734 research outputs found

    Diseño y desarrollo de una plataforma bioinformática para la integración, gestión y visualización de redes de interacción de proteínas e interactomas

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    [ES] El trabajo de investigación que se expone en esta tesis doctoral se centra en el ámbito de las interacciones entre proteínas y la definición global de los conjuntos de interacciones presentes en cada organismo, o interactomas, en forma de redes biomoleculares. Partiendo de las diferentes bases de datos públicas sobre interacciones entre proteínas se construye un sistema de integración de dichas interacciones y se generan interactomas con diferentes niveles de calidad en función del soporte experimental de las interacciones que contienen. Toda esta información se pone a disposición de la comunidad científica a través de una aplicación diseñada a tal efecto que, entre otras cosas, posibilita la visualización y anotación funcional de las redes de interacción generadas por el propio investigador. Dicha aplicación se ha denominado APID Interactomes y está libremente accesible en la URL http://apid.dep.usal.es

    Middleware control systems design and analysis using message interpreted Petri Nets (MIPN)

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    Many distributed frameworks use a message-oriented middleware to interchange information among several independent distributed modules. Those modules make up complex systems implementing basic actions and reporting events about their state. This paper introduces the Message Interpreted Petri Net (MIPN) model to design, analyze, and execute the central control of these middleware systems. The MIPN is a new Petri net extension that adds message-based high-level information communications and hierarchic capabilities. It also contributes to the definition and study of new properties such as terminability for the hierarchy-wide analysis of a system. Special attention is given to the analyzability of the model. Useful relations between the individual properties of each MIPN and the global properties of a hierarchic MIPNs system are extracted through a mathematical analysis of the model. The goal is to analyze each net separately and then build up the properties of the whole system. This results in a great aid for the programmer and optimizes the development process. This paper also shows the actual integration of this new MIPN model in different robot control frameworks to design, analyze, execute, monitor, log, and debug tasks in such heterogeneous systems. Finally, some applications created with this framework in the fields of robotics, autonomous vehicles, and logistics are also presentedMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. EXP00139978CER-2021100

    Determinants of Quality of Life in Pre-Frail Older Adults According to Phenotypic Criteria: the VERISAUDE Study

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    [Abstract] Frailty is a dynamic clinical syndrome considered as part of an age-associated continuum of severity, including pre-frailty as an intermediate frailty status with potential reversibility to robustness. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the relationship between the different domains of quality of life, functional dependence and depressive symptomatology in older adults diagnosed as pre-frail, before progression to frailty occurs. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine whether sex, age, level of education and scores in the Geriatric Depression Scale 15-item Short Form (GDS-SF) and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Lawton scale determine the worst score in the WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Organization Quality of Life) in older adults meeting one or two frailty phenotypic criteria. Depressive symptomatology (GDS-SF score) was the main determinant of poor quality of life in both groups, and in all areas of WHOQOL-BREF. Age was only associated with poor satisfaction with own health. Female sex and low educational level were linked to low physical QOL and poor self-rated health, respectively, but only in older adults meeting one frailty criterion. Association between functional status and WHOQOL-BREF scores was only found in the univariate analysis. These results underline the importance of identifying multiple aspects, but mainly the presence of depressive symptomatology, as risk factors for all dimensions of quality of life in the pre-frailty process, where interventions might be targeted to reduce the progression of pre-frailty and frailty in older adults.Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; EM 2012/100Xunta de Galicia; IN607C, 2016/0

    Reduced order modeling of some fluid flows of industrial interest

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    Some basic ideas are presented for the construction of robust, computationally efficient reduced order models amenable to be used in industrial environments, combined with somewhat rough computational fluid dynamics solvers. These ideas result from a critical review of the basic principles of proper orthogonal decomposition-based reduced order modeling of both steady and unsteady fluid flows. In particular, the extent to which some artifacts of the computational fluid dynamics solvers can be ignored is addressed, which opens up the possibility of obtaining quite flexible reduced order models. The methods are illustrated with the steady aerodynamic flow around a horizontal tail plane of a commercial aircraft in transonic conditions, and the unsteady lid-driven cavity problem. In both cases, the approximations are fairly good, thus reducing the computational cost by a significant factor

    Inclusive Science, Film and Creativity: Tools to Improve the Quality of Life of People with Intellectual Disabilities

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    The purpose of this article is to review the importance of the development of actions of social innovation and creativity, in leisure time, with people with intellectual disabilities in particular, and for society in general, through a case study: PDICIENCIA. It is a project that proactively seeks the full inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through innovative actions to promote scientific, technological and innovation culture among audiences usually removed from these areas. In addition, it empowers people with intellectual disabilities to equip them with professional and social skills. We will see how their active participation in creativity, scientific dissemination or film production activities, implemented through the individualized care plans of the Association of Family and Friends of People with Intellectual Disabilities (AFAMP) in the Pedro Gámez Residence, from Bailén (Jaén, Spain), can affect improving their quality of life.Este artículo tiene como objeto revisar la importancia del desarrollo de acciones de innovación social y creatividad en el ámbito del ocio para las personas con discapacidad intelectual en particular, y para la sociedad en general, a través de un estudio de caso: el proyecto PDICIENCIA. Este aborda de forma proactiva la plena inclusión de las personas con discapacidad intelectual a través de acciones innovadoras que fomentan la cultura científica, tecnológica y de la innovación entre públicos habitualmente alejados de estas áreas. Además, empodera a las personas con discapacidad intelectual para dotarlas de unas habilidades profesionales y sociales. Veremos cómo su participación activa en actividades de creatividad, divulgación científica o producción cinematográfica, implantadas a través de los planes de atención individualizados de la Asociación de Familiares y Amigos de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual (AFAMP) en la Residencia Pedro Gámez de Bailén (Jaén), puede incidir en la mejora de su calidad de vida

    Modelo de cuantificación financiera para escenarios de ransomware para el sector financiero

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    El gran crecimiento tecnológico de los últimos años ha permitido a las empresas obtener un amplio abanico de posibilidades para apoyar sus procesos de negocio y adquirir herramientas que les permitan aportar valor a su organización (P. O'Kane, S. Sezer, & D. Carlin, 2018). Sin embargo, este avance no solo ha afectado positivamente a las empresas, sino que también ha beneficiado al cibercrimen (P. O’Kane, S. Sezer, & D. Carlin, 2018). Se debe considerar que los ciberdelincuentes cuentan con diferentes herramientas para realizar ataques, una de ellas dentro de la categoría de malware es el ransomware. Como consecuencia, estos ataques generan impactos financieros, legales y deterioro de la reputación, debido a la interrupción de servicios, secuestro de datos, acceso no autorizado a datos privilegiados, multas, entre otros (Kamiya et al., 2021). Uno de los sectores más afectados por los ataques de ransomware es el sector financiero, con un 48% de estas empresas que han sufrido ataques con este tipo de malware durante 2020 (Sophos, 2020). El propósito de este estudio es proporcionar a las organizaciones financieras un modelo que les permita realizar estimaciones cuantitativas de los impactos financieros que resultan de un ataque de ransomware. Esto, mediante una serie de prácticas basadas en la ISO 27005 y Risk IT Framework. Además, se utilizarán distintos criterios para la identificación del tipo de impacto financiero y fórmulas desarrolladas para calcularlos. En consecuencia, podrán asignar recursos de manera eficiente y efectiva para mitigar los riesgos relacionados al escenario de infección de ransomware.The great technological growth in recent years has allowed companies to obtain a wide range of possibilities to support their business processes and acquire tools that allow them to add value to their organization (Ochoa et al.,2021). However, this progress has not only positively affected companies, but has also benefited cybercrime (Ochoa et al.,2021). It should be considered that cybercriminals have different tools to carry out attacks, one of them within the malware category is ransomware. As a consequence, these attacks generate financial and legal impacts and a deterioration in the reputation, due to the interruption of services, data hijacking, unauthorized access to privileged data, fines, among others (Ochoa et al.,2021). One of the sectors most affected by ransomware attacks is the financial sector, with 48% of these companies having suffered attacks involving this type of malware during 2020 (Ochoa et al.,2021). The purpose of this study is to provide financial organizations with a model, which will allow them to make quantitative estimates of the financial impacts that are the result of a ransomware attack. This, through a series of practices based on ISO 27005 and the Risk IT Framework. In addition, different criteria will be used to identify the type of financial impact and formulas developed to calculate them. Consequently, you will be able to allocate resources efficiently and effectively to minimize risks related to ransomware infection scenario.Tesi

    Extension of PAR Models under Local All-Sky Conditions to Different Climatic Zones

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    Four models for predicting Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) were obtained through MultiLinear Regression (MLR) and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based on 10 meteorological indices previously selected from a feature selection algorithm. One model was developed for all sky conditions and the other three for clear, partial, and overcast skies, using a sky classification based on the clearness index (kt). The experimental data were recorded in Burgos (Spain) at ten-minute intervals over 23 months between 2019 and 2021. Fits above 0.97 and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values below 7.5% were observed. The models developed for clear and overcast sky conditions yielded better results. Application of the models to the seven experimental ground stations that constitute the Surface Radiation Budget Network (SURFRAD) located in different Köppen climatic zones of the USA yielded fitted values higher than 0.98 and RMSE values less than 11% in all cases regardless of the sky type.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grant number RTI2018-098900-B-I00, and Consejería de Empleo e Industria, Junta de Castilla y León, grant number INVESTUN/19/BU-0004

    Oracion funebre en las magnificas y solemnes honras que la nobilissima nacion genovesa celebro ... a la venerable memoria del siervo de Dios Fr. Thomas de Sta. Maria ...

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    Port. con orla tip.Grab. calc. con el retrato del Venerable F. Thomas de St MaríaTexto con apostillas marginales13425A-031-177 (3)4, A-D

    Benchmarking of meteorological indices for sky cloudiness classification

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    Sky classification is a complex problem, due in part to such abstract conceptual definitions as clear, intermediate, and overcast, as well as other intermediate ranges. The CIE (Commission Internationale de L’Éclairage) Standard classification offers a solution to this problem, although its application requires data on the luminance distribution of the whole sky that are less commonly available. A benchmarking and classification system of ten meteorological indices is introduced in this study to classify the sky types from overcast to clear. The indices can be calculated from measurements of global, diffuse, and direct irradiance that are widely available from meteorological ground stations. The classification system uses confusion matrices, a machine-learning tool that generates a visual display of the results of supervised-learning algorithms. The CIE Standard skies classification, applied to half hourly sky-scanner measurements in Burgos (Spain), over the period June 2016 - May 2017, is used in this study as a baseline reference for a comparative review of the results from the meteorological indices and their results. They are classified by four performance ratings: Accuracy, Jaccard, Cohen, and Matthews, which feature both classification similarity and the randomness of any agreement. All meteorological indices yielded a high average degree of accuracy - close to 80% - in a detailed review of their classification. Neverthless, the results suggested that Perez’s Clearness Index based on global, diffuse and direct radiation measurements offered the most precise classification of the skies, followed closely by the Klucher Clearness Index and the Perraudeau Nebulosity Index.Regional Government of Castilla y León under the “Support Program for Recognized Research Groups of Public Universities of Castilla y León” (ORDEN EDU/667/2019) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation & Universities under the I + D + i state programme “Challenges Research Projects” (Ref. RTI2018-098900-B-I00