254 research outputs found

    Early selection efficiency for recommendation of Eucalyptus sp.

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    This paper aims to estimate genetic and phenotypical parameters to assess the viability of early selection in progeny tests of Eucalyptus sp. We analyzed data from experiments conducted in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The evaluated traits were diameter at breast height and plant height in 482 progenies of full sibs under randomized block design, into nine experiments: four of which were assessed at progenies mean level, and five assessed at individuals mean level. It were evaluated the predicted gains with combined selection index under 5, 10 and 20% of selection; the coincidence among selected families in juvenile and adult ages, and the efficiency of early selection. Results indicated that the procedures were efficient in most of the scenarios, and the gains comparable to the direct selection on tree harvest age

    SCS373 Valessul: Novo cultivar de Cebola para Santa Catarina

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    Resumo – A cebolicultura é uma atividade de elevada importância econômica, gerando emprego e renda para um grande número de famílias, sobretudo para o município de Ituporanga e região. É consensual entre os elos que compõem a cadeia produtiva a necessidade de se obter cultivares que possuam casca com coloração mais escura e firme, melhor capacidade de armazenagem e ciclo precoce. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o método utilizado no desenvolvimento do SCS373 Valessul, assim como as principais características desse novo cultivar desenvolvido pela Epagri. O cultivar possui ciclo precoce, característica requerida por cerca de 90% dos agricultores da região, além de boa capacidade produtiva. Após oito ciclos de seleção massal, SCS373 Valessul foi selecionado a partir de uma população segregante originada do cruzamento entre dois genitores contrastantes: Empasc 352 Bola Precoce e Epagri 362 Crioula Alto Vale. O cultivar foi protegido junto ao Sistema Nacional de Proteção de Cultivares (SNPC) com o certificado n. 20160234. As sementes básicas devem estar à disposição das empresas produtoras de sementes em 2017; e as sementes para cultivo, à disposição dos agricultores em 2019.Abstract – The onion cultivation has high economic importance, generating jobs and income for a large number of families, especially in Ituporanga-SC and neighboring region. There is consensus among members of the production chain about the need to obtain cultivars with dark and steady- shell, better storage capacity and early cycle. The aim of this paper is to describe the method used in the breeding of SCS 373 Valessul, and the main characteristics of this new cultivar of onion developed by Epagri. The cultivar has early cycle, characteristic required for about 90% of farmers in the region, besides good yield. SCS373 Valessul was selected from a segregating population originated from a cross between two contrasting parents: EMPASC 352 Bola Precoce and Epagri 362 Crioula Alto Vale, after eight mass selection cycles. The cultivar was protected by the National Plant Variety Protection Service (Serviço Nacional de Proteção de Cultivares - SNPC) under certificate n. 20160234, and basic seeds will be available for seed production companies in 2017, and to farmers in 2019

    Transmigration of mandibular second premolar in a patient with cleft lip and palate: case report

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    Disturbances involving abnormalities in tooth eruption are named ectopia. Transmigration is the name assigned to ectopia in the presence of teeth in areas distant from the alveolar process. Initial angulation of the tooth bud of the second premolar and premature loss of permanent mandibular 1st molars can influence the distal migration of the second premolar. Some studies have observed that ectopic teeth can be found in a variety of places around the oral cavity and also in other areas of the human body. There are records of teeth in the maxillary sinus, mandibular condyle, coronoid process, mandibular angle, orbit, palate, mentum and also the skin. The prevalence of tooth abnormalities is higher in children with cleft lip and palate compared to children without clefts. This paper presents a case report of migration of the mandibular left second premolar in a patient attending the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies of the University of São Paulo (HRAC/USP), Brazil. Migration of the mandibular left 2nd premolar was confirmed by 8 panoramic and 1 periapical radiographs obtained during patient's treatment between 1978 and 2002, which were available in the files of the Department of Dental Radiology of HRAC/USP. It can be assumed that distal migration of the mandibular left 2nd premolar is not associated with presence of cleft lip and palate; observation of these two events in a same patient is rare, since no similar reported cases were found in the literature

    SCS368 Ituporanga e SCS369 Águas Negras: cultivares de batata-doce para Santa Catarina

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    The sweet potato is one of the main foods in various regions of the world and an important staple food to fight hunger. It is a tolerant and less demanding species than other agricultural plants, being adapted to lower fertility conditions, and an excellent alternative for family farming as a source of income and human and animal food. The use of appropriate and adapted cultivars results in a higher quality product, improving market acceptance and increasing farmer´s bargaining power at the time of marketing. Thus, Ituporanga Experimental Station (Epagri/EEIt) developed two cultivars of sweet potato called ‘SCS 368 Ituporanga’ and ‘SCS 369 Águas Negras‘, both adapted to the High Valley of Itajaí region. The SCS 368 Ituporanga has cream flesh, white film and high productivity. SCS 369 Águas Negras has also cream pulp but its film coloring root is purple, which is appreciated by consumers. Both have good resistance to rot foot (Plenodomus destruens Harter) and are very promising concerning human consumption and agronomic aspects.Resumo: A batata-doce é um dos principais alimentos em diversas regiões do mundo, destacando-se no combate à fome. É uma espécie tolerante e menos exigente do que outras espécies agrícolas, estando adaptada às condições de fertilidade mais baixa, sendo excelente alternativa para a agricultura familiar, como fonte de renda e na alimentação humana e animal. O uso de cultivares adequados e adaptados resulta em um produto de maior qualidade, melhorando a aceitação pelo mercado consumidor e aumentando a capacidade de negociação por parte do agricultor no momento da comercialização. Dessa forma, a Estação Experimental de Ituporanga (Epagri/EEItu) desenvolveu dois cultivares de batata-doce adaptados à região do Alto Vale do Itajaí, denominados SCS368 Ituporanga e SCS369 Águas Negras. O SCS368 Ituporanga possui polpa creme, película branca e alta produtividade. O SCS369 Águas Negras também possui polpa creme, contudo apresenta película da raiz com coloração roxa, o que é muito apreciado pelos consumidores. Ambos possuem boa resistência ao mal do pé (Plenodomus destruens Harter) e são muito promissores quanto às características para consumo humano e aos aspectos agronômicos.

    Identification of Asparagopsis armata‐associated bacteria and characterization of their bioactive potential

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    Macroalgae‐associated bacteria have already proved to be an interesting source of compounds with therapeutic potential. Accordingly, the main aim of this study was to characterize Asparagopsis armata‐associated bacteria community and evaluate their capacity to produce substances with antitumor and antimicrobial potential. Bacteria were selected according to their phenotype and isolated by the streak plate technique. The identification was carried out by the RNA ribosomal 16s gene amplification through PCR techniques. The antimicrobial activities were evaluated against seven microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans) by following their growth through spectrophotometric readings. Antitumor activities were evaluated in vitro on human cell lines derived from hepatocellular (HepG‐2) and breast carcinoma (MCF‐7) using the MTT method. The present work identified a total of 21 bacteria belonging to the genus Vibrio, Staphylococcus, Shewanella, Alteromonadaceae, Bacillus, Cobetia, and Photobacterium, with Vibrio being the most abundant (42.86%). The extract of Shewanella sp. ASP 26 bacterial strain induced the highest antimicrobial activity, namely against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus with an IC50 of 151.1 and 346.8 μg/mL, respectively. These bacteria (Shewanella sp.) were also the ones with highest antitumor potential, demonstrating antiproliferative activity on HepG‐2 cells. Asparagopsis armata‐associated bacteria revealed to be a potential source of compounds with antitumor and antibacterial activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of tomato accessions for resistance to early blight

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize 50 tomato genotypes of the Vegetable Genebank of the FederalUniversity of Viçosa. They were evaluated together with the controls Débora, Fanny and Santa Clara, in a randomized block designwith two replications. The experiment was conducted in a research field of the UFV, from February to May 2007. We evaluated thedisease severity, which is the percentage of diseased leaf area. The severity values were transformed into area under the diseaseprogress curve (AUDPC), improving the result visualization. The analysis of variance and grouping of AUDPC means by the Scott-Knott test at 5 % significance were performed. The accessions BGH-2081, BGH-2034, BGH-700, BGH-2057, BGH-2035, BGH-2054, BGH-2018, BGH-2065, BGH-2008, and BGH-2032 had a lower mean AUDPC than the controls and are therefore indicatedfor future breeding programs

    Crop breeding and applied biotechnology

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize 50 tomato genotypes of the Vegetable Genebank of the Federal University of Viçosa. They were evaluated together with the controls Débora, Fanny and Santa Clara, in a randomized block design with two replications. The experiment was conducted in a research field of the UFV, from February to May 2007. We evaluated the disease severity, which is the percentage of diseased leaf area. The severity values were transformed into area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), improving the result visualization. The analysis of variance and grouping of AUDPC means by the Scott-Knott test at 5 % significance were performed. The accessions BGH-2081, BGH-2034, BGH-700, BGH-2057, BGH-2035, BGH-2054, BGH-2018, BGH-2065, BGH-2008, and BGH-2032 had a lower mean AUDPC than the controls and are therefore indicated for future breeding programs.O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar 50 subamostras de tomateiro do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (BGH-UFV). Foram avaliadas juntamente com as testemunhas Débora, Fanny e Santa Clara, em experimento em blocos ao acaso, com duas repetições. O experimento ocorreu na Horta de Pesquisas da UFV, no período de fevereiro a maio de 2007. Avaliou-se a severidade da doença, que é a porcentagem da área foliar lesionada. Os valores de severidade foram transformados em área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD), possibilitando uma melhor visualização dos resultados. Foi realizada a análise de variância, seguido do agrupamento das médias de AACPD pelo teste de Scott-Knott, a 5% de significância. As subamostras BGH-2081, BGH-2034, BGH-700, BGH-2057, BGH-2035, BGH-2054, BGH-2018, BGH-2065, BGH-2008 e BGH-2032 apresentaram menor média de AACPD em relação às testemunhas, podendo ser utilizadas em futuros programas de melhoramento

    Agrupamento de curvas de progresso de requeima, em tomateiro originado de cruzamento interespecífico

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    The objective of this work was to estimate the progress curves of late blight in tomato genotypes, and to identify tomato genotype groups resistant to this disease. Twenty-five hybrid tomatoes, originated from crosses between four fresh market cultivars, one access from the Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças (BGH) of Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), and five F8 lines (Solanum lycopersicum x Solanum habrochaites), selected as late blight resistance source, were evaluated. Plants were inoculated with a sporangium mixture of Phytophthora infestans, and then, six evaluations for late blight severity were carried out every three days. The exponential model was fitted to the data of late blight severity percentage, and the obtained parameter estimates – initial incidence of disease (yo )and progress rate of disease (r) – were submitted to the multivariate analysis of variance (Manova). The means of these estimates, obtained for each genotype, were submitted to the cluster analysis. An optimal number of eight distinct groups was observed, which made it possible to identify the genotypes belonging both to the resistant and susceptible groups. The experimental hybrids Ikram x 73 A, Nemo-Netta x 133 A, Ikram x 163 A and Nemo-Netta x 163 A showed the smaller rate of disease progress and, therefore, higher late blight resistance.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar curvas de progresso de requeima, em genótipos de tomateiro, e identificar grupos de genótipos resistentes à doença. Foram avaliados 25 híbridos de tomateiro, originados de cruzamentos entre quatro variedades comerciais, um acesso do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças (BGH), da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), e cinco linhagens F8 (Solanum lycopersicum x Solanum habrochaites), estas últimas selecionadas como fonte de resistência à requeima. As plantas foram inoculadas com uma mistura de esporângios de Phytophthora infestans e, em seguida, foram realizadas seis avaliações quanto à severidade de requeima, a intervalos de três dias. Ajustou-se o modelo exponencial aos dados de percentagem de severidade de requeima, e as estimativas obtidas quanto à incidência inicial da doença (yo) e taxa de progresso da doença (r) foram submetidas à análise de variância multivariada (Manova). As médias dessas estimativas, para cada genótipo, foram submetidas à análise de agrupamento. Observou-se um número ótimo de oito grupos distintos, o que possibilitou identificar genótipos resistentes e suscetíveis. Os híbridos experimentais Ikram x 73 A, Nemo-Netta x 133 A, Ikram x 163 A e Nemo-Netta x 163 A apresentaram a menor taxa de progresso de requeima e, portanto, maior resistência à doença

    The effect of continuous positive airway pressure on blood pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and uncontrolled hypertension : study design and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the MORPHEOS (Morbidity in patients with uncontrolled HTN and OSA) trial, and describe the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: MORPHEOS is a multicenter (n=6) randomized controlled trial designed to evaluate the blood pressure (BP) lowering effects of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or placebo (nasal strips) for 6 months in adult patients with uncontrolled hypertension (HTN) and moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Patients using at least one antihypertensive medication were included. Uncontrolled HTN was confirmed by at least one abnormal parameter in the 24-hour ABPM and >= 80% medication adherence evaluated by pill counting after the run-in period. OSA was defined by an apnea-hypopnea index >= 15 events/ hours. The co-primary endpoints are brachial BP (office and ambulatory BP monitoring, ABPM) and central BP. Secondary outcomes include hypertension-mediated organ damage (HMOD) to heart, aorta, eye, and kidney. We pre-specified several sub-studies from this investigation. Visits occur once a week in the first month and once a month thereafter. The programmed sample size was 176 patients but the pandemic prevented this final target. A post-hoc power analysis will be calculated from the final sample. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02270658. RESULTS: The first 100 patients are predominantly males (n=69), age: 52±10 years, body mass index: 32.7±3.9 kg/m2 with frequent co-morbidities. CONCLUSIONS: The MORPHEOS trial has a unique study design including a run-in period; pill counting, and detailed analysis of hypertension-mediated organ damage in patients with uncontrolled HTN that will allow clarification of the impact of OSA treatment with CPAP