de chihuahua

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    Es de suma importancia el ambiente laboral que se genera en los centros de trabajo, ya que está completamente ligado con el desempeño profesional de los trabajadores, teniendo un impacto en la motivación y satisfacción personal de los empleados, permite a la empresa cumplir sus metas en el tiempo estimado. El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación fue identificar la importancia que tiene el clima organizacional en los despachos contables zona centro en Chihuahua, Chih. La población que se encuestó fue de 70 empleados en el área de auditoría, contabilidad y administrativo por lo cual la investigación fue de tipo aplicada, ya que se analizó en sus diferentes aspectos, desde la expectativa del empleado hacia la empresa hasta su estado emocional estando en la empresa. Los resultados obtenidos fueron algo alarmantes ya que el 50% de los empleados no tiene una buena opinión acerca de la empresa con la que trabaja, ya sea por las prestaciones que reciben o por el ambiente con el que trabajan a diario, teniendo como conclusión que los empleados no se sienten motivados dentro de la empresa, y eso puede afectar mucho a la empresa ya que no desempeñan bien su trabajo