A novel SPE-UHPLC-DAD method for the determination of fumagillin produced by Aspergillus fumigatus in cell culture media


[EN]Fumagillin is a biomolecule produced by Aspergillus fumigatus that is gaining relevance due to its connection with invasive aspergillosis. The determination of this molecule might help to understand the propagation of this disease and study its use as a potential biomarker. In spite of the interest of fumagillin in microbiological research, no quantitative method has been developed so far for its determination in cell culture media. In this work, the first validated method for the quantitative analysis of fumagillin in RPMI-1640 is presented. The sample treatment consists of a mixed-mode anion exchange Solid Phase Extraction that effectively removes potential interferences and offered a recovery of 83 ± 7%. The analysis was carried out by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Diode Array Detection at 336 nm. The method fulfilled the validation criteria established by EMA and FDA guidelines for bioanalysis (selectivity, carry over, linearity, accuracy, precision, dilution integrity and stability) and offers a limit of quantitation (25 μg·L−1) suitable for its intended use. Indeed, the method was satisfactorily applied to the quantification of the fumagillin produced by three strains of Aspergillus fumigatus with different toxin production capacity.This research was funded by University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (project GIU19/068 and project COLAB20/11) and by Basque Government (grant number IT1362-19). XGP was funded by Basque Government

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