19 research outputs found

    Efeito de plantas de cobertura de inverno sobre cultivo de milho em sistema de plantio direto.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a viabilidade do plantio direto sem herbicidas, foram testadas misturas de centeio, ervilhaca e nabo forrageiro para controle de plantas espontùneas e promoção do rendimento de milho em plantio direto. Mediram-se cobertura do solo e biomassa de plantas de cobertura e espontùneas durante o inverno, rendimento do milho e massa de espontùneas durante o ciclo da cultura de verão. A cobertura do solo durante o período de crescimento das culturas de inverno foi superior a 80%, embora os tratamentos não apresentassem diferenças nas variåveis medidas. As plantas de cobertura proporcionaram boas condiçÔes para a cultura comercial, que teve rendimentos entre 6,0 e 6,7 t.ha-1, acima da média da região produtora, sem diferenças entre os tratamentos. Analisando-se valor de grãos colhidos e gastos com sementes das plantas de cobertura, demonstrou-se a viabilidade econÎmica do plantio direto sem herbicidas para o milho, em sucessão a diferentes coberturas de inverno

    Una herencia en Manaos (anotaciones sobre historia ambiental, ecologĂ­a polĂ­tica y agroecologĂ­a en una perspectiva latinoamericana)

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    Este artĂ­culo pretende explorar algunas vinculaciones de la agroecologĂ­a con la historia ambiental, en sus escalas macro y micro, y con la ecologĂ­a polĂ­tica. Una clave de interpretaciĂłn es un interrogante sobre la identidad latinoamericana, que es percibida como articulaciĂłn y sedimentaciĂłn de varias herencias diferentes,en la cultura, la tecnologĂ­a, los paisajes y la naturaleza

    On Star Formation Rates and Star Formation Histories of Galaxies out to z ~ 3

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    We compare multi-wavelength SFR indicators out to z~3 in GOODS-South. Our analysis uniquely combines U-to-8um photometry from FIREWORKS, MIPS 24um and PACS 70, 100, and 160um photometry from the PEP survey, and Ha spectroscopy from the SINS survey. We describe a set of conversions that lead to a continuity across SFR indicators. A luminosity-independent conversion from 24um to total infrared luminosity yields estimates of LIR that are in the median consistent with the LIR derived from PACS photometry, albeit with significant scatter. Dust correction methods perform well at low to intermediate levels of star formation. They fail to recover the total amount of star formation in systems with large SFR_IR/SFR_UV ratios, typically occuring at the highest SFRs (SFR_UV+IR \gtrsim 100 Msun/yr) and redshifts (z \gtrsim 2.5) probed. Finally, we confirm that Ha-based SFRs at 1.5<z<2.6 are consistent with SFR_SED and SFR_UV+IR provided extra attenuation towards HII regions is taken into account (Av,neb = Av,continuum / 0.44). With the cross-calibrated SFR indicators in hand, we perform a consistency check on the star formation histories inferred from SED modeling. We compare the observed SFR-M relations and mass functions at a range of redshifts to equivalents that are computed by evolving lower redshift galaxies backwards in time. We find evidence for underestimated stellar ages when no stringent constraints on formation epoch are applied. We demonstrate how resolved SED modeling, or alternatively deep UV data, may help to overcome this bias. The age bias is most severe for galaxies with young stellar populations, and reduces towards older systems. Finally, our analysis suggests that SFHs typically vary on timescales that are long (at least several 100 Myr) compared to the galaxies' dynamical time.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 19 pages, 15 figure

    Optical and radiometric models of the NOMAD instrument part II: The infrared channels - SO and LNO

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    Un enfoque agroecológico para el desarrollo de sistemas de producción sostenibles para los pequeños agricultores andinos

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    40 påginasSe aborda el interés fundamental de la agroecología, con el entendimiento de la ecología en sistemas agrarios, en favor de una agricultura sustentable. El trabajo presena las bases agroecológicas para el desarrollo de una agrucultura Andina sustentable

    Biodiversity and Post Management in Agroecosystems

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    236 p.; 21 cm

    Presentation_1_The main agroecological structure, a methodology for the collective analysis of the Mediterranean agroecological landscape of San Clemente, Region del Maule, Chile.PPTX

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    The simplification of the landscape as a consequence of the decrease in biodiversity and the adoption of monoculture production systems has led to a significant decrease in the provision of ecosystem services in the territory. The conversion of agroecosystems requires the adoption of agroecological techniques, which aim to design the agroecosystem as an integrated part of a vegetation matrix of the landscape, interconnecting the different production systems with the agricultural landscape. In order to measure the degree of connectivity of agroecosystems with the landscape, we used the Main Agroecological Structure (MAS) method, which was applied to 36 small agroecosystems of vegetable, livestock and fruit producers, which generally presented a low degree of connectivity. This allows us to evaluate the potential of these systems for agroecological transition, since being present in a moderately complex agricultural landscape gives important advantages over a more simplified system, allowing these producers to dispense with the use of many energy subsidies. This evaluation allows a first approximation to the quantification of the landscape matrix and will allow a comparison between agroecosystems or an evaluation of the evolution of the MAS over time. It is necessary to complement the MAS by quantifying the ecosystem services that may be associated with it.</p

    Table_2_The main agroecological structure, a methodology for the collective analysis of the Mediterranean agroecological landscape of San Clemente, Region del Maule, Chile.XLSX

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    The simplification of the landscape as a consequence of the decrease in biodiversity and the adoption of monoculture production systems has led to a significant decrease in the provision of ecosystem services in the territory. The conversion of agroecosystems requires the adoption of agroecological techniques, which aim to design the agroecosystem as an integrated part of a vegetation matrix of the landscape, interconnecting the different production systems with the agricultural landscape. In order to measure the degree of connectivity of agroecosystems with the landscape, we used the Main Agroecological Structure (MAS) method, which was applied to 36 small agroecosystems of vegetable, livestock and fruit producers, which generally presented a low degree of connectivity. This allows us to evaluate the potential of these systems for agroecological transition, since being present in a moderately complex agricultural landscape gives important advantages over a more simplified system, allowing these producers to dispense with the use of many energy subsidies. This evaluation allows a first approximation to the quantification of the landscape matrix and will allow a comparison between agroecosystems or an evaluation of the evolution of the MAS over time. It is necessary to complement the MAS by quantifying the ecosystem services that may be associated with it.</p

    Table_1_The main agroecological structure, a methodology for the collective analysis of the Mediterranean agroecological landscape of San Clemente, Region del Maule, Chile.DOCX

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    The simplification of the landscape as a consequence of the decrease in biodiversity and the adoption of monoculture production systems has led to a significant decrease in the provision of ecosystem services in the territory. The conversion of agroecosystems requires the adoption of agroecological techniques, which aim to design the agroecosystem as an integrated part of a vegetation matrix of the landscape, interconnecting the different production systems with the agricultural landscape. In order to measure the degree of connectivity of agroecosystems with the landscape, we used the Main Agroecological Structure (MAS) method, which was applied to 36 small agroecosystems of vegetable, livestock and fruit producers, which generally presented a low degree of connectivity. This allows us to evaluate the potential of these systems for agroecological transition, since being present in a moderately complex agricultural landscape gives important advantages over a more simplified system, allowing these producers to dispense with the use of many energy subsidies. This evaluation allows a first approximation to the quantification of the landscape matrix and will allow a comparison between agroecosystems or an evaluation of the evolution of the MAS over time. It is necessary to complement the MAS by quantifying the ecosystem services that may be associated with it.</p