108 research outputs found

    Avaliação de Funcionalidade e Análise De Eficiência De Chillers De Shoppings: Estudo De Caso - Mangabeira Shopping

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    This final paper deals about the analysis of the functionalities and efficiency of the chillers that compose the air conditioning system of Mangabeira Shopping, located in João Pessoa, in Mangabeira neighborhood. The use of air conditioning in closed environments is expected and demanded in several establishments such as banks, supermarkets, schools, universities and, mainly, shopping malls. They are places that are visited by a large number of people daily. The machines designated to climatize large environments are called chillers. These devices exist in several models and have the function of transforming mechanical energy into thermal energy. First, a comparison of the chillers performance project values with the values acquired over an 18-month period will be made. The second stage consists of the study of the methods of electric consumption savings elaborated by the engineers of the mall. Some examples of these methods are; use a certain number of chillers during the cold production process, place them in a capacity less than 100% and charge the tank less than its maximum capacity. With the value of the cooling capacity that was estimated using data collected in the field, it is possible to determine its coefficient of performance (COP), which is the most common way to specify the energy efficiency of a Chiller. Through the results of this work, it is possible to obtain conclusions about the strategies implemented and to determine the most advantageous capacity for the operation of the mall and also what tank load, complete or partial, is more favorable. Finally, it also allows us to know if the numbers activated chillers influence the efficiency of the system.Este trabalho realiza a análise de funcionalidades e da eficiência dos “chillers” que compõem o sistema de climatização do Mangabeira Shopping, localizado em João Pessoa, no bairro de Mangabeira. O uso de aparelhos de climatização em ambiente fechados é esperado e cobrado em vários estabelecimentos como bancos, supermercados, escolas, universidades e principalmente, nos shoppings centers. Eles são locais visitados por um grande número de pessoas diariamente. As máquinas indicadas para climatizar ambientes de grande porte são os “chillers”. Estes equipamentos existem em diversos modelos e têm a função de transformar a energia mecânica em energia térmica. Primeiramente será feito uma comparação do desempenho dos “chillers” dos seus valores de projeto com os valores adquiridos durante um periodo de 18 meses. A segunda etapa consiste em estudo dos métodos de economia de consumo elétrico elaborados pelos engenheiros do shopping sendo alguns exemplos desses métodos; utilizar certo número de “chillers” durante o processo de produção de frio, coloca-los em capacidade menor que 100% e carregar o tanque em valor menor que sua capacidade máxima. Com o cálculo da capacidade de refrigeração que foi estimado usando dados coletados em campo é possível determinar seu coeficiente de desempenho (COP), que é a maneira mais comum de especificar a eficiência energética de um “Chiller”. Através dos resultados obtidos deste trabalho é possível obter conclusões a respeito das estratégias implantadas. Estes resultados permitem determinar a capacidade mais vantajosa para o funcionamento do shopping e também qual o carregamento do tanque, completo ou parcial, que é mais favorável tão como saber se os números de “chillers” acionados influenciam muito na eficiência do sistema

    Produtividade e filocrono de alface conduzida sobre diferentes coberturas de solo

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    A alface (Lactuca sativa L.) é a principal hortaliça folhosa em consumo no País. Ao longo dos anos, novas técnicas que promovem benefícios para o cultivo de hortaliças têm sido introduzidas, como é o caso do uso de coberturas de solo ou mulching.  Esse trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a produtividade e determinar o filocrono da alface conduzida sobre diferentes coberturas de solo. O experimento foi conduzido no Setor de Horticultura da UFSM e o delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, sendo composto por três tratamentos: mulching transparente, mulching preto e solo desnudo, cada um com três repetições. As variáveis de produtividade analisadas foram: número final de folhas (NFF), massa fresca (MF), massa seca (MS) e diâmetro da parte aérea (DPA). O mulching transparente foi o tratamento que proporcionou os melhores resultados, exceto para DPA. O mulching preto apresentou resultado superior aos demais somente para o DPA; o solo desnudo apresentou os menores valores sendo superior ao mulching preto somente para a variável MS. O filocrono foi estimado pelo inverso do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre número de folha versus soma térmica acumulada (STa). Foi possível observar fases distintas na emissão de folhas durante a fase vegetativa da alface: a primeira, mais lenta (maior filocrono) e a segunda, mais rápida (menor filocrono). O tratamento com o mulching transparente promoveu os menores valores de filocrono (42,5 e 5,15ºC dia/folha), demonstrando que a temperatura do solo influencia na taxa de emissão de folhas

    Metabolomics applied to maternal and perinatal health: a review of new frontiers with a translation potential

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    The prediction or early diagnosis of maternal complications is challenging mostly because the main conditions, such as preeclampsia, preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, and gestational diabetes mellitus, are complex syndromes with multiple underlying mechanisms related to their occurrence. Limited advances in maternal and perinatal health in recent decades with respect to preventing these disorders have led to new approaches, and “omics” sciences have emerged as a potential field to be explored. Metabolomics is the study of a set of metabolites in a given sample and can represent the metabolic functioning of a cell, tissue or organism. Metabolomics has some advantages over genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics, as metabolites are the final result of the interactions of genes, RNAs and proteins. Considering the recent “boom” in metabolomic studies and their importance in the research agenda, we here review the topic, explaining the rationale and theory of the metabolomic approach in different areas of maternal and perinatal health research for clinical practitioners. We also demonstrate the main exploratory studies of these maternal complications, commenting on their promising findings. The potential translational application of metabolomic studies, especially for the identification of predictive biomarkers, is supported by the current findings, although they require external validation in larger datasets and with alternative methodologies

    Potential use of treated wastewater from a cattle operation in the fertigation of organic carrots

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    The use of treated effluents rich in nutrients and organic matter has intensified in agricultural crops, contributing to the demand for water and fertilizers. The goal of this work was to assess the effects of fertigation with treated dairy cattle wastewater, for the cultivation of carrot (Daucus carota) when applied in four different doses, under field conditions, on nutrient accumulation, productivity, and health quality in the carrot (D. carota). Wastewater from treated cattle (WTC) was treated in a pilot treatment unit (PTU). Cultivation was carried out in two beds, and the WTC applied by drippers. Nitrogen (N) was considered the base element for the dose calculation, and a 100% N dose was equivalent to 150 kg ha−1. WTC doses of 0, 100, 200, and 300% N were evaluated. Productivity was evaluated at 70 and 120 days after sowing, in the aerial part (fresh and dry mass and accumulation of nutrients), in the main roots (fresh and dry mass, accumulation of nutrients, diameter, length, and sanitary quality), and as the total productivity of the two organs. As a result, an increase in productivity was observed for all treatments with WTC and accumulation of Ca and Mg. The roots did not present contamination; therefore, the carrots were fit for human consumption. It was concluded that the application of WTC in organic cultivation of carrots is a viable alternative means of plant fertilization, providing higher root productivity than the national average, reaching 72.6 t ha−1 for a dose of 100% N, without compromising on sanitary quality and is suitable for human and animal consumption.A utilização de efluentes tratados, ricos em nutrientes e matéria orgânica, tem se intensificado nas culturas agrícolas, contribuindo para a demanda por água e fertilizantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da fertirrigação com água residuária de gado leiteiro tratada para o cultivo da cenoura (Daucus carota), quando aplicada em quatro doses diferentes, em condições de campo, no acúmulo de nutrientes, produtividade e qualidade sanitária. As águas residuárias de bovinocultura (ARB) foram tratadas em uma unidade piloto de tratamento (UPT). O cultivo foi realizado em dois canteiros, sendo a ARB aplicada por gotejadores. O nitrogênio (N) foi considerado o elemento base para o cálculo da dose, e uma dose de 100% de N foi equivalente a 150 kg ha-1. Doses da ARB de 0, 100, 200 e 300% de N foram avaliadas. A produtividade foi aferida aos 70 e 120 dias após a semeadura, na parte aérea (massa fresca e seca e acúmulo de nutrientes), nas raízes principais (massa fresca e seca, acúmulo de nutrientes, diâmetro, comprimento e qualidade sanitária) e nas duas partes (produtividade total). Como resultado, observou-se aumento na produtividade para todos os tratamentos com ARB e acúmulo de N, Ca e Mg. As raízes não apresentaram contaminação, portanto as cenouras eram próprias para consumo humano. Concluiu-se que a aplicação da ARB no cultivo orgânico de cenoura é uma alternativa viável de adubação das plantas. Proporciona produtividade de raízes superior à média nacional, chegando a 72,6 t ha-1 para uma dose de 100% N, sem comprometer a qualidade sanitária do produto, que é adequado para consumo humano e animal

    Metabolomics applied to maternal and perinatal health : a review of new frontiers with a translation potential

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    The prediction or early diagnosis of maternal complications is challenging mostly because the main conditions, such as preeclampsia, preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, and gestational diabetes mellitus, are complex syndromes with multiple underlying mechanisms related to their occurrence. Limited advances in maternal and perinatal health in recent decades with respect to preventing these disorders have led to new approaches, and “omics” sciences have emerged as a potential field to be explored. Metabolomics is the study of a set of metabolites in a given sample and can represent the metabolic functioning of a cell, tissue or organism. Metabolomics has some advantages over genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics, as metabolites are the final result of the interactions of genes, RNAs and proteins. Considering the recent “boom” in metabolomic studies and their importance in the research agenda, we here review the topic, explaining the rationale and theory of the metabolomic approach in different areas of maternal and perinatal health research for clinical practitioners. We also demonstrate the main exploratory studies of these maternal complications, commenting on their promising findings. The potential translational application of metabolomic studies, especially for the identification of predictive biomarkers, is supported by the current findings, although they require external validation in larger datasets and with alternative methodologies

    Mean arterial blood pressure : potential predictive tool for preeclampsia in a cohort of healthy nulliparous pregnant women

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    Background: Prediction of preeclampsia is a challenge to overcome. The vast majority of prospective studies in large general obstetric populations have failed in the purpose of obtain a useful and effective model of prediction, sometimes based on complex tools unavaible in areas where the incidence of preeclampsia is the highest. The goal of this study was to assess mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) levels at 19–21, 27–29 and 37–39 weeks of gestation and performance of screening by MAP for the prediction of preeclampsia in a Brazilian cohort of healthy nulliparous pregnant women. Methods: This was a cohort approach to a secondary analysis of the Preterm SAMBA study. Mean arterial blood pressure was evaluated at three different time periods during pregnancy. Groups with early-onset preeclampsia, late-onset preeclampsia and normotension were compared. Increments in mean arterial blood pressure between 20 and 27 weeks and 20 and 37 weeks of gestation were also calculated for the three groups studied. The accuracy of mean arterial blood pressure in the prediction of preeclampsia was determined by ROC curves. Results: Of the 1373 participants enrolled, complete data were available for 1165. The incidence of preeclampsia was 7.5%. Women with early-onset preeclampsia had higher mean arterial blood pressure levels at 20 weeks of gestation, compared to the normotensive group. Women with late-onset preeclampsia had higher mean arterial blood pressure levels at 37 weeks of gestation, than the normotensive groups and higher increases in this marker between 20 and 37 weeks of gestation. Based on ROC curves, the predictive performance of mean arterial blood pressure was higher at 37 weeks of gestation, with an area under the curve of 0.771. Conclusion: As an isolated marker for the prediction of preeclampsia, the performance of mean arterial blood pressure was low in a healthy nulliparous pregnant women group. Considering that early-onset preeclampsia cases had higher mean arterial blood pressure levels at 20 weeks of gestation, future studies with larger cohorts that combine multiple markers are needed for the development of a preeclampsia prediction model

    Incidence and risk factors for preeclampsia in a cohort of healthy nulliparous pregnant women : a nested case-control study

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    The objective of this study is to determine the incidence, socio-demographic and clinical risk factors for preeclampsia and associated maternal and perinatal adverse outcomes. This is a nested case-control derived from the multicentre cohort study Preterm SAMBA, in fve diferent centres in Brazil, with nulliparous healthy pregnant women. Clinical data were prospectively collected, and risk factors were assessed comparatively between PE cases and controls using risk ratio (RR) (95% CI) plus multivariate analysis. Complete data were available for 1,165 participants. The incidence of preeclampsia was 7.5%. Body mass index determined at the frst medical visit and diastolic blood pressure over 75mmHg at 20 weeks of gestation were independently associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia. Women with preeclampsia sustained a higher incidence of adverse maternal outcomes, including C-section (3.5 fold), preterm birth below 34 weeks of gestation (3.9 fold) and hospital stay longer than 5 days (5.8 fold) than controls. They also had worse perinatal outcomes, including lower birthweight (a mean 379g lower), small for gestational age babies (RR 2.45 [1.52–3.95]), 5-minute Apgar score less than 7 (RR 2.11 [1.03–4.29]), NICU admission (RR 3.34 [1.61–6.9]) and Neonatal Near Miss (3.65 [1.78–7.49]). Weight gain rate per week, obesity and diastolic blood pressure equal to or higher than 75mmHg at 20 weeks of gestation were shown to be associated with preeclampsia. Preeclampsia also led to a higher number of C-sections and prolonged hospital admission, in addition to worse neonatal outcomes

    Identification of earlier predictors of pregnancy complications through wearable technologies in a Brazilian multicentre cohort : Maternal Actigraphy Exploratory Study I (MAES-I) study protocol

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    Introduction Non-invasive tools capable of identifying predictors of maternal complications would be a step forward for improving maternal and perinatal health. There is an association between modification in physical activity (PA) and sleep–wake patterns and the occurrence of inflammatory, metabolic, pathological conditions related to chronic diseases. The actigraphy device is validated to estimate PA and sleep–wake patterns among pregnant women. In order to extend the window of opportunity to prevent, diagnose and treat specific maternal conditions, would it be possible to use actigraphy data to identify risk factors for the development of adverse maternal outcomes during pregnancy? Methods and analysis A cohort will be held in five centres from the Brazilian Network for Studies on Reproductive and Perinatal Health. Maternal Actigraphy Exploratory Study I (MAES-I) will enrol 400 low-risk nulliparous women who will wear the actigraphy device on their wrists day and night (24 hours/day) uninterruptedly from 19 to 21 weeks until childbirth. Changes in PA and sleep–wake patterns will be analysed throughout pregnancy, considering ranges in gestational age in women with and without maternal complications such as pre-eclampsia, preterm birth (spontaneous or provider-initiated), gestational diabetes, maternal haemorrhage during pregnancy, in addition to perinatal outcomes. The plan is to design a predictive model using actigraphy data for screening pregnant women at risk of developing specific adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes

    Design, Prototyping and Stratospheric Launch of CubeSats for University Competition

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    This work presents the design and prototyping of two 1U standard CubeSats for the First Brazilian MCTI Satellite Olympiad, launching one in a stratospheric helium-filled balloon. The nanosatellites were designed for two missions: Internet of Things connectivity in remote areas based on CubeSat (IoSat) and low-orbit harmful gamma radiation mapping (LOHGRM). The IoSat mission aimed to provide server connectivity for a remote sensor network. The LOHGRM CubeSat was designed for sensing and mapping gamma radiation power levels in the satellite’s orbit to construct a heat map to study the gamma radiation effect on the equipment. The prototype’s performance was evaluated based on physical, mechanical, magnetic, thermal, and transmission characterization, with satisfactory results under test conditions. The LOHGRM mission test was carried out on the ground as proof of concept without flying while a stratospheric balloon launched the IoSat prototype. Due to restrictions imposed by the competition, the IoSat nanosatellite only captured and registered altitude, pressure, and temperature data without testing the communication payload. Instead, this data was sent to the ground station through the competition communication system and stored in a memory card to assess its operation during the flying. The satellite’s maximum altitude was 22.6 km, operating under –23.5 °C

    Intención de abandonar la profesión de Enfermería durante la pandemia del COVID-19

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    Objective: to investigate the percentage of professionals with an intention to leave Nursing during the COVID-10 pandemic, as well as the factors associated with this outcome. Method: a cross-sectional study conducted by applying questionnaires to 890 Nursing professionals from the municipality of Pelotas (RS). The outcome was identified by means of self-reports obtained from the question itself. Relative Risks, as well as their Confidence Intervals (95%), were calculated for the independent variables by means of unadjusted and adjusted Poisson regression. Results: the percentage of professionals who stated their intention to leave Nursing was 24.6% (n=219). There was a positive association between the outcome and higher schooling levels, negative evaluation of institutional support, moderate or intense overload, and skin lesions. A negative association was also observed between the outcome and individuals aged 51 years old or more. Conclusion: except for skin lesions, aspects such as lack of support and overload, although they may have been intensified during the pandemic, do not represent a new fact in the health services. In this sense, the associations found in the study reflect the need for cross-sectional actions to promote retention of professionals.Objetivo: investigar el porcentaje de profesionales con intención de abandonar la profesión de Enfermería durante la pandemia del COVID-19, así como los factores asociados con este desenlace. Método: estudio transversal realizado por medio de cuestionarios aplicados a 890 profesionales de Enfermería del municipio de Pelotas (RS). El desenlace se identificó por medio de autoinformes obtenidos a partir de la pregunta en sí. Por medio de regresión de Poisson ajustada y no ajustada, se calculó el Riesgo Relativo, al igual que sus Intervalos de Confianza (95%), para las variables independientes. Resultados: el porcentaje de profesionales que manifestaron su intención de abandonar la profesión de Enfermería fue del 24,6% (n=219). Se registró una asociación positiva entre el desenlace y nivel de estudios más elevado, evaluación negativa del apoyo institucional, sobrecarga moderada o intensa y lesiones en la piel. También se observó una asociación negativa entre el desenlace y personas de al menos 51 años de edad. Conclusión: salvo por las lesiones en la piel, aspectos como la falta de apoyo y la sobrecarga, aunque pudieran haberse visto intensificados durante la pandemia, no representan un hecho novedoso en los servicios de salud. En este sentido, las asociaciones que se encontraron en el estudio reflejan la necesidad de implementar acciones transversales para promover retención de profesionales.Objetivo: investigar a proporção de profissionais com intenção em deixar a Enfermagem durante a pandemia de COVID-19, bem como os fatores associados a esse desfecho. Método: estudo transversal realizado por meio da aplicação de questionários a 890 profissionais de Enfermagem do município de Pelotas (RS). O desfecho foi identificado por meio do autorrelato obtido a partir de questão própria. Riscos Relativos, bem como seus Intervalos de Confiança (95%), foram calculados para as variáveis independentes por meio de regressão de Poisson bruta e ajustada. Resultados: a proporção de profissionais que manifestaram intenção em deixar a Enfermagem foi de 24,6% (n=219). Houve associação positiva entre o desfecho e maior escolaridade, avaliação negativa do suporte institucional, sobrecarga moderada ou pesada e lesões de pele. Foi observada ainda associação negativa entre o desfecho e idade igual ou superior a 51 anos. Conclusão: exceto pelas lesões de pele, aspectos como a falta de suporte e a sobrecarga, embora possam ter sido exacerbadas na pandemia, não caracterizam fato novo nos serviços de saúde. Nesse sentido, as associações encontradas pelo estudo refletem a necessidade de ações transversais para promover a retenção de profissionais