3,284 research outputs found
Brainiac Caspases: Beyond the Wall of Apoptosis
For the last two decades, caspases, a family of cysteine-aspartic proteases, have evolved from being considered solely as regulators of apoptosis or inflammation to having a wider range of functions. In this mini review, we focus on the most recent "non-apoptotic" roles of caspases in the CNS, particularly in neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Non-apoptotic caspase functions in microglia have already been reviewed extensively elsewhere. Here we discuss the involvement of caspases in the activation of the inflammasome, autophagy, and non-apoptotic forms of cell death such as necroptosis and pyroptosis. Also, we review the involvement of caspases in synapses and the processing of aggregates key to neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases. Likewise, we mention the recently described involvement of caspases in mitochondrial biogenesis, which is a function independent of the enzymatic activity. We conclude discussing the relevance that "new" functions of caspases have in the CNS and the future of this field of researchEspaña Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2015-64171- R (MINECO/FEDER, EU)España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Programa Ramón y Cajal: RYC-2017-21804
La movilidad laboral diaria: contrastes territoriales en el Eje Atlántico Gallego
Los procesos de aglomeración de la población y de las actividades en los nodos urbanos generan una serie de fuerzas centrífugas y
centrípetas que, cada vez con más fuerza, ayudan a explicar gran parte de las actuales configuraciones territoriales. En las ciudades y sus inmediatas áreas de influencia surgen puestos de trabajo que atraen importantes movimientos de trabajadores desde unos focos a otros,
dibujando estructuras territoriales de carácter axial por donde fluye un importante número de desplazamientos. Se presenta el caso de las dos provincias atlánticas gallegas, por ser un territorio que, a otras escalas de conjunto, muestra un mayor dinamismo.Commuting to work: territorial contrasts in Atlantic Galician Corridor.- The concentration of population and activities in urban nodes generate a set of centrifugal and centripetal forces helping to explain increasingly a great part of the current territorial configurations.
In cities and their immediate areas of influence, jobs come up, attracting important movement of workers from several locations to another ones. Thus axial territorial structures emerge, channelling an important amount of flows. In this paper the case of both Atlantic provinces of Galicia is presented because the dynamism of this territory is clearly appreciated from another scales
¿Prosodia norteña o castellana? Aproximación a la entonación del oriente de Cantabria
Son escasos los estudios realizados hasta el momento acerca de la entonación del castellano de Cantabria. Las peculiares características geográficas y lingüísticas de esta región, su temprana incorporación a Castilla, la fuerte influencia del euskera, del asturleonés y de algunos dialectos del español justifican suficientemente su gran variedad lingüística interna. En este estudio analizamos la estructura entonativa de Laredo, con el fin de realizar una primera aproximación a la taxonomía entonativa de la zona oriental y mostrar las diferencias y semejanzas con otras variedades lingüísticas norteñas y castellanas. El análisis de los datos muestra una gran variedad de realizaciones de los acentos tonales en las dos modalidades oracionales y una fuerte influencia de la estructura acentual de las palabras en la configuración entonativa. En términos generales, hemos constatado la coexistencia de dos modelos diferentes: de una parte, el patrón norteño, conservado con regularidad en el área rural. De otra, el patrón castellano, característico del área urbana, si bien presenta interferencias con los rasgos entonativos autóctonos.To this date studies in the intonation of the Cantabrian Castillian are scarce. The peculiar geographical and linguistic characteristics of this region, its early incorporation to Castille, the strong influence of Euskera, Asturleones and of other Spanish dialects sufficiently justify its wide internal variety. In this paper an analysis of the intonational structure of Laredo is performed, with a view to stablishing a first approximation to the intonational taxonomy of the eastern area and showing the differences and similitudes with other northern varieties and Castillians. The analysis of the data shows a great variety of realizations of the tonal accents in the two orational modes and a strong influence of the accentual structure of the words on the entonative configuration. In general terms, we have confirmed the coexistence of two diferent models: on the one hand, the northern pattern, regularly preserved in rural areas and, on the other hand, the Castillian one, characteristic of urban areas, albeit showing interferences with indigenous intonative features.Son escasos los estudios realizados hasta el momento acerca de la entonación del castellano de Cantabria. Las peculiares características geográficas y lingüísticas de esta región, su temprana incorporación a Castilla, la fuerte influencia del euskera, del asturleonés y de algunos dialectos del español justifican suficientemente su gran variedad lingüística interna. En este estudio analizamos la estructura entonativa de Laredo, con el fin de realizar una primera aproximación a la taxonomía entonativa de la zona oriental y mostrar las diferencias y semejanzas con otras variedades lingüísticas norteñas y castellanas. El análisis de los datos muestra una gran variedad de realizaciones de los acentos tonales en las dos modalidades oracionales y una fuerte influencia de la estructura acentual de las palabras en la configuración entonativa. En términos generales, hemos constatado la coexistencia de dos modelos diferentes: de una parte, el patrón norteño, conservado con regularidad en el área rural. De otra, el patrón castellano, característico del área urbana, si bien presenta interferencias con los rasgos entonativos autóctonos
Cambios recientes en la imagen turística de Galicia: un análisis de los principales factores explicativos
XII Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Colmenarejo (Madrid), del 17 al 19 de junio de 2010
Metadiscursive markers and text genre: a metareview
Given the interest in the study of metadiscourse as the communication of ideas and the way people use language in different communicative situations, this paper attempted to find the degree of confluence between metadiscourse markers from different studies and to show how patterns of metadiscourse analysis based on various written genres can be applied to a wider range. The mean values for the frequency of marker use and their respective deviations were determined by comparing a significant number of studies on metadiscourse elements. To ensure comparability, those following Hyland’s model were chosen. The units of analysis were grouped into two broad categories based on discursive characteristics: Academic genres (research articles, theses, and textbooks) and non-academic genres, which included documents ranging from newspaper editorials or opinion columns to Internet texts and other forms of digital communication. The results of our study highlight that the disparity in interactive markers between academic and non-academic texts is relatively small. This difference has been identified by previous studies, and it is confirmed herein that the difference may be related to the use of academic language, the topic, or the object of study. In contrast, the mean values of the interactive markers in non-academic texts are considerably higher than those in academic texts. At the same time, the texts seem to be organised along two axes (interactional and interactive) in distinct areas. Despite our initial assumptions that the data would be subject to individual variations, that differences would be found between different sections of the same genre within the same academic discipline, and that the results would vary if certain texts were added or excluded, we observed certain trends in the behaviour of the documents, although it prevailed that, within each category, the texts should be studied individually.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/52Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2018/27
Coherently manipulating flying qubits in a quantum wire with a magnetic impurity
e study the effect of a magnetic impurity with spin-half on a single
propagating electron in a one-dimensional model system via the tight-binding
approach. Due to the spin-dependent interaction, the scattering channel for the
flying qubit is split, and its transmission spectrum is obtained. It is found
that, the spin orientation of the impurity plays the role as a spin state
filter for a flying qubit.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Triplet Excited States as a Source of Relevant (Bio)Chemical Information
[EN] The properties of triplet excited states are markedly medium-dependent, which turns this species into valuable tools for investigating the microenvironments existing in protein binding pockets. Monitoring of the triplet excited state behavior of drugs within transport proteins (serum albumins and alpha(1)-acid glycoproteins) by laser flash photolysis constitutes a valuable source of information on the strength of interaction, conformational freedom and protection from oxygen or other external quenchers. With proteins, formation of spatially confined triplet excited states is favored over competitive processes affording ionic species. Remarkably, under aerobic atmosphere, the triplet decay of drug@protein complexes is dramatically longer than in bulk solution. This offers a convenient dynamic range for assignment of different triplet populations or for stereochemical discrimination. In this review, selected examples of the application of the laser flash photolysis technique are described, including drug distribution between the bulk solution and the protein cavities, or between two types of proteins, detection of drug-drug interactions inside proteins, and enzyme-like activity processes mediated by proteins. Finally, protein encapsulation can also modify the photoreactivity of the guest. This is illustrated by presenting an example of retarded photooxidation.Financial support by Spanish Government (CTQ2013-47872-C2-1-P) and Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo II/2013/005) is gratefully acknowledged.Jiménez Molero, MC.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ. (2014). Triplet Excited States as a Source of Relevant (Bio)Chemical Information. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 14(23):2734-2742. https://doi.org/10.2174/1568026614666141216100907S27342742142
Preservice teachers’ perceptions of linguistic abilities and privacy policies in the use of visual materials during their own and their tutors’ lessons
This article analyzes the capacity for improvement of digital observation in initial teacher training to investigate whether the implementation of visual materials is effective for the reinforcement of previously taught content, the assessment of one’s own linguistic abilities and whether it motivates learners. To do so, the subjects analyzed classroom behavior and learning typology through the reflection of their own videos recorded with children and tutors. Data was collected through 12 closed-ended questions that follow the Likert scale and one open-ended question for general reflection. The questions focused on the motivation and interest of the students with respect to the videos viewed, comprehension, learning, perceived usefulness, and the problem arising with the privacy of the Students’ personal data. The responses were classified and their frequencies and percentages were calculated. The results show that implementing video tools in the classroom and reflecting on their content afterward can be an effective means of assessing one’s learning and language skills. In addition, the study highlights the inherent complexities posed by EU GDPR regulations and the significant barriers to integrating video technology into the classroom for schoolchildren in these contexts.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C-2021/5
Lectura dialógica y transformación en las Comunidades de Aprendizaje
Meaning, understanding and learning are reinforced in dialogic reading through the interaction among different participants –students, teachers, families and other members of the community– with a text. The present paper focuses on the development of dialogic reading in learning communities, especially through dialogic literary gatherings with families, with teachers and with students, and through guided libraries and other practices of shared reading with families and other community agents. Furthermore, the transformations that these practices bring about both at a personal level and in the group and the community are also analysed.En la lectura dialógica, el significado, la comprensión y el aprendizaje se intensifican a través de las interacciones que establecen personas diferentes en relación con un texto. Este artículo se centra en el desarrollo de la lectura dialógica en las comunidades de aprendizaje, especialmente a través de las tertulias literarias dialógicas con familiares, con profesorado y con alumnado, y de las bibliotecas tutorizadas y otras prácticas de lectura compartida con familiares, con otros y otras agentes de la comunidad. Además, se analizan las transformaciones que se producen tanto personalmente como de manera colectiva y comunitaria
An X-ray Study of Local Infrared Bright Galaxies
We are carrying out detailed study of the X-ray and infrared (IR) properties
of a sample of local (d < 70 Mpc) luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) using
XMM-Newton and Spitzer (imaging and spectroscopy). The main goal is to study
the extreme processes of star formation and/or active galactic nuclei (AGN)
taking place in this cosmologically important class of galaxies. In this
proceedings we present the preliminary results obtained from the analysis of
the XMM-Newton X-ray images and the X-ray spectral modeling.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI,
Proceedings of the IX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society
held on September 13-17, 2010, in Madrid, Spai
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