893 research outputs found

    Characterizations of inner product structures involving the radius of the inscribed or circumscribed circumference

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    summary:We define the radius of the inscribed and circumscribed circumferences in a triangle located in a real normed space and we obtain new characterizations of inner product spaces

    Catálogo de la flora vascular del Cerro del Toruño (Comarca de Los Alcores, Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla)

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    Situado en la comarca de Los Alcores, el Cerro del Toruño es un cabezo calcarenítico incluido en el área metropolitana de Sevilla. Se encuentra protegido por la normativa provincial por el valor y naturalidad de su vegetación. El objetivo del presente estudio es la catalogación de su flora y su puesta en valor como reducto de vegetación natural en un paisaje fuertemente antropizado. Se han inventariado un total de 351 especies, 324 de ellas autóctonas, de las que tres están recogidas en la lista roja andaluza. El catálogo incluye 4 novedades corológicas de especies nativas a nivel provincial y 16 a nivel comarcal. La diversidad encontrada en la zona de estudio es comparable a la de zonas cercanas, dada la heterogeneidad de sus hábitats. Se comentan brevemente las comunidades vegetales de acebuchar, palmitar y matorral xerófilo sobre roquedos calcareníticos, en las que se ha observado un mejor grado de conservación. Finalmente se discute la importancia biogeográfica de los Alcores como isla edáfica tanto para especies calcícolas como psammófilas y litorales, dado el carácter mayoritariamente arcilloso de la Depresión del Guadalquivir.Checklist of vascular flora of the Toruño hill (Alcores region, Alcalá de Guadaira, Seville). Located in Los Alcores region, the Cerro del Toruño is a calcarenitic hill included in Sevilla’s metropolitan area. It is protected by provincial regulations due to the value and naturalness of its vegetation. The aim of this study is to catalogue its flora and highlight its importance as a patch of relict natural vegetation within a strongly anthropic landscape. We recorded 351 species, of which 324 are native and three included in the Andalusian red list. The checklist includes 4 new chorological records at the provincial level and 16 at the regional level. Species diversity is comparable to nearby areas, given its habitat heterogeneity. The wild olive copse, Mediterranean fan palm formations, and xerophilous scrublands on calcarenitic rocks display a better conservation situation and are briefly commented. Finally, we discuss the biogeographic importance of Los Alcores region as an edaphic island, surrounded by the mostly clayey Guadalquivir valley, for calcicolous and coastal sand species

    Focusing of surface-acoustic-wave fields on (100) GaAs surfaces

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    Focused surface-acoustic waves (SAWs) provide a way to reach intense acoustic fields for electroand optoacoustic applications on semiconductors. We have investigated the focusing of SAWs by interdigital transducers (IDTs)deposited on (100)-oriented GaAs substrates. The focusing IDTs have curved fingers designed to account for the acoustic anisotropy of the substrate. Different factors that affect focusing, such as the aperture angle and the configuration of the IDT fingers, were systematically addressed. We show that the focusing performance can be considerably improved by appropriate choice of the IDT metal pads, which, under appropriate conditions, create an acoustic waveguide within the IDT. We demonstrate the generation of narrow (full width at half maximum of approx 15 µm), high-frequency (0.5 GHz), continuous SAW beams with vertical displacement as high as 4 nm collimated over distances that exceed 100 µm

    Amplified Nanoscale Detection of Labelled Molecules via Surface Electrons on Diamond

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    The detection of individual molecules and their dynamics has been a long-standing challenge in the field of nanotechnology. In this work, we present a method that utilizes a nitrogen vacancy (NV) center and a dangling-bond on the diamond surface to measure the coupling between two electronic targets tagged on a macromolecule. To achieve this, we design a multi-tone dynamical decoupling sequence that leverages the strong interaction between the nitrogen vacancy center and the dangling bond. In addition, this sequence minimizes the impact of decoherence finally resulting in an increased signal-to-noise ratio. This proposal has the potential to open up new avenues for fundamental research and technological innovation in distinct areas such as biophysics and biochemistry.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Uma proposta de slam com determinação de informações geométricas do ambiente

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    PEDROSA, Diogo P. F. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. . Uma Proposta de SLAM com Determinação de Informações Geométricas do Ambiente. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 16, Salvador, BA, 2006. Anais... Salvador: CBA, 2006. v. 1. p. 1704-1709Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de soluçao para o problema do SLAM sem a adoção da representação estocástica comumente utilizada na literatura. A idéia principal de representar o ambiente interno por um mapa híbrido, no qual cada nó do grafo corresponde a um ambiente local (sala ou corredor) e cada aresta, uma conexão entre estes ambientes. Os ambientes locais são descritos por informações métricas extraídas de um conjunto de pontos coletados por sonares e tratados pela Transformada Generalizada de Hough. Estas descricões métricas auxiliam no processo de correção da pose do robô enquanto ele explora o ambiente e constrói o mapa ____________________________________________ ABSTRACT This work presents a solution proposal to SLAM problem without using stochastic mapping methods. The main idea is representing an indoor environment by an hybrid map, where each graph node corresponds to local environment (room or corridor) and each edge is a link between two local environments (open doors). These local open spaces are described by metrical nformations which are obtained from a set of sonars measurements treated by Generalized Hough Transform. The local metrical description is applied to robot pose update during the environment exploration and mapping task

    Determining a robust indirect measurement of leaf area index in California vineyards for validating remote sensing-based retrievals

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    Accurate ground-based measurements of leaf area index (LAI) are needed for validation of remote sensing-based retrievals used in models estimating plant water use, stress, carbon assimilation and other land surface processes. Several methods for indirect LAI estimation with the Plant Canopy Analyzer (PCA, LAI-2200C, LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA) were evaluated using destructive (direct) leaf area measurements in three split-canopy vineyards and one double-vertical vineyard in California, as part of the Grape Remote sensing and Atmospheric Profile and Evapotranspiration eXperiment (GRAPEX). A method with the sensor facing the canopy, and four readings occurring evenly across the interrow space, had a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.87 and relative root mean square error (RRMSE) of 16%, when compared to direct LAI measurements via destructive sampling. A previously used method, with the sensor facing down-row, showed lower correlation to direct LAI (R2 = 0.75, RRMSE = 33%) and underestimation which was mitigated by removing the outer sensor rings from analysis. A PCA method is recommended for rapid and accurate LAI estimation in split-canopy vineyards, though local calibration may be required. The method was tested within small units of ground surface area, which compliments high-resolution datasets such as those acquired by small unmanned aerial vehicles. The utility of ground-based LAI measurements to validate remote sensing products is discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Management and competitiveness: a case of the audiovisual industry in Argentina

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    La importancia de las economías creativas a nivel mundial es el punto de partida de este análisis realizado, que valora la posición destacada de dicha industria en el desarrollo económico regional y nacional, en particular el sector audiovisual. Se estudió y destacó, como ejemplo de innovación y competitividad, a la Asociación Civil Film Andes que se constituye desde hace 3 años como un clúster de empresas productoras audiovisuales y asociadas en la región. Objetivos: se plantearon como objetivos de la investigación analizar la historia y desarrollo de Film Andes como asociación y clúster, revisar el impacto de la economía creativa en el desarrollo económico general y en la diversificación de la matriz productiva de la provincia, presentar conclusiones sobre la madurez asociativa de los miembros de Film Andes, e indagar sobre objetivos futuros y potencial crecimiento del clúster