99 research outputs found

    Morfologia e dinâmica fluvial do rio neiva (NW de Portugal)

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    As sociedades humanas têm ocupado as áreas ribeirinhas, verificando-se um aumento crescente ao longo da história. Por isso, o conhecimento da dinâmica fluvial às diversas escalas a que os processos operam é fundamental para o uso sustentável nestas áreas territoriais. Em termos de configuração morfológica a bacia hidrográfica do rio Neiva é alongada. O Neiva e os seus afluentes formam um padrão de drenagem do tipo retangular com alguns troços do tipo paralelo, influenciada, em termos gerais, pela litologia local e pela direção das fraturas. Ao longo do perfil longitudinal o rio Neiva apresenta diversos tipos de canal, verificando-se a repetição de alguns tipos a partir de Panque, o que coincide com uma rotura de declive importante no perfil longitudinal. O mais frequente é o canal ter leito de cascalho (seixos pequenos e grandes). Na área de cabeceira os controlos dominantes na ação da corrente são o declive do canal e a litologia onde este é modelado. Aí, os blocos no canal possuem sempre alguma matriz com dimensão de seixo e areão. Verifica-se que a percentagem da fração de dimensão areia tende a aumentar para jusante. No estudo da tipologia dos canais usaram-se duas classificações diferentes. Aplicando a proposta por Montgomery & Buffington (1997), no rio Neiva identificam-se canais do tipo A, B, C, D e E. O canal do tipo A (cascade) encontra-se na área próxima da nascente, onde o fluxo é canalizado e corre num canal único mas íngreme e também na zona das Azenhas do Neiva, em regime de fluxo baixo. Em Porrinhoso o canal é do tipo A/B (cascade e step-pool), em Godinhaços e Panque é do tipo B (step-pool). O canal do tipo C (plane-bed) encontra-se em Duas Igrejas e do tipo D (pool-riffle) nos troços de Arcozelo, de Vilar das Almas e de Tregosa. Em Cossourado a classificação atribuída foi do tipo C/D e na zona de Balugães do tipo D/C. Na zona da foz foi classificado como D/E, visto que o leito é arenoso com megaripples e ripples, típicos dos canais do tipo E (dune-ripple), mas, o declive apresentado é frequente nos canais do tipo D assim como as formas não atingem a dimensão de dunas fluviais. A classificação de Rosgen (1994, 1996) não é aplicável ao rio Neiva. Há alguma concordância entre o tipo de canal identificado, segundo os critérios de Rosgen, para a zona da nascente (tipo A) e para as localidades de Porrinhoso e Godinhaços (A/Aa+), com as observações de campo e com os resultados obtidos segundo a classificação de Montgomery & Buffington. Nos outros setores, os valores de entrincheiramento não são consistentes com os restantes critérios. Ainda foi possível obter combinações entre a sinuosidade, largura/profundidade e declive, exceto para os troços observados em Duas Igrejas, Tregosa e Castelo de Neiva. A diversidade morfológica observada no rio Neiva tem valor importante para suporte da biodiversidade, já que, a estrutura dos habitats está intimamente dependente da morfologia e caraterísticas do local, no que diz respeito, por exemplo, à natureza do substrato – rochoso e aluvião. O tipo de estudo apresentado permite compreender a dinâmica do canal à escala espaço-tempo e interpretar os indicadores de estabilidade/instabilidade do canal, de evolução, num curto espaço de tempo. Trata-se de uma abordagem integrada do sistema fluvial, a qual é um suporte para o ordenamento territorial das áreas ribeirinhas, especialmente quando aplicado à gestão ambiental destas.Abstract: Morphology and fluvial dynamic of the Neiva River (Nw of Portugal) Human societies have occupied riverine areas, and the tendency is increasing throughout history. Therefore, the knowledge of fluvial dynamics and of the process, which operate at different scales, is fundamental to the correct planning of the sustainable use of those land areas. The Neiva River basin is elongated. The Neiva and its tributaries form a drainage pattern of the rectangular type with some sections of the parallel type, influenced, in general terms, by the local lithology and the direction of fractures. Along the longitudinal profile, the Neiva River presents various types of channels, occurring the repetition of certain types after Panque, coinciding with an abrupt change in the longitudinal profile slope. The most common is the channel bed of gravel (small and large pebbles). In the catchment area the controls of the stream are the channel slope and the lithology where it is modeled. There are always some blocks in the channel, with matrix of pebbles and gravels. It is increasing the percentage of the sand sediments in the channel bed towards downstream. In the study of the typology of the channels were used two different classifications. Applying the criteria of Montgomery & Buffington (1997), in the Neiva River were identified the channels types A, B, C, D and E. The type A (cascade) has in the area near the source, where the channel bed towards downstream. In the study of the typology of the channels were used two different classifications. Applying the criteria of Montgomery & Buffington (1997), in the Neiva River were identified the channels types A, B, C, D and E. The type A (cascade) has in the area near the source, where the stream flows in a single steep channel, and also in the area of the Azenhas do Neiva, under low regime. The others are in: Porrinhoso, the channel is of type A/B (cascade and step-pool); Godinhaços and Panque, of type B (step-pool); Duas Igrejas, the C-type channel (plane-bed); type D (pool-riffle) in the areas of Arcozelo, Vilar das Almas and Tregosa; Cossourado, type C/D, and Balugães area, of type D/C; in the mouth area, channel was evaluated as D/E, because the sand bed have megaripples and ripples typical of channel type E (dune-ripple), but the slope type is frequent in D-channels, and landforms do not reach the dimension of river dunes. It was found some correlation between the type of channel identified, according to the classification criteria of Rosgen (1994, 1996), for the source area (type A), and for Porrinhoso and Godinhaços (A / Aa+). There was observed reliability with the field observations and results obtained by the classification of Montgomery & Buffington. In other sectors, the values of entrenchment are not consistent with the other criteria. It was possible to get combinations of the sinuosity, width / depth and slope, except for the sections observed in Duas Igrejas, Tregosa, and Castelo de Neiva. The morphological diversity observed in the Neiva River has important value to support biodiversity, since the structure of habitats is closely dependent on the morphology and characteristics of the place, as regards, for example, the nature of the substrate – rock and alluvium. The type of study presented allows to understand the dynamics of the channel, and interpret the stability / instability of the channel, throughout the space-time. This is an overview of the river system, which is a support for the riparian areas, especially to be applied to the environmental management of these

    A composição das aluviões do rio Neiva : indicadores do passado

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    A composição textural das aluviões do rio Neiva mostram que as áreas de fornecimento sedimentar são fora e dentro do canal. O sector a montante de Panque recebe grande quantidade de sdimentos provenientes das vertentes, por erosão das rochas com indícios de meteorização em condições distintas das que originaram as barras de cascalho, quartzítico, ainda conservadas no leito do canal no sector para jusante. Estas são indicadoras de condições de meteorização mais quentes e húmidas, semelhantes às que originaram os sedimentos da Formação de Alvarães. No entanto, a energia da corrente do Neiva tem sido de maior competência que a do sistema fluvial que originou a Formação de Alvarães.Abstract: The texture attributes of Neiva sediments were studied and compared to the Alvarães Formation. There were identified two sedimentary sources for Neiva sediments. The Neiva River is eroding older deposits channel. The actual alluvium is enriched with the quartzite clasts from those deposits that are mixed with the recent materials eroded from the basin rocks. The recent sediments are mainly of granite gravels and sands. They are results of different weathering processes. The quartzite gravels and the Alvarães Formation are indicators of chemical weathering processes at the source area. The recent material is supplied from the weathering conditions strongly influenced by the temperate climate. The Alvarães Formation was generated by less competence fluvial streams then Neiva River

    Honey and honey bees of Guinea-Bissau

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    Beekeeping is an ancient activity in Guinea-Bissau. The ancestral interaction with bees stands on “honey hunting” of natural colonies or use of traditional hives hanged on trees. These hives are perfect shelters for swarms but the colony is destroyed every year after honey harvesting. Bees are therefore kept as wild as ever with little, if any, interference from man. Reports on honey bees and honey of Guinea-Bissau are scarce. Herein we report the first data on honey quality and provide a morphometric and genetic identification of the bees. Fifteen colonies from 5 localities were examined for morphometry and mtDNA. Honey samples were collected from beekeepers using Kenyan top-bar and traditional hives and analyzed for color, humidity, conductivity, free acidity and diastase activity. The morphometric analysis showed a bee smaller than the Europeans but with similar leg and wing size. Regarding color, each worker displayed a very distinct yellow spot on thorax and a black spot at the fourth ring, which appeared either isolated from the black strip or linked, looking like a “T shape”. Those two features mark the difference towards other honey bees. The maternal genetic composition was assayed using the Dra I test (COI-COII mitochondrial region). Three haplotypes, each belonging to a distinct evolutionary sublineage, were found. Most colonies (11 out of 15) harbored an A1 haplotype (sublineage I) whereas only 3 and 1 were of A8 (sublineage II) and A14 (sublineage (AIII) ancestry, respectively. Honey samples showed significant differences in quality depending on the harvesting methodology: honey from modern beekeepers was light amber with 16% humidity, low acidity, and conductivity from 300-700 μS.cm-1. Samples from traditional production had debris contamination, an unpleasant flavor and color above 150 in the Pfund scale. Water content was higher than 20% and conductivity above 600 μS.cm-1

    Planetary research of Mars and Earth: proposal for the teaching to 10th grade (Secondary Education)

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    Esta é uma proposta para o ensino do Tema II, do módulo do Sistema Solar, incluído no programa de Biologia e Geologia do 10 o ano do Ensino Secundário. A metodologia escolhida baseia-se na comparação entre o planeta Marte e a Terra. Para isso, sugere-se o uso da informação relativa às missões de exploração a Marte, as imagens das superfícies de Marte e da Terra, e outros recursos disponíveis online. Desta forma, a aprendizagem inclui também o uso de novas tecnologias.This is a proposal for the teaching of Theme II of the module Solar System, as part of the Biology and Geology program of the 10th year of Secondary Education. The methodology chosen is based on the comparison of the planet Mars with Earth. For that, the use of the information from exploration missions to Mars, images of the surfaces of Mars and Earth, and other resources available online are suggested. In this way, learning includes also the use of new technologies

    Honey and honey bees of Guinea-Bissau

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    Beekeeping is an ancient activity in Guinea-Bissau. The ancestral interaction with bees stands on “honey hunting” of natural colonies or use of traditional hives hanged on trees. These hives are perfect shelters for swarms but the colony is destroyed every year after honey harvesting. Bees are therefore kept as wild as ever with little, if any, interference from man. Reports on honey bees and honey of Guinea-Bissau are scarce. Herein we report the first data on honey quality and provide a morphometric and genetic identification of the bees. Fifteen colonies from 5 localities were examined for morphometry and mtDNA. Honey samples were collected from beekeepers using Kenyan top-bar and traditional hives and analyzed for color, humidity, conductivity, free acidity and diastase activity. The morphometric analysis showed a bee smaller than the Europeans but with similar leg and wing size. Regarding color, each worker displayed a very distinct yellow spot on thorax and a black spot at the fourth ring, which appeared either isolated from the black strip or linked, looking like a “T shape”. Those two features mark the difference towards other honey bees. The maternal genetic composition was assayed using the Dra I test (COI-COII mitochondrial region). Three haplotypes, each belonging to a distinct evolutionary sublineage, were found. Most colonies (11 out of 15) harbored an A1 haplotype (sublineage I) whereas only 3 and 1 were of A8 (sublineage II) and A14 (sublineage (AIII) ancestry, respectively. Honey samples showed significant differences in quality depending on the harvesting methodology: honey from modern beekeepers was light amber with 16% humidity, low acidity, and conductivity from 300-700 µS.cm-1. Samples from traditional production had debris contamination, an unpleasant flavor and color above 150 in the Pfund scale. Water content was higher than 20% and conductivity above 600 µS.cm-1

    Impact of exposure to cold and cold-osmotic stresses on virulence-associated characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes strains

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    The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of stress conditions frequently encountered in food-associated environments on virulence-associated characteristics of eight strains of Listeria monocytogenes. Strains were grown at low (11 ºC, cold stress) and optimal (37 ºC) temperatures and in high NaCl concentrations (6% NaCl, 11 ºC; cold-osmotic stress) and tested for their ability to invade the human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells. Results demonstrate that the correlation between exposure to cold stress and increased invasion phenotype is strain-dependent as strains investigated exhibited different behaviours, i.e. exposure to cold stress conditions resulted in a significant increase of invasion levels in five out of the eight strains tested, when compared to growth under optimal conditions. On the other hand, when these cold-adapted cells were subsequently submitted to high salt concentrations and low temperature, their enhanced ability to invade Caco-2 was lost. Surprisingly, saturated fatty acids (SFA) and branched chain fatty acids (BCFA) decreased when L. monocytogenes were exposed to stress conditions as opposed to what has been observed in other studies, therefore highlighting that further studies will need to deepen in the understanding of the lipid metabolism of these strains. The effect of stress conditions on the survival of three selected L. monocytogenes strains through an in vitro gastrointestinal (GI) tract digestion model was further investigated. The exposure to cold-osmotic stress increased the survival of one strain through the GI tract.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Infant mortality: comparison between two birth cohorts from Southeast and Northeast, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To obtain population estimates and profile risk factors for infant mortality in two birth cohorts and compare them among cities of different regions in Brazil. METHODS: In Ribeirão Preto, southeast Brazil, infant mortality was determined in a third of hospital live births (2,846 singleton deliveries) in 1994. In São Luís, northeast Brazil, data were obtained using systematic sampling of births stratified by maternity unit (2,443 singleton deliveries) in 1997-1998. Mothers answered standardized questionnaires shortly after delivery and information on infant deaths was retrieved from hospitals, registries and the States Health Secretarys' Office. The relative risk (RR) was estimated by Poisson regression. RESULTS: In São Luís, the infant mortality rate was 26.6/1,000 live births, the neonatal mortality rate was 18.4/1,000 and the post-neonatal mortality rate was 8.2/1,000, all higher than those observed in Ribeirão Preto (16.9, 10.9 and 6.0 per 1,000, respectively). Adjusted analysis revealed that previous stillbirths (RR=3.67 vs 4.13) and maternal ageOBJETIVO: Obter estimativas populacionais e fatores de risco de mortalidade infantil em coortes de nascimentos e comparar esses fatores entre cidades de diferentes regiões do País. MÉTODOS: Em Ribeirão Preto, SP, a mortalidade infantil foi avaliada em 1/3 dos nascidos vivos hospitalares (2.846 partos únicos) em 1994. Em São Luís, MA, foi feita amostragem sistemática de partos estratificada por maternidade (2.443 partos únicos) em 1997/98. As mães responderam a questionários padronizados logo após o parto e as informações sobre os óbitos foram coletadas nos hospitais, nos cartórios e nas secretarias estaduais de saúde. Risco relativo (RR) e intervalo de confiança de 95% foram estimados pela regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: O coeficiente de mortalidade infantil (CMI) em São Luís foi 26,6/1.000 nascidos vivos, o coeficiente de mortalidade neonata (CMN)l 18,4/1.000 e o coeficiente de mortalidade pós-neonatal (CMPN) 8,2/1.000, valores superiores aos de Ribeirão Preto, com CMI 16,9/1.000, CMN 10,9/1.000,CMPN 6,0/1.000. Na análise ajustada, nas duas cidades, natimorto prévio (RR=3,67 vs 4,13) e idade matern

    Printable Optical Filters for Visible Optical Communications

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    The design, production and characterization of tailored printable optical filters for visible optical communications are demonstrated. As result, the average color difference between the specified and the produced filters is 32.6, quantified in terms of CIELAB coordinates

    Development and characterization of highly polymorphic long TC repeat microsatellite markers for genetic analysis of peanut

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Peanut (<it>Arachis hypogaea </it>L.) is a crop of economic and social importance, mainly in tropical areas, and developing countries. Its molecular breeding has been hindered by a shortage of polymorphic genetic markers due to a very narrow genetic base. Microsatellites (SSRs) are markers of choice in peanut because they are co-dominant, highly transferrable between species and easily applicable in the allotetraploid genome. In spite of substantial effort over the last few years by a number of research groups, the number of SSRs that are polymorphic for <it>A. hypogaea </it>is still limiting for routine application, creating the demand for the discovery of more markers polymorphic within cultivated germplasm.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>A plasmid genomic library enriched for TC/AG repeats was constructed and 1401 clones sequenced. From the sequences obtained 146 primer pairs flanking mostly TC microsatellites were developed. The average number of repeat motifs amplified was 23. These 146 markers were characterized on 22 genotypes of cultivated peanut. In total 78 of the markers were polymorphic within cultivated germplasm. Most of those 78 markers were highly informative with an average of 5.4 alleles per locus being amplified. Average gene diversity index (GD) was 0.6, and 66 markers showed a GD of more than 0.5. Genetic relationship analysis was performed and corroborated the current taxonomical classification of <it>A. hypogaea </it>subspecies and varieties.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The microsatellite markers described here are a useful resource for genetics and genomics in <it>Arachis</it>. In particular, the 66 markers that are highly polymorphic in cultivated peanut are a significant step towards routine genetic mapping and marker-assisted selection for the crop.</p

    Ecophysiological traits of highly mobile large marine predators inferred from nucleic acid derived indices

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    Nucleic acid-derived indices such as RNA/DNA ratios have been successfully applied as ecophysiological indicators to assess growth, nutritional condition and health status in marine organisms given that they provide a measure of tissue protein reserves, which is known to vary depending on changes in the environment. Yet, the use of these biochemical indices on highly mobile large predators is scarce. In this study, we tested the applicability of using nucleic acids to provide insights on the ecophysiological traits of two marine mammal species (common bottlenose dolphins and short-finned pilot whales) and explored potential related factors (species, sex, season, and residency pattern), using skin tissue (obtained from biopsy darts) of apparently healthy and adult free-ranging animals. Significantly higher RNA/DNA ratios were obtained for bottlenose dolphins (p < 0.001), and for visitor pilot whales when compared with resident pilot whales (p = 0.001). No significant changes were found between the sexes. Based on the percentile approach, the samples contain individuals in a general good condition (as the 10th percentile is not closer to the mean than the 75th percentile), suggesting that the studied region of Macaronesia may be considered an adequate habitat. The combination of this effective tool with genetic sexing and photographic-identification provided an overall picture of ecosystem health, and although with some limitations and still being a first approach, it has the applicability to be used in other top predators and ecosystems.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: UID/MAR/04292/2019/ UID/Multi/04326/2019/ UIDB/04423/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio