1,433 research outputs found

    From the sense of justice to juridical feeling

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    During the pandemic the moral demands of human beings have been disappointed by the law because the emergency has imposed many restrictions on rights, especially on freedom of assembly and association to the point of preventing assistance to family members in hospital and during funeral rites. This situation has reproposed the question regarding the separation between law and morality which recalls the relationships between feeling and law. Italian doctrine has studied the topic assuming the juridical relevance of feeling when it conforms to social conscience. Considering some of the most important approaches on the relationships between feeling and law, this paper attempts to prove that the relevance of feelings is not based on social recognition but depends on its impact on experience. Feeling is a source of knowledge in concrete human life, and consequently, feelings are always relevant legal matters

    Bile Acid Receptor Therapeutics Effects on Chronic Liver Diseases

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    In the past ten years, our understanding of the importance of bile acids has expanded from fat absorption and glucose/lipid/energy homeostasis into potential therapeutic targets for amelioration of chronic cholestatic liver diseases. The discovery of important bile acid signaling mechanisms, as well as their role in metabolism, has increased the interest in bile acid/bile acid receptor research development. Bile acid levels and speciation are dysregulated during liver injury/damage resulting in cytotoxicity, inflammation, and fibrosis. An increasing focus to target bile acid receptors, responsible for bile acid synthesis and circulation, such as Farnesoid X receptor and apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter to reduce bile acid synthesis have resulted in clinical trials for treatment of previously untreatable chronic liver diseases such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. This review focuses on current bile acid receptor mediators and their effects on parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells. Attention will also be brought to the gut/liver axis during chronic liver damage and its treatment with bile acid receptor modulators. Overall, these studies lend evidence to the importance of bile acids and their receptors on liver disease establishment and progression

    An Analysis of Symbols From Gua Ceremony of Olaia Society

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    Gua Ceremony is part of Olaia tradition and an event which is interesting to analyze because there are many kinds of symbols used in it. Gua ceremony is not separated from language. By using language, we can express our thought, idea, emotion, and feeling, because language is an important aspect of human life and social communication among the members of society. It is interesting to study Gua ceremony linguistically, especially in semantic. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying this problem by formulating five researcher problems such as: how does the process of implementation of Gua ceremony on Olaia village, sub-district Aesesa, District Nagekeo,what are the symbols and symbols meaning on Olaia village, sub-district Aesesa, District Nagekeo. What are functions of Gua ceremony on Olaia village, sub-district Aesesa, District Nagekeo, and What are values appeared from Gua ceremony on Olaia village, sub-district Aesesa, District Nagekeo? This study has two significances of the study, theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the result of this study will give the description about the symbols used in Gua ceremony. Practically, the researcher hopes this research is useful to enrich the description of Gua ceremony and as additional knowledge for people or student both from Nagekeo or others. The research of this thesis is qualitative research. It is intended to describe about the symbols, and also their meaning used in Gua ceremony. Besides the researcher himself as the key instruments, the instruments used in this study are documentation, observation, and interview. From the result of this study, it was obvious that Gua ceremony used some symbols. And every symbol has its own meaning

    Accumulation of Mutated Maize Zeins in Transgenic Forage Legumes

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    Accumulation of zeins, the endosperm storage proteins of maize, in a heterologous plant expression system was attempted. Plants of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) were transformed by Agrobacterium with binary vectors harboring genes that code for γ-zein and β-zein, two proteins rich in sulphur amino acids. Adding the ER retention signal KDEL to the C-terminal domain modified zein polypeptides. Our long-term goal was to improve birdsfoot trefoil and alfalfa forage quality. Significant levels of γ- zein:KDEL and β-zein:KDEL were detected in primary transformants of birdsfoot trefoil. Moreover, alfalfa plants expressing γ-zein:KDEL in the leaves were obtained. γ-zein:KDEL accumulated in spherical or elliptical electron-dense bodies of birdsfoot trefoil leaves. The protein bodies were present in the cytoplasm of either mesophyll cells or epidermis cells

    Tinnitus School – An Integrated Management of Somatic Tinnitus

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    Sull'approccio umano-centrico all'intelligenza artificiale. Riflessioni a margine del "Progetto europeo di orientamenti etici per una IA affidabile"

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    Il giurista \ue8 sempre chiamato a compiere delle scelte: in ci\uf2 consiste la sua attivit\ue0, nel valutare per decidere . Tuttavia, vi sono dei momenti storicamente determinati ove que- ste scelte si rivelano risolutive per la conservazione e l\u2019evoluzione della civilt\ue0. In questi momenti, che segnano indelebilmente la storia dell\u2019uomo, il giurista ha la responsabilit\ue0 di compiere valutazioni concrete e assumere decisioni ragionevoli, secondo la filosofia che \ue8 nel diritto : non una qualsiasi etica n\ue9 linee guida, ma valori normativi di civilt\ue0 giuridica

    Fascismo, corporativismo y la derecha política en el Uruguay (1928-1940)

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    ABSTRACT: The novelty of fascism and the institutional and political changes that occurred during the Benito Mussolini regime (1922-1943) in Italy were closely followed by Uruguayan politicians, businessmen and intellectuals since the late 1920s. As we will see in this text, in the 1930s there were different parties, groups and periodicals that appeared on the public scene proclaiming the establishment of a corporate regime or, at least, the realization of some form of corporate representation.RESUMEN: La novedad del fascismo y los cambios institucionales y políticos que se produjeron durante el régimen de Benito Mussolini (1922-1943) en Italia fueron seguidos con atención por los políticos, los empresarios y los intelectuales uruguayos desde fines de la década de 1920.  Como veremos en el presente texto, en la década de 1930 tuvieron origen distintos partidos, agrupaciones y publicaciones periódicas que aparecieron en la escena pública proclamando la instauración de un régimen corporativo o, al menos, la concreción de alguna forma de representación corporativa.RESUMO: A novidade do fascismo e as mudanças institucionais e políticas ocorridas durante o regime de Benito Mussolini (1922-1943) na Itália foram seguidas com atenção por políticos, empresários e intelectuais uruguaios desde o final dos anos 20.  Como veremos neste texto, os anos 30 assistiram ao surgimento de vários partidos, agrupamentos e periódicos que apareceram na cena pública proclamando o estabelecimento de um regime corporativo ou, pelo menos, a realização de alguma forma de representação corporativa

    La policía y la ciudad de Montevideo: orden urbano y control social en la construcción del Estado moderno en Uruguay (1829-1916)

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    La presente tesis estudia a la policía en el proceso de la construcción de la autoridad estatal (1876-1904), puesto que fue en ese período cuando comenzó su transformación hacia una agencia estatal especializada en la prevención y represión del delito y en el mantenimiento del orden público. La policía de Montevideo durante casi todo el siglo XIX estuvo presente en todos los aspectos de la vida urbana de la ciudad y poseía funciones y atribuciones tan amplias que el municipio (Junta Económico-Administrativa) prácticamente no tuvo competencias hasta la década de 1860. En el proceso de modernización económica del país (1860-1914) y, especialmente, durante el período histórico conocido como el “militarismo” (1876-1886), el Estado fue consolidando su poder y, a su vez, el ejército comenzó un proceso de profesionalización a partir de 1884. En este período, la policía no acompañó de la misma manera y al mismo ritmo la construcción de la autoridad estatal. Según se demuestra en la presente investigación, la policía se modernizó de forma más tardía que el ejército, la administración de justicia y el derecho penal e, incluso, que el municipio, corporación con la que compartió y superpuso innumerables funciones a lo largo del siglo XIX. En el entresiglos, la policía centró su accionar en la construcción de un orden urbano focalizando sus prácticas en actividades “fronterizas” con el delito. La circulación de delincuentes entre Montevideo y Buenos Aires, la recepción y monopolización del sistema dactiloscópico por parte de la policía y su concomitante triunfo, en este campo, sobre la administración de justicia, y los congresos internacionales de policías realizados entre 1905 y 1920 se constituyeron como causas y factores para la modernización de la policía montevideana. Se puede constatar una policía moderna recién para fines de la década de 1910, luego que el Uruguay atravesó las guerras civiles de 1897 y 1904, que operaron como un impulso para la profesionalización de la institución. No obstante, el ejército, como consecuencia de la militarización que afectó a la policía durante las revoluciones del 97 y del 4, pretendió absorberla y sujetarla a la órbita militar.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    L'impatto delle nuove tecnologie sul diritto

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    Il rapporto tra interpretazione giuridica e nuove tecnologie richiama nuovamente l\u2019attenzione sulla valutazione del \u2018tempo\u2019,sul cambiamento dei modi di esplicarsi dell\u2019attivit\ue0 umana e nella stessa visione della realt\ue0,sollecitando il giurista contemporaneo a sottoporre a revisione le basi del proprio mestier