23 research outputs found

    Finishing of tilapia niloticus (Oreochromis niloticus) in the midwest of Santa Catarina state in summer using autumn and winter-born coastal fingerlings

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    The objective of this research was to verify the zootechnical viability of culturing Tilapia niloticus in midwestern Santa Catarina in Summer, based on the criteria of growth in length and weight, survival rate, apparent feed conversion and total biomass. The experiment was conducted in three dug ponds of 180 m2 area each. On September 17th, 2001 all the ponds were stocked with fingerlings of 7.0 cm mean length and 7.3 mg mean weight, at a density of 3 fish/m2 in ponds 1 and 2 and 1.3 fish/m2 in pond 3. After 180 days, the experiment ended on March 19th, 2002. Feed, with 28% crude protein and 2800 kcal/kg, was offered twice daily in the total quantity of 5% of live weight of the lot, being readjusted every 30 days. Monthly sampling was done using 35% of each lot. At the end of the culture, period mean weights per individual were 250.6, 272.3, and 296.3 g; total biomass figures were 2380.2, 3040.5 and 1402.0 kg; survival rates were 33.33, 37.22, and 36.40%; and apparent feed conversions were 1.77, 2.07, and 1.38 for treatments (ponds) I, II, and III, respectively. These results demonstrate the biological feasibility of intensive culture of Tilapia niloticus during the Summer season in the region in question

    O modelo de governança eleitoral brasileiro e a judicialização das regras político-eleitorais

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    This article aims to analyze how the judicialization of political-electoral rules is favored by the institutional characteristics of the Electoral Justice and by the model of electoral governance adopted in our country. Through a bibliographical review of the judicialization of politics and also of the model of Brazilian electoral governance, some aspects of this institution that favor political-electoral judicialization are signaled. The composition of the electoral body and its competences, which include administrative tasks involving the organization of the elections, the resolution of disputes arising from the electoral contest, but also the rule making functions, delegate to the electoral body strong authority regarding the regulation of electoral matters.Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar como a judicialização das regras político-eleitorais é favorecida pelas características institucionais da Justiça Eleitoral e pelo modelo de governança eleitoral adotado em nosso país. Através de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a judicialização da política e também sobre o modelo de governança eleitoral brasileiro, apontam-se alguns aspectos desta instituição que propiciam a judicialização político-eleitoral. Destacam-se a forma de composição do órgão eleitoral e as suas competências, as quais abrangem tarefas de cunho administrativo que envolvem a organização das eleições, de resolução de conflitos decorrentes da disputa eleitoral, mas também funções normativas (rule making) que delegam a esta justiça ampla margem de atuação no que tange a regulação das matérias eleitorais

    Finishing of tilapia niloticus (Oreochromis niloticus) in the midwest of Santa Catarina state in summer using autumn and winter-born coastal fingerlings

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    The objective of this research was to verify the zootechnical viability of culturing tilapia niloticus in midwestern Santa Catarina in Summer, based on the criteria of growth in length and weight, survival rate, apparent feed conversion and total biomass. The experiment was conducted in three dug ponds of 180 m2 area each. On September 17th, 2001 all the ponds were stocked with fingerlings of 7.0 cm mean length and 7.3 mg mean weight, at a density of 3 fish/m2 in ponds 1 and 2 and 1.3 fish/m2 in pond 3. After 180 days, the experiment ended on March 19th, 2002. Feed, with 28% crude protein and 2800 kcal/kg, was offered twice daily in the total quantity of 5% of liveweight of the lot, being readjusted every 30 days. Monthly sampling was done using 35% of each lot. At the end of the culture period mean weights per individual were 250.6, 272.3, and 296.3 g; total biomass figures were 2380.2, 3040.5 and 1402.0 kg; survival rates were 33.33, 37.22, and 36.40%; and apparent feed conversions were 1.77, 2.07, and 1.38 for treatments (ponds) I, II, and III, respectively. These results demonstrate the biological feasibility of intensive culture of tilapia niloticus during the Summer season in the region in question

    Percentile variation and frequency of food supplied in the final development of silver catfish (Rhandia quelen) in the phase of it recreates

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    The experiment was led during a 65-day period, in the Estação de Piscicultura/EPAGRI, belonging to Estação Experimental of Caçador/SC. Forty bowls with the capacity of 40 liters were used, with individual supply and flow, with each bowl considered as an experimental unity. The experimental delineation was entirely random in a factorial scheme where the factor A is the percentage of daily feed (1, 2, 3, 4, 5%) and the factor B is the daily frequency of feed (once or twice a day) with 4 repetitions. The variables weight gain, length gain, survival and feed conversion ratio were submitted to variance analysis. The ration used was bought in the local commerce with 28%BP and 2.800Kcal of EM/kg of ration inside the criteria, for the species. Six silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) fingerlings were stored per bowl with medium weight of 0,08 ± 0,01g and medium length of 1,5 ± 0,1cm, 23 days old. The water temperature evaluations were made daily, always at 09:00h and at 15:00h. At these moments, the fishes were given the daily ration. The fish biometry was done in the beginning of the experiment, 30 days later and in the end of the experiment, 65 days after the beginning, using 100% of the stored fishes, when the measures of total length, individual weight, survival and feed conversion rate were made. For the raising of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) fingerlings in the breeding phase the frequency of ideal feed is once a day in the percentage of 2 to 5% of its weight per day


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    O artigo parte da formulação de Tate e Vallinder sobre a expressão “judicialização da política” (e sua correlata “expansão global do poder judicial”), procura testar os elementos epistemológicos e analíticos que ela fornece, bem como verificar a capacidade explicativa que apresenta. Está baseado em revisão bibliográfica e procura testar o pressuposto que essa expressão não tem capacidade explicativa, pois é imprecisa, ambígua e se refere a uma temática já diagnosticada e abrangida pela discussão em torno do judicial review

    GULP1, a potential tumor suppressor gene in ovarian tumors and its utility as a biomarker

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    Identification of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) silenced by CpG methylation uncovers the molecular mechanism of tumorigenesis and potential tumor biomarkers. GULP1, a molecule not previously related to cancer, is a cytoplasmic adaptor protein with a phosphotyrosine binding domain that plays a role in one of two partially redundant pathways that lead to the engulfment and clearance of apoptotic cells, according to several genetic studies performed in Caenorhabditis elegans. Performing a pharmacologic unmasking technique we observed that this molecule is downregulated in ovarian tumor tissues when compared to normal ovary. Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death among gynaecological cancers worldwide, this due to the fact that women are diagnosed with advanced stage disease and because of the lack of truly sensitive/specific screening techniques and unavailability of individualized therapy. We performed an expression microarray on 15 ovarian tumor samples, 10 ovarian normal surface epithelium, 3 ovarian cancer cell lines and 3 normal cell lines. All cells have been treated with a demethylating agent which comprehensively uncovers genes silenced by promoter hypermethylation. The selection of the best candidates was based upon the differential expression between normal and tumor samples (or cell lines), them being downregulated in cancer when compared to normal, and finally the re-activation after the treatment with the demethylating agent. One of these promising genes was GULP1, which expression pattern was then assessed by Reverse Transcriptase PCR and Western Blot and compared to its methylation status in the same six ovarian cell lines and showed correlation between absence of expression and presence of methylation (or the opposite situation). We developed quantitative fluorogenic methylation specific PCR (QMSP) for GULP1 and profiled 437 ovarian tumor samples, 17 borderline tumors, 19 cystadenoma samples and 13 normal ovarian samples, finding 34.7% (151/437), 11.7% (2/17), 10.5% (2/19) and 0% (0/13) of methylation frequency, respectively, (establishing an empiric cutoff). Using fisher´s exact test, we observe a significant increase in methylation when comparing tumors with cystadenomas and normals (p=0.0439 and p=0.0131, respectively). Late stage tumors also showed a higher frequency of methylation versus early stage (p=0.004). So far, we have demonstrated reduced log growth rates after transiently overexpressing GULP1 in one ovarian cell line (IGROVCP). To assess its potential as a TSG, we have ongoing experiments to assess its biological function as ectopic overexpression of this gene in ovarian cancer cell lines as well as creating knock downs using shRNAs. These preliminary data indicate that GULP1 may be an ovarian cancer biomarker. Further studies on the biology of this gene are needed to evaluate its potential as a TSG and its role in ovarian cancer carcinogenesis