5,488 research outputs found

    Properties of electrons near a Van Hove singularity

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    The Fermi surface of most hole-doped cuprates is close to a Van Hove singularity at the M point. A two-dimensional electronic system, whose Fermi surface is close to a Van Hove singularity shows a variety of weak coupling instabilities. It is a convenient model to study the interplay between antiferromagnetism and anisotropic superconductivity. The renormalization group approach is reviewed with emphasis on the underlying physical processes. General properties of the phase diagram and possible deformations of the Fermi surface due to the Van Hove proximity are described.Comment: Proceedings of SNS-01 to appear in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, SNS-0

    Deformation of the Fermi surface in the extended Hubbard model

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    The deformation of the Fermi surface induced by Coulomb interactions is investigated in the t-t'-Hubbard model. The interplay of the local U and extended V interactions is analyzed. It is found that exchange interactions V enhance small anisotropies producing deformations of the Fermi surface which break the point group symmetry of the square lattice at the Van Hove filling. This Pomeranchuck instability competes with ferromagnetism and is suppressed at a critical value of U(V). The interaction V renormalizes the t' parameter to smaller values what favours nesting. It also induces changes on the topology of the Fermi surface which can go from hole to electron-like what may explain recent ARPES experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 ps figure

    Superconducting and pseudogap phases from scaling near a Van Hove singularity

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    We study the quantum corrections to the Fermi energy of a two-dimensional electron system, showing that it is attracted towards the Van Hove singularity for a certain range of doping levels. The scaling of the Fermi level allows to cure the infrared singularities left in the BCS channel after renormalization of the leading logarithm near the divergent density of states. A phase of d-wave superconductivity arises beyond the point of optimal doping corresponding to the peak of the superconducting instability. For lower doping levels, the condensation of particle-hole pairs due to the nesting of the saddle points takes over, leading to the opening of a gap for quasiparticles in the neighborhood of the singular points.Comment: 4 pages, 6 Postscript figures, the physical discussion of the results has been clarifie

    Microscopic description of d-wave superconductivity by Van Hove nesting in the Hubbard model

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    We devise a computational approach to the Hubbard model that captures the strong coupling dynamics arising when the Fermi level is at a Van Hove singularity in the density of states. We rely on an approximate degeneracy among the many-body states accounting for the main instabilities of the system (antiferromagnetism, d-wave superconductivity). The Fermi line turns out to be deformed in a manner consistent with the pinning of the Fermi level to the Van Hove singularity. For a doping rate δ0.2\delta \sim 0.2, the ground state is characterized by d-wave symmetry, quasiparticles gapped only at the saddle-points of the band, and a large peak at zero momentum in the d-wave pairing correlations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Kinematics of electrons near a Van Hove singularity

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    A two dimensional electronic system, where the Fermi surface is close to a Van Hove singularity, shows a variety of weak coupling instabilities, and it is a convenient model to study the interplay between antiferromagnetism and anisotropic superconductivity. We present a detailed analysis of the kinematics of the electron scattering in this model. The similitudes, and differences, between a standard Renormalization Group approach and previous work based on parquet summations of log2^2 divergences are analyzed, with emphasis on the underlying physical processes. General properties of the phase diagram are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Comparative validation of three contemporary bleeding risk scores in acute coronary syndromes

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    Background: Hemorrhagic complications are strongly linked with subsequent adverse outcomes in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. Various risk scores (RS) are available to estimate the bleeding risk in these patients. Aims: To compare the predictive accuracy of the three contemporary bleeding RS in ACS. Methods: We studied 4500 consecutive patients with ACS. For each patient, the ACTION, CRUSADE, and Mehran et al bleeding RS were calculated. We assessed their performance either for the prediction of their own major bleeding events or to predict the TIMI serious (major and minor) bleeding episodes in the overall population, in patients with non-ST elevation ACS (NSTEACS) and in those with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. Calibration (Hosmer-Lemeshow test) and discrimination (c-statistic) for the three RS were computed and compared. We used the concept of net reclassification improvement (NRI) to compare the incremental prognostic value of using a particular RS over the remaining scores in predicting the TIMI serious bleeding. Results: The best predictive accuracy was obtained by the CRUSADE score either for the prediction of its own major bleeding events (c-statistic=0.80, 0.791, and 0.81 for the entire sample, for STEMI, and for NSTEACS patients, respectively) or to predict the TIMI serious bleed occurrence (c-statistic=0.741, 0.738,and 0.745 for the whole population, for STEMI and NSTEACS patients, respectively). The lowest bleeding rates observed in patients classified as low risk corresponded to the CRUSADE RS. All scores performed modestly in patients who did not undergo coronariography (all c-statistic <0.70). The CRUSADE score was significantly superior to the ACTION model in predicting the TIMI serious bleeding occurrence in terms of NRI overall and by ACS subgroups (p<0.05). Overall, the CRUSADE RS exhibited better calibration for predicting the TIMI serious bleeding compared to the ACTION and Mehran et al scores (Hosmer-Lemeshow p-values of 0.26, 0.13, and 0.07, respectively). Conclusion: The CRUSADE score represents, among the more contemporary bleeding RS, the most accurate and reliable quantitative clinical tool in STEACS and STEMI patients. We encourage the utilization of the CRUSADE index for bleeding risk stratification purposes in daily clinical practice and in ACS outcome studies. The performance of the three more contemporary bleeding RS is modest in those patients who received conservative management

    Cascade or Direct Speech Translation? A Case Study

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    Speech translation has been traditionally tackled under a cascade approach, chaining speech recognition and machine translation components to translate from an audio source in a given language into text or speech in a target language. Leveraging on deep learning approaches to natural language processing, recent studies have explored the potential of direct end-to-end neural modelling to perform the speech translation task. Though several benefits may come from end-to-end modelling, such as a reduction in latency and error propagation, the comparative merits of each approach still deserve detailed evaluations and analyses. In this work, we compared state-of-the-art cascade and direct approaches on the under-resourced Basque–Spanish language pair, which features challenging phenomena such as marked differences in morphology and word order. This case study thus complements other studies in the field, which mostly revolve around the English language. We describe and analysed in detail the mintzai-ST corpus, prepared from the sessions of the Basque Parliament, and evaluated the strengths and limitations of cascade and direct speech translation models trained on this corpus, with variants exploiting additional data as well. Our results indicated that, despite significant progress with end-to-end models, which may outperform alternatives in some cases in terms of automated metrics, a cascade approach proved optimal overall in our experiments and manual evaluations. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. VII. Rotation and activity of M-Dwarfs from time-series high-resolution spectroscopy of chromospheric indicators

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    We aim to investigate the presence of signatures of magnetic cycles and rotation on a sample of 71 early M-dwarfs from the HADES RV programme using high-resolution time-series spectroscopy of the Ca II H & K and Halpha chromospheric activity indicators, the radial velocity series, the parameters of the cross correlation function and the V-band photometry. We used mainly HARPS-N spectra, acquired over four years, and add HARPS spectra from the public ESO database and ASAS photometry light-curves as support data, extending the baseline of the observations of some stars up to 12 years. We provide log(R'hk) measurements for all the stars in the sample, cycle length measurements for 13 stars, rotation periods for 33 stars and we are able to measure the semi-amplitude of the radial velocity signal induced by rotation in 16 stars. We complement our work with previous results and confirm and refine the previously reported relationships between the mean level of chromospheric emission, measured by the log(R'hk), with the rotation period, and with the measured semi-amplitude of the activity induced radial velocity signal for early M-dwarfs. We searched for a possible relation between the measured rotation periods and the lengths of the magnetic cycle, finding a weak correlation between both quantities. Using previous v sin i measurements we estimated the inclinations of the star's poles to the line of sight for all the stars in the sample, and estimate the range of masses of the planets GJ 3998 b and c (2.5 - 4.9 Mearth and 6.3 - 12.5 Mearth), GJ 625 b (2.82 Mearth), GJ 3942 b (7.1 - 10.0 Mearth) and GJ 15A b (3.1 - 3.3 Mearth), assuming their orbits are coplanar with the stellar rotation.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, 10 table

    Microscopic NNNN(1440)NN\to NN^{\ast}(1440) transition potential: Determination of πNN(1440)\pi NN^{\ast}(1440) and σNN(1440)\sigma NN^{\ast}(1440) coupling constants

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    A NNNN(1440)NN\to NN^{\ast}(1440) transition potential, based on an effective quark-quark interaction and a constituent quark cluster model for baryons, is derived in the Born-Oppenheimer approach. The potential shows significant differences with respect to those obtained by a direct scaling of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. From its asymptotic behavior we extract the values of πNN(1440)\pi NN^{\ast}(1440) and σNN(1440)\sigma NN^{\ast}(1440) coupling constants in a particular coupling schemeComment: 15 eps figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.