250 research outputs found

    Exploring the functional interaction between POSH and ALIX and the relevance to HIV-1 release

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ALG2-interacting protein X (ALIX)/AIP1 is an adaptor protein with multiple functions in intracellular protein trafficking that plays a central role in the biogenesis of enveloped viruses. The ubiquitin E3-ligase POSH (plenty of SH3) augments HIV-1 egress by facilitating the transport of Gag to the cell membrane. Recently, it was reported, that POSH interacts with ALIX and thereby enhances ALIX mediated phenotypes in <it>Drosophila</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we identified ALIX as a POSH ubiquitination substrate in human cells: POSH induces the ubiquitination of ALIX that is modified on several lysine residues <it>in vivo </it>and <it>in vitro</it>. This ubiquitination does not destabilize ALIX, suggesting a regulatory function. As it is well established that ALIX rescues virus release of L-domain mutant HIV-1, HIV-1Δ<sub>PTAP</sub>, we demonstrated that wild type POSH, but not an ubiquitination inactive RING finger mutant (POSH<sup>V14A</sup>), substantially enhances ALIX-mediated release of infectious virions derived from HIV-1Δ<sub>PTAP </sub>L-domain mutant (YPX<sub>n</sub>L-dependent HIV-1). In further agreement with the idea of a cooperative function of POSH and ALIX, mutating the YPX<sub>n</sub>L-ALIX binding site in Gag completely abrogated augmentation of virus release by overexpression of POSH. However, the effect of the POSH-mediated ubiquitination appears to be auxiliary, but not necessary, as silencing of POSH by RNAi does not disturb ALIX-augmentation of virus release.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Thus, the cumulative results identified ALIX as an ubiquitination substrate of POSH and indicate that POSH and ALIX cooperate to facilitate efficient virus release. However, while ALIX is obligatory for the release of YPX<sub>n</sub>L-dependent HIV-1, POSH, albeit rate-limiting, may be functionally interchangeable.</p

    Exceptional Record of Mid-Pleistocene Vertebrates Helps Differentiate Climatic from Anthropogenic Ecosystem Perturbations

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    Mid-Pleistocene vertebrates in North America are scarce but important for recognizing the ecological effects of climatic change in the absence of humans. We report on a uniquely rich mid-Pleistocene vertebrate sequence from Porcupine Cave, Colorado, which records at least 127 species and the earliest appearances of 30 mammals and birds. By analyzing \u3e20,000 mammal fossils in relation to modern species and independent climatic proxies, we determined how mammal communities reacted to presumed glacial-interglacial transitions between 1,000,000 and 600,000 years ago. We conclude that climatic warming primarily affected mammals of lower trophic and size categories, in contrast to documented human impacts on higher trophic and size categories historically. Despite changes in species composition and minor changes in small-mammal species richness evident at times of climatic change, overall structural stability of mammal communities persisted \u3e600,000 years before human impacts

    Consanguinity decreases risk of breast cancer – cervical cancer unaffected

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    Marriages between third-degree and more distant relatives are common in many parts of the world. Offspring of consanguineous parents have increased morbidity and mortality related to recessive gene disorders. In a population with a high frequency of consanguinity, we examined the frequency of breast cancer (related in part to tumour genes) and cervical cancers (related to virus infection) among offspring of consanguineous and non-consanguineous parents. Study was done prospectively in the United Arab Emirates. Selected were married female citizens, ages 40–65, who attended 12 primary health care clinics for whatever reason. In a face-to-face interview, subjects were asked: (a) about consanguineous marriages in family; (b) if they have or have had breast or cervical cancer; (c) about family history of cancer, cancer screening and other parameters. Tumour diagnosis was confirmed by review of medical records. Of 1750 women invited into study, 1445 (79%) could be used in analysis. Among 579 (40%) women of consanguineous and 866 (60%) of non-consanguineous parents there were 24 and 54 with breast cancer, respectively (RR = 0.66, CI 0.42 – 1.06). In the 40 to 50 age group, breast cancer reported 13 of 446 women of consanguineous and 37 of 633 of non-consanguineous parents (RR = 0.50, Cl 0.27 – 0.93). Cervical cancer had 15 women in consanguineous and 32 in non-consanguineous group (RR = 0.70, Cl 0.38 – 1.28). Number of families with history of breast cancer in consanguineous and non-consanguineous group was 21 and 23, respectively (P = 0.29). The cancer screening rates and other variable values had fairly balanced distribution between the 2 groups. Having consanguineous parents decreases the risk of breast cancer especially in younger women, risk of cervical cancer being unaffected. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    A comprehensive database of quality-rated fossil ages for Sahul\u27s Quaternary vertebrates

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    The study of palaeo-chronologies using fossil data provides evidence for past ecological and evolutionary processes, and is therefore useful for predicting patterns and impacts of future environmental change. However, the robustness of inferences made from fossil ages relies heavily on both the quantity and quality of available data. We compiled Quaternary non-human vertebrate fossil ages from Sahul published up to 2013. This, the FosSahul database, includes 9,302 fossil records from 363 deposits, for a total of 478 species within 215 genera, of which 27 are from extinct and extant megafaunal species (2,559 records). We also provide a rating of reliability of individual absolute age based on the dating protocols and association between the dated materials and the fossil remains. Our proposed rating system identified 2,422 records with high-quality ages (i.e., a reduction of 74%). There are many applications of the database, including disentangling the confounding influences of hypothetical extinction drivers, better spatial distribution estimates of species relative to palaeo-climates, and potentially identifying new areas for fossil discovery

    The significance of opthalmologic evaluation in the early diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism: the Cretan experience

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    BACKGROUND: The Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM) are far from the rare systemic diseases that mainly affect the neural tissue. There are very few written reports on ocular findings in subjects with IEM, thus it was interesting to study the frequency of ocular findings in the studied population and explore their contribution to the early diagnosis of IEM. METHODS: Our study involved the evaluation of IEM suspected cases, which had been identified in a rural population in Crete, Greece. Over a period of 3 years, 125 patients, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of this study, were examined. Analytical physical examination, detailed laboratory investigation as well as a thorough ocular examination were made. RESULTS: A diagnosis of IEM was established in 23 of the 125 patients (18.4%). Ten (43.5%) of the diagnosed IEM had ocular findings, while 8 of them (34.8%) had findings which were specific for the diagnosed diseases. One patient diagnosed with glycogenosis type 1b presented a rare finding. Of the 102 non-diagnosed patients, 53 (51.96 %) presented various ophthalmic findings, some of which could be related to a metabolic disease and therefore may be very helpful in the future. CONCLUSIONS: The ocular investigation can be extremely useful for raising the suspicion and the establishment of an early diagnosis of IEM. It could also add new findings related to these diseases. The early management of the ocular symptoms can improve the quality of life to these patients

    Restoration of plakoglobin expression in bladder carcinoma cell lines suppresses cell migration and tumorigenic potential

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    The reduction or loss of plakoglobin expression in late-stage bladder cancer has been correlated with poor survival where upregulation of this catenin member by histone deacetylase inhibitors has been shown to accompany tumour suppression in an in vivo model. In this study, we directly addressed the question of the role of plakoglobin in bladder tumorigenesis following restoration, or knockdown of expression in bladder carcinoma cell lines. Restoration of plakoglobin expression resulted in a reduction in migration and suppression of tumorigenic potential in vivo. Immunocytochemistry revealed cytoplasmic and membranous localisation of plakoglobin in transfectants with <1% of cells displaying detectable nuclear localisation of plakoglobin. siRNA knockdown experiments targeting plakoglobin, revealed enhanced migration in all cell lines in the presence and absence of E-cadherin expression. In bladder cell lines expressing low levels of plakoglobin and desmoglein-2, elevated levels of desmoglein-2 were detected following restoration of plakoglobin expression in transfected cell lines. Analysis of wnt signalling revealed no activation event associated with plakoglobin expression in the bladder model. These results show that plakoglobin acts as a tumour suppressor gene in bladder carcinoma cells and the silencing of plakoglobin gene expression in late-stage bladder cancer is a primary event in tumour progression

    Deterministic Effects Propagation Networks for reconstructing protein signaling networks from multiple interventions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modern gene perturbation techniques, like RNA interference (RNAi), enable us to study effects of targeted interventions in cells efficiently. In combination with mRNA or protein expression data this allows to gain insights into the behavior of complex biological systems.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose Deterministic Effects Propagation Networks (DEPNs) as a special Bayesian Network approach to reverse engineer signaling networks from a combination of protein expression and perturbation data. DEPNs allow to reconstruct protein networks based on combinatorial intervention effects, which are monitored via changes of the protein expression or activation over one or a few time points. Our implementation of DEPNs allows for latent network nodes (i.e. proteins without measurements) and has a built in mechanism to impute missing data. The robustness of our approach was tested on simulated data. We applied DEPNs to reconstruct the <it>ERBB </it>signaling network in <it>de novo </it>trastuzumab resistant human breast cancer cells, where protein expression was monitored on Reverse Phase Protein Arrays (RPPAs) after knockdown of network proteins using RNAi.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>DEPNs offer a robust, efficient and simple approach to infer protein signaling networks from multiple interventions. The method as well as the data have been made part of the latest version of the R package "nem" available as a supplement to this paper and via the Bioconductor repository.</p

    Regulation of STIM1 and SOCE by the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System (UPS)

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    The ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) mediates the majority of protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. The UPS has recently emerged as a key degradation pathway involved in synapse development and function. In order to better understand the function of the UPS at synapses we utilized a genetic and proteomic approach to isolate and identify novel candidate UPS substrates from biochemically purified synaptic membrane preparations. Using these methods, we have identified Stromal interacting molecule 1 (STIM1). STIM1 is as an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium sensor that has been shown to regulate store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). We have characterized STIM1 in neurons, finding STIM1 is expressed throughout development with stable, high expression in mature neurons. As in non-excitable cells, STIM1 is distributed in a membranous and punctate fashion in hippocampal neurons. In addition, a population of STIM1 was found to exist at synapses. Furthermore, using surface biotinylation and live-cell labeling methods, we detect a subpopulation of STIM1 on the surface of hippocampal neurons. The role of STIM1 as a regulator of SOCE has typically been examined in non-excitable cell types. Therefore, we examined the role of the UPS in STIM1 and SOCE function in HEK293 cells. While we find that STIM1 is ubiquitinated, its stability is not altered by proteasome inhibitors in cells under basal conditions or conditions that activate SOCE. However, we find that surface STIM1 levels and thapsigargin (TG)-induced SOCE are significantly increased in cells treated with proteasome inhibitors. Additionally, we find that the overexpression of POSH (Plenty of SH3′s), an E3 ubiquitin ligase recently shown to be involved in the regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis, leads to decreased STIM1 surface levels. Together, these results provide evidence for previously undescribed roles of the UPS in the regulation of STIM1 and SOCE function

    Calcitriol modulates the CD46 pathway in T cells

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    The complement regulator CD46 is a costimulatory molecule for human T cells that induces a regulatory Tr1 phenotype, characterized by large amounts of IL-10 secretion. Secretion of IL-10 upon CD46 costimulation is largely impaired in T cells from patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Vitamin D can exert a direct effect on T cells, and may be beneficial in several pathologies, including MS. In this pilot study, we examined whether active vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D3 or calcitriol) could modulate the CD46 pathway and restore IL-10 production by CD46-costimulated CD4+ T cells from patients with MS. In healthy T cells, calcitriol profoundly affects the phenotype of CD46-costimulated CD4+ T cells, by increasing the expression of CD28, CD25, CTLA-4 and Foxp3 while it concomitantly decreased CD46 expression. Similar trends were observed in MS CD4+ T cells except for CD25 for which a striking opposite effect was observed: while CD25 was normally induced on MS T cells by CD46 costimulation, addition of calcitriol consistently inhibited its induction. Despite the aberrant effect on CD25 expression, calcitriol increased the IL-10:IFNc ratio, characteristic of the CD46-induced Tr1 phenotype, in both T cells from healthy donors and patients with MS. Hence, we show that calcitriol affects the CD46 pathway, and that it promotes anti-inflammatory responses mediated by CD46. Moreover, it might be beneficial for T cell responses in MS