2,057 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho analisa o instituto do depósito recursal, no sentido de verificar a possibilidade de sua flexibilização quando a situação figurar o cerceamento a ampla defesa. O depósito recursal é obrigatório para exercer o direito ao duplo grau de jurisdição, que por sua vez, trata-se de princípio fundamental que se torna imprescindível na busca da pretensão, visto que o pleito será novamente analisado. Por outro lado, em razão da importância que as micro e pequenas empresas vêm ocupando no atual cenário econômico e social do país, a Constituição Federal prevê normas programáticas, que asseguram o tratamento jurídico diferenciado e simplificado a essa modalidade empresarial, para fortalecer este tipo de empreendimento. Discute-se os princípios norteadores do processo trabalhista, especialmente os inerentes aos recursos e como são aplicados na prática processual. Busca-se compreender a possibilidade da flexibilização do depósito recursal através da interpretação constitucional adequada dos princípios nos casos concretos envolvendo as micro e pequenas empresas

    Synthetic skull bone defects for automatic patient-specific craniofacial implant design

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    Patient-specific craniofacial implants are used to repair skull bone defects after trauma or surgery. Currently, cranial implants are designed and produced by third-party suppliers, which is usually time-consuming and expensive. Recent advances in additive manufacturing made the in-hospital or in-operation-room fabrication of personalized implants feasible. However, the implants are still manufactured by external companies. To facilitate an optimized workflow, fast and automatic implant manufacturing is highly desirable. Data-driven approaches, such as deep learning, show currently great potential towards automatic implant design. However, a considerable amount of data is needed to train such algorithms, which is, especially in the medical domain, often a bottleneck. Therefore, we present CT-imaging data of the craniofacial complex from 24 patients, in which we injected various artificial cranial defects, resulting in 240 data pairs and 240 corresponding implants. Based on this work, automatic implant design and manufacturing processes can be trained. Additionally, the data of this work build a solid base for researchers to work on automatic cranial implant designs. Image Acquisition Matrix Size center dot Image Slice Thickness center dot craniofacial regionimaging technique center dot computed tomography Sample Characteristic - Organism Machine-accessible metadata file describing the reported data: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13265225This investigation was approved by the internal review board (IRB) of the Medical University of Graz, Austria (IRB: EK-30-340 ex 17/18). This work was supported by CAMed (COMET K-Project 871132), which is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) and the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG). Furthermore, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) KLI 678-B31: "enFaced: Virtual and Augmented Reality Training and Navigation Module for 3D-Printed Facial Defect Reconstructions" and the TU Graz LEAD Project "Mechanics, Modeling and Simulation of Aortic Dissection". Privatdozent Dr. Dr. Jan Egger was supported as Visiting Professor by the Overseas Visiting Scholars Program from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China. Finally, we thank Professor Hannes Deutschmann, MD, from the Department of Radiology - Division of Neuroradiology, Vascular and Interventional Neuroradiology of the Medical University of Graz, for having kindly provided us with the source CT datasets used in this work

    Dilemas éticos vivenciados por enfermeiros apresentados em publicações de enfermagem

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    This systematic literature review used nursing studies about "ethics" published in the SCIELO database. The objective was to identify the ethical dilemmas of nursing, based on a literature review of nursing publications between 2002 and 2006. Forty publications were found, of which seventeen were selected. The analysis of the articles permitted the organization of the following categories: ethics, the health system and nursing practice; ethics and nursing teaching-learning; ethics and nursing care. We noticed that the authors attributed a multidimensional approach to ethical issues. However, we considered it necessary to pay closer attention to the ethical aspects involved in nursing practice. There is a clear need for further studies, showing new ethical dilemmas experienced by nurses, so that they can contribute to a change in attitude, with outcomes for professional practice.Se trata de una revisión sistemática de la literatura, realizada en artículos del área de la enfermería, contenidos en el banco de datos SCIELO, y que abordaron el tema "ética". El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar los dilemas éticos de la enfermería a partir de una revisión de la literatura en publicaciones sobre esa área, en el período de 2002 a 2006. Se localizaron cuarenta publicaciones, de las cuales fueron seleccionadas diecisiete. El análisis de los artículos permitió la organización de las categorías en: ética, el sistema de salud y la práctica de enfermería, ética y la enseñanza-aprendizaje en la enfermería y, ética y el cuidado de enfermería. Se percibió que los autores realizaron, sobre las cuestiones éticas, un abordaje multidimensional, entretanto, se consideró necesario, en este estudio, dar mayor atención a los aspectos éticos que se encuentran frecuentemente en la práctica de enfermería. Quedó clara la necesidad de realizar otros estudios que pongan en evidencia nuevos dilemas éticos vivenciados por enfermeros, en el sentido de contribuir para el cambio de actitud, que implicaría en mejorar la calidad de la práctica profesional.Trata-se de revisão sistemática da literatura, realizada em artigos da área da enfermagem, contidos no banco de dados SCIELO, e que abordaram o tema "ética". Teve como objetivo identificar os dilemas éticos da enfermagem a partir de revisão de literatura em publicações da área, no período de 2002 a 2006. Localizou-se quarenta publicações, das quais foram selecionadas dezessete. A análise dos artigos permitiu a organização das categorias: ética, o sistema de saúde e a prática de enfermagem, ética e o ensino-aprendizagem na enfermagem, ética e o cuidado de enfermagem. Percebeu-se que os autores atribuíram às questões éticas abordagem multidimensional, no entanto, considerou-se, aqui, necessária maior atenção a respeito dos aspectos éticos que permeiam a prática de enfermagem. Ficou clara a necessidade de mais estudos que evidenciem novos dilemas éticos vivenciados por enfermeiros, no sentido de contribuir para mudança de atitude, implicando na qualidade da prática profissional

    Sildenafil (viagra) Protective Effects On Neuroinflammation: The Role Of Inos/no System In An Inflammatory Demyelination Model.

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    We recently demonstrated that sildenafil reduces the expression of cytokines, COX-2, and GFAP in a demyelinating model induced in wild-type (WT) mice. Herein, the understandings of the neuroprotective effect of sildenafil and the mediation of iNOS/NO system on inflammatory demyelination induced by cuprizone were investigated. The cerebella of iNOS(-/-) mice were examined after four weeks of treatment with cuprizone alone or combined with sildenafil. Cuprizone increased GFAP, Iba-1, TNF- α , COX-2, IL-1 β , and IFN- γ expression, decreased expression of glutathione S-transferase pi (GSTpi), and damaged myelin in iNOS(-/-) mice. Sildenafil reduced Iba-1, IFN- γ , and IL-1 β levels but had no effect on the expression of GFAP, TNF- α , and COX-2 compared to the cuprizone group. Sildenafil elevated GSTpi levels and improved the myelin structure/ultrastructure. iNOS(-/-) mice suffered from severe inflammation following treatment with cuprizone, while WT mice had milder inflammation, as found in the previous study. It is possible that inflammatory regulation through iNOS-feedback is absent in iNOS(-/-) mice, making them more susceptible to inflammation. Sildenafil has at least a partial anti-inflammatory effect through iNOS inhibition, as its effect on iNOS(-/-) mice was limited. Further studies are required to explain the underlying mechanism of the sildenafil effects.201332146

    Child–Robot Interaction: Social Bonding, Learning and Ethics

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    This workshop aims to exchange experiences with issues surrounding Child-Robot Interaction. More specifically, the main aims are to discuss how social bonding between children and robots can be evaluated, how robots can be used to aid children in their learning process, but also what ethical issues arise when children learn from and bond with a robot. Another aim is to discuss how teachers’ and caretakers’ perspectives on children’s use of robots should be taken into account when designing and evaluating robots for children


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    COVID-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2. This virus has become a major public health concern worldwide, causing a collective outbreak, leading to the pandemic in 2020. People become infected with other common coronaviruses throughout their lives, but currently the concern is the COVID-19 type due to its severity in some cases. The immune system protects the body against external aggressions and preserves the body\u27s homeostasis, and nutrients are involved in the development and preservation of this system. Considering the degree of complications that can occur in an individual with COVID-19, regardless of their age group, and in some cases even lethal, there was an interest in researching studies about this disease, and which nutrients are mentioned in the literature regarding immunity in this disease. The aims of this research were to describe concepts about the disease COVID-19 and to identify nutrients involved in the immunity and treatment of this disease, through a literature review in the period from December 2019 to October 2020. There is no doubt that it is essential to maintain an adequate nutritional status, through a balanced diet that can contribute to a better coping with the infectious state. Supplementation of vitamins, minerals, probiotics and prebiotics can provide the immune system, several of them were cited as an adjunct to the treatment of COVID-19, including their doses, but there was a lack of agreement regarding the dose of nutrients. Obviously maintaining social distance, wearing masks and proper hygiene are essential to reduce the risk of contamination, while not having access to vaccination

    Iluminação Cênica: Empresas, Equipes e Profissionais no Brasil

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    This article proposes to present the central questions and some partial hypotheses of a research (in progress) of mapping professionals: lighting creators, light designers, light operators and electricians who work in Stage Lighting in Brazil. The objective of the research is to carry out a thorough recognition to understand who the light professionals are for the scene and whether specific training has been obtained in the area. It is expected to contribute to outline the area, to give clues about the role of Stage Lighting professionals in relation to the job market and their professional performance conditions. In addition, it has been guiding and discussing aspects of the training contexts for the performance of the functions of Illuminator, technician or light operator, as well as an understanding of the area and its real demands. In this context, the article will present the research proposal and its development and partial results so far.Este artículo propone presentar las preguntas centrales y algunas hipótesis parciales de una investigación en curso de cartografía de los profesionales: iluminadores, diseñadores de luz, operadores de luz y electricistas que trabajan en Iluminación Escénica en Brasil. El objetivo de la investigación es realizar un reconocimiento exhaustivo para comprender quiénes son los profesionales de la luz para la escena y si se ha obtenido una formación específica en el area. Así, busca contribuir a trazar una visión general del área, seguiendo pistas sobre el papel de los profesionales de la iluminación escénica en relación con el mercado laboral y sus condiciones de desempeño profesional. Además, ha estado destacando y discutiendo aspectos de los contextos formativos para el desempeño de las funciones de Iluminador, técnico u operador de luz, así como el conocimiento del área y sus demandas reales. En este contexto, el artículo presentará la propuesta de investigación y su desarrollo y resultados parciales hasta el momento.O presente artigo se propõe a apresentar as questões centrais e algumas hipóteses parciais de uma pesquisa em andamento de mapeamento dos profissionais: iluminadores, light designers, operadores de luz e eletricistas que atuam na Iluminação Cênica no Brasil. O objetivo da pesquisa é realizar um reconhecimento minucioso para entender quem são os profissionais da luz para a cena e se obtiveram formação específica na área, buscando-se, assim, contribuir para traçar um panorama da área, aventando pistas sobre o papel dos profissionais da Iluminação Cênica em relação ao mercado de trabalho e suas condições de atuação. Ademais, pretende pautar aspectos dos contextos da formação para o desempenho das funções de Iluminador, técnico ou operador de luz, bem como a compreensão da área e suas reais demandas. Neste contexto, o artigo apresentará a proposta da pesquisa e seu desenvolvimento e resultados parciais até o momento

    ST-Elevation myocardial infarction network: systematization in 205 cases reduced clinical events in the public health care system

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    BACKGROUND: The major cause of death in the city of São Paulo (SP) is cardiac events. At its periphery, in-hospital mortality in acute myocardial infarction is estimated to range between 15% and 20% due to difficulties inherent in large metropoles. OBJECTIVE:To describe in-hospital mortality in ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) of patients admitted via ambulance or peripheral hospitals, which are part of a structured training network (STEMI Network). METHODS: Health care teams of four emergency services (Ermelino Matarazzo, Campo Limpo, Tatuapé and Saboya) of the periphery of the city of São Paulo and advanced ambulances of the Emergency Mobile Health Care Service (abbreviation in Portuguese, SAMU) were trained to use tenecteplase or to refer for primary angioplasty. A central office for electrocardiogram reading was used. After thrombolysis, the patient was sent to a tertiary reference hospital to undergo cardiac catheterization immediately (in case of failed thrombolysis) or in 6 to 24 hours, if the patient was stable. Quantitative and qualitative variables were assessed by use of uni- and multivariate analysis. RESULTS: From January 2010 to June 2011, 205 consecutive patients used the STEMI Network, and the findings were as follows: 87 anterior wall infarctions; 11 left bundle-branch blocks; 14 complete atrioventricular blocks; and 14 resuscitations after initial cardiorespiratory arrest. In-hospital mortality was 6.8% (14 patients), most of which due to cardiogenic shock, one hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident, and one bleeding. CONCLUSION: The organization in the public health care system of a network for the treatment of STEMI, involving diagnosis, reperfusion, immediate transfer, and tertiary reference hospital, resulted in immediate improvement of STEMI outcomes.FUNDAMENTO: A principal causa de óbitos na cidade de São Paulo (SP) é por eventos cardíacos. Em hospitais periféricos de São Paulo estima-se a mortalidade hospitalar no infarto agudo entre 15% e 20%, pelas dificuldades existentes. OBJETIVO: Descrever a mortalidade intra-hospitalar do Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio com Supradesnivelamento de ST (IAMCSST) de pacientes admitidos via ambulância ou hospitais periféricos, como resultado da organização de uma estruturada rede de treinamento. MÉTODOS: Equipes de quatro prontos-socorros (Ermelino Matarazzo, Campo Limpo, Tatuapé e Saboya) e das ambulâncias avançadas do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (Samu) foram treinadas para uso de tenecteplase (TNK) ou para encaminhamento para angioplastia primária. Uma central de leitura de eletrocardiogramas foi usada quando necessário. Após uso de trombolítico, um hospital terciário recebia o paciente que era submetido a cinecoronariografia imediata (trombólise sem sucesso) ou entre 6 e 24 h, caso estável. Variáveis quantitativas, qualitativas foram avaliadas em análise uni e multivariável. RESULTADOS: De janeiro 2010 a junho 2011, 205 pacientes consecutivos utilizaram a rede de atendimento, ocorrendo 87 infartos de parede anterior, 11 bloqueios de ramo esquerdo, 14 bloqueios atrioventricular total, e em 14 houve reanimação pós-parada cardiorrespiratória inicial. A mortalidade intra-hospitalar foi de 6,8% (14 casos), a maioria por choque cardiogênico, um por acidente vascular encefálico hemorrágico e um por sangramento. CONCLUSÃO: A organização em instituições públicas de uma rede de tratamento, envolvendo diagnóstico, reperfusão, transporte imediato e hospital de retaguarda resultou em melhora imediata dos resultados de IAMCSST.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de UrgênciaPrefeitura Municipal de São Paulo Secretaria de SaúdeHospital Municipal Prof. Dr. Alípio Correa NettoUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    The effect of acupuncture on the relief of physical and emotional discomfort during pregnancy / Efeito da acupuntura para alívio dos desconfortos fisicos e emocionais na gestação

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    Objetivo: analisar os efeitos da acupuntura nos desconfortos físicos e emocionais presentes na gestação. Métodos: estudo transversal realizado com 45 gestantes do segundo e terceiro trimestre gestacional, atendidas no pré natal de risco habitual e que realizaram sessões de acupuntura. Cada gestante fazia duas sessões por semana com duração de 30 minutos, cada uma. Resultado: evidenciou-se que, após seis sessões de acupuntura, utilizando os pontos sistêmicos B57, B40, VB30, B23, B60, VG20 e pontos de auriculoterapia: Shemen, lombar e ciático, houve uma significativa melhoria de diversas queixas comuns na gestação, relatadas pelas participantes, como: relaxamento do corpo (97,8%); mudança do estresse (82,2%); sono (86,7%); estado de humor (82,2%); paciência (80%); energia (77,8); ansiedade (66,7%), dentre outros. Conclusão: a acupuntura contribuiu positivamente na melhoria de sintomas físicos e emocionais referidos pelas gestantes, podendo ser usada como alternativa para a promoção da saúde gestacional