2,475 research outputs found

    Exploring new ways of integration, visualization and interaction with Geotechnical and Geophysical Data

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    The work presented in this paper aims at exploring new ways of integrating, visualizing and interacting with geotechnical and geophysical data that may be more rich and interactive than those offered by most current Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Some visualization techniques enabling simultaneous visualization of the several data types available in our case study are proposed. Moreover, methods were developed to guide experts while defining layers and other relevant geological structures. The work is still in an early stage and is main goal has been assessing the validity and adequacy of the proposed techniques to the specific geotechnical and geophysical data under consideration.Universidade de Aveiro e Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branc

    ROAZ Autonomous Surface Vehicle Design and Implementation

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    The design of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle for operation in river and estuarine scenarios is presented. Multiple operations with autonomous underwater vehicles and support to AUV missions are one of the main design goals in the ROAZ system. The mechanical design issues are discussed. Hardware, software and implementation status are described along with the control and navigation system architecture. Some preliminary test results concerning a custom developed thruster are presented along with hydrodynamic drag calculations by the use of computer fluid dynamic methods

    Palinología, Estratigrafía y Geometría de la cuenca continental pensIlvaniense de Santa Susana (Suroeste de Portugal)

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    The continental Pennsylvanian Santa Susana Basin (SSB) is located along an important N-S strike shear zone (Santa Susana Shear Zone - SSSZ) that separates the Ossa-Morena and South Portuguese Zones (SW Portugal). This shear zone controlled the sedimentation of the basin and probably its post-sedimentary evolution. The lower (basal) unit is mostly conglomeratic and is known essentially from drill-hole data while the upper unit, that covers most of the current surface area, is composed by sandstones, shales and some coal beds. Fluvial sedimentary rocks seem to prevail, but evidences of lacustrine sedimentation can be found in restricted areas within the upper unit. Palynological data indicate that at least part of the sedimentation took place during the Early Kasimovian (Cantabrian) but the sporomorph content of different localities suggest that significantly older sediments (Late Moscovian -Early Bashkirian) may be present. Geometrical, structural, and cartographical evidences indicate that the SSB formed as a pull-apart basin along the SSSZ and was later partially uplifted during latest Varsican and Alpine orogenies.>La cuenca continental Pensilvaniense de Santa Susana (SSB) está localizada a lo largo de una importante zona de cizalla con dirección aproximada N-S (Zona de Cizalla de Santa Susana - SSSZ) que separa las Zonas de Ossa-Morena y Sur-Portuguesa (Suroeste de Portugal). La zona de cizalla ha controlado la sedimentación en la cuenca y posiblemente su evolución post-sedimentaria. La unidad inferior (basal), estudiada fundamentalmente mediante datos de sondeos, es mayormente conglomerática, mientras que su unidad superior, que cubre actualmente una gran parte de la superficie expuesta, está compuesta por areniscas, pizarras y niveles de carbón. Las rocas de origen fluvial son las más abundantes, sin embargo existen evidencias de sedimentación lacustre en áreas muy limitadas de la unidad superior. Los datos palinológicos indican que al menos parte de la sedimentación tuvo lugar durante el Kasimoviense temprano (Cantabriense) aunque el contenido en esporomorfos de diferentes localidades sugieren la existencia de sedimentos significativamente más antiguos (Moscoviense tardio/Bashkiriense temprano). Evidencias geométricas, estructurales y cartográficas sugieren la creación de una cuenca en pull-apart a lo largo de la ZCSS

    Dados geotécnicos e geofísicos : exploração de novas formas de visualização

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    Este artigo visa a exploração de novas formas de visualização de dados geotécnicos que possam ser mais enriquecedoras e mais interactivas que as oferecidas pelos actuais sistemas informação geográfica (SIG). Desta forma os dados são simplesmente um modelo para a construção de uma potencial ferramenta. Na prática pretende- se a implementação de métodos de visualização e interacção que permitam a visualização simultânea dos vários tipos de dados disponibilizados. Este trabalho ainda se encontra numa fase experimental e tem como objectivo explorar várias formas de visualização, verificar a sua validade/adaptabilidade ao caso concreto dos dados geotécnicos. Neste caso de estudo, foram utilizados dados geotécnicos adquiridos através de diferentes modalidades

    Geochronology and petrogenesis of late-Variscan plutonism (NW Portugal) : synthesis and inferences on crustal recycling and growth

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    In NW Portugal large volumes of granitoids were emplaced during the post-collisional stage of the Variscan orogeny. This was the main period of successive granite generation, which exhibit different chemical and isotopic signatures. Geochronological and petrogenetic results are presented and inferences on the geodynamic evolution of the Iberian Variscides are discussed

    Evaluation of the quality of life and associated factors of a group of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis in the northern region of Portugal: a cross-sectional pilot study

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    Introduction: Children/adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF) have psychological and physical difficulties that have a severe impact on their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Aim: To evaluate the impact of CF on HRQoL in a pediatric age sample by identifying major determinants and comparing the HRQoL reports of children and their parents. Methods: A sample of 27 children/adolescents was included in a cross-sectional observational study. Inclusion criteria were age between 4 and 18 years, diagnosis of CF, and the attendance of a caregiver in patients younger than 14 years. A questionnaire was applied to assess sociodemographic data and nutritional status. HRQoL was evaluated using the Portuguese revised version of the CF questionnaire (CFQ-R). Spearman correlations were calculated to analyze the agreement between children's and parents' reports. Spearman correlations and Mann–Whitney U tests were performed to identify associations between HRQoL domains and determinants. Results: The scores of CFQ-R domains were high, with the lowest median value being 66.67. It was found positive moderate associations between children's and parents' reports in 3 domains (P < .05): eating disturbances, body image, and respiratory symptoms. The median scores were similar in the eating disturbances (approximately 80.00) and in the respiratory symptoms (83.33). However, there is a consistent difference of 14.07 in the body image domain. Current age, physical activity, and iron were positively associated with HRQoL, whereas age at diagnosis was negatively associated. Conclusion: These findings reinforce the importance to evaluate HRQoL during childhood and adolescence and to invest in this public health theme

    ISePorto Robotic Soccer Team: A New Player Generation

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    Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open 2004This paper describes the recent modifications in ISePorto MSL robotic football team and future improvements concerning the development and evolution of the team. The robot was substantially redesigned in order to achieve high reliability, allow better control and coordination capabilities and substantial increase in perception. New mechanical and hardware redesign is presented. Motion control subsystems, new vision hardware sensor and overall architecture are described. The team redesign is done for preparation for participating in the Robocup 2004. The main goal is to achieve not only an important evolution in the team control and coordination but also increased overall reliability

    Um dispositivo analítico para a investigação da leitura de textos de divulgação científica

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    Propomos um dispositivo analítico de leituras de divulgação científica. Levantamos algumas características do discurso jornalístico, com base nos critérios de noticiabilidade, bem como algumas especificidades do jornalismo científico para a construção de um dispositivo analítico para leitura de textos de divulgação científica sobre física, nas revistas Ciência Hoje e Pesquisa Fapesp. Esse dispositivo foi colocado a funcionar em uma atividade de leitura com estudantes do curso de licenciatura em física. A análise de respostas a um questionário e de falas gravadas dos estudantes indicou alguns de seus gestos de interpretação com características do discurso jornalístico, o que contribuiu para justificar a construção do dispositivo.We propose an analytical device for reading of scientific popularization. We specify some characteristics of journalisticdiscourse, based on the newsworthiness and scientific journalism for the construction of an analytical device for analysis ofreading scientific popularization texts about physics in the magazines Ciência Hoje and Pesquisa Fapesp. This device was put in place during a reading activity with undergraduate students of physics. The analysis showed specificities of journalistic discourseon their interpretations, which justify the elaboration of the device

    Evaluation of an experimental setup to analyse the intermaxillary relation in surfers

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio