533 research outputs found

    La relation entre l'allocation aux composés secondaires et le taux de croissance relatif chez les Asteraceae

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    Differences in resource availability have been shown to generate variation in defense chemistry in some species, but proper interspecific studies are rare and give conflicting results. This study focused on the trade-off between growth and production of chemical compounds of plants grown under different resource availabilities. I tested the hypothesis that: (1) contrasting plant species grown under controlled and enriched environmental conditions will show a negative correlation between their relative growth rates and their secondary compounds; (2) there is a negative correlation between mobile defenses (measured by the toxicity bioassay) and immobile defenses (measured by total phenol concentration) of plants grown under suboptimal environmental conditions; (3) plants grown under light-stressed conditions but optimal nutrient conditions will produce less carbon-based secondary compounds than plants grown under nutrient-stressed conditions but optimal fight conditions; and (4) plants grown under optimal environmental conditions will have a high RGR but will produce less secondary compounds than plants grown under stressful environmental conditions. Hypothesis 1 was tested experimentally using 31 species of Asteraceae grown with high levels of mineral and light resource availability under controlled conditions. Hypothesis 2 was tested in 20 species of Asteraceae by examining if there is any correlation between relative growth rate and secondary metabolism, and if there is any correlation between the type of chemical defense (mobile and immobile) in plants grown under controlled conditions of high light intensity but suboptimal levels of mineral nutrients. To test hypotheses 3 and 4, I conducted an experiment using six species of Asteraceae grown under 11 different combinations of light and mineral resources availabilities. Also, I investigated if there was any difference concerning the amount of specific secondary compounds, measured with HPLC produced by high light intensity and two levels of mineral resources availabilities in two of the six species ( Chrysanthemum leucanthemum and Rudbeckia hirta ). This thesis provided evidence that the resources availabilities affect the growth and the chemical parameters in different ways, but the data of this thesis shows no trade-off between growth and chemical defense when comparing species within a given experiment. The relative growth rate and the specific leaf area are affected by reducing the mean values under nutrient stress. In contrast, the root:shoot ratio increased under such conditions. As expected, leaf nitrogen content was reduced under nitrogen stress. The complication occurs in the parameters related to chemical defense; while total phenolics content increased, toxicity decreased. Finally, I did not detect the presence of any polyacetylenes or sesquiterpene lactones by HPLC in the leaves of the two species tested. The amount of pentaynene produced in the flowers of Rudbeckia hirta decreased significantly with age but increased significantly when the plant was subjected to a reduced nutrient availability

    Occurrence of gall complexes along a topographic gradient in an undisturbed lowland forest of central Amazonia

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    The species richness of gall-inducing insects and their host plants, in an undisturbed lowland forest in central Amazonia, was analyzed to test whether there is a higher occurrence of galls in mesic campinarana habitats when compared to plateaus, slopes and valleys. In October 2005, 300 plants, which were 1 to 2 meters tall, were sampled along ten transects (5 meters wide) per habitat. Gall-inducing insects were found in only 35 (3%) of the 1200 plants studied. Thirteen families, eight genera and 27 morphospecies of plants were identified. The families Burseraceae and Rubiaceae had the highest number of host plant species. There was no significant difference in species richness between habitat types. However, the gall-inducing insects and host plant species were exclusive to each habitat. Furthermore, the frequency of host plants in campinarana was not higher when compared to the other habitats. Probably, tree canopies present more structural complexity, light availability and incidence of leaves with scleromorphic characteristics than understory plants, resulting in vertical stratification with a higher amount of gall-inducing insects in canopies when compared with individuals of the same species in the understory. The higher plant diversity and variation of physical characteristics of the forests in central Amazonia can help explain why specific interactions and the frequency of gall-inducing insects were found in each habitat. The results of this study indicate that central Amazonian forests have a high diversity of gall-inducing insects with an exclusive fauna related to each habitat, which is potentially due to the greater environmental heterogeneity, and suggests the importance of conducting additional studies about galling insects, principally in forest canopies.(Ocorrência de galhas ao longo de um gradiente topográfico em uma floresta de terra firma na Amazônia Central). A riqueza de insetos galhadores e plantas hospedeiras foram investigadas em uma floresta de terra firme, na Amazônia Central, para testar se haveria uma maior ocorrência de galhas em habitats mais secos, como campinarana, comparados aos platôs, vertentes e baixios. Em outubro de 2005, foram amostradas 300 plantas em 10 transecções (com 5 m de largura cada) por habitat, totalizando 1.200 plantas.  As galhas induzidas por insetos foram encontradas em apenas 35 (3%) das 1.200 plantas estudadas. Treze famílias, oito gêneros e 27 morfoespécies de plantas foram identificados, sendo que as famílias Burseraceae e Rubiaceae apresentaram maior número de espécies de plantas hospedeiras. Não foi observada nenhuma diferença significativa na riqueza de espécie de galhas induzidas por insetos entre os habitats, porém as interações foram exclusivas de cada habitat. Além disso, campinarana não apresentou maior frequência de plantas hospedeiras, em comparação aos outros habitats. Provavelmente, as copas das árvores apresentam maior complexidade estrutural, disponibilidade de luz e ocorrência de plantas com características escleromórficas do que o sob-bosque, resultando em uma estratificação vertical e maior frequência de galhas nas copas quando comparada com indivíduos da mesma espécie no sub-bosque. A alta diversidade vegetal e a variação abiótica podem explicar a especificidade e frequência de interações em cada habitat. Nossos resultados indicam que a vegetação da Amazônia Central apresenta uma alta riqueza de galhas entomógenas, além de um grande potencial para uma exclusiva fauna associada a cada habitat, devido a grande heterogeneidade ambiental, e recomenda o desenvolvimento de estudos com insetos galhadores, principalmente nas copas das árvores

    Modeling wine preferences by data mining from physicochemical properties

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    We propose a data mining approach to predict human wine taste preferences that is based on easily available analytical tests at the certification step. A large dataset (when compared to other studies in this domain) is considered, with white and red vinho verde samples (from Portugal). Three regression techniques were applied, un- der a computationally efficient procedure that performs simultaneous variable and model selection. The support vector machine achieved promising results, outper- forming the multiple regression and neural network methods. Such model is useful to support the oenologist wine tasting evaluations and improve wine production. Furthermore, similar techniques can help in target marketing by modeling consumer tastes from niche markets.We would like to thank Cristina Lagido and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. The work of P. Cortez is supported by the FCT project PTDC/EIA/64541/2006

    Diversidade, preferência alimentar e distribuição vertical de Tripes (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) em mangueira, no semi-árido nordestino.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivos: conhecer a diversidade, as estruturas vegetaispreferidas e a distribuição vertical dos tripes na mangueira.1 CD-ROM

    Qualidade do sono, higiene do sono e crenças sobre o sono em adolescentes : estudo exploratório com adolescentes entre os 14 e os 18 anos

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicologia da Saúde e da Doença), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2014A prevalência de problemas de sono na adolescência é bastante significativa. As suas consequências interferem no bem-estar e no desenvolvimento saudável desta população (Hamilton, 2009). A investigação tem demonstrado a importância de compreender os determinantes do sono na adolescência (LeBourgeois, Giannotti, Cortesi, Wolfson & Harsh, 2005) Esta investigação teve como objectivo explorar a Qualidade, a Higiene e as Crenças sobre o sono na adolescência. Foram adaptados e validados 3 questionários para a população portuguesa: a escala de Auto-avaliação da Qualidade do Sono na Adolescência- AQSA (LeBourgeois et al, 2005), a Escala de Higiene do Sono para Adolescentes - EHSA (Storfer-Isser, LeBourgeois, Harsh, Tompsett & Redline, 2013) e a Escala de Crenças Disfuncionais sobre o Sono – ECDS (Blunden, Gregory & Crawford, 2013). Os 3 questionários demonstram propriedades psicométricas promissoras para utilização na população portuguesa. Integraram a amostra 378 participantes, com idades entre os 14 e os 18 anos (M=15,96; DP=1,26). A recolha de dados teve lugar num Estabelecimento Público de Ensino Básico e Secundário, em Chaves. Os adolescentes dormem um número de horas relativamente adequado, durante a semana e ao fim-de-semana. A discrepância de horas dormidas durante a semana e o fim-de-semana é significativa (1h20). Somente 17% dos pais participam no estabelecimento de horas para dormir. Os adolescentes demonstram-se mediamente satisfeitos com a qualidade do seu sono, têm valores médios de higiene de sono, e crenças pouco disfuncionais sobre o sono. No entanto, 38% considera ter problemas de sono. Estes adolescentes obtiveram valores significativamente mais baixos em todas as medidas de sono. As raparigas apresentam resultados mais elevados de qualidade e higiene do sono, e crenças mais disfuncionais sobre o sono. Os 3 construtos apresentam correlações significativas entre si, sendo a mais forte entre a qualidade e a higiene do sono. As maiores dificuldades prendem-se com a preparação da hora de deitar, a passagem para a vigília, e o controlo das preocupações quotidianas na hora de dormir. Neste estudo, 31% da qualidade do sono é explicada pela higiene do sono e crenças sobre o sono. Estes resultados alertam-nos para a necessidade de integrar estes dois determinantes em intervenções que visem a melhoria do sono.The prevalence of sleep problems in adolescence is quite significant. The consequences affect the well-being and healthy development of this population (Hamilton, 2009). Research has demonstrated the importance of understanding the determinants of sleep during adolescence (LeBourgeois, Giannotti, Cortesi, Wolfson & Harsh, 2005, 2005) This research aimed to explore the Quality, Hygiene and Beliefs about sleep in adolescence. 3 questionnaires were adapted and validated for the Portuguese population: the adolescent sleep-wake scale (LeBourgeois et al, 2005), the adolescent hygiene sleep scale (Storfer-Isser, LeBourgeois, Harsh, Tompsett & Redline, 2013) and the dysfunctional believes about sleep scale (Blunden, Gregory & Crawford, 2013). The 3 questionnaires showed promising psychometric properties for use with the Portuguese population. The sample included 378 participants, aged between 14 and 18 years old (M = 15.96, SD = 1.26). Data collection took place in a Public Establishment of Basic and Secondary Education, in Chaves. Adolescents sleep an adequate number of hours during the week and the weekend. The discrepancy of hours slept during the week and the weekend is significant (1h20). Only 17% of parents participate in setting hours for sleep. Adolescents appear to be moderately satisfied with the quality of their sleep, have mean values of sleep hygiene, and few dysfunctional beliefs about sleep. However, 38% consider having sleep problems. These adolescents had significantly lower values in all measures of sleep. Girls have higher quality results and sleep hygiene, and more dysfunctional beliefs about sleep. The 3 constructs show significant correlations among them, being the strongest between quality and sleep hygiene. The greatest difficulties are related to the preparation of bedtime, the transition to wakefulness, and control their daily worries at bedtime. In this study, 31% of sleep quality was explained by sleep hygiene and dysfunctional beliefs about sleep. These findings alert us to the need to integrate these two determinants in interventions to improve sleep quality

    Transposição corneoconjuntival (CCT) como alternativa de tratamento de úlceras estromais profundas em cães

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    O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular de estágio curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora. O estágio decorreu no Hospital Veterinário de São Bento, em Lisboa, durante seis meses. O relatório encontra-se dividido em duas partes. Na primeira é realizada uma descrição da casuística acompanhada durante o estágio. A segunda parte consiste numa monografia com o tema “Transposição corneoconjuntival (CCT) como alternativa de tratamento de úlceras estromais profundas em cães” que inclui a apresentação e discussão de um caso clínico acompanhado durante o estágio curricular. As úlceras corneais são das doenças oculares mais comuns em cães. Uma úlcera estromal profunda pode comprometer a visão do animal e por isso o seu tratamento é fundamental. A CCT é uma técnica cirúrgica bastante eficaz e vantajosa em relação a outros procedimentos ao alcançar melhores níveis de transparência da córnea; ABSTRACT: Corneoconjunctival transposition (CCT) as an alternative treatment of deep stromal ulcers in dogs The present report was written following the curricular internship of the Veterinary Medicine master’s degree at the University of Évora. The internship took place at the Hospital Veterinário de São Bento, in Lisbon, for six months. The report is divided into two parts. In the first, a description of the case load followed during the internship is carried out. The second consist of a monography with the theme “Corneoconjunctival transposition (CCT) as an alternative treatment of deep stromal ulcers in dogs” which includes the presentation and discussion of a clinical case followed during the curricular internship. Corneal ulcers are one of the most common eye diseases in dogs. A deep stromal ulcer can compromise the animal’s vision and therefore its treatment is essential. CCT is a quite effective and advantageous surgical technique over other procedures in achieving better levels of corneal transparency

    Olive oil consumption confers protective effects on maternal-fetal outcomes: A systematic review of the evidence

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    Because of the maternal diet's importance, numerous studies have examined the effects of olive oil on pregnancy outcomes. This study provides a systematic review that evaluates the evidence between olive oil consumption and maternal-fetal outcomes. We hypothesized that olive oil reduced the risk of adverse pregnancy complications. We searched Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde electronic databases (October and November 2021). The keywords used were pregnancy, olive oil, and pregnancy outcomes. This review included all the available studies in English and Portuguese. The exclusion criteria were (1) unrelated to olive oil consumption, (2) other outcomes, and (3) animal studies. The review included 9 articles (6 experimental and 3 observational). In the maternal outcome studies (n = 6), a higher olive oil consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, and cardiovascular risk. In the fetal outcome studies (n = 8), olive oil consumption was associated with a lower risk for small- or large-for-gestational-age infants. Olive oil consumption confers protective effects on pregnancy outcomes; however, further studies are needed that are specifically designed for the impact of olive oil consumption on maternal-fetal outcomes.This work was supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through the National Funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO ( UIBD/00690/2020 and UIPD/00690/2020 ) and SusTEC ( LA/P/0007/2021 ); and the North Regional Operation Program funded by the European Social Found –NORTE 2020 (M.M. scientific-contract NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000188 ).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacts des mammifères néotropicaux sur les graines

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    Seeds dispersal and predation by mammals are two key processes affecting the dynamics of plant communities. Neotropical rainforests, which are of great complexity, have many different relationships involving plant propagules and mammals. Dispersal allows the seed to escape competition and predation, to colonize new sites and to establish in favorable micro-sites. Seed predation reduces the number of seeds able to germinate, can affect dispersal of the remaining seeds and is one of the mecanisms that maintain a high plant species diversity in tropical rainforests. Didelphimorphs and chiropteras are very good dispersers that have a primary role in forest regeneration. Seed predation is very rare in these taxons. Primates, the most studied group on this subject, are also very good dispersers, sometimes predators, and possess an extremely diverse diet. Ungulates can be either dispersers, predators, or both. Their importance is due to their ability to consume generally larger seeds than other mammals. Rodents do not show a net profile and are distinctive by their synzoochore behaviour, consisting of hiding seeds and feeding on them later. An important part of cached seeds can be forgotten and later germinate. The role of carnivores in seed predation or dispersal is poorly known but a few studies show that they could be effective dispersers. Key words: dispersal, mammal, neotropical, predation, seed, zoochory.La dispersion et la prédation des graines par les mammifères sont deux processus-clés de la dynamique des communautés végétales. Les forêts humides néotropicales, dont la grande complexité est reconnue, présentent un éventail très vaste de relations mammifèrespropagules des plantes. La dispersion permet aux graines d’échapper à la compétition, à la prédation, de coloniser de nouveaux sites et de s’établir dans des micro-sites favorables. La prédation diminue le nombre de graines candidates à la germination, peut affecter la dispersion des graines restantes et constitue un mécanisme de maintien de la grande diversité végétale en forêt tropicale. Les didelphimorphes et les chiroptères sont de très bons disperseurs qui ont un rôle primordial dans la régénération de la forêt. Les cas de prédation des graines dans ces deux taxons sont très rares. Les primates, taxon le plus étudié à ce jour sur le sujet, sont également de très bons disperseurs, parfois prédateurs, qui possèdent une diète extrêmement variée. Les ongulés peuvent être disperseurs ou prédateurs, l’un n’excluant pas l’autre. Leur importance se situe dans leur habilité à consommer des graines en général plus grosses que les autres mammifères. Les rongeurs ne présentent pas un profil net et se distinguent par leur comportement de synzoochorie, consistant à cacher des graines afin de s’en nourrir plus tard. Une part importante de ses graines sera cependant oubliée et candidate à la germination. Le rôle des membre de l’ordre des carnivores est très peu connu, mais quelques études effectuées montrent qu’ils peuvent être d’efficaces disperseurs. Mots-cles: dispersion, graine, mammifère, néotropical, prédation, zoochorie

    Impacts des mammifères néotropicaux sur les graines

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    Seeds dispersal and predation by mammals are two key processes affecting the dynamics of plant communities. Neotropical rainforests, which are of great complexity, have many different relationships involving plant propagules and mammals. Dispersal allows the seed to escape competition and predation, to colonize new sites and to establish in favorable micro-sites. Seed predation reduces the number of seeds able to germinate, can affect dispersal of the remaining seeds and is one of the mecanisms that maintain a high plant species diversity in tropical rainforests. Didelphimorphs and chiropteras are very good dispersers that have a primary role in forest regeneration. Seed predation is very rare in these taxons. Primates, the most studied group on this subject, are also very good dispersers, sometimes predators, and possess an extremely diverse diet. Ungulates can be either dispersers, predators, or both. Their importance is due to their ability to consume generally larger seeds than other mammals. Rodents do not show a net profile and are distinctive by their synzoochore behaviour, consisting of hiding seeds and feeding on them later. An important part of cached seeds can be forgotten and later germinate. The role of carnivores in seed predation or dispersal is poorly known but a few studies show that they could be effective dispersers. Key words: dispersal, mammal, neotropical, predation, seed, zoochory.La dispersion et la prédation des graines par les mammifères sont deux processus-clés de la dynamique des communautés végétales. Les forêts humides néotropicales, dont la grande complexité est reconnue, présentent un éventail très vaste de relations mammifèrespropagules des plantes. La dispersion permet aux graines d’échapper à la compétition, à la prédation, de coloniser de nouveaux sites et de s’établir dans des micro-sites favorables. La prédation diminue le nombre de graines candidates à la germination, peut affecter la dispersion des graines restantes et constitue un mécanisme de maintien de la grande diversité végétale en forêt tropicale. Les didelphimorphes et les chiroptères sont de très bons disperseurs qui ont un rôle primordial dans la régénération de la forêt. Les cas de prédation des graines dans ces deux taxons sont très rares. Les primates, taxon le plus étudié à ce jour sur le sujet, sont également de très bons disperseurs, parfois prédateurs, qui possèdent une diète extrêmement variée. Les ongulés peuvent être disperseurs ou prédateurs, l’un n’excluant pas l’autre. Leur importance se situe dans leur habilité à consommer des graines en général plus grosses que les autres mammifères. Les rongeurs ne présentent pas un profil net et se distinguent par leur comportement de synzoochorie, consistant à cacher des graines afin de s’en nourrir plus tard. Une part importante de ses graines sera cependant oubliée et candidate à la germination. Le rôle des membre de l’ordre des carnivores est très peu connu, mais quelques études effectuées montrent qu’ils peuvent être d’efficaces disperseurs. Mots-cles: dispersion, graine, mammifère, néotropical, prédation, zoochorie

    Lugares da memória no projecto de arquitectura

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, 2019Exame público realizado em 10 de Janeiro de 2020Tempo e Memória como objecto de estudo, como matéria de análise, como matéria-prima da arquitectura; formas de inscrição e corporificação. Se se tomar a construção do tempo como a inscrição de imagens num determinado suporte espacial e a memória não apenas como o conjunto dessas imagens, mas também como o conjunto de relações que elas estabelecem entre si, admitindo o seu carácter dinâmico e evolutivo, estar-se-á perante o jogo de sombras através do qual a memória se expressa e estrutura. Um sistema de relações que associa ideias, conceitos, sensações, factos, objectos, acções, mais ou menos óbvios ou aparentes, que provoca reacções, que gera comportamentos, que estimula a imaginação, que produz conhecimento. Também a arquitectura pode ser entendida como um sistema de relações, em muito semelhante ao da memória, o que revela uma associação natural explicada pelo tempo e a suspeita de que a primeira não existe sem a segunda. Admitir que esse sistema, que esta dissertação pretende reflectir, assenta em processos de complexa definição, sujeitos a inumeráveis factores, muitos deles de ordem subjectiva, implica riscos incalculáveis, tanto no método e na estrutura como na linguagem ou no resultado, mas também no possível interesse que uma perspectiva multi-referencial por vezes acrescenta. Ainda assim, pretexto para uma discussão da presença da memória no desenvolvimento do projecto de arquitectura: as relações que, a vários níveis, se estabelecem entre uma e outro; as formas como a memória se manifesta e se corporifica nos diferentes estádios de concepção (antes de ser arquitectura) e até como se transforma depois de concluída a obra – comportamento face à passagem do tempo, ao uso e ocupações. Da definição etimológica, dicionarizada e enciclopédica ao cruzamento de algumas concepções científicas provenientes de diversas áreas do conhecimento; da memória individual à memória colectiva; da fisiologia cerebral e dos seus mecanismos à construção do tempo e à sua leitura histórica; das principais linhas da investigação em curso aos limites do saber contemporâneo; da inscrição das marcas no tempo à sua interpretação e aplicação futura; da descodificação dos sinais e da articulação multidisciplinar na identificação e construção dos lugares; da sua decadência e retorno ao estado puro (ruína) à sua preservação, transformação e sublimação mais ou menos simbólicas; da memória como corpo de referenciação colectivo à conservação do património histórico; da separação, integração e/ou metaforização da memória no projecto de arquitectura através da análise crítica de três exemplos distintos – casos de estudo.Time and Memory as subject of study, as matter of investigation, as architecture´s raw material; ways of inscription and embodiment. Taking the construction of time as the inscription of images in a specific spacial support and memory not only as the whole of those images, but also as the set of relationships established between them, admitting their dynamic and evolutive character, we would be beholding the shadow game through which memory expresses and structures itself. A system of relations which associates ideas, concepts, sensations, facts, objects, actions, more or less obvious or apparent, that provokes reactions, that generates behaviours, that stimulates imagination, that produces knowledge. Architecture can also be understood as a system of relations quite similar to memory's, which shows a natural association, explained by time and the suspicion that the former does not exist without the latter. To admit that that system, which this dissertation aims to reflect, is based on processes of complex definition, subjected to countless factors, many of which of subjective nature, implies inestimable risks, concerning method and strutcture as well as the language or the results, but yet to the possible interest that a multi-referencial perspective sometimes adds. Still, an excuse for discussing the presence of memory in the development of the architectural project: the relationships established between one and the other at various levels; the ways memory manifests and embodies itself in the different phases of conception (before turning into architecture) and even how it transforms after the work is finished – its reaction to the passage of time, its use and typologies of usage. From the etymological definition, dictionarized and encyclopedic, to the intersection of some scientific conceptions arising from several fields of knowledge; from individual to colective memory; from brain physiology and its mechanisms to the construction of time and its historic interpretation; from the running main vectors of investigation to the limits of contemporary knowledge; from the inscription of the signs onto time to its interpretation and future application; from deciphering the signs and the multidisciplinary articulation in the identification and construction of places; from its decadence and back to the purity state (ruin) to its preservation, transformation and sublimation more or less symbolic; from memory as body of colective referring to historic heritage conservation; memory's separation, integration and/or metaphorization in the architectural project through the analysis of three different examples: case studies