200 research outputs found


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    Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) is a grass species native to Africa, mainly used as forage resource. The search for adequate species and irrigation can be an alternative to increase yield and year-round availability of this forage in the Cerrado. Studies on irrigated elephant grass in the literature are still rather scarce. This review aimed to update information on the agronomic performance of elephant grass cultivars under irrigation. Methods: Articles referring to the topicirrigation of elephant grass were searched at the databases ScienceDirect, Scopus and Agris. In April 2018, two independent researchers searched at these databases considering all articles in English without restriction of year. At the three databases, a total of 357 articles were selected and downloaded, 316 of which were excluded and 41 were thoroughly read. At the end, three articles were considered in the systematic review. The best results were obtained in the period from June to October, when evapotranspiration and temperature were higher. In the second article, salinity caused reductions in vegetation index, leaf area, plant height and chlorophyll. In the last article of the review, the results were satisfactory with the use of irrigation, resulting in increased grass yield, generating greater availability of feed to cattle. With the present study it is possible to conclude that elephant grass can be a good alternative for cattle feed production, but some factors may limit its growth and development

    Biosorbents in the Metallic Ions Determination

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    This chapter provides an overview and discusses analytical strategies for metallic ions determination using solid phase extraction. Solid phase extraction (SPE) is a much-used technique for extraction and/or concentration of complex samples, so that the analytes present in low concentration were detected mainly using chromatographic methods. However, in recent years, this technique has been widely used in the development of methodologies for metallic ions determination in the deferential samples. This technique shows simplicity and rapidity comparing with other conventional techniques, liquid–liquid extraction, cloud point extraction and others. Solid phase extraction procedures become even more interesting when commercial adsorbents are exchanged for others with higher adsorptive capacity, selectivity, flexibility, economy and low environmental impacts. For this purpose, some inorganic, organic and several natural adsorbents are used. New approaches to obtain adsorbent materials from natural sources such as fungi, bacteria, industrial residues and composting materials have received attention. These materials have been used in the development of analytical methods with varied proposals, such as preconcentration or speciation of metal ions


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    Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) is a grass species native to Africa, mainly used as forage resource. The search for adequate species and irrigation can be an alternative to increase yield and year-round availability of this forage in the Cerrado. Studies on irrigated elephant grass in the literature are still rather scarce. This review aimed to update information on the agronomic performance of elephant grass cultivars under irrigation. Methods: Articles referring to the topicirrigation of elephant grass were searched at the databases ScienceDirect, Scopus and Agris. In April 2018, two independent researchers searched at these databases considering all articles in English without restriction of year. At the three databases, a total of 357 articles were selected and downloaded, 316 of which were excluded and 41 were thoroughly read. At the end, three articles were considered in the systematic review. The best results were obtained in the period from June to October, when evapotranspiration and temperature were higher. In the second article, salinity caused reductions in vegetation index, leaf area, plant height and chlorophyll. In the last article of the review, the results were satisfactory with the use of irrigation, resulting in increased grass yield, generating greater availability of feed to cattle. With the present study it is possible to conclude that elephant grass can be a good alternative for cattle feed production, but some factors may limit its growth and development

    Magnitude e tendência temporal dos indicadores da hanseníase em Goiás: um estudo ecológico do período 2001-2017

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    Objective. Analyze the trend of leprosy indicators in Goiás between 2001 and 2017. Methods. An ecological study of time series was carried out. Leprosy morbidity and operational indicators were calculated from data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System. Prais-Winsten regression was used for trend analysis. Results. There was a trend: decreasing detection rate in the general population (Annual Percentage Change [APC] = -6.8 – 95%CI  -8.2;-5.4) and in children under 15 years old (APC = -7.2 – 95%CI -8.5;-5.9); increasing proportion of disability grade 2 (APC = 3.7 – 95%CI 2.0;5.3) and proportion of physical disability examined (APC = 0.6 – 95%CI 0.3;0.8); the proportion of healing and contacts examined were stable. Conclusion. Detection rates decreased while the proportions of grade 2 physical disability and physical disability examined increased.Objetivo. Analisar a tendência dos indicadores da hanseníase em Goiás no período de 2001 a 2017. Métodos. Foi realizado estudo ecológico de séries temporais. Indicadores de morbidade e operacionais da hanseníase foram calculados a partir de dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan). Utilizou-se regressão de Prais-Winsten para análise de tendência. Resultados. Verificou-se tendência decrescente na taxa de detecção na população geral (variação percentual anual [VPA] = -6,8 – IC95% -8,2;-5,4) e em menores de 15 anos de idade (VPA = -7,2 – IC95% -8,5;-5,9); e tendência crescente na proporção de grau 2 de incapacidade física (VPA = 3,7 – IC95% 2,0;5,3) e na proporção de incapacidade física examinada (VPA = 0,6 – IC95% 0,3;0,8); as proporções de cura e de contatos examinados mostraram-se estáveis. Conclusão. As taxas de detecção diminuíram, enquanto as proporções de grau 2 de incapacidade física e de incapacidade física examinada cresceram

    Performance of polymyxin B Etest in a setting of high prevalence of KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Objectives: Polymyxin resistance has been increasing in many regions, and appropriate determination ofpolymyxin susceptibility is now a major challenge worldwide. Many clinical laboratories rely on gradientdiffusion methods to assess polymyxin susceptibility, although broth microdilution (BMD) is the onlymethod currently recommended by the CLSI and EUCAST. The aim of this study was to assess theperformance of the polymyxin B (PMB) Etest in a setting with a high prevalence of KPC-producingKlebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-KP).Methods: A commercial Etest susceptibility testing method was evaluated and compared with thereference BMD method, considering isolates with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 2 mg/L forPMB as susceptible to this drug. A total of 310 clinical KPC-KP isolates were evaluated.Results: Susceptibility was significantly higher by Etest compared with BMD (82.6% vs. 75.8%). The MIC50,MIC90and modal MICs for PMB were 0.25, 32 and 0.25 mg/L (27.1%) by BMD and 0.5, 16 and 0.5 mg/L(49.7%) by Etest, respectively. Although categorical agreement was 90.0%, there was poor essentialagreement (50.6%). A high rate (34.7%) of very major errors (VMEs) and a relatively low rate (2.1%) ofmajor errors were found.Conclusion: The considerable number of resistant isolates in this study allowed an accurate estimation ofVME rates and, consequently, a more comprehensive assessment of susceptibility testing for polymyxins.Etest did not meet fully the acceptance criteria for US FDA requirements. These data do not support theuse of this commercial method for determining PMB MICs in carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales populations

    Characterization of solid waste generated by the dairy industry

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    Environmental awareness is increasingly inserted in the consumer’s choices. The concern to meet this demand has driven companies to seek the adequacy of their processes and routines. This study aims to carry out a survey of the solid residues generated in the dairy industry and the respective treatments and the final disposal. Twenty-two (22) industries from different regions of Brazil were invited to participate, classified according to size and potential pollutant. Seven (7) dairy industries were located in the Southeast, 3 (three) in the South, 3 (three) in the Midwest, 3 (three) in the North, 7 (seven) in the Northeast. A structured electronic questionnaire was elaborated according to the class division of the residues: common, chemical and biological, and sent to the dairy. The answers showed that the dairy industries, regardless of the volume of processed milk with intrinsic characteristics, frequency and volume generated, do not have residue management in their routines. This study demonstrates the current state of how dairy industries address this issue and highlight the need for these industries to adapt to environmental issues. Based on current solid waste legislation, the dairy industry should seek to adapt and integrate sustainable technologies into its processes and routines. The adoption of these practices has a direct and positive influence on the marketing and commercialization of the company


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    Introdução: Dentre as diversas atividades laborais, os profissionais da odontologia estão entre os primeiros a se afastarem do trabalho por incapacidade permanente ou temporária. Estes profissionais são acometidos constantemente por dores e desconforto na região cervical, ombro e coluna lombar. O cirurgião dentista possui um posto de trabalho pouco ergonômico e se submete a movimentos repetitivos, posturas estáticas e posições que podem favorecer o aparecimento de sintomas dolorosos no sistema musculoesquelético, como a lombalgia. Sendo o tratamento fisioterapêutico da lombalgia de extrema eficácia para alivio dos sintomas agudos e crônicos com técnicas manuais e de eletrotermoterapia. Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi investigar publicações científicas referentes à importância da Fisioterapia no tratamento da lombalgia em cirurgiões dentistas. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma busca na base de dados Scholar Google, utilizando as seguintes palavras- chave “lombalgia” e “fisioterapia” e “cirurgião dentista”. Foram selecionados somente trabalhos publicados dentro dos últimos cinco anos que continham os termos de busca no título ou resumo. Foram encontrados 105 resultados que se enquadravam nas palavras-chave, destes 81 foram excluídos por terem sido publicados antes de 2014, 6 por não conterem os termos de busca nos locais pré-definido, sendo incluídos, portanto 18 artigos. Considerações: A partir dos resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa, pode-se observar que estudos constatam que existe uma alta prevalência de dor musculoesquelética, como a lombalgia, tanto no período de formação do cirurgião dentista como também após a mesma. Pesquisas mostram que a postura antiergonômica e a jornada de trabalho com movimentos repetitivos causam lombalgia nos cirurgiões dentistas, mas a maioria dos trabalhos não aprofunda sobre a questão da atuação da fisioterapia no tratamento dessa patologia. Assim, conclui-se que há necessidade de ampliar a visão sobre a dor lombar sendo ela aguda ou crônica para estabelecer uma melhora na qualidade de vida destes profissionais. Sugere-se a continuidade deste estudo no que diz respeito à origem dos sintomas em acadêmicos, de forma que os fatores causadores de futuras doenças ocupacionais sejam identificados e eliminados, adotando-se medidas corretivas e preventivas nos futuros profissionais. Ressalta-se também a necessidade de pesquisas que apresentem a Fisioterapia como intervenção no tratamento da lombalgia de cirurgiões dentistas, afim de comprovar sua eficácia.&nbsp


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    Vivemos hoje um momento em que se explora cada vez mais o consumismo excessivo e em que muitas pessoas gastam mais do que ganham, vivendo em um constante endividamento. A educação financeira se mostra extremamente necessária desde a infância, para que decisões sensatas e planejadas possam ser tomadas. Diante desse cenário, este artigo apresenta um jogo educativo de apoio à educação financeira, que objetiva apoiar a tomada de decisões visando o equilíbrio financeiro e a qualidade de vida. Para seu desenvolvimento foi utilizada a metodologia XisOA. O jogo foi bem avaliado por uma especialista da área de educação, que também apontou aspectos a serem melhorados, e, da mesma forma, foi bem avaliado na opinião de algumas crianças que o jogaram