738 research outputs found

    Efecto de las fracciones soluble en insoluble de la fibra de la pulpa de manzana sobre la digestibilidadi ileal y fecal en conejos

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de la fibra soluble e insoluble de pulpa de manzana sobre la digestibilidad ileal y fecal en conejos. Se formularon cuatro piensos con niveles similares de fibra insoluble (FND 32,4%) y proteína (18,6%, ambos sobre MS). El nivel de fibra soluble fue bajo en el pienso control (4,6%, su fibra procedió de cascarilla de avena y paja) y aumentó en los piensos con pulpa de manzana depectinizada (7,1%), pulpa de manzana (9,3%) y pectinas de manzana (10,5%). Se determinó la digestibilidad fecal en 23 gazapos/pienso entre los 55 y los 59 d de edad, y se sacrificaron 23 gazapos/pienso a los 60 d de edad para proteger la digesta ileal y determinar la digestibilidad ileal

    The role of institutional information in the process of student attitude formation towards the University

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    Este artículo presenta algunas de las conclusiones más relevantes de nuestra investigación sobre «Las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la Universidad como indicador de calidad». El trabajo estudia la génesis de las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la universidad, considerándolas como referentes fundamentales de sus potenciales conductas en dicho contexto. Concretamente, y dentro de este marco general, el objetivo de investigación se centra en valorar el papel formativo de la institución universitaria a la hora de promover dichas actitudes, manteniendo además que esto puede ser un relevante indicador de la calidad universitaria. En esa dirección, y mediante un exigente cuestionario de 327 ítems aplicado a 554 estudiantes de los últimos cursos universitarios, se recoge información acerca de 55 dimensiones, que proporcionan una completa radiografía de la institución universitaria como contexto de formación. Agrupadas las dimensiones en 14 ámbitos para su análisis, destacamos: la universidad y su prestigio, la normativa universitaria, los planes de estudios, la participación estudiantil, el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, los profesores, y la vida universitaria no institucional. Así, encontramos que los estudiantes reciben bastante información, pero ésta es muy desigual según las dimensiones estudiadas, muy poco cohesionada por la diversidad de fuentes, y sólo superficialmente asumida por ellos. Además, hay importantes diferencias entre las áreas de conocimiento. Y todo esto contribuye a mantener un papel de estudiante «pupilo» y dependiente frente a un estudiante autónomo y miembro activo de la comunidad universitariaThis paper presents some of the more relevant conclusions of our research into student attitudes towards the university as an indicator of university quality. The paper studies the genesis of student attitudes towards the university as a fundamental referent of potential student behaviour in the university context. The purpose of the research is mainly to evaluate the formative role of the university in promoting attitudes. This role is also considered a university quality indicator. Five hundred and fifty-four students were asked to answer a demanding questionnaire of 327 items about 55 different university dimensions. The questionnaire is therefore felt to present a complete X-ray picture of the university institution as a formation context. The dimensions were grouped into 14 ranges for analysis. The foremost ranges were: the university and its prestige, university rules, the syllabus, student participation, the teaching/learning process, lecturers and non-institutional university life. It was found that students take in quite a lot of information, but this information varies greatly depending on the university dimensions studied. Furthermore, the information is not very cohesive on account of the heterogeneity of its sources, and it is only superficially assumed by students. In addition, there are important differences amongst the different areas of knowledge. The situation as a whole contributes to the perpetuation of the role of the student as a «pupil», as opposed to an autonomous, active member of the university community.S

    Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) for Twelve Antimicrobials (Biocides and Antibiotics) in Eight Strains of Listeria monocytogenes

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    [EN]When selecting effective doses of antimicrobials, be they biocides or antibiotics, it is essential to know the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) of these substances. The present research determined the MICs and MBCs for three biocides, sodium hypochlorite (SH), benzalkonium chloride (BC), and peracetic acid (PAA), and nine antibiotics in eight strains of Listeria monocytogenes of varying serotypes. Marked intra-species differences were observed in the resistance of L. monocytogenes to the biocides and antibiotics. The MICs (ppm) for the biocides ranged between 1750 and 4500 for SH, 0.25 and 20.00 for BC, and 1050 and 1700 for PAA. Their MBCs (ppm) ranged from 2250 to 4500 for SH, 0.50 to 20.00 for BC, and 1150 to 1800 for PAA. The MICs (ppm) for antibiotics lay between 1 and 15 for ampicillin, 8 and 150 for cephalothin, 20 and 170 for cefoxitin, 0.05 and 0.20 for erythromycin, 4 and 50 for chloramphenicol, 3 and 100 for gentamicin, 2 and 15 for tetracycline, 2 and 80 for vancomycin, and 160 and 430 for fosfomycin. The corresponding MBCs (ppm) were from 5 to 20 for ampicillin, 9 to 160 for cephalothin, 70 to 200 for cefoxitin, 4 to 5 for erythromycin, 9 to 70 for chloramphenicol, 5 to 100 for gentamicin, 3 to 30 for tetracycline, 3 to 90 for vancomycin, and 160 to 450 for fosfomycin. Notably, erythromycin showed considerable efficacy, demonstrated by the low values for both MIC and MBC. Based on EUCAST and the CLSI criteria, all strains were susceptible to erythromycin. All strains were resistant to cephalothin, cefoxitin, gentamicin, and fosfomycin. Further values for resistance were 87.50% for ampicillin and vancomycin, 75.00% for tetracycline, and 62.50% for chloramphenicol. The high prevalence of antibiotic resistance is a matter for concern. A positive correlation was found between MIC and MBC values for most of the biocides and antibiotics. The higher the hydrophobicity of the cell surface, the higher the susceptibility to biocides, suggesting that surface characteristics of bacterial cells influence resistance to these compounds.SIThis research was founded by the Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Educación, Spain, grant number LE018P20), and the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain, grant number RTI2018-098267-R-C33)

    La movilización de grasa entre la segunda inseminación y el destete está positivamente relacionada con el éxito reproductivo en conejas primíparas

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    Se registraron los rendimientos productivos y condición corporal mediante impedancia bioeléctrica de 172 conejas en las 5 primeras inseminaciones (IA). Estas se realizaron 11 días tras el parto, y el destete a los 25 d de lactación. El periodo experimental comenzó el día de la primera IA positiva de las conejas nulíparas y terminó el día del parto correspondiente a la quinta IA. Las conejas se clasificaron a posteriori en dos grupos: Elite (conejas gestantes en todas las IA) y Normal (conejas que completaron al menos una lactación). En la primera IA las conejas del grupo Elite pesaron menos (3930 vs 4087 g; P = 0,025) y tuvieron menos proporción de grasa (15,7 vs 17,2%; P = 0,042) que el grupo Normal, pero una proporción de proteína similar (17,8 vs 17,9%). Además, las conejas Elite mostraron un mayor contenido en proteína en el primer parto (17,9 vs 17,7%; P = 0,012) y en el primer destete (18,1 vs 17,9%; P = 0,027). Estos dos grupos no difirieron en la movilización/deposición de grasa o proteína entre la IA1-parto 1 y el parto 1-IA2. Sin embargo, entre la IA2 y el destete 1 se observó que las conejas del grupo Elite movilizaron el doble de grasa que el grupo Normal (27,9 vs 14,1%; P = 0.004)

    Effect of low doses of biocides on the antimicrobial resistance and the biofilms of Cronobacter sakazakii and Yersinia enterocolitica

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    The susceptibility of Cronobacter sakazakii ATCC 29544 (CS) and Yersinia enterocolitica ATCC 9610 (YE) to sodium hypochlorite (10% of active chlorine; SHY), peracetic acid (39% solution of peracetic acid in acetic acid; PAA) and benzalkonium chloride (BZK) was tested. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values (planktonic cells; microdilution broth method) of 3,800 ppm (SHY), 1,200 ppm (PAA) and 15 ppm (BZK) for CS, and 2,500 ppm (SHY), 1,275 ppm (PAA) and 20 ppm (BZK) for YE, were found. In some instances, an increase in growth rate was observed in presence of sub-MICs (0.25MIC, 0.50MIC or 0.75MIC) of biocides relative to the samples without biocides. The cultures exhibited an acquired tolerance to biocides and an increase in antibiotic resistance after exposure to sub-MICs of such disinfectants. Strains were able to form strong biofilms on polystyrene after 48 hours (confocal laser scanning microscopy), with average biovolumes in the observation field (14,161 µm2) of 242,201.0 ± 86,570.9 µm3 (CS) and 190,184.5 ± 40,860.3 µm3 (YE). Treatment of biofilms for 10 minutes with disinfectants at 1MIC or 2MIC reduced the biovolume of live cells. PAA (YE) and BZK (CS and YE) at 1MIC did not alter the percentage of dead cells relative to non-exposed biofilms, and their effect of countering biofilm was due principally to the detachment of cells. These results suggest that doses of PAA and BZK close to MICs might lead to the dissemination of live bacteria from biofilms with consequent hazards for public healthMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. RTI2018-098267-R-C33Junta de Castilla y León | Ref. LE164G1

    Efecto de la pre-digestión del sustrato sobre la fermentación in vitro en conejos

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    Los trabajos de fermentacion realizados en conejos empleando la tecnica de produccion de gas in vitro desarrollada por Menke et al. (1979) presentan grandes variaciones en lo que se refiere a los inoculos utilizados, el procesado de los sustratos, la relacion inoculo/sustrato y los modelos matematicos de ajuste. En muchos trabajos, los sustratos solo son molidos (Calabro et al., 1999; Bovera et al., 2006), mientras que en otros se utiliza el residuo insoluble procedente de una pre-digestion in vitro donde se Simula la digestion del estomago e intestino delgado (Bindelle et a/. 2007; Rodriguez-Romero et al., 2011). Sin embargo, al estudiar la fermentacion de alimentos fibrosos seria interesante conservar en la muestra la fraccion de la fibra que se solubiliza en el intestino delgado (Abad-Guaman et al., 2015). Por otra parte, en conejos se ha observado que el nivel y tipo de fibra de la dieta de los donantes influye sobre la fermentacion in vitro (Rodriguez-Romero et al., 2011). El presente trabajo compara la fermentacion in vitro de diferentes sustratos cuando se realiza una pre-digesti6n o se incuba directamente el sustrato utilizando cecotrofos procedentes de gazapos alimentados con dos niveles de fibra soluble (FS)

    Efficacy of Protein Baits with Fipronil to Control Vespa velutina nigrithorax (Lepeletier, 1836) in Apiaries

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    The yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax), outside its natural range, has become a major threat to domestic bees. Several control methods have been used to fight against V. velutina, but the results achieved are not satisfactory. The use of protein baits with biocides has shown to be an effective method to control invasive wasp populations, but they have not been used to control V. velutina. Thus, the efficacy of protein baits containing fipronil to reduce the presence of hornets in apiaries was evaluated in this study. After laboratory determination of the optimal efficacy of a protein bait at a 0.01% concentration of fipronil, field trials were conducted involving 222 beekeepers. The data reported by the 90 beekeepers who completed the requested questionnaire demonstrated that in the groups of apiaries with the highest pressure of hornets (groups with 10–30 and >30 hornets), there was a significant decrease in the presence of V. velutina, lasting at least two weeks. The reduction in the number of hornets was positively correlated with bait consumption, and bait consumption was positively correlated with the number of hornets present at the time of treatment. Although the method used has shown good efficacy and the concentration of fipronil used was very low; possible negative effects on the environment should also be evaluated.This work was funded by the project ATLANTIC POSITIVE (Interreg Atlantic Area EAPA_800/2018), and co-funded by the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures, and the Department of Education (project IT1673-22) of the Basque Government. Aitor Cevidanes was supported by a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ post-doctoral grant RYC2021-033084-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. Omaira de la Hera was supported by a pre-doctoral grant funded by Basque Government (project PUE_2021_1_0008)

    Fermentación in vitro de pepsina/pancreatina con inóculos de conejos

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    The in vitro gas production of pepsin/pancreatin used in the determination of in vitro digestibility was evaluated using different inocula from rabbits (ileal, caecal and soft faeces from rabbits). In experiment 1 were used 3 different ileal and caecal inocula obtained each one from the combination of the digesta of 3 different 70 d old rabbits

    A novel SPE-UHPLC-DAD method for the determination of fumagillin produced by Aspergillus fumigatus in cell culture media

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    [EN]Fumagillin is a biomolecule produced by Aspergillus fumigatus that is gaining relevance due to its connection with invasive aspergillosis. The determination of this molecule might help to understand the propagation of this disease and study its use as a potential biomarker. In spite of the interest of fumagillin in microbiological research, no quantitative method has been developed so far for its determination in cell culture media. In this work, the first validated method for the quantitative analysis of fumagillin in RPMI-1640 is presented. The sample treatment consists of a mixed-mode anion exchange Solid Phase Extraction that effectively removes potential interferences and offered a recovery of 83 ± 7%. The analysis was carried out by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Diode Array Detection at 336 nm. The method fulfilled the validation criteria established by EMA and FDA guidelines for bioanalysis (selectivity, carry over, linearity, accuracy, precision, dilution integrity and stability) and offers a limit of quantitation (25 μg·L−1) suitable for its intended use. Indeed, the method was satisfactorily applied to the quantification of the fumagillin produced by three strains of Aspergillus fumigatus with different toxin production capacity.This research was funded by University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (project GIU19/068 and project COLAB20/11) and by Basque Government (grant number IT1362-19). XGP was funded by Basque Government

    La paroxetina en los trastornos de pánico.

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    Se realiza un estudio abierto no controlado con paroxetina en 31 pacientes ambulatorios que cumplían los criterios diagnósticos de investigación de la CIE-10 para trastorno de pánico sin agorafobia. El estudio duró 3 meses. La paroxetina se mostró eficaz en la reducción del número de crisis de pánico, que resultó estadísticamente significativa (p menor de 0.001) a los 30, 60 y 90 días de tratamiento
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