545 research outputs found

    Ordning i klassen! Taxonomi & systematik – exempel frĂ„n fĂ„glarnas vĂ€rld

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    Vad Ă€r en art? Varför betraktar somliga nordlig och sydlig gulĂ€rla som olika arter, medan andra klassificerar dem som samma art? Varför skiljer sig artantalet sĂ„ mycket mellan olika listor över vĂ€rldens fĂ„gelarter, och vilken lista Ă€r rĂ€tt? Varför byter vissa arter slĂ€kte, och hur kommer det sig att vissa slĂ€kten omfattar mĂ„nga arter medan andra bara bestĂ„r av en enda art? Är falkar verkligen nĂ€rmare slĂ€kt med tĂ€ttingar Ă€n med hökar? Kan DNA-analyser besvara alla frĂ„gor

    Integrative taxonomy of the Plain‑backed Thrush (Zoothera mollissima) complex (Aves, Turdidae) reveals cryptic species, including a new species

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    Background: The Plain-backed Thrush Zoothera mollissima breeds in the Himalayas and mountains of central China.It was long considered conspecific with the Long-tailed Thrush Zoothera dixoni, until these were shown to be broadlysympatric. Methods: We revise the Z. mollissima-Z. dixoni complex by integrating morphological, acoustic, genetic (two mitochondrialand two nuclear markers), ecological and distributional datasets. Results: In earlier field observations, we noted two very different song types of "Plain-backed" Thrush segregated by breeding habitat and elevation. Further integrative analyses congruently identify three groups: an alpine breeder inthe Himalayas and Sichuan, China ("Alpine Thrush"); a forest breeder in the eastern Himalayas and northwest Yunnan(at least), China ("Himalayan Forest Thrush"); and a forest breeder in central Sichuan ("Sichuan Forest Thrush"). Alpine and Himalayan Forest Thrushes are broadly sympatric, but segregated by habitat and altitude, and the same is probablytrue also for Alpine and Sichuan Forest Thrushes. These three groups differ markedly in morphology and songs.In addition, DNA sequence data from three non-breeding specimens from Yunnan indicate that yet another lineage exists ("Yunnan Thrush"). However, we find no consistent morphological differences from Alpine Thrush, and its breedingrange is unknown. Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that all four groups diverged at least a few million years ago, and identify Alpine Thrush and the putative "Yunnan Thrush" as sisters, and the two forest taxa as sisters. Cytochrome b divergences among the four Z. mollissima sensu lato (s.l.) clades are similar to those between any ofthem and Z. dixoni, and exceed that between the two congeneric outgroup species. We lectotypify the name Oreocincla rostrata Hodgson, 1845 with the Z. mollissima sensu stricto (s.s.) specimen long considered its type. No availablename unambiguously pertains to the Himalayan Forest Thrush. Conclusions: The Plain-backed Thrush Z. mollissima s.l. comprises at least three species: Alpine Thrush Z. mollissima s.s., with a widespread alpine breeding distribution; Sichuan Forest Thrush Z. griseiceps, breeding in central Sichuan forests; and Himalayan Forest Thrush, breeding in the eastern Himalayas and northwest Yunnan (at least), which is described herein as a new species. "Yunnan Thrush" requires further study

    Evolution of ultraviolet vision in the largest avian radiation - the passerines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interspecific variation in avian colour vision falls into two discrete classes: violet sensitive (VS) and ultraviolet sensitive (UVS). They are characterised by the spectral sensitivity of the most shortwave sensitive of the four single cones, the SWS1, which is seemingly under direct control of as little as one amino acid substitution in the cone opsin protein. Changes in spectral sensitivity of the SWS1 are ecologically important, as they affect the abilities of birds to accurately assess potential mates, find food and minimise visibility of social signals to predators. Still, available data have indicated that shifts between classes are rare, with only four to five independent acquisitions of UV sensitivity in avian evolution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have classified a large sample of passeriform species as VS or UVS from genomic DNA and mapped the evolution of this character on a passerine phylogeny inferred from published molecular sequence data. Sequencing a small gene fragment has allowed us to trace the trait changing from one stable state to another through the radiation of the passeriform birds. Their ancestor is hypothesised to be UVS. In the subsequent radiation, colour vision changed between UVS and VS at least eight times.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The phylogenetic distribution of SWS1 cone opsin types in Passeriformes reveals a much higher degree of complexity in avian colour vision evolution than what was previously indicated from the limited data available. Clades with variation in the colour vision system are nested among clades with a seemingly stable VS or UVS state, providing a rare opportunity to understand how an ecologically important trait under simple genetic control may co-evolve with, and be stabilised by, associated traits in a character complex.</p

    Effekter av en havsnivÄhöjning kring Falsterbohalvön

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    There are many signs indicating a climate change, which will affect us globally as well as locally. One of the most obvious effects in Scandinavia is the threatening sea level rise. The sea level rise will affect huge parts of Sweden’s coastal areas. Especially vulnerable is the Falsterbo peninsula in southwest of Scania, Sweden. The low surroundings already today suffer from short term coastal flooding when the sea rises less than a meter above normal sea level during winter storms. The new federal construction law in Sweden has transferred much more of the responsibility directly to the local authorities. The authorities have to take the expected climate change and its effects into account, and plan for preventive measures already today, when planning new settlements and infrastructure. It’s in the authorities’ interest and responsibility to estimate which areas and in what way they can be affected by the expected increase of sea level caused by the global warming. An important parameter is the economical values that can be endangered by the climate change. To get an overview of the situation, a digital elevation model using ArcGIS and Safe FME have been constructed. The elevation model is based upon the Swedish National Elevation Database and the new elevation data has been collected using airborne laser scanning. The data has a resolution of two times two meter and the data were then interpolated using ArcGIS to a raster resolution of zero point five times zero point five meters. Based on this digital elevation model several different spatial and economical analyses have been carried out. In the analysis it has been presumed that we will have a sea level rise of one meter. If this becomes a reality it will have a huge impact on the area of interest. Out of the nature protection areas, more than 40% of the (Natura2000) around the Falsterbo peninsula will be flooded. In the studied area there are great economical values worth protecting, like real estate. Only based on private real estate properties, there is a total value of more than 40 billion SEK, this is excluding infrastructure, public buildings, recreations sights etc. This means that the total economical value is much higher. Skanör and Falsterbo is the most exposed area were only 27% of the populated areas are located higher than two meter above sea level, which is considered as the safe zone if we have one meter of sea level rise in combination with high water level. In the range up to two meter above today sea level there are more than 1,700 real estate properties on the peninsula. Sea level rise is not a new phenomena and it will not occur suddenly during a short period of time. It is rather a slow rising process during a long time span that will go on during the coming hundred years. Most certain, the sea level rise will even keep on after that. People will slowly adapt to the changed environment, but authorities have to take the future changes into consideration already today when planning new settlements and new infrastructure

    Framtidens rÄdgivning till skogsÀgare

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    Denna uppsats skrevs pĂ„ uppdrag av LRF Konsult. Den utgör en C-uppsats vid JĂ€gmĂ€star-programmet, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att utreda vilken typ av rĂ„dgivning som utboskogsĂ€gare vill ha pĂ„ den ort dĂ€r de bor, vilken typ av rĂ„dgivning de vill ha dĂ€r fastigheten finns och vilken typ av rĂ„dgivning de önskar som webb-tjĂ€nster. Som bakgrund genomfördes en mindre litteraturstudie av dels publikationen Skogsbarome-tern 2014, som Ă„rligen gör en större statistisk undersökning bland skogsĂ€gare i Sverige, dels tvĂ„ vetenskapliga artiklar med snarlika frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. Studien Ă€r en kvantitativ undersökning i form av ett enkĂ€tutskick till 400 slumpvis utvalda skogsĂ€gare i Stockholm, som Ă€ger en eller flera skogsfastigheter pĂ„ annan ort. EnkĂ€ten behandlade dels grundlĂ€ggande frĂ„gor sĂ„som Ă„lder, kön och markareal, dels mer fördju-pade frĂ„gor kring skoglig rĂ„dgivning. En svarsfrekvens pĂ„ 43 procent uppnĂ„ddes pĂ„ enkĂ€t-utskicket. Vilka andra frĂ„gor ingick? Resultatet som kan utlĂ€sas visar att det finns tydliga trender för ett ökat intresse för rĂ„dgiv-ning dĂ€r man Ă€r bosatt och anvĂ€ndning av webbaserade verktyg bland yngre skogsĂ€gare. Detta ökande intresse för webbtjĂ€nster nerĂ„t Ă„ldrarna tyder med största sĂ€kerhet pĂ„ att in-tresset kommer öka med kommande generationsskiften bland skogsĂ€garna. Resultatet visar ocksĂ„ att det finns störst intresse och betalningsvilja bland utboskogsĂ€gare för skogsbruksplan följt av finansiella tjĂ€nster sĂ„ som deklaration och bokföring. Slutsatsen som kan dras Ă€r att det framförallt Ă€r Ă„lder som styr var och hur utboskogsĂ€gare vill ha sin rĂ„dgivning och inte lika mycket andra faktorer som avstĂ„nd till fastighet. Med kommande generationsvĂ€xlingar inom skogsĂ€gandet kan man förutse att intresset för webbtjĂ€nster kommer att öka och med det Ă€ven intresset för rĂ„dgivning dĂ€r personen ifrĂ„ga Ă€r bosatt. FörbĂ€ttringar i webbtjĂ€nsterna, som ökande funktionalitet och ökad anvĂ€ndarvĂ€n-lighet bidrar dessutom ytterligare till intresset för webbaserade verktyg.This essay was written on behalf of LRF Konsult as part of the Forestry program; JĂ€-gmĂ€stare. The main purpose was to investigate what kind of counselling that is requested by forest owners who live in the city but have their property elsewhere. The study also looks into the interest for web-based administrative services facilitating the forest owner-ship. As a theoretical base in the essay a minor literature study was carried out. It was partly based on Skogsbarometern witch is a major statistical survey among forest owners in Swe-den that is done on yearly basis. It’s carried out as a joint project among some of the bigger actors within forest consulting and banking. It also looked into two scientific essays based on similar purposes as this one. The data sampling was based on quantitative method that used a questionnaire form that was sent out to four hundred randomly chosen forest owners in the city of Stockholm, Sweden. All who took part in this survey had in common that they own a forest property elsewhere from were they live. The result indicates that there are an increasing interest among forest owners the further down you come in age to receive counselling were they live instead of were their property is situated. This is also applicable to the interest of web-based services for forest owners. This implies that the interest and demand for such services most certain will increase with the next generation forest owners. The result also shows that there is a major demand and will to pay among forest owners who live else were from the property for forest planning advising. Followed by financial services such as assistance with tax-declaration and accounting. The conclusion to be drawn from this is with the next generation there will be an increased demand for web-based services as well as counselling were the forest owner is living and not were he or she has their property through web-based services

    Liquidity model for analysis of forest properties

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    Det finns ett stort intresse bland frĂ€mst skogsĂ€gare att fortsĂ€tta investera i skogsmark och det intresset har ökat de senaste Ă„ren. RĂ€ntemarknaden Ă€r (hösten 2015) osĂ€ker med rekordlĂ„ga rĂ€ntor vilket stĂ€ller allt högre krav pĂ„ kreditgivarna att genomföra korrekta kreditanalyser för att fĂ„ en fullstĂ€ndig bild av den risk som finansieringen medför för bĂ„de lĂ„ntagare och lĂ„ngivare. För att kunna genomföra en adekvat riskanalys vid finansiering av skogsbruksfastigheter krĂ€vs det stor noggrannhet och till sin hjĂ€lp har kreditgivaren en rad olika finansiella mĂ„tt som sĂ€ger hur pass stabil en specifik investering Ă€r. Ett sĂ„dant mĂ„tt Ă€r likviditet för en skogsfastighet som sĂ€ger hur pass vĂ€l Ă€garen kan möta sina finansiella utgifter som Ă€r kopplade till sin respektive skogsfastighet. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att utveckla ett likviditetsanalysverktyg för att göra denna typ av analyser. Analysverktyget hjĂ€lper anvĂ€ndaren genom att omsĂ€tta en skogsbruksplan till kassaflöden utifrĂ„n fastighetens förutsĂ€ttningar och dĂ€refter analysera likviditeten över den kommande perioden om tio Ă„r. AnvĂ€ndaren kan vara bĂ„de skogsĂ€garen som vill fĂ„ en övergripande bild över sin finansiella situation eller lĂ„ngivaren som vill analysera sin risk. Det finns idag pĂ„ marknaden ett motsvarande verktyg som utvecklats 2013. För att validera modellen har modellen testats och utvecklats med samma fallfastigheter som i studien 2013. En stor skillnad mellan modellerna 2013 och 2015 Ă€r att den senare enbart medger slutavverkning i huggningsklass; ”Slutavverkning 2” medan den tidigare studien och modellen slutavverkar i bĂ„de huggningsklass ”Slutavverkning 1 och 2”. Genom att avverka huggningsklass S1 kan mer kapital frigöras men samtidigt Ă€r det inte ekonomiskt optimalt dĂ„ det kan vara mer lönsamt att lĂ„na externt kapital Ă€n att avverka tidigare. Dessutom riskerar slutavverkning i S1 att skapa ett kassaflödesunderskott för nĂ€stföljande perioder med följande likviditetskris. UtifrĂ„n ingĂ„ngsvĂ€rdena för 2013 Ă„rs studie drabbades i modellkörningar fyra av de nio fallfastigheter av likviditetskris om inte externt kapital sköts till under perioden pĂ„ tio Ă„r. För ingĂ„ngsvĂ€rdena för 2015, som anvĂ€nds i denna studie, drabbades samma fyra fastigheter trots lĂ€gre rĂ€ntenivĂ„er av likviditetskris. Om Ă€ven huggningsklass S1 slutavverkades var det fortfarande tre av nio fallfastigheterna som skulle komma att drabbas. Den största orsaken till likviditetskriserna berodde pĂ„ omfattningen av kapitalskulden som i sin tur styrs av belĂ„ningsgraden. Detta framkommer genom att de finansiella utgifterna dominerar i utgiftsposten för respektive fastighet under perioden. Resultatet pĂ„visar vikten av en utförlig likviditetsanalys för bĂ„de kreditgivare och lĂ„ntagare för att minska riskexponeringen och undvika att lĂ„ntagaren finner sig sjĂ€lv i en likviditetskris. För att ge en mer heltĂ€ckande bild vid kreditanalys mĂ„ste Ă€ven andra intĂ€ktskĂ€llor Ă€n de frĂ„n skogen vĂ€gas in dĂ„ det ofta finns flera inkomstkĂ€llor för en fastighet. Det kan röra sig om jordbruksmark, arrendeintĂ€kter, intĂ€kter frĂ„n grustag, hyresfastigheter eller motsvarande. LĂ„ntagarnas privatekonomi bör ocksĂ„ vĂ€gas in i analysen dĂ„ det kan vara vanligt att externa medel genom andra tillgĂ„ngar eller lön skjuts till för möta finansiella utgifter.There is a great interest for investments in forest properties and it has been increasing during the last years. The interest market in the moment of writing is very uncertain because of the all time low interest rates. This results in growing demands on the creditors to perform a thorough analysis of the credit to get a complete picture of the risk both loan takers and loan givers are facing. To perform an adequate risk analysis when working with finance of forest properties there is a demand of high quality analysis. To its help creditors have several financial measurements that determine how stabile a specific investment in forest properties is. Such a measurement is liquidity for a forest property which says how well it can face it’s own financial costs, and if not how much external capital has to be added for the liquidity to break even. The purpose of this study is to develop such a tool, to help creditors analyse liquidity by translating the forest management plan into cash flow, which then can be used for the liquidity analysis over the coming period of ten years. There is on the market today a similar tool witch was developed in 2013 through a similar study. To validate the tool and model developed in this study it was tested against the model already established on the market using the same case properties it used in 2013. The model in this study was diverged with different criteria’s to help to fully analysis the differences. One major difference between this model and the model from 2013 is that this one only final cut the maturity class S2 while the other model do final cutting in both maturity class S1 and S2. By doing final cutting in S1 a higher cash flow is returned, but it might not be economical optimal for the forest to be cut at that maturity class. It could mean that it’s more profitable to instead extend the credits and wait with harvesting until the forest has grown into maturity class S2. It also risks creating a deficit for the coming periods beyond ten years. Out of the nine case properties studied, four of them would come to suffer from a liquidity crisis if external money wasn’t added. Looking to the earlier study performed in 2013 the exactly same case properties had a liquidity crisis already in 2013. If maturity class S1 was also final harvested there would still be three out of nine case properties suffering from liquidity crisis. The major cause of liquidity deficit is due to high mortgage level of the forest properties. This is shown by the financial expenditures that dominate the total expenses for each forest property during the ten-year period. The result indicates the importance of a solid liquidity analysis to lower the risk for both credit giver and credit taker and also lower or eliminate the possibility that the credit taker finds themselves in a liquidity crisis. To get a more full coverage of the credit analysis, other sources of income has to be taken in for account. It may involve income from agriculture, land leasing contracts, rental estates on the forest property or equivalent. Also the private finance of the borrower should be included in the analysis

    Changes in the root fungal microbiome of strawberry following application of residues of the biofumigant oilseed radish

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    Biofumigation has been proposed as an environmentally friendly method of plant protection against soil-borne pathogens, but its effects on microbial communities are still incompletely understood. Using high throughput DNA sequencing, we investigated the effects of oilseed radish residues on the root fungal microbiome of strawberry in the presence of a soil-borne fungal pathogen, Verticillium dahliae. Results of our greenhouse study show that early flowering occurred in response to residue addition, suggesting a plant stress-response and there was a significant decrease in berry yield. The fungal microbiome of roots was significantly restructured by both biofumigation and inoculation with Verticillium. In particular, the abundance of root endophyte- and arbuscular mycorrhizal functional guilds was reduced significantly as a result of biofumigant and V. dahliae addition, whereas the abundance of saprotrophs increased significantly when both treatments were applied together. Alpha diversity analyses of fungi associated with roots indicated a significant increase in species richness following Verticillium inoculation, whereas the biofumigant alone or in the presence of V. dahliae resulted in no significant effect, suggesting that apparently some rare taxa may have been enriched/stimulated in the presence of the pathogen. Further investigations should reveal whether negative effects of biofumigation on potentially beneficial root associated endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are host genotype- or soil-dependent

    Non-monophyly and intricate morphological evolution within the avian family Cettiidae revealed by multilocus analysis of a taxonomically densely sampled dataset

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The avian family Cettiidae, including the genera <it>Cettia</it>, <it>Urosphena</it>, <it>Tesia</it>, <it>Abroscopus </it>and <it>Tickellia </it>and <it>Orthotomus cucullatus</it>, has recently been proposed based on analysis of a small number of loci and species. The close relationship of most of these taxa was unexpected, and called for a comprehensive study based on multiple loci and dense taxon sampling. In the present study, we infer the relationships of all except one of the species in this family using one mitochondrial and three nuclear loci. We use traditional gene tree methods (Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood bootstrapping, parsimony bootstrapping), as well as a recently developed Bayesian species tree approach (*BEAST) that accounts for lineage sorting processes that might produce discordance between gene trees. We also analyse mitochondrial DNA for a larger sample, comprising multiple individuals and a large number of subspecies of polytypic species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There are many topological incongruences among the single-locus trees, although none of these is strongly supported. The multi-locus tree inferred using concatenated sequences and the species tree agree well with each other, and are overall well resolved and well supported by the data. The main discrepancy between these trees concerns the most basal split. Both methods infer the genus <it>Cettia </it>to be highly non-monophyletic, as it is scattered across the entire family tree. Deep intraspecific divergences are revealed, and one or two species and one subspecies are inferred to be non-monophyletic (differences between methods).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The molecular phylogeny presented here is strongly inconsistent with the traditional, morphology-based classification. The remarkably high degree of non-monophyly in the genus <it>Cettia </it>is likely to be one of the most extraordinary examples of misconceived relationships in an avian genus. The phylogeny suggests instances of parallel evolution, as well as highly unequal rates of morphological divergence in different lineages. This complex morphological evolution apparently misled earlier taxonomists. These results underscore the well-known but still often neglected problem of basing classifications on overall morphological similarity. Based on the molecular data, a revised taxonomy is proposed. Although the traditional and species tree methods inferred much the same tree in the present study, the assumption by species tree methods that all species are monophyletic is a limitation in these methods, as some currently recognized species might have more complex histories.</p
