7,336 research outputs found

    Towards a Generic Trace for Rule Based Constraint Reasoning

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    CHR is a very versatile programming language that allows programmers to declaratively specify constraint solvers. An important part of the development of such solvers is in their testing and debugging phases. Current CHR implementations support those phases by offering tracing facilities with limited information. In this report, we propose a new trace for CHR which contains enough information to analyze any aspects of \CHRv\ execution at some useful abstract level, common to several implementations. %a large family of rule based solvers. This approach is based on the idea of generic trace. Such a trace is formally defined as an extension of the ωr∨\omega_r^\lor semantics of CHR. We show that it can be derived form the SWI Prolog CHR trace

    Review of developments in corneal transplantation in the regions of Brazil - Evaluation of corneal transplants in Brazil

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    The aim of this study was to identify inequalities in corneal donation and transplantation among the regions of Brazil. A transversal and retrospective study was specifically conducted using data from the Brazilian Transplant Registry collected by the Brazilian Association of Organ Transplantation between January 2002 and December 2014. The collected data were processed using descriptive statistical methods, and

    Investigações sobre alguns methodos para a avaliação da capacidade respiratoria

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    Nestes ultimos tempos, tem-se attribuido grande importancia á avaliação da capacidade vital, não só sob o ponto de vista meramente especulativo, como ainda para fins de utilidade directa. Os medicos militares, premidos pelas exigencias da ultima guerra, viram-se forçados a estudar provas de validez physica mais efficientes que as antigas, e, sobretudo, mais especializadas para cada um dos ramos em que se fragmenta hoje a actividade bellica. No serviço de aviadores, a avaliação da capacidade vital tornou-se factor decisivo, e provocou, por parte de Dreyer, investigações muito minuciosas, tentando estabelecer relações mathematicas entre aquella medida e certos valores somaticos, como o peso, a altura do tronco e o perímetro thoracico

    Fé demais, geralmente, não cheira bem

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    An arreligion called Anti-Christianity

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    O cristianismo, especialmente o catolicismo, tem recebido forte oposição em solo europeu, que labuta por seu desaparecimento. No ambiente francês, Michel Onfray se levanta como grande expoente do movimento, sistematizando verdadeira doutrina, uma ateologia. Sua filosofia apaixonada e sua militância assume contornos de devoção, dando ao movimento silhueta de uma religião humana, pois Deus não existe e a fé é uma ilusão. Segundo o anticristianismo, a real felicidade está na busca do prazer, o que pressupõe a erradicação de toda instituição impositora de regras comportamentais, especialmente a religião. O Anticristianismo de Onfray liga-se ao Iluminismo e ao niilismo, mas vai além, uma espécie de positivismo hedonista.Christianity, especially Catholicism, has received strong opposition on European soil, struggling for its disappearance. In the French environment, Michel Onfray rises as a great exponent of the movement, systematizing a true secular doctrine, an atheology. His passionate philosophy and militancy take on the shape of devotion, giving the movement the silhouette of a human religion, since God does not exist and faith is an illusion. According to anti-Christianity, real happiness lies in the pursuit of pleasure, which presupposes the eradication of any institution that imposes behavioral rules, especially religion. Onfray’s anti-Christianity is linked to Enlightenment and nihilism, but goes further, it is a kind of hedonistic positivism.Esta publicação foi financiada por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT — Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, no âmbito do Projeto UIDB/00077/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Soil Electrochemical and Physical Properties in Coffee Crops in the State of Paraná, Brazil

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    In aerated soils, pH is considered to control available nutrients to plants. Also, pH is related to soil charges and is a key property expanding double layers of colloids. These electrochemical properties are affected by soil management and are related to soil physical properties like water-dispersible clay, aggregation indexes, and infiltration rate. Water-dispersible colloids are the fraction of clay that disperse in water and are affected by nature of soil including mineralogy of clay fraction, soil management in terms of crop sequence, application of organic manures, field traffic, and mechanical stress by time of shaking for the analysis. Traffic of machines, soil tillage, and weed control methods are the main causes of change in soil physical properties in coffee crop. However, management of soil acidity with limestone and use of gypsum also can change soil physical and electrochemical properties, which are related with dynamic processes like soil air and hydraulic permeability into soil which are essential to root development and growth. Therefore, soil management in coffee crops requires comprehension of the effects of changes in soils caused by addition of amendments like limestone and gypsum, traffic of machines, and weed control methods on behavior of soil properties for better management
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