156 research outputs found

    Testing Sparsity Assumptions in Bayesian Networks

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    Bayesian network (BN) structure discovery algorithms typically either make assumptions about the sparsity of the true underlying network, or are limited by computational constraints to networks with a small number of variables. While these sparsity assumptions can take various forms, frequently the assumptions focus on an upper bound for the maximum in-degree of the underlying graph G\nabla_G. Theorem 2 in Duttweiler et. al. (2023) demonstrates that the largest eigenvalue of the normalized inverse covariance matrix (Ω\Omega) of a linear BN is a lower bound for G\nabla_G. Building on this result, this paper provides the asymptotic properties of, and a debiasing procedure for, the sample eigenvalues of Ω\Omega, leading to a hypothesis test that may be used to determine if the BN has max in-degree greater than 1. A linear BN structure discovery workflow is suggested in which the investigator uses this hypothesis test to aid in selecting an appropriate structure discovery algorithm. The hypothesis test performance is evaluated through simulations and the workflow is demonstrated on data from a human psoriasis study

    A dynamic programming algorithm for the optimal control of piecewise deterministic Markov processes

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    Publisher's version/PDFA piecewise deterministic Markov process (PDP) is a continuous time Markov process consisting of continuous, deterministic trajectories interrupted by random jumps. The trajectories may be controlled with the object of minimizing the expected costs associated with the process. A method of representing this controlled PDP as a discrete time decision process is presented, allowing the value function for the problem to be expressed as the fixed point of a dynamic programming operator. Decisions take the form of trajectory segments. The expected costs may then be minimized through a dynamic programming algorithm, rather than through the solution of the Bellman–Hamilton–Jacobi equation, assuming the trajectory segments are numerically tractable. The technique is applied to the optimal capacity expansion problem, that is, the problem of planning the construction of new production facilities to meet rising demand

    “Foreigning gauchos”: New political experiences on the radio from the trajectory of the actor Fernando Ochoa. Buenos Aires, 1939-1942

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    El presente trabajo analiza la trayectoria política del actor radial Fernando Ochoa, entre 1939 y 1942. A partir de un corpus de fuentes que incluye principalmente magazines de espectáculos, además de documentos producidos por las emiso- ras de radio, por dependencias estatales y algunos recortes de la prensa masiva, se propone abordar las experiencias gremiales y políticas que lo tuvieron como protagonista y exponer las transformaciones en sus expresiones y posicionamien- tos políticos durante ese período, en vinculación con los acontecimientos de la política local atravesados por los fenómenos globales de la guerra civil española y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Podemos afirmar que entre 1939 y 1942 se con- figuró un nuevo escenario –local e internacional– que impactó en el mercado del entretenimiento porteño, específicamente en las condiciones de trabajo y en los posicionamientos políticos de las y los artistas de radio. La intervención de Fernando Ochoa en un conflicto específico vinculado a la expulsión de un grupo de artistas extranjeros expone las tensiones y complejidades en la configuración de identidades políticas en ese período.This paper analyzes the political trajectory of the radio actor Fernando Ochoa, between 1939 and 1942. Based on a corpus of sources that mainly includes entertainment magazines, as well as documents produced by radio stations, by state agencies and some clippings from the mass press, it is proposed to address the union and political experiences that had him as a protagonist and expose the transformations in his expressions and political positions during that period, in connection with the events of local politics crossed by the global phenomena of the Spanish Civil War and World War II. We can affirm that between 1939 and 1942 a new scenario was configured –local and international– that had an impact on the Buenos Aires entertainment market, specifically in the working conditions and in the political positions of radio artists. Fernando Ochoa's intervention in a specific conflict linked to the expulsion of a group of foreign artists exposes the tensions and complexities in the configuration of political identities in that period.Fil: Martinez Almudevar, Paula. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche; Argentin

    “Foreigning gauchos”: New political experiences on the radio from the trajectory of the actor Fernando Ochoa. Buenos Aires, 1939-1942

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    El presente trabajo analiza la trayectoria política del actor radial Fernando Ochoa, entre 1939 y 1942. A partir de un corpus de fuentes que incluye principalmente magazines de espectáculos, además de documentos producidos por las emiso- ras de radio, por dependencias estatales y algunos recortes de la prensa masiva, se propone abordar las experiencias gremiales y políticas que lo tuvieron como protagonista y exponer las transformaciones en sus expresiones y posicionamien- tos políticos durante ese período, en vinculación con los acontecimientos de la política local atravesados por los fenómenos globales de la guerra civil española y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Podemos afirmar que entre 1939 y 1942 se con- figuró un nuevo escenario –local e internacional– que impactó en el mercado del entretenimiento porteño, específicamente en las condiciones de trabajo y en los posicionamientos políticos de las y los artistas de radio. La intervención de Fernando Ochoa en un conflicto específico vinculado a la expulsión de un grupo de artistas extranjeros expone las tensiones y complejidades en la configuración de identidades políticas en ese período.This paper analyzes the political trajectory of the radio actor Fernando Ochoa, between 1939 and 1942. Based on a corpus of sources that mainly includes entertainment magazines, as well as documents produced by radio stations, by state agencies and some clippings from the mass press, it is proposed to address the union and political experiences that had him as a protagonist and expose the transformations in his expressions and political positions during that period, in connection with the events of local politics crossed by the global phenomena of the Spanish Civil War and World War II. We can affirm that between 1939 and 1942 a new scenario was configured –local and international– that had an impact on the Buenos Aires entertainment market, specifically in the working conditions and in the political positions of radio artists. Fernando Ochoa's intervention in a specific conflict linked to the expulsion of a group of foreign artists exposes the tensions and complexities in the configuration of political identities in that period.Fil: Martinez Almudevar, Paula. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche; Argentin

    Ivermectina al 1 %. Ensayo a campo en la sarna psoroptica ovina

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    How to check, in field conditions the acaricide action of Ivermectina 1% of Psoroptes comunis var. ovis; 47 sheep of different age, weight and both sexes, presenting a high degree of parasite infestation and with large injured body areas, 36 were medicated on three different levels of dosage, as follow: 300 mcg/KPV single dose, 600 mcg/KPV single dose and 300 mcg/KPV double dose, administered in two doses given with 10 days’ interval 11 sheep were untreated control. From the three levels tested the second proved to be the most effective: 600 mcg/KPV single dose, subcutaneous in the interthight. The double dose was also effective but the animals treated were more sensitive to relapses during the development of the experience. It should be noted the acaricide effect of the product, the absence side effects and the ease of administration just as the disadvantages for medicating it accurately. In spite of effectiveness checked, it should not be overlooked the necessary precautions for avoiding relapses and/or new parasitic infestations.A los efectos de comprobar, en condiciones de campo, la acción acaricida de la Ivermectina al 1 % sobre el Psoroptes communis var. ovis; 47 ovinos de diferente edad, peso y ambos sexos, que presentaban alto grado de infestación parasitaria y con amplias regiones corporales lesionadas, 36 fueron medicados a 3 niveles distintos de dosis, a saber: única de 300 mcg/KPV microgramos por Kilo de Peso Vivo); única de 600 mcg/KPV y doble de 300 mcg/KPV repartidos en dos aplicaciones con diez días de intervalo entre una y otra; 11 ovinos se dejaron como testigos. De los tres niveles ensayados resultó más efectivo el segundo, 600 mcg/KPV, en dosis única, subcutánea en la entrepierna. También fue eficaz la dosis doble de 300 mcg/KPV pero los animales tratados fueron más sensibles a las recidivas en las condiciones en que se desarrolló Ia experiencia. Se destaca el efecto acaricida del producto. La ausencia de efectos colaterales y secundarios y la comodidad de aplicación, así como los inconvenientes para dosificarlo correctamente. A pesar de la efectividad comprobada no deben obviarse los recaudos necesarios para evitar recidivas y/o nuevas infestaciones parasíticas

    Estimation of effective number of breeders from molecular coancestry of single cohort sample

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    The effective population size, Ne, is an important parameter in population genetics and conservation biology. It is, however, difficult to directly estimate Ne from demographic data in many wild species. Alternatively, the use of genetic data has received much attention in recent years. In the present study, I propose a new method for estimating the effective number of breeders Neb from a parameter of allele sharing (molecular coancestry) among sampled progeny. The bias and confidence interval of the new estimator are compared with those from a published method, i.e. the heterozygote-excess method, using computer simulation. Two population models are simulated; the noninbred population that consists of noninbred and nonrelated parents and the inbred population that is composed of inbred and related parents. Both methods give essentially unbiased estimates of Neb when applied to the noninbred population. In the inbred population, the proposed method gives a downward biased estimate, but the confidence interval is remarkably narrowed compared with that in the noninbred population. Estimate from the heterozygote-excess method is nearly unbiased in the inbred population, but suffers from a larger confidence interval. By combining the estimates from the two methods as a harmonic mean, the reliability is remarkably improved

    Igualdades y desigualdades laborales: estructura empresarial en dos cadenas de alimentación. Mercadona y Simply.

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    El eje de nuestro trabajo se centra en un estudio sobre las igualdades y desigualdades en el mundo de la empresa, centradonos en dos grandes organizaciones, como son Mercadona y Simply

    On Approximating Four Covering and Packing Problems

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    In this paper, we consider approximability issues of the following four problems: triangle packing, full sibling reconstruction, maximum profit coverage and 2-coverage. All of them are generalized or specialized versions of set-cover and have applications in biology ranging from full-sibling reconstructions in wild populations to biomolecular clusterings; however, as this paper shows, their approximability properties differ considerably. Our inapproximability constant for the triangle packing problem improves upon the previous results; this is done by directly transforming the inapproximability gap of Haastad for the problem of maximizing the number of satisfied equations for a set of equations over GF(2) and is interesting in its own right. Our approximability results on the full siblings reconstruction problems answers questions originally posed by Berger-Wolf et al. and our results on the maximum profit coverage problem provides almost matching upper and lower bounds on the approximation ratio, answering a question posed by Hassin and Or.Comment: 25 page