2,403 research outputs found

    La pedagogía de Alfonso de Castro en sus homilías sobre el Salmo 50

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    El error protestante requería para contrarrestarlo de una predicación sólida que transmitiese fielmente la recta doctrina católica. Alfonso de Castro O. F. M se convirtió en un paladín de este cometido gracias a unas dotes oratorias que le llevaron a ser predicador real de la mano de Felipe II. Gran parte de ese éxito se debe a la utilización por parte del fraile franciscano de una pedagogía concreta heredada de su labor como docente en las aulas salmantinas del Convento de San Francisco. En el presente artículo repasamos los mecanismos pedagógicos que el autor utiliza en las cinco primeras homilías dedicadas al miserere para tratar de modelar discursivamente la doctrina y hacerla asequible para el auditorio.The protestant error required to counteract a solid preaching to transmit faithfully the straight Catholic doctrine. Alfonso de Castro O. F. M became a champion of this committed thanks to some gifts oratories that led him to be a preacher of the hand of Real Felipe II. Much of this success is due to the use by the Franciscan friar of a specific pedagogy inherited from his work as a teacher in the classroom salamancan of the Convent of San Francisco. In this article we revisit the pedagogical mechanisms used by the author in the first five homilies dedicated to the Miserere to try to shape discursivamente the doctrine and make it affordable for the auditorium.peerReviewe

    Una lectura filológico-lingüística de la encíclica "Laudato si". Reflexiones en torno a los conceptos de uso, dominio y propiedad

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    El objetivo de la presente publicación es el de contribuir a los estudios en torno a los conceptos de uso, dominio y propiedad en el ámbito de la reflexión sobre la antropología de la economía en la Escuela de Salamanca. En la medida en que hablamos de signos lingüísticos dinámicos tanto en su significante como en su significado, proponemos la necesidad de elaborar un estudio diacrónico de tales términos desde su significado etimológico hasta su uso en la actualidad. Este eje de evolución cronológica debería servir de referente para que otras disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia del derecho, etc. valoren la desviación semántica que supone la utilización de uso, dominio y propiedad como terminología en un contexto concreto y en una época determinada.The main target of the current paper is contributing to the study about the concepts of usage, domain and property on the field of reflexion about Economy's Anthropology in the School of Salamanca. As far as we refer to dynamic linguistic signs, considering both signifier and significance, we recommend the production of a diachronic study of such terms from their ethimological meaning to its present usage. This central concept of chronological evolution should be an example of assessment of semantic digression (in other disciplines such as Phylosophy, History of Law, etc) when using the previously mentioned terms of usage, domain and property as terminology in a specific context and a certain time.peerReviewe

    Scientific Computing and the Huygens' Principle

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    Abstract. Mathematics has been present in the development of society since time immemorial; great figures have dedicated their entire life to analysis and research in various branches of this broad science. Scientific Computing is closely related to the design and construction of mathematical models aimed at solving scientific, social and engineering problems. There are several applications of this discipline, for example for mathematical simulations of differential equations in partial derivatives that describe the propagation of a variety of waves such as sound waves, or heat conduction problems in different media, which can be solved using The Fourier Analysis. Through Graphical Computing the Huygens Principle can be verified. All these models can be implemented through the computer in order to facilitate the complex calculations that must be done to solve problems of this type and depending on the case to condense all this information into a graph "A good graph says more than a thousand words (Chinese Proverb) ". 

    Sobre el desarrollo culturalmente pertinente de las comunidades amazónicas

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    La alta tasa de fracaso de los proyectos de desarrollo impulsados con comunidades locales de la Amazonía peruana en las últimas décadas no ha sido óbice para que se siga cometiendo los mismos errores año tras año, con grandes impactos sociales, ambientales y económicos, pese al carácter ‘sostenible’ e ‘inclusivo’ que muchos se atribuyen. Se analizan los factores de fracaso, con énfasis en el desconocimiento de la realidad amazónica y en la falta de pertinencia ambiental y cultural de los modelos de desarrollo replicados de otras regiones. Se propone como alternativa la promoción de bioemprendimientos liderados por las familias y grupos de interés de las comunidades amazónicas, de preferencia con recursos no maderables del bosque en pie, acordes con el perfil “bosquesino” de las sociedades amazónicas tradicionales, y la aplicación de tecnologías y otras soluciones pertinentes culturalmente


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    El desconocimiento de la compleja realidad ecológica y sociocultural de la Amazonía, junto con la débil presencia del Estado y la marginación de las comunidades amazónicas, han contribuido a promover la erosión de los recursos de la biodiversidad y la degradación de los ecosistemas, y a empobrecer a las poblaciones amazónicas que dependen de estos recursos para subsistir. La extracción descontrolada de recursos de flora y fauna en la mayor parte del territorio amazónico está provocando cambios en la estructura y funcionalidad de los ecosistemas, con imprevisibles consecuencias a largo plazo. La conservación de la biodiversidad amazónica requiere no solo por crear una buena red de áreas protegidas conectadas a través de corredores biológicos: es necesario manejar y proteger en su conjunto el territorio amazónico con una visión ecosistémica, de cuenca y de paisaje, buscando recuperar la salud y funcionalidad de los ecosistemas. Y es indispensable involucrar a las comunidades locales para que sean partícipes tanto de la gestión como de los beneficios del aprovechamiento de los recursos de la biodiversidad

    The profitability of value-added products in dairy farm diversification initiatives

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    A more open and competitive dairy market has encouraged certain dairy farms to adopt value-adding strategies in order to achieve a higher profitability, which may be important for farms’ survival. This paper investigated the role of some product characteristics in the profitability of value-added products in these farms. For this purpose, we used a unique database of 265 different products commercialized by 49 Spanish dairy farms that offers information on nine attributes of each product. Using hedonic models as a baseline, we examined the influence of these attributes on the margin per liter (ML) of the products. The results of the regression indicated that cheese and yogurt generated 0.688 and 1.518 € more of margin per liter than liquid milk. Similarly, we found a set of attributes that have a positive influence on ML, including possession of a certificate of protected designation of origin (PDO), the milk-type composition (proportion of sheep milk), a longer expiration period, and involvement in direct marketing strategies (DMS). However, other recognized attributes such as organic labeling, maturation period, size of the sales unit and returnable packaging did not have a significant influence on ML. Our findings also showed that firms producing more elaborated products as cheese and yogurt need a lower percentage of their production to cover the fixed costs associated to transformation and commercialization. Overall, our results revealed that the elaboration of value-added dairy products improves the profitability of dairy farms

    From transpressional to transtensional tectonics in Northern Central America

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    The Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA) is located at the western margin of the Caribbean plate, over the Chortís Block, spanning from Guatemala to Costa Rica. The CAVA is associated to the subduction of the Cocos plate under the Caribbean plate at the Middle America Trench. Our study is focused in the Salvadorian CAVA segment, which is tectonically characterized by the presence of the El Salvador Fault Zone (ESFZ), part of the western boundary of a major block forming the Caribbean plate (the Chortis Block). The structural evolution of the western boundary of the Chortis Block, particularly in the CAVA crossing El Salvador remains unknown. We have done a kinematic analysis from seismic and fault slip data and combined our results with a review of regional previous studies. This approach allowed us to constrain the tectonic evolution and the forces that control the deformation in northern Central America. Along the active volcanic arc we identified active transtensional deformation. On the other hand, we have identified two deformation phases in the back arc region: A first one of transpressional wrenching close to simple shearing (Miocene); and a second one characterized by almost E-W extension. Our results reveal a change from transpressional to transtensional shearing coeval with a migration of the volcanism towards the trench in Late Miocene times. This strain change could be related with a coupled to decoupled transition on the Cocos – Caribbean subduction interface, which could be related to a slab roll-back of the Cocos Plate beneath the Chortis Block. The combination of different degrees of coupling on the subduction interface, together with a constant relative eastward drift of the Caribbean Plate, control the deformation style along the western boundary of the Chortis Block

    H-Galois extensions with normal basis for weak Hopf algebras

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    Let H be a weak Hopf algebra and let A be an H-comodule algebra with subalgebra of coinvariants AH. In this paper we introduce the notion of H-Galois extension with normal basis and we prove that AH ,→ A is an H-Galois extension with normal basis if and only if AH ,→ A is an H-cleft extension which admits a convolution invertible total integral. As a consequence, if H is cocommutative and A commutative, we obtain a bijective correspondence between the second cohomology group H2 ϕAH (H, AH) and the set of isomorphism classes of H-Galois extensions with normal basis whose left action over AH is ϕAHThis work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and by Feder founds. Grant MTM2013-43687-P: Homología, homotopía e invariantes categóricos en grupos y álgebras no asociativasS