221 research outputs found

    Transient expression of calretinin in the trout habenulo-interpeduncular system during development

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    Calcium-binding proteins control calcium homeostasis during neural development. The expression of one of these proteins, calretinin (CR), was monitored by immunohistochemistry in the developing habenulo-interpeduncular system of the rainbow trout, a conserved region of the brain along vertebrate phylogeny that undergoes a neurochemical reorganization in late development. No CR-immunoreactivity was observed in the habenulo-interpeduncular system during the embryonic development. CRimmunolabeling appeared in newly hatched fry, and during the fry development the number of CR-immunostained elements increased progressively. During the juvenile stages (from 30 days post-hatching onwards) a gradual decrease in the number of CRimmunostained cells occurred, until its complete disappearance in adults. These variations in CR expression may represent variable calcium-buffering needs during different developmental stages

    El conflicto entre Ucrania y Rusia en la esfera mediática: un análisis semántico de los títulos y comentarios de los vídeos del movimiento preparacionista en YouTube

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    El preparacionismo es un movimiento formado por personas que toman medidas para afrontar situaciones adversas como pandemias, apagones generales, el colapso económico o el cambio climático, entre otras. Si bien sus orígenes están relacionados con la Guerra Fría, su popularidad creció tras los ataques a las Torres Gemelas del 11 de septiembre del 2001. La COVID-19 y el reciente conflicto armado entre Ucrania y Rusia son las últimas amenazas que se añaden a la lista de preocupaciones de este colectivo. La presente investigación estudia las temáticas que aparecen en los vídeos publicados por la comunidad preparacionista en YouTube y analiza si la invasión de Ucrania ha pasado a formar parte de los acontecimientos que inquietan a dicho grupo. La captura de los datos y su visualización se han realizado mediante las herramientas YouTube DataTools y Gephi. Ello ha permitido representar la red de temas presente en los vídeos e identificar los nodos con mayor posición de autoridad en lo que se refiere a la propagación de la información sobre preparacionismo. Las conclusiones indican que el enfrentamiento militar entre Ucrania y Rusia — esta última, potencia nuclear— se ha convertido en materia privilegiada y ha desplazado al resto de asuntos tratados en los vídeos publicados antes del conflicto. Por lo que respecta a quienes lideran el discurso en la plataforma, se observa una presencia de perfiles ideológicos dispares. Unos, cercanos a contenidos propios de políticas de derecha, relacionados con la hegemonía blanca, las armas y diversas teorías conspiratorias, y otros, de carácter menos politizado y lúdico

    Buenas prácticas organizativas en Atención Primaria : una organización facilitadora de la seguridad clínica

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    En este capítulo se describen dos experiencias concretas de organización del trabajo en seguridad del paciente en dos áreas sanitarias de dos comunidades autónomas. Cada una tiene ventajas e inconvenientes en el despliegue de la estrategia de seguridad del paciente si bien, cada una tiene la virtud de adaptarse lo mejor posible a las circunstancias organizativas del medio en el que trabaja. La finalidad de ambas experiencias es poner sobre la mesa que la incorporación de la cultura de seguridad del paciente de una manera efectiva no se fundamenta creando estructuras nuevas sino consiguiendo adaptar la realidad existente para que se priorice mejorar la seguridad del paciente en el sistema sanitario

    Preventive effects of Brassicaceae family for colon cancer prevention: A focus on in vitro studies

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    The emergence of adverse effects and resistance to colorectal cancer (CRC) current therapies calls for the development of new strategies aimed at both preventing and treating. In this context, functional extracts from Brassicaceae family contains abundant bioactive compounds directly related to a positive effect on human health including cancer. The main objective of this systematic review is to compile all recent studies that analyzed the in vitro antiproliferative activity of functional extracts or isolated molecules from the Brassicaceae family against CRC. A total of 711 articles published between January 2011 and May 2021 were identified. Of them, 68 met our inclusion criteria. Different standardized protocols using variable parts of plants of the Brassicaceae family resulted in diverse bioactive extracts and/or compounds. Most of them were related to isothiocyanates, which showed significant antitumor activity against CRC. These in vitro studies provide an excellent guide to direct research on the applications of plants of the Brassicaceae family to the prevention of this type of tumor. The extracts and molecules with demonstrated activity against CRC should be tested in vivo and in clinical trials to determine their usefulness in the prevention of this cancer to reduce its global incidence.Spanish Government RTC2019-006870-1Junta de Andalucia P18-TP-1420Granada UniversityCELLBITEC S.L.FPU2019 grant from the Ministerio de Universidades (Spain) FPU19/06170Spanish Government DIN2018009995B04847216Andalusian Government AGR145 CTS-10

    Atualização em fraturas supracondilares do cotovelo na infancia

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    Supracondylar are the most common fractures in the elbow joint during childhood with a peak between the ages five to seven. Besides, they are the second most common type of fracture in the pediatric population in general. The typical cause of the injury is the patient falling from their own height on the palm of the hand with the elbow in hyperextension. The diagnosis is based on the clinical suspicion according to the injury mechanism and the age of the patient, in addition to a standard elbow X-ray from two views. The Gartland classification is the most used instrument to establish the severity of the fracture and to guide the treatment, which can be orthopedic in non-displaced fracture, whereas the method of choice for correction of displaced fractures is closed reduction and percutaneous fixation. The most common complication is the neuropraxia of the median nerve. Others are the brachial artery injury, compartment syndrome, Volkamm ischemic contracture, sliding of the pins and ulna varus.Las supracondíleas son el tipo más común de fracturas en la articulación del codo durante la infancia, con un pico de presentación entre los cinco y siete años. Además constituyen el segundo tipo de fracturas más frecuente en la población pediátrica en general. El mecanismo típico de la lesión es una caída desde la altura del paciente sobre la palma de la mano con el codo en hiperextensión. El diagnóstico se basa en la sospecha clínica, según el mecanismo de la lesión y la edad del paciente, además de la radiografía simple del codo en dos proyecciones. La clasificación de Gartland es la más usada para establecer la gravedad de la fractura y guiar el tratamiento, que puede ser ortopédico en fracturas no desplazadas. El método de elección para corrección de las desplazadas es la reducción cerrada y fijación con pines percutáneos. La complicación más común es la neuropraxia del nervio mediano. Otras complicaciones son la lesión de la arteria braquial, el síndrome compartimental, la isquemia de Volkmann, el deslizamiento de los pines y el cúbito varo.As supracondilares são o tipo mais comum de fraturas na articulação do cotovelo durante a infância, com um pico de apresentação entre os cinco e sete anos. Ademais constituem o segundo tipo de fraturas mais frequente na população pediátrica em geral. O mecanismo típico da lesão é uma queda desde a altura do paciente sobre a palma da mão com o cotovelo em hiperextensão. O diagnóstico se baseia na suspeita clínica, segundo o mecanismo da lesão e a idade do paciente, ademais da radiografia simples do cotovelo em duas projeções. A classificação de Gartland é a mais usada para estabelecer a gravidade da fratura e guiar o tratamento, que pode ser ortopédico em fraturas não deslocadas. O método de eleição para correção das deslocadas é a redução fechada e fixação com pinos percutâneos. A complicação mais comum é a neuropraxia do nervo mediano. Outras complicações são a lesão da artéria braquial, a síndrome compartimental, a isquemia de Volkmann, o deslizamento dos pinos e o cúbito varo

    Beta-cell mass adaptation to ileum nutrient flow. An experimental model

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    The population with obesity has increased at an alarming rate during this century. Bariatric surgery has been demonstrated to be a good method to control weight and, most importantly, associated comorbidities, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure. The reason why this happens even before losing significant weight remains unclear. Many authors believe that incretins play a main role, triggering special functions of the digestive tract. In reports, these hypotheses are known as foregut and hindgut theories. Initially, the theories were mutually exclusive; additionally, many other propositions have been analysed, according to different surgical techniques (e.g., bile acids and specific enterohormonal components). To elucidate the participation of the ileum, we developed a surgical technique to study the rapid response to nutrients in the ileum. Our goal was to study the stress functional test and histological changes in the pancreas that may explain the variations in glycaemic homeostasis in our rat model. After the oral glucose tolerance test, the experimental group presented an increased insulin release response with conserved glycaemia. We report an increasing beta-cell mass in the experimental group (+11.87 mg vs. +9.65 mg, respectively), while alpha-cell mass was not different. Based on transcription factors, the pathways that were increased were the proliferation process (as the number of PCNA-positive cells in the experimental group versus sham (+12.06 vs. +6.2 PCNA+ cells/mm2)) and transdifferentiation (ARX; +2.67 ARX+ cells/mm2 in the experimental group vs. +2.04 ARX+ cells/mm2 in the controls). We report the consequences of the rapid arrival of nonprocessed nutrients to the ileum on the endocrine cellular pancreas. The ileum could be a principal effector in the enterohormonal axis, which conditions endocrine pancreas cellularit

    Influencia de la microestructura en las propiedades mecánicas de alta temperatura de los Eutécticos Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 crecidos por solidificación direccional

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    En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio del sistema eutéctico Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 crecido a distintas velocidades mediante solidificación direccional de zona flotante por calentamiento con láser. El análisis microestructural se ha realizado mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (MEB) y de Transmisión (MET), tanto en muestras tras el procesado con láser como en muestras sometidas a los distintos tratamientos termo-mecánicos. El estudio de las propiedades mecánicas se ha llevado a cabo mediante ensayos a velocidad de deformación constante y ensayos de fluencia -a carga de compresión constante- para diversos valores de tensión y de temperatura en atmósfera de aire. De los resultados obtenidos se deduce que la resistencia está íntimamente asociada a la microestructura de las muestras, la cual depende de la velocidad de solidificación. La presencia de dislocaciones es clara a altas velocidades de deformación, observándose los mecanismos activos de deformación típicos de la alúmina monocristalinas, como son la formación de bucles de dislocaciones para evitar obstáculos. Los valores de los exponentes de tensión y la energía de activación sugieren un comportamiento difusional para bajas velocidades de deformación, a las que no se observan dislocaciones.The Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 eutectic system melt grown by laser heating float zone in a range of pull rates has been studied. The microstructural analysis has been made by Scaning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) in as-fabricated and tested samples. The mechanical properties have been studied by compression tests at constant crosshead speed and compression creep for a range of stresses and temperatures in air. It has been determined that the resistance is intimately associated to processing. The presence of dislocations is clear after plastic deformation at high strain rates, being active the typical deformation mechanisms of alumina single crystals, like dislocation loop formation to avoid obstacles. The values of the stress exponents and the activation energy suggest a diffusional control for plastic deformation at low strain rates, where dislocations are not observed

    Antiproliferative, Antioxidant, Chemopreventive and Antiangiogenic Potential of Chromatographic Fractions from Anemonia sulcata with and without Its Symbiont Symbiodinium in Colorectal Cancer Therapy

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    Anemonia sulcata may be a source of marine natural products (MNPs) due to the antioxidant and antitumor activity of its crude homogenates shown in vitro in colon cancer cells. A bioguided chromatographic fractionation assay of crude Anemonia sulcata homogenates with and without its symbiont Symbiodinium was performed to characterize their bioactive composition and further determine their biological potential for the management of colorectal cancer (CRC). The 20% fractions retained the in vitro antioxidant activity previously reported for homogenates. As such, activation of antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes was also evaluated. The 40% fractions showed the greatest antiproliferative activity in T84 cells, synergistic effects with 5-fluoruracil and oxaliplatin, overexpression of apoptosis-related proteins, cytotoxicity on tumorspheres, and antiangiogenic activity. The predominantly polar lipids and toxins tentatively identified in the 20% and 40% fractions could be related to their biological activity in colon cancer cells although further characterizations of the active fractions are necessary to isolate and purify the bioactive compounds.Junta de Andalucía (project PYC20 RE 035 UGR)Junta de Andalucía (project P20_00540 and A-CTS-666-UGR20)Instituto Salud Carlos III (project PMPTA22/00136PI19/01478) (FEDER program)AGR145 and CTS-107 (Andalusian Government)FPU2019 (Ref. FPU19/06170) grant from the Ministerio de Universidades (Spain

    Anemonia sulcata and Its Symbiont Symbiodinium as a Source of Anti-Tumor and Anti-Oxoxidant Compounds for Colon Cancer Therapy: A Preliminary in Vitro Study

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    Simple Summary: Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent types of cancer in the population. Recently, invertebrate marine animals have been investigated for the presence of natural products which can damage tumor cells, prevent their spread to other tissues or avoid cancer develop. We analyzed the anemone Anemonia sulcata with and without the presence of its microalgal symbiont (Symbiodinium) as a source of bioactive molecules for the colorectal cancer therapy and prevention. Colon cancer tumor cells were exposed to Anemone extracts observing a remarkable cell death and a great antioxidant capacity. These preliminary results support that Anemonia sulcata could be a source of bioactive compounds against colorectal cancer and that the absence of its symbiont may enhance these properties. Further studies will be necessary to define the bioactive compounds of Anemonia sulcata and their mechanisms of action. Abstract: Recently, invertebrate marine species have been investigated for the presence of natural products with antitumor activity. We analyzed the invertebrate Anemonia sulcata with (W) and without (W/O) the presence of its microalgal symbiont Symbiodinium as a source of bioactive compounds that may be applied in the therapy and/or prevention of colorectal cancer (CRC). Animals were mechanically homogenized and subjected to ethanolic extraction. The proximate composition and fatty acid profile were determined. In addition, an in vitro digestion was performed to study the potentially dialyzable fraction. The antioxidant and antitumor activity of the samples and the digestion products were analyzed in CRC cells in vitro. Our results show a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acid in the anemone and a great antioxidant capacity, which demonstrated the ability to prevent cell death and a high antitumor activity of the crude homogenates against CRC cells and multicellular tumor spheroids, especially W/O symbiont. These preliminary results support that Anemonia sulcata could be a source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant and antitumor potential against CRC and that the absence of its symbiont may enhance these properties. Further studies will be necessary to define the bioactive compounds of Anemonia sulcata and their mechanisms of action.International Excellence Campus of the Sea (CEI.MAR) CEIJ-007 CEIJ-001