271 research outputs found


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    Alopaeus, Marianne. Mrsa-bakteeria ehkäisevä työ kodinomaisessa ympäristössä Opas palveluasumisyksikön asukkaille. Diak, Helsinki, kevät 2016, 41 s., 2 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Hoitoalan koulutusohjelma, sairaanhoitaja (AMK). Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa palveluasumisyksikön asukkaille selko-kielinen opas, joka auttaa ehkäisemään MRSA-bakteerin leviämistä. Oppaan tavoitteena oli antaa uusia toimintaohjeita koskien asukkaiden henkilökohtaista hygieniakäytöstä sekä antaa terveyskasvatusta hygienian osa-alueella. Oppaassa käsiteltiin MRSA-bakteeria ehkäisevää toimintaa sekä ohjeita asukkaan joutuessa sairaalahoitoon. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin Helsingin Diakonissalaitoksen palveluasumisyksikköön. Aineisto koottiin, muun muassa eri sairaanhoitopiirien potilashoito-ohjeista, artikkeleista sekä kirjallisuudesta. Oppaassa käsiteltiin bakteerin leviämisen ehkäisyn kannalta tärkeitä teemoja: käsihygieniaa, henkilökohtaista hygieniaa, asuinympäristön hygieniaa sekä toimintaohjeita sairaaloissa asioidessa. Sairaanhoidollisesta näkökulmasta on tärkeää ehkäistä kosketus- ja pisaratartuntana leviävät taudit jo kotoa lähtien. Oppaassa käytettiin selkokielisyyttä ja selventäviä kuvia tekstin ymmärtämisen tukena. Näin huomioidaan asukkaiden kognitiiviset vaikeudet ja opas tulee ymmärretyksi. Opas tuotettiin yhdessä palveluasumisyksikön työntekijöiden ja teollisen muotoilijan avustuksella. Työntekijät pitivät aihetta tarpeellisena ja tärkeänä. Opas jaettiin asukkaille, heiltä kerättiin lyhyt palautekysely anonyymisti ja palautetta käytettiin työn onnistuvuuden mittarina raportin pohdinnassa. Vastanneista suurin osa piti näytteiden ottamista tärkeänä ja vastanneet eivät aio muuttaa hygienia-käyttäytymistään. Hygieniakäyttäytymisen muuttaminen on haastavaa ja sitä voidaan painottaa asukkaille eri tilanteissa, ohjaten työntekijälähtöisesti hygieniasta huolehtimista. Asiasanat: MRSA, asumispalvelut, terveyden edistäminen ja selkokieli.Alopaeus Marianne. Prevention work of MRSA-bacteria in housing service- leaflet for residents of housing. 41 p., 2 appendices. Language: Finnish. Helsinki, Spring 2016. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Nursing. Option in Nursing. The aim of the study was to give a precautionary leaflet for residents of Helsinki Deaconess Institute. The purpose of this functional thesis was to create a guidance leaflet about MRSA-bacteria, hygiene and give advice if residents go to hospital. The written material was based on medical theory which was found from the internet and literature. The material was compiled from various sources including different hospital patient care instructions as well as articles from the literature. The leaflet consist of advice on hand hygiene, personal hygiene, hygiene in a home and hospital environment. To prevent spreading of diseases it is important to enhance knowledge and skills of residents. The leaflet was written in plain language to ease reading and understanding. To further ease understanding, all information was illustrated with drawings. The instructions were produced with help from Helsinki Deaconess Institute´s employees. Final illustrations for the instruction were drawn by an industrial designer. The guide was distributed to residents and they filled a brief feedback questionnaire anonymously. The feedback was used for reflecting success and to determine areas to improve. Keywords: MRSA, home care, health education, plain language

    GC-MS/SIM and HPLC method development for monitoring polydimethylsiloxane and its degradation products

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    Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is an abundant and highly persistent polymer used in many applications. One of these applications is as an antifoaming agent in the kraft pulping process. This chemical pulping process generates tall oil as a by-product that can be used for producing biodiesel. PDMS has been detected as a contaminant in the biorefineries that is causing challenges in the processes. This work aimed to develop a GC-MS/SIM and HPLC method to detect and monitor the contaminants in different bio-oils. Furthermore, pyrolysis GC-MS was to be utilized for PDMS degradation studies, and an automated normal-phase flash chromatography was to be tested as a potential sample-cleanup procedure. Two GCMS instruments equipped with different dimensioned columns were used for the detection of the PDMS degradation products hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D3), octamehtylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) present in biooils. One GC-MS instrument was equipped with an HP-1 column and the other with an HP5MS column. The condition of the first-mentioned instrument was better maintained compared to the second one and, therefore, lower concentrations were detectable. Additionally, the more sensitive instrument was able to detect contaminants of D3–D5, which were found to originate from the silicone-based inlet septum. The contaminants made the validation of the method more difficult and were taken into consideration in the interpretation of the results. The method’s linearity, accuracy and precision were determined by utilizing the HP-5MS instrument. The linearity was found to be good for all three cyclic compounds. The accuracy determination showed that the matrix of the bio-oils somehow affects the response in the detection of D3–D5. Precision was difficult to determine, as too few data points were collected. The HP-1 instrument was utilized for determining the lowest detectable concentration, however, as the contaminants affected the detection, it could only be determined that at least a concentration of 2 ppm D3–D5 in relation to the bio-oil was detectable. GC-MS/SIM analyses of different bio-oils showed that it could be possible to quantify the cyclic compounds directly from the bio-oils. With an RP-HPLC-ELSD, low (5cSt), medium (50 cSt) and high (1000 cSt) molecular weight PDMS were analyzed. For 5 and 50 cSt PDMS, the separation of components within the molecular weight groups was possible, and each molecular weight group was separable from the others. When spiked in different bio-oils, the matrices interfered completely with the detection of 5 cSt PDMS and slightly with 50 cSt PDMS. The lowest detectable concentration of 1000 cSt PDMS in three different bio-oils, was 1% PDMS in relation to the bio-oil. For lower detectable concentrations, sample cleanup or fractionation should be performed. The normal-phase flash chromatography, equipped with an ELSD, was not suitable for the detection of PDMS in bio-oils. The different molecular weight groups were not separable and detectable when spiked in bio-oils. Automated reverse-phase flash chromatography or preparative HPLC should be tested as potential sample cleanup procedures

    Väestöpoliittinen asunto- ja asutuslainsäädäntömme

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    Der Schiffsfund von Lapuri, Finnland

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    Designing for effective online Teacher Professional Development (oTPD) in building education by supporting beliefs, communities, collaboration, and development

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    This article reports the initial research findings from a large project on online professional development and upskilling of in-service building teachers’ digital competencies. Based on the results from a preceding literature review and the pilot delivery of the course, three key factors for the design of effective online teacher professional development in building education — beliefs, communities and collaboration, and teaching development — are exemplified and discussed. The article concludes that the pilot was successful in developing the participants’ technical skills and competencies to introduce technology in building education; however, the pilot did not significantly influence the participants’ beliefs nor made them change practice within the duration of the course

    K. Herra lehtori Kaarle Soikkeli Helsinki

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    The Students Experiences With Live Video-Streamed Teaching Classes

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    Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Ionic Liquid 7-Methyl-1,5,7-triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-enium Acetate and Its Mixtures with Water

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    Ionic liquids have the potential to be used for extracting valuable chemicals from raw materials. These processes often involve water, and after extraction, the water or other chemicals must be removed from the ionic liquid, so it can be reused. To help in designing such processes, we present data on the vapor-liquid equilibrium of the system containing protic ionic liquid 7-methyl-1,5,7-triazabicyclo [ 4.4.0 ] dec-5-enium acetate, water, acetic acid, and 7-methyl-1,5,7-triazabicyclo [4.4.0] dec-5-ene. Earlier studies have only focused on mixtures of water and an ionic liquid with a stoichiometric ratio of the ions. Here, we also investigated mixtures containing an excess of the acid or base component because in real systems with protic ionic liquids, the amount of acid and base in the mixture can vary. We modeled the data using both the ePC-SAFT and NRTL models, and we compared the performance of different modeling strategies. We also experimentally determined the vapor composition for a few of the samples, but none of the modeling strategies tested could accurately predict the concentration of the acid and base components in the vapor phase.Peer reviewe